35 research outputs found

    From Random Matrices to Quasiperiodic Jacobi Matrices via Orthogonal Polynomials

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    We present an informal review of results on asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, stressing their spectral aspects and similarity in two cases considered. They are polynomials orthonormal on a finite union of disjoint intervals with respect to the Szego weight and polynomials orthonormal on R with respect to varying weights and having the same union of intervals as the set of oscillations of asymptotics. In both cases we construct double infinite Jacobi matrices with generically quasiperiodic coefficients and show that each of them is an isospectral deformation of another. Related results on asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of a class of random matrices of large size are also shortly discussed

    On a Limiting Distribution of Singular Values of Random Band Matrices

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    An equation is obtained for the Stieltjes transform of the normalized distribution of singular values of non-symmetric band random matrices in the limit when the band width and rank of the matrix simultaneously tend to infinity. Conditions under which this limit agrees with the quarter-circle law are found. An interesting particular case of lower triangular random matrices is also considered and certain properties of the corresponding limiting singular value distribution are given

    Eigenvalue Distribution of Large Random Matrices Arising in Deep Neural Networks: Orthogonal Case

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    The paper deals with the distribution of singular values of the input-output Jacobian of deep untrained neural networks in the limit of their infinite width. The Jacobian is the product of random matrices where the independent rectangular weight matrices alternate with diagonal matrices whose entries depend on the corresponding column of the nearest neighbor weight matrix. The problem was considered in \cite{Pe-Co:18} for the Gaussian weights and biases and also for the weights that are Haar distributed orthogonal matrices and Gaussian biases. Basing on a free probability argument, it was claimed that in these cases the singular value distribution of the Jacobian in the limit of infinite width (matrix size) coincides with that of the analog of the Jacobian with special random but weight independent diagonal matrices, the case well known in random matrix theory. The claim was rigorously proved in \cite{Pa-Sl:21} for a quite general class of weights and biases with i.i.d. (including Gaussian) entries by using a version of the techniques of random matrix theory. In this paper we use another version of the techniques to justify the claim for random Haar distributed weight matrices and Gaussian biases.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2011.1143

    Thomas precession, persistent spin currents and quantum forces

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    We consider T-invariant spin currents induced by spin-orbit interactions which originate from the confined motion of spin carriers in nanostructures. The resulting Thomas spin precession is a fundamental and purely kinematic relativistic effect occurring when the acceleration of carriers is not parallel to their velocity. In the case, where the carriers (e.g. electrons) have magnetic moment the forces due to the electric field of the spin current can, in certain conditions, exceed the van der Waals-Casimir forces by several orders of magnitude. We also discuss a possible experimental set-up tailored to use these forces for checking the existence of a nonzero anomalous magnetic moment of the photon