2,955 research outputs found

    InAs/InP single quantum wire formation and emission at 1.5 microns

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    Isolated InAs/InP self-assembled quantum wires have been grown using in situ accumulated stress measurements to adjust the optimal InAs thickness. Atomic force microscopy imaging shows highly asymmetric nanostructures with average length exceeding more than ten times their width. High resolution optical investigation of as-grown samples reveals strong photoluminescence from individual quantum wires at 1.5 microns. Additional sharp features are related to monolayer fluctuations of the two dimensional InAs layer present during the early stages of the quantum wire self-assembling process.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Executive functions in universal design for learning: moving towards inclusive education

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    This article partially introduces and analyses the results of a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovations regarding the ‘Application of Universal Design for Learning by means of the use of digitally accessible materials: implications for literacy in Primary Education and teacher education-DUALECTIC’(Ref. EDU2011-24926), within the National R+D+I Plan 2008– 2011. Sub-programme of Fundamental Research Projects 2011-2014The aim of this study is to understand the way in which executive functions are promoted in students by analyzing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles, guidelines and checkpoints. After having performed a content analysis of such material, the results show that a little over half of the 31 checkpoints address the 12 executive functions being considered, the most prominent being: feedback response, planning, metacognition and organisation. Among the three brain networks represented in UDL, in particular, cognitive control has a more relevant presence in the strategic and affective networks, which indicates the importance given to teachers promoting that students learn how to anticipate, structure and decide their learning actions, and how students can rebuild their experience and learning, through reflection, revision and improvement processes. It is concluded that UDL not only constitutes a framework that enhances improvement towards barrier elimination to students’ learning and participation, but it also provides guidance for classroom practices that can improve the executive ability of students as long as there is encouragement to develop the affective dimension and its internal management within the learning contextMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación. Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2008-2011. Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental 2011-2014Application of Universal Design for Learning by means of the use of digitally accessible materials: implications for literacy in Primary Education and teacher education-DUALECTIC;(EDU2011-24926) National R+D+I Pla

    Recomendaciones de dieta y ejercicio en niños y adolescentes

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    Los niños constituyen uno de los grupos vulnerables en el ámbito de la nutrición, el instaurar hábitos saludables de dieta y ejercicio durante la infancia conduciría a la prevención de muchas enfermedades crónicas (diabetes tipo II, hipertensión y obesidad entre otras), cada vez más frecuentes y de más temprana aparición en países desarrollados. Por otra parte, la actividad física habitual produce una sensación de bienestar general relacionada con la mejora dela auto-estima, entre sus efectos psicológicos positivos se encuentra un efecto antidepresivo y una mejora del control de la ansiedad y del stress. Por todos estos motivos, durante la infancia y la adolescencia se recomiendan programas de actividad física ya que éstos, se han asociado con beneficios de tipo fisiológico, sociológico y psicológico tanto a corto como a largo plazo

    Effect of laser induced plasma ignition timing and location on Diesel spray combustion

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    [EN] An experimental study about the influence of the local conditions at the ignition location on combustion development of a direct injection spray is carried out in an optical engine. A laser induced plasma ignition system has been used to force the spray ignition, allowing comparison of combustion's evolution and stability with the case of conventional autoignition on the Diesel fuel in terms of ignition delay, rate of heat release, spray penetration and soot location evolution. The local equivalence ratio variation along the spray axis during the injection process was determined with a 1D spray model, previously calibrated and validated. Upper equivalence ratios limits for the ignition event of a direct injected Diesel spray, both in terms of ignition success possibilities and stability of the phenomena, could been determined thanks to application of the laser plasma ignition system. In all laser plasma induced ignition cases, heat release was found to be higher than for the autoignition reference cases, and it was found to be linked to a decrease of ignition delay, with the premixed peak in the rate of heat release curve progressively disappearing as the ignition delay time gets shorter. Ignition delay has been analyzed as a function of the laser position, too. It was found that ignition delay increases for plasma positions closer to the nozzle, indicating that the amount of energy introduced by the laser induced plasma is not the only parameter affecting combustion initiation, but local equivalence ratio plays a major role, too. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors acknowledge that this research work has been partly funded by the Government of Spain under the project HiR-eCo TRA2014-58870-R and grant BES-2015-072119. The equipment used in this work has been partially supported by FEDER project ICTS-2012-06, framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.Pastor, JV.; García-Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A.; Pinotti, M. (2017). Effect of laser induced plasma ignition timing and location on Diesel spray combustion. Energy Conversion and Management. 133:41-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.11.054S415513

    Las historias de vida en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física

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    En este trabajo se plantea la utilización de las ¿Historias de Vida¿ en la Formación del Profesorado de Educación Física como punto de partida en el desarrollo de procesos de formación del profesorado reflexivos y críticos. En un primer apartado realizamos una revisión sobre el estado de la cuestión a partir de los trabajos realizados en nuestro área curricular. En un segundo apartado explicamos como las historias de vida sirven como técnica de introspección y toma de conciencia de sus creencias y planteamientos sobre Educación Física Escolar. En este sentido la utilización de historias de vida en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado de Educación Física es extraordinariamente interesante como punto de partida a la hora de comprender mejor el sentido de las diferentes asignaturas y la necesidad de ir elaborando sus propios modelos como profesores de Educación Física

    Soot temperature characterization of spray a flames by combined extinction and radiation methodology

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    [EN] Even though different optical techniques have been applied on 'Spray A' in-flame soot quantification within Engine Combustion Network in recent years, little information can be found for soot temperature measurement. In this study, a combined extinction and radiation methodology has been developed with different wavelengths and applied on quasi-steady Diesel flame to obtain the soot amount and temperature distribution simultaneously by considering self-absorption issues. All the measurements were conducted in a constant pressure combustion chamber. The fuel as well as the operating conditions and the injector used were chosen following the guidelines of the Engine Combustion Network. Uncertainty caused by wavelength selection was evaluated. Additionally, temperature-equivalence ratio maps were constructed by combining the measurements with a 1D spray model. Temperature fields during the quasi-steady combustion phase show peak temperatures around the limit of the radiation field, in agreement with a typical diffusion flame structure. Effects of different operating parameters on soot formation and temperature were investigated. Soot temperature increases dramatically with oxygen concentration, but it shows much less sensitivity with ambient temperature and injection pressure, which on the other hand have significant effects on soot production. (C) 2019 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This study was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad from Spain in the frame of the CHEST Project (TRA2017-89139-C2-1-R) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2018M642176). This study was also partially supported by State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University.Xuan, T.; Desantes J.M.; Pastor, JV.; García-Oliver, JM. (2019). Soot temperature characterization of spray a flames by combined extinction and radiation methodology. Combustion and Flame. 204:290-303. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.03.02329030320

    Proton conductivity of multifunctional metal phosphonate frameworks

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    Metal phosphonates exhibit attractive characteristics for proton conductivity, such as tunable functionality, chemical and thermal stability and the existence of H-bond networks with acidic protons within their structure.1 In the present work, we examine the relationship between crystal structure and proton conductivity for several metal (mono-, di- and tri-valent) phosphonates containing rigid: (5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl)isophthalic acid, PiPhtA and 2-hydroxyphosphonoacetic acid, HPAA) or flexible: (hexa- or octamethylenediamine-N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis(methylenephosphonic acid, H8HDTMP or H8ODTMP) multifunctional ligands. The crystalline hybrid derivatives prepared show a great structural diversity, from 1D to 3D open-frameworks possessing hydrogen-bonded water molecules and phosphonic and carboxylic acid groups. The rigid 3D framework of Ca-PiPhtA, that exhibits a proton conductivity of 5.7•10-4 S/cm as synthesized, transforms into a layered compound upon exposure to ammonia vapors2 with increased proton conductivity (6.6•10-3 S/cm). The flexible frameworks of magnesium or lanthanide phosphonates, with 1D channels, present conductivities higher than 10-3 S/cm. Their activation energies fall in the range corresponding to a Grotthuss mechanism.3,4 For M(I)-HPAA solids conductivities up to 5.6•10-3 S/cm were measured. References 1. P. Ramaswamy, N.E. Wong, G.K.H. Shimizu, Chem. Soc. Rev. 43 (2014) 5913. 2. M. Bazaga-García, R.M.P. Colodrero, M. Papadaki, P. Garczarek, J. Zoń, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, L. León-Reina, M.A.G. Aranda, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, K.D. Demadis, A. Cabeza, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 136 (2014) 5731. 3. R.M.P. Colodrero, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, D. Hernández-Alonso, M.A.G. Aranda, L. Leon-Reina, J. Rius, K.D. Demadis, B. Moreau, D. Villemin, M. Palomino, F. Rey, A. Cabeza, Inorg. Chem. 51 (2012) 7689. 4. R.M.P. Colodrero, P. Olivera-Pastor, E.R. Losilla, M.A.G. Aranda, L. Leon-Reina, M. Papadaki, A.C. McKinlay, R.E. Morris, K.D. Demadis, A. Cabeza, Dalton Trans. 41 (2012) 4045.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Junta de Andalucía, Proyecto Excelencia FQM-1656. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MAT2013-41836-

    Respuesta cardíaca de defensa y emocionalidad negativa en población normal

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    III Jornades d'Investigació per a l'Alumnat de la Facultat de Ciències de la SalutLa Respuesta Cardíaca de Defensa (RCD) es un patrón dinámico de reactividad cardíacaen respuesta a un estímulo aversivo, intenso e inesperado que consiste en doscomponentes sucesivos acelerativos y decelerativos, cuya significación psicológica seatribuye tanto a procesos atencionales como emocionales. De acuerdo con el modelode la cascada defensiva propuesto por Lang (1995), el segundo componente acelerativode la RCD puede interpretarse como un indicador de activación del sistema motivacionaldefensivo. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre laRCD y los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, como indicadores de emocionalidad negativa.La muestra experimental fue de 100 participantes, estudiantes de Psicología yCriminología de la Universitat Jaume I. La tarea experimental consistió en la presentaciónde un sonido intenso y aversivo (500 ms, 105 dB) tras un periodo de reposo de6 minutos. El registro de los componentes acelerativos y decelerativos se realizó durantelos 80 s posteriores a la presentación del estímulo acústico. Al finalizar la sesiónexperimental se administró una batería de cuestionarios, entre ellos el BDI y el STAI-R.Los análisis preliminares muestran una mayor reactividad cardíaca en los participantescon mayores puntuaciones en ansiedad y depresión. Estos datos sugieren que unamayor reactividad del sistema motivacional defensivo podría interpretarse como unfactor de vulnerabilidad para desarrollar trastornos de ansiedad y depresión. Podemosconcluir, por tanto, que la RCD parece ser un indicador fiable y válido de la hiperactividaddel sistema motivacional defensivo en personas que presentan una mayor predisposicióna reaccionar con sintomatología ansiosa o depresiva.The Cardiac Defense Response (CDR) is a dynamic pattern of cardiac reactivity in responseto an aversive, discrete, intense and unexpected stimulus consisting of twosuccessive accelerative and decelerative components whose psychological significanceis attributed to both attentional and emotional processes. According to the modelof the defensive cascade proposed by Lang (1995), the second accelerative componentof the CDR can be interpreted as an indicator of activation of the defensive motivationalsystem. This study aims to analyze the relationship between CDR and levels ofanxiety and depression as indicators of negative emotionality. The sample consisted of100 participants, students of Psychology and Criminology, from Jaume I University. Theexperimental task consisted in the presentation of intense and aversive sound (500 ms,105 dB) after a 6-minute rest period. Accelerative and decelerative components wereobtained during the 80 s after the presentation of the acoustic stimulus. At the end ofthe experimental session, a battery of questionnaires was administered, including BDIand STAI-R. Preliminary results show higher cardiac reactivity in participants withhigher scores both on anxiety and depression. These data suggest that a greater reactivityof the defensive motivational system can be a factor of vulnerability to developanxiety and depression disorders. We can conclude, therefore, that CDR may be interpretedas an index of the hyperactivity of the defensive motivational system in peoplewith greater predisposition to react with anxious or depressive symptoms

    An Experimental Study on Diesel Spray Injection into a Non-Quiescent Chamber

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    [EN] Visualization of single-hole nozzles into quiescent ambient has been used extensively in the literature to characterize spray mixing and combustion. However in-cylinder flow may have some meaningful impact on the spray evolution. In the present work, visualization of direct diesel injection spray under both non-reacting and reacting operating conditions was conducted in an optically accessible two-stroke engine equipped with a single-hole injector. Two different high-speed imaging techniques, Schlieren and UV-Light Absorption, were applied here to quantify vapor penetration for non-reacting spray. Meanwhile, Mie-scattering was used to measure the liquid length. As for reacting conditions, Schlieren and OH* chemiluminescence were simultaneously applied to obtain the spray tip penetration and flame lift-off length under the same TDC density and temperature. Additionally, PIV was used to characterize in-cylinder flow motion. Results were compared with those from the Engine Combustion Network database obtained under quiescent ambient conditions in a high pressure high temperature vessel. Because of the air flow induced by piston movement, in-cylinder conditions in the two-stroke engine during the spray injection are highly unsteady, which has a significant impact on the spray development and interference on the spray visualization. From the comparison with quiescent data from the Engine Combustion Network, air flow induced by piston movement was found to slow down tip penetration. Moreover, both ignition delay and lift-off length under unsteady flow conditions show less sensitivity with ambient temperature than that of quasi-steady conditions.This work was partially funded by the Government of Spain through COMEFF Project (TRA2014-59483-R). In addition, the authors acknowledge that some equipment used in this work has been partially supported by FEDER project funds (FEDER-ICTS-2012-06), framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. The authors want also to express their gratitude to CONVERGENT SCIENCE Inc for their kind support for this research.Pastor, JV.; García-Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A.; Zhong, W.; Micó Reche, C.; Xuan, T. (2017). An Experimental Study on Diesel Spray Injection into a Non-Quiescent Chamber. SAE International Journal of Fuel and Lubricants. 10(2):1-13. https://doi.org/10.4271/2017-01-0850S11310

    Optimization of spray break-up CFD simulations by combining Sigma-Y Eulerian atomization model with a response surface methodology under diesel engine-like conditions (ECN Spray A)

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    [EN] This work evaluates the performance of the Sigma-Y Eulerian atomization model at reproducing the internal structure of a diesel spray with a special focus on Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) predictions. Modeling results have been compared to x-ray radiography measurements [21,24,38] which provided unique data within dense spray region. The first step corresponds to accurately reproduce the large scale spray dispersion. Among different RANS turbulence models, the standard k-s with the round jet corrected CIE value (1.60), has shown the best performance, as shown in [12]. Then, the study is devoted to the application and optimization of the predicted interphase surface density (E). In this work, a combination of CFD modeling and the statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) technique known as Response Surface Method (RSM) is applied in order to improve Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) predictions from E equation compared to experimental measurements. In the investigation, two different optimizations are conducted for the three modeling parameters involved in the equation, following a Central Composite Design (CCD), leading to 15 simulations for each one. After that, both optimum sets of values are validated to assure the accuracy of the method and it is decided the best choice. Finally, different injection and ambient conditions are simulated, with those selected values, providing a remarkable improvement in the modeling performance.Authors acknowledge that part of this work was possible thanks to the Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID 2013 3198) of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Also this study was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in the frame of the COMEFF (TRA2014-59483R) project.Pandal-Blanco, A.; Payri, R.; García-Oliver, JM.; Pastor Enguídanos, JM. (2017). Optimization of spray break-up CFD simulations by combining Sigma-Y Eulerian atomization model with a response surface methodology under diesel engine-like conditions (ECN Spray A). Computers & Fluids. 156:9-20. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2017.06.022S92015