4,679 research outputs found

    Leptogenesis with heavy neutrino flavours: from density matrix to Boltzmann equations

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    Leptogenesis with heavy neutrino flavours is discussed within a density matrix formalism. We write the density matrix equation, describing the generation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, for an arbitrary choice of the right-handed (RH) neutrino masses. For hierarchical RH neutrino masses lying in the fully flavoured regimes, this reduces to multiple-stage Boltzmann equations. In this case we recover and extend results previously derived within a quantum state collapse description. We confirm the generic existence of phantom terms. However, taking into account the effect of gauge interactions, we show that they are washed out at the production with a wash-out rate that is halved compared to that one acting on the total asymmetry. In the N_1-dominated scenario they cancel without contributing to the final baryon asymmetry. In other scenarios they do not in general and they have to be taken into account. We also confirm that there is a (orthogonal) component in the asymmetry produced by the heavier RH neutrinos which completely escapes the washout from the lighter RH neutrinos and show that phantom terms additionally contribute to it. The other (parallel) component is washed out with the usual exponential factor, even for weak washout. Finally, as an illustration, we study the two RH neutrino model in the light of the above findings, showing that phantom terms can contribute to the final asymmetry also in this case.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figures; v2: added Appendix and discussion in 2.2 on lepton-antilepton flavour compositions difference (eq. (28) is a new result); footnotes 4 and 5; new effect of gauge interactions in inducing wash-out of phantom terms but with halved wash-out rate compared to the total asymmetry wash-out rate; matches JCAP versio

    William H. Sorrell, Attorney General of Vermont, et al. v. IMS Health Inc., et al. - Amicus Brief in Support of Petitioners

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    On April 26, 2011, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Vermont data mining case, Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc. Respondents claim this is the most important commercial speech case in a decade. Petitioner (the State of Vermont) argues this is the most important medical privacy case since Whalen v. Roe. The is an amicus brief supporting Vermont, written by law professors and submitted on behalf of the New England Journal of Medicin

    Extragalactic gamma-ray signal from dark matter annihilation: an appraisal

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    We re-evaluate the extragalactic gamma-ray flux prediction from dark matter annihilation in the approach of integrating over the nonlinear matter power spectrum, extrapolated to the free-streaming scale. We provide an estimate of the uncertainty based entirely on available N-body simulation results and minimal theoretical assumptions. We illustrate how an improvement in the simulation resolution, exemplified by the comparison between the Millennium and Millennium II simulations, affects our estimate of the flux uncertainty and we provide a "best guess" value for the flux multiplier, based on the assumption of stable clustering for the dark matter perturbations described as a collision-less fluid. We achieve results comparable to traditional Halo Model calculations, but with a much simpler procedure and a more general approach, as it relies only on one, directly measurable quantity. In addition we discuss the extension of our calculation to include baryonic effects as modeled in hydrodynamical cosmological simulations and other possible sources of uncertainty that would in turn affect indirect dark matter signals. Upper limit on the integrated power spectrum from supernovae lensing magnification are also derived and compared with theoretical expectations.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Updated to match the published version. New material and figures added, conclusions unchange

    A fuller flavour treatment of N_2-dominated leptogenesis

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    We discuss N_2-dominated leptogenesis in the presence of flavour dependent effects that have hitherto been neglected, in particular the off-diagonal entries of the flavour coupling matrix that connects the total flavour asymmetries, distributed in different particle species, to the lepton and Higgs doublet asymmetries. We derive analytical formulae for the final asymmetry including the flavour coupling at the N_2-decay stage as well as at the stage of washout by the lightest right-handed neutrino N_1. We point out that in general part of the electron and muon asymmetries can completely escape the wash-out at the production and a total B-L asymmetry can be generated by the lightest RH neutrino wash-out yielding so called phantom leptogenesis. Taking of all these new effects into account can enhance the final asymmetry produced by the decays of the next-to-lightest RH neutrinos by orders of magnitude, opening up new interesting possibilities for N_2-dominated thermal eptogenesis. We illustrate these effects for two models which describe realistic neutrino masses and mixing based on sequential dominance

    AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups: the two interesting cases of AWM 4 and NGC 5044

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    We present AGN feedback in the interesting cases of two groups: AWM 4 and NGC 5044. AWM 4 is characterized by a combination of properties which seems to defy the paradigm for AGN heating in cluster cores: a flat inner temperature profile indicative of a past, major heating episode which completely erased the cool core, as testified by the high central cooling time (> 3 Gyrs) and by the high central entropy level (~ 50 keV cm^2), and yet an active central radio galaxy with extended radio lobes out to 100 kpc, revealing recent feeding of the central massive black hole. A recent Chandra observation has revealed the presence of a compact cool corona associated with the BCG, solving the puzzle of the apparent lack of low entropy gas surrounding a bright radio source, but opening the question of its origin. NGC 5044 shows in the inner 10 kpc a pair of cavities together with a set of bright filaments. The cavities are consistent with a recent AGN outburst as also indicated by the extent of dust and H_alpha emission even though the absence of extended 1.4 GHz emission remains to be explained. The soft X-ray filaments coincident with H_alpha and dust emission are cooler than those which do not correlate with optical and infrared emission, suggesting that dust-aided cooling can contribute to the overall cooling. For the first time sloshing cold fronts at the scale of a galaxy group have been observed in this object.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in proceedings of the conference "The Monster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters", June 2009, Madison Wisconsi

    ALMA observations of molecular clouds in three group centered elliptical galaxies: NGC 5846, NGC 4636, and NGC 5044

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    We present new ALMA CO(2--1) observations of two well studied group-centered elliptical galaxies: NGC~4636 and NGC~5846. In addition, we include a revised analysis of Cycle 0 ALMA observations of the central galaxy in the NGC~5044 group that has been previously published. We find evidence that molecular gas, in the form of off-center orbiting clouds, is a common presence in bright group-centered galaxies (BGG). CO line widths are ≳10\gtrsim 10 times broader than Galactic molecular clouds, and using the reference Milky Way XCOX_{CO}, the total molecular mass ranges from as low as 2.6×105M⊙2.6\times 10^5 M_\odot in NGC~4636 to 6.1×107M⊙6.1\times 10^7 M_\odot in NGC~5044. With these parameters the virial parameters of the molecular structures is ≫1\gg 1. Complementary observations of NGC~5846 and NGC~4636 using the ALMA Compact Array (ACA) do not exhibit any detection of a CO diffuse component at the sensitivity level achieved by current exposures. The origin of the detected molecular features is still uncertain, but these ALMA observations suggest that they are the end product of the hot gas cooling process and not the result of merger events. Some of the molecular clouds are associated with dust features as revealed by HST dust extinction maps suggesting that these clouds formed from dust-enhanced cooling. The global nonlinear condensation may be triggered via the chaotic turbulent field or buoyant uplift. The large virial parameter of the molecular structures and correlation with the warm (103−105K10^3 - 10^5 K)/hot (≥106\ge10^6) phase velocity dispersion provide evidence that they are unbound giant molecular associations drifting in the turbulent field, consistently with numerical predictions of the chaotic cold accretion process. Alternatively, the observed large CO line widths may be generated by molecular gas flowing out from cloud surfaces due to heating by the local hot gas atmosphere.Comment: Revised version to be published in ApJ, 16 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    FAO calls for actions to reduce global soil erosion

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    Application of the Preisach and Jiles–Atherton models to the simulation of hysteresis in soft magnetic alloys

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    his article describes the advances in unification of model descriptions of hysteresis in magnetic materials and demonstrates the equivalence of two widely accepted models, the Preisach (PM) and Jiles–Atherton (JA) models. Recently it was shown that starting from general energy relations, the JA equation for a loop branch can be derived from PM. The unified approach is here applied to the interpretation of magnetization measured in nonoriented Si–Fe steels with variable grain size ⟨s⟩, and also in as-cast and annealed Fe amorphous alloys. In the case of NO Fe–Si, the modeling parameter k defined by the volume density of pinning centers is such that k≈A+B/⟨s⟩, where the parameters A and B are related to magnetocrystalline anisotropy and grain texture. The value of k in the amorphous alloys can be used to estimate the microstructural correlation length playing the role of effective grain size in these materials
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