56 research outputs found

    Wild ungulates as sentinels of flaviviruses and tick-borne zoonotic pathogen circulation: an Italian perspective

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    Background: Vector-borne zoonotic diseases are a concerning issue in Europe. Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) have been reported in several countries with a large impact on public health; other emerging pathogens, such as Rickettsiales, and mosquito-borne flaviviruses have been increasingly reported. All these pathogens are linked to wild ungulates playing roles as tick feeders, spreaders, and sentinels for pathogen circulation. This study evaluated the prevalence of TBEV, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Coxiella spp. by biomolecular screening of blood samples and ticks collected from wild ungulates. Ungulates were also screened by ELISA and virus neutralization tests for flaviviral antibody detection. Results: A total of 274 blood samples were collected from several wild ungulate species, as well as 406 Ixodes ricinus, which were feeding on them. Blood samples tested positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. (1.1%; 0-2.3%) and Rickettsia spp. (1.1%; 0-2.3%) and showed an overall flaviviral seroprevalence of 30.6% (22.1-39.2%): 26.1% (17.9-34.3%) for TBEV, 3.6% (0.1-7.1%) for Usutu virus and 0.9% (0-2.7%) for West Nile virus. Ticks were pooled when possible and yielded 331 tick samples that tested positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. (8.8%; 5.8-11.8%), Rickettsia spp. (26.6%; 21.8-31.2%) and Neoehrlichia mikurensis (1.2%; 0-2.4%). TBEV and Coxiella spp. were not detected in either blood or tick samples. Conclusions: This research highlighted a high prevalence of several tick-borne zoonotic pathogens and high seroprevalence for flaviviruses in both hilly and alpine areas. For the first time, an alpine chamois tested positive for anti-TBEV antibodies. Ungulate species are of particular interest due to their sentinel role in flavivirus circulation and their indirect role in tick-borne diseases and maintenance as Ixodes feeders and spreaders

    Molecular Survey of Viral Poultry Diseases with an Indirect Public Health Significance in Central Ethiopia

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    The importance of poultry production is globally increasing, in Ethiopia as well, where high-quality protein and contained costs make poultry a valuable food resource. However, this entails some problems linked to rural, backyard and intensively reared flock proximity and pathogen circulation. This study is aimed at monitoring the presence of important viral pathogens in poultry (infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV)) in Ethiopia. Respiratory and cloacal swabs and bursa of Fabricius and kidney imprints on FTA cards were collected in 2021 from 16 farms and tested for IBV, aMPV, NDV and IBDV. One farm was positive for IBDV, resulting in strains similar to those present in vaccines, belonging to genogroup A1a; two farms were positive for IBV but, due to sensitivity limits, only one sample was sequenced, resulting in a 4/91-like strain (GI-13); a layer farm tested positive for NDV with a Lasota-like vaccine strain. These findings suggest a low presence of these pathogens, probably due to the implementation of vaccination strategies, which is also testified by the detection of vaccine strains. A close diagnostic activity should be implemented on a routine basis in order to monitor pathogen circulation, ameliorate biosecurity measures and protect animal health and production levels

    High Prevalence of Tick-Borne Zoonotic Rickettsia slovaca in Ticks from Wild Boars, Northeastern Italy

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    Tick-borne rickettsiae are emerging pathogens that are becoming widespread in Europe. Rickettsiae are endemic in Italy, but epidemiological data are currently scarce. This study aimed to improve our knowledge about rickettsial infections in tick and wild boar populations. Blood and ticks were collected from 102 wild boars in 2010 and 2018. Ticks were also collected from the vegetation in the area. All of the samples were examined using real-time PCR targeting the gltA gene to detect Rickettsia DNA. Positivity was confirmed by PCR amplifying the gltA and/or ompB genes. A total of 254 ticks and 89 blood samples were analyzed. Zoonotic rickettsiae were detected in the ticks but not in the blood samples. Rickettsia slovaca (R. slovaca) was the most prevalent in ticks and was found in 23.7% of Dermacentor marginatus (D. marginatus) and in 3.4% of Ixodes ricinus (I. ricinus). Other zoonotic species were identified, such as Rickettsia monacensis, which was detected in 12% of I. ricinus ticks, and Rickettsia helvetica which was found in 3.4% of questing I. ricinus ticks and in 1.1% of D. marginatus collected from wild boars. This study highlights a high prevalence of zoonotic rickettsiae, particularly that of R. slovaca, in northeastern Italy. As rickettsioses are underreported and underdiagnosed in human medicine, both clinicians and researchers should pay more attention to this topic


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    Scopo di questo lavoro \ue8 stato confrontare lo sviluppo temporale dell\u2019immunit\ue0 umorale e cellulo-mediata in 2 gruppi di scrofette PRRS-free introdotte in un allevamento da riproduzione infetto da PRRSV. In particolare, sono stati analizzati anticorpi IgG sierici, IgG ed IgA salivari, risposta cellulo-mediata (test di rilascio di interferon-gamma speciico per PRRSV). Tali parametri sono stati valutati al ine di evidenziare possibili differenze nello sviluppo e nella cinetica della risposta immunitaria nei confronti del virus della PRRS. Le scrofette hanno contratto l\u2019infezione attorno alle 7-9 settimane dall\u2019ingresso in allevamento. Sono emersi in particolare 4 risultati salienti: A) la precocit\ue0 della risposta Ab nei liquidi orali di gruppo \ue8 analoga a quella evidenziata nei sieri; B) buone condizioni di sanit\ue0, benessere e conduzione aziendale si associano ad una precoce risposta immunitaria umorale e, soprattutto cellulo-mediata (test IFNgamma), a differenza di quello che si osserva in allevamenti \u201cproblema\u201d per PRRS; C) la risposta cellulo-mediata presenta differenze anche elevate tra soggetti dello stesso gruppo, ma i gruppi tendono a distinguersi chiaramente tra loro rispetto a tale parametro; D) la positivit\ue0 anticorpale nel liquido orale di gruppo viene assicurata anche solo da pochi suini sieropositivi sul totale degli 8-10 soggetti che depositano i liquidi orali. Sono state osservate inine alcune criticit\ue0 riguardo all\u2019uso del cordino di gruppo per il recupero dei liquidi orali in suini di et\ue0 > 12 settimane, da affrontare con opportune modiiche del protocollo d\u2019impiego