577 research outputs found

    Brzi izbori i emancipatorni prostori: kompleksna stvarnost aplikacija za online upoznavanje

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    Contemporary digital environments are increasingly changing the ways in which we live and interact. One of the fields where this is evident is the field of intimate relationships. At the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century mobile dating applications are becoming a common way of meeting potential partners. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of this and to look more closely how online dating in the age of mobile applications is changing the field of intimate relationships, as well as to note the complexity of this phenomenon.Suvremena digitalna okruženja sve više mijenjaju načine na koje živimo te bivamo u interakciji. Intimni odnosi su jedno od područja na koja ona utječu. Mobilne aplikacije za upoznavanje su na početku trećeg desetljeća 21. stoljeća sve uobičajeniji način upoznavanja potencijalnih partnera. Svrha ovog rada je istražiti implikacije ovakvog načina upoznavanja te pobliže promotriti način na koji online upoznavanje mijenja područje intimnih odnosa u dobu mobilnih aplikacija, kao i obratiti pozornost na kompleksnost navedenog fenomena

    Protected and endangered butterfly species in Croatia

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    Leptiri se javljaju diljem našeg kontinenta kao dobro poznata i popularna skupina kukaca, obogaćujući živote mnogih ljudi. Zakonom o zaštiti prirode na cijelom području Hrvatske zaštićene su sljedeće vrste leptira: Iphiclides podalirius L., Papilio machaon L., Parnassius apollo L., Apatura iris L., Apatura ilia Schiff., Limentis populi L. Glavni razlog ugroženosti i nestanka leptira je uništavanje i nestanak prirodnih staništa. Posebno su ugrožena močvarna staništa. Do fragmentacije staništa dolazi zbog ubrzane depopulacije, nedostatka gospodarskih aktivnosti, melioracije, prestanka tradicionalne košnje i ispaše životinja, izgradnje prometnica te upotrebe insekticida i herbicida. U ovom seminaru prikazan je problem zaštite leptira i način na koji se leptiri pokušavaju zaštiti. Također je sadržan pregled ugroženih (CR) i osjetljivih (VU) vrsta leptira te endema u Hrvatskoj. Danas u zaštiti leptira postoje razne metode i organizacije. Prvi korak je izrada popisa ugroženih vrsta te njihova zaštita. Crveni popis prema skupinama i IUCN kategorijama sadrži 38 vrsta danjih leptira. Europsko društvo za zaštitu leptira (BCE) raznim akcijama pokušava zaustaviti nestanak leptira. Natura 2000 je najveća koordinirana mreža područja očuvanja prirode na čijem popisu su i leptiri. Njezin značaj je u poznavanju biologije leptira te višegodišnjem monitoringu svojte kako bi se utvrdio trend svake od njih. Vlasnici zemljišta se potiču na upravljanje koje omogućava očuvanje biološke raznolikosti. Klimatske promjene uzrokuju nestanak mnogih vrsta, ali pretpostavlja se da bi im globalno zatopljenje moglo odgovarati i proširiti granice rasprostranjenja. Najveći postupci zaštite trebali bi se poduzeti u slučaju vrsta velikih livadnih plavaca (Maculinea) koji predstavljaju najugroženije vrste leptira u Europi.Butterflies appear through our continent as well known and popular group of insects, enriching the lives of many people. On the entire Croatian territory, Protection Act protects the following types of butterflies: Iphiclides podalirius L., Papilio machaon L., Parnassius apollo L., Apatura iris L., Apatura ilia Schiff., Limentis populi L. The main reason for endangerment and disappearance of butterflies is destruction and loss of natural habitat. Particularly vulnerable are wetlands. Habitat fragmentation happens due too rapid depopulation, lack of economic activity, melioration, cessation of traditional mowing and grazing animals, road construction and use of insecticides and herbicides. In this seminar the problem of protecting butterflies and the way butterflies are trying to protect themselves is presented. Seminar also includes an overview of endangered (CR) and vulnerable (VU) species of butterflies and endemic species in Croatia. Today, there are various methods and organizations that are working on the protection of butterflies. The first step is making a list of endangered species and their protection. Red list of groups and IUCN category contains 38 species of butterflies. European Society for the Protection of butterflies (BCE) is trying to stop the disappearance of butterflies through the various actions. Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of conservation area, on whose list are also butterflies. Its importance lies in knowing the biology of butterflies and a multi-year monitoring of species to determine the trend of each of them. Landowners are encouraged to management that allows biodiversity conservation. Climate change is causing the disappearance of many species, but it is assumed that global warming would be a good for butterflies and that it could expand the boundaries of their distribution. The greatest protection procedures should be taken in case of Maculinea species that are endangered butterfly species in Europe

    Dijelići i komadićci: Iskustva društvene stvarnosti usred pandemije Covid-19

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    Covid19-pandemic has had a profound impact on the way we live and on the social reality in the world around us. Except for the enormous strain on public and health of individuals, it has affected social functioning to great extent, at least temporarily. It has sped up digitalization and forced social activities to transfer to the digital realm to an unprecedented level. It has simultaenously confined social actors to their geographical localities. In all of this, it has offered an opportunity of different observational point of human being in the world in the context of late modernity. It is possible to assume that this kind of social situation has the potential to affect the sense of ontological security of social actors, as well as their experience of space. The contradictory implications of the transfer of the social activitiy to the digital communicative spaces to current extent are also discussed.Pandemija uzrokovana koronavirusom imala je dubok utjecaj na načine na koji živimo, kao i na društvenu stvarnost u svijetu oko nas. Osim ogromnog opterećenja na javno zdravstvo te pojedinačna zdravstvena stanja, utjecala je na čitav niz promjena vezanih uz socijalno funkcioniranje. Ubrzala je digitalizaciju i prijelaz društvenih aktivnosti na digitalno područje u dosad neviđenom opsegu, a s druge strane je ograničila društvene aktere na lokalna zemljopisna područja. U svemu tome pružila nam se prilika da zauzmemo novu točku promatranja ljudskog bivanja u svijetu kasne modernosti. Moguće je pretpostaviti da navedena društvena situacija posjeduje potencijal utjecaja na osjećaj ontološke sigurnosti društvenih aktera, kao i na njihovo iskustvo prostora. Kontradiktorne implikacije prijelaza društvene aktivnosti na digitalne komunikativne prostore u trenutnom opsegu također se promišljaju

    Anteseden dan Konsekuensi dari Brand Trust pada Pelanggan Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat di Papanggo II

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    The background of this research refers to a previous study conducted by Kemp et al., (2012). Theobjectives of this research was to determine whether the Brand Trust has an influence on theAffective Commitment and Affective Commitment to Brand Advocacy on public health services.The design of this research applies primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires directlyto the 200 users of health services in a community health center in Jakarta. Data analysis used inthis research was Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this research conclude thatthere is a positive influence on Brand Trust Affective commitment. There is a positive influenceaffective commitment to Brand Advocacy

    Pengaruh Atribut Halal Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Kosmetik Wardah: (Survey Pada Karyawan PT. Barclay Products Jakarta)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the Halal attribute on purchasing decisions for Wardah cosmetics on employees of PT. Barclay Products Jakarta. In the midst of consumers' concerns over the ingredients in cosmetic products, Wardah is here to prioritize natural and halal ingredients as their advantages. This type of research is field research (field research), namely direct observation of the object under study in order to obtain relevant data. Data collection techniques are by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is descriptive and quantitative. Primary data were obtained from a questionnaire/list of statements and processed using SPSS 18.0. The results showed that the Halal Attribute had a significant effect on Purchase Decisions with an affect value of 43.2%. Suggestions in this research are that companies should still include halal attributes on all their products and add halal label inclusion for products that have not received a halal label through LPPOM MUI and health expert


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    ABSTRACT Yosenta Paska Dimenta Ginting, 2015; The Influence of Financial Ratios to Stock Price Listed on Index Green Company (SRI KEHATI INDEX) Periode 2010-2014. Thesis, Jakarta: Concentration of Financial Management, Study Program of Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of financial ratios to stock price on companies listed on SRI KEHATI INDEX in Indonesia Stock Exchange. In this research, ROA, ROE, EPS, and TIE is used as a proxy of financial ratio. While the dependent variable is stock price which is the most popular securities traded in the capital market. The sampling method in this study using purposive sampling technique which the sample is selected based on criteria that are specific to a particular purpose and with consideration to get a representative sample. Criteria firms were examined in this study is a company that entered into SRI KEHATI INDEX on 2010-2014 period with consecutive and always publishes its financial report. The method analysis used is regression data panel analysis. From the test result of this research, it is known that partially, ROA and ROE have negative and significant effect on stock price, while EPS and TIE have positive and significant effect on stock price Keywords : SRI KEHATI INDEX, Stock Price, Financial Ratio

    Adipokine expression and secretion: a target for pharmacologic treatment

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    Obesity and insulin resistance are important risk factors for major diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Chronic subclinical inflammation appears to underlie these disorders. Increasing evidence suggests that dysregulation of metabolically active adipose tissue contributes to systemic inflammation in part by secreting higher concentrations of pro-inflammatory adipokines (a diverse set of bioactive proteins produced by adipose tissue). Some adipokines act as endocrine factors directly enhancing systemic inflammation. Increased secretion of these adipokines results from local adipose tissue inflammation that is mediated by autocrine and paracrine pathways. Adipokine expression and thus secretion are modulated by intercellular cross talk within adipose tissue, including that between adipocytes and macrophages (and possibly mast cells), as well as by oxidative stress and activation of pro-inflammatory pathways such as nuclear factor kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways. These regulators of adipokine expression and secretion may serve as therapeutic targets for pharmacologic agents that ameliorate the above adipokine-related diseases. These agents include the widely used angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers, inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzyme, metformin, thiazolidinediones, statins, salicylates, as well as others yet to be developed.Biomedical Reviews 2006; 17: 63-72

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Seks Anak Usia Prasekolah Dalam Mencegah Kekerasan Seksual

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    Kekerasan seksual yang marak terjadi pada anak usia prasekolah (dini) menyadarkan kita akan pentingnya memberikan pendidikan seks untuk anak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan pendidikan seks pada anak usia pra sekolah dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one group pre-test and post-test. Media Pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah media gambar, video tentang pengenalan tubuh dan animasi cara menjaga tubuh dari ancaman kekerasan seksual. Hasil penelitian adalah ada pengaruh terhadap anak usia anak prasekolah setelah diberikan pendidikan seks di sekolah TK Paud Sejahtera. Hasil pengujian yang diperoleh membuktikan bahwa sangat efektif  jika pendidikan seks diberikan mulai anak usia dini untuk mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak usia prasekolah