20 research outputs found

    Curvas de crecimiento de forrajeras templadas irrigadas

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    Con el objetivo de construir y comparar las curvas de distribución estacional de forraje de 15 gramíneas y leguminosas se realizaron cuatro ensayos entre 1996 y 1999. Cada uno constó de dos repeticiones compuestas cada una de cuatro parcelas principales arregladas al azar, dentro de las cuales los cultivares evaluados también fueron asignados al azar. Las parcelas principales fueron cortadas desfasadas en el tiempo, cada fecha de corte después de la inicial se escogió en dependencia de características morfológicas de las forrajera, representando así cuatro regímenes de corte diferentes. Siguiendo las especificaciones de la metodología, las tasas diarias de crecimiento y las fechas de corte de cuatro parcelas principales sucesivas se utilizaron para establecer cada punto de la curva de crecimiento. Las tasas de crecimiento estacionales extremas en kg materia seca (MS). ha-1. día-1 fueron, para gramíneas perennes: 2.8 y 29.8 en otoño, 0.1 y 19.3 en invierno, 24.4 y 67.6 en primavera y 9.5 y 44.5 en verano; para leguminosas perennes: 2.8 y 22.0 en otoño, 5.6 y 42.4 en invierno, 3.6 y 97.0 en primavera y 2.1 y 75.2 en verano; y para verdeos de invierno: 8.2 y 13.2 en otoño, 7.6 y 14.6 en invierno y 26.9 y 34.9 en primavera. Los cultivares más destacados en cada ensayo fueron: Medicago sativa cv. Perla sp INTA, Festuca arundinacea cv. El Palenque Plus, Bromus willdenowii cv. Martín Fierro y Triticale cereale cv. Yagán INTA, con tasas diarias de crecimiento promedio para el período total de 54.8, 29.6, 31.3 y 18.1 kgMS. ha-1. día-1, respectivamente.The objective was to estimate and compare the seasonal production pattern of 15 grasses and legumes. Four experiments were conducted between 1996 and 1999, each of which consisted of two replicates, with four main plots being distributed at random. In each main plot the grasses or legumes were also distributed at random in subplots. The main plots were cut in staggered sequence in four patterns of harvest. Each cutting date after the initial cutting was selected based on morphological characteristics of the forages. According to specifications of the methodology employed, the daily growth rates and dates of cutting of four successive main plots were used to establish each point on the growth curve. Seasonal daily growth rates were also determined. The extreme values observed for seasonal growth rates in kgDM. ha-1. day-1 were, for perennial grasses: 2.8 and 29.8 in autumn, 0.1 and 19.3 in winter, 24.4 and 67.6 in spring and 9.5 and 44.5 in summer; for perennial legumes: 2.8 and 22.0 in autumn, 5.6 and 42.4 in winter, 3.6 and 97.0 in spring and 2.1 and 75.2 in summer; and for winter cereals: 8.2 and 13.2 in autumn, 7.6 and 14.6 in winter and 26.9 and 34.9 in spring. The best cultivars in each trial were: Medicago sativa cv. Perla sp INTA, Festuca arundinacea cv. El Palenque Plus, Bromus willdenowii cv. Martín Fierro y Triticale cereale cv. Yagán INTA, with daily growth rates for the total period of 54.8, 29.6, 31.3 and 18.1 kgDM. ha-1. day-1, respectively.EEA Hilario AscasubiFil: Sevilla, Gabriel Hipolito. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Pasinato, Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Juan Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; Argentin

    Growth curves of irrigated temperate forage species

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    The objective was to estimate and compare the seasonal production pattern of 15 grasses and legumes. Four experiments were conducted between 1996 and 1999, each of which consisted of two replicates, with four main plots being distributed at random. In each main plot the grasses or legumes were also distributed at random in subplots. The main plots were cut in staggered sequence in four patterns of harvest. Each cutting date after the initial cutting was selected based on morphological characteristics of the forages. According to specifications of the methodology employed, the daily growth rates and dates of cutting of four successive main plots were used to establish each point on the growth curve. Seasonal daily growth rates were also determined. The extreme values observed for seasonal growth rates in kgDM. ha-1. day-1 were, for perennial grasses: 2.8 and 29.8 in autumn, 0.1 and 19.3 in winter, 24.4 and 67.6 in spring and 9.5 and 44.5 in summer; for perennial legumes: 2.8 and 22.0 in autumn, 5.6 and 42.4 in winter, 3.6 and 97.0 in spring and 2.1 and 75.2 in summer; and for winter cereals: 8.2 and 13.2 in autumn, 7.6 and 14.6 in winter and 26.9 and 34.9 in spring. The best cultivars in each trial were: Medicago sativa cv. Perla sp INTA, Festuca arundinacea cv. El Palenque Plus, Bromus willdenowii cv. Martín Fierro y Triticale cereale cv. Yagán INTA, with daily growth rates for the total period of 54.8, 29.6, 31.3 and 18.1 kgDM. ha-1. day-1, respectively

    Producción de forraje y densidad de plantas de alfalfa irrigada comparando distintas densidades de siembra

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    La alfalfa es la forrajera principal en el valle bonaerense del Río Colorado, Argentina. Sin embargo, se carece de datos locales sobre la densidad de siembra (den. smb.) que asegure elevada persistencia y producción del cultivo. Se realizó un estudio durante cinco años para comparar la densidad de plantas y la producción de forraje de alfalfa irrigada sembrada con distintas den. smb. en un suelo Haplustol éntico. Los tratamientos fueron: 286 (d1), 571 (d2), 857 (d3), y 1 143 (d4) semillas viables m-2 de alfalfa (grupo de latencia 7) en surcos a 0.15 m. La producción de forraje (kg MS ha-1 año-1) total, hoja y tallo y la densidad de plantas (número m-2) se estimaron en diseños en bloques completos al azar con parcelas divididas en el tiempo. Los datos se sometieron a ANOVA, regresión lineal simple, y pruebas de igualdad de pendientes y de comparaciones múltiples de Tukey ( = 0.05). Las mayores producciones de forraje total (18 021), hoja (10366) y tallo (7 655) se observaron entre el 2o y 4o año. La producción total fue menor (por 1 364) en d1 que en las otras tres densidades. La producción de tallo no difirió entre densidades y la de hoja fue mayor en d4 que en d1. La eficiencia de siembra (plántulas vivas/semillas vivas) disminuyó de 77% en d1 a 42% en d4. El número de plantas disminuyó progresivamente año tras año en las cuatro den. smb. Hubo una tendencia hacia mayor densidad de plantas vivas con den. smb. crecientes en todas las estaciones. Las regresiones lineales simples del número de plantas vivas (y) en función de los días postsiembra (x) fueron significativas en las cuatro den. smb., con b de –0.11 a (d1), -0.16b (d2), -0.17bc (d3) y -0.20c (d4). La densidad de plantas debajo de la cual se afectaría la producción de forraje se alcanzó el 5o año en d2, d3 y d4 y el 4o año en d1. Den. smb. mayores a d2 implican un gasto adicional innecesario de semilla.Alfalfa is the most important forage species in the Colorado River Valley of Buenos Aires Province. However, there are no local data on the correct seeding density (sdn. den.) to obtain high forage production and persistence of the crop. A trial to compare plant density and forage production of irrigated alfalfa sown with different sdn. den. was conducted for 5 years on an entic Haplustol soil. Treatments were 286 (d1), 571 (d2), 857 (d3), and 1 143 (d4) viable seedsm-2 (dormancy category group 7) sown in rows with 0.15 m spacing. Total, leaf and stem forage production (kg DM ha-1 año-1) and plant density (number m-2) were estimated in a randomized complete block design with repeated measurements in time. The data were subjected to ANOVA, simple linear regression, slope equality test and Tukey’s multiple range test (P=0.05). Highest productions of total forage (18 021), leaf (10 366) and stem (7 655) were registered between the 2nd and 4th years. Total forage production was lower (by 1 364) at d1 than at the other sdn. den. Stem production did not differ between sdn. den. Leaf production was higher at d4 than d1. Seeding efficiency (live seedlings/live seeds) was 77% at d1 and 42% at d4. Plant number decreased progressively year by year at all sdn. den. Live plant number tended to be higher with increasing sdn. den. in all seasons. Simple linear regressions of live plant number (y) on days since seeding (x) were significant at all four sdb, den, b values being –0.11 a (d1), -0.16b (d2), -0.17bc (d3), and -0.20c (d4). Plant density threshold, below which forage production would be affected, was reached the 5th year at d2, d3 and d4 and the 4th year at d1. sdn. den higher than d2 involve an unnecessary additional cost of seed.EEA Hilario AscasubiFil: Sevilla, Gabriel Hipolito. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Pasinato, Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Juan Martin. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Hilario Ascasubi; Argentin


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    Os pacientes oncológicos têm como alternativas de tratamento a cirurgia, a radioterapia e aquimioterapia. Esses métodos são eficazes na cura contra o câncer, porém, acarretam em possíveisalterações nos tecidos sadios, gerando consequências que muito interessam ao profissionalde odontologia. Atualmente, os hospitais brasileiros ainda possuem uma restrita participaçãodo cirurgião-dentista em seu corpo clínico, sendo importante alertar os profissionais da saúdeenvolvidos no setor de oncologia sobre a necessidade da atenção odontológica nesse âmbito,visto que existem várias complicações orais que afetam diretamente esse paciente, conformerelatado em literatura científica. Uma adequada avaliação da cavidade bucal e a elaboração deum plano de tratamento devem ocorrer previamente a essas terapias, enfatizando as medidaspreventivas, adequando o meio bucal, eliminando focos de infecção e agentes traumáticos, bemcomo acompanhando e controlando as reações adversas decorrentes durante a terapia antineoplásica.Essas ações proporcionam ao paciente melhores condições de cura, aumentando aqualidade de vida e diminuindo o tempo de internação.Palavras-chave: Oncologia. Efeitos colaterais. Assistência odontológica ao paciente oncológico

    Forage production and plant density of irrigated alfalfa comparing different seeding densities

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    Alfalfa is the most important forage species in the Colorado River Valley of Buenos Aires Province. However, there are no local data on the correct seeding density (sdn. den.) to obtain high forage production and persistence of the crop. A trial to compare plant density and forage production of irrigated alfalfa sown with different sdn. den. was conducted for 5 years on an entic Haplustol soil. Treatments were 286 (d1), 571 (d2), 857 (d3), and 1 143 (d4) viable seedsm-2 (dormancy category group 7) sown in rows with 0.15 m spacing. Total, leaf and stem forage production (kg DM ha-1 año-1) and plant density (number m-2) were estimated in a randomized complete block design with repeated measurements in time. The data were subjected to ANOVA, simple linear regression, slope equality test and Tukey’s multiple range test (P=0.05). Highest productions of total forage (18 021), leaf (10 366) and stem (7 655) were registered between the 2nd and 4th years. Total forage production was lower (by 1 364) at d1 than at the other sdn. den. Stem production did not differ between sdn. den. Leaf production was higher at d4 than d1. Seeding efficiency (live seedlings/live seeds) was 77% at d1 and 42% at d4. Plant number decreased progressively year by year at all sdn. den. Live plant number tended to be higher with increasing sdn. den. in all seasons. Simple linear regressions of live plant number (y) on days since seeding (x) were significant at all four sdb, den, b values being –0.11 a (d1), -0.16b (d2), -0.17bc (d3), and -0.20c (d4). Plant density threshold, below which forage production would be affected, was reached the 5th year at d2, d3 and d4 and the 4th year at d1. sdn. den higher than d2 involve an unnecessary additional cost of seed

    ¿Se pueden engordar novillos con grano de arveja?

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    El cultivo de arveja ha cobrado interés en distintas zonas del país, entre las que se encuentra el área de influencia de Victoria (Entre Ríos). Los profesionales de la AER de esa localidad captaron la demanda territorial de información objetiva sobre distintos aspectos ligados a la arveja, incluidos aquellos relacionados al uso en alimentación animal, que brindaría una excelente alternativa de uso para el productor mixto. La arveja se siembra para consumo humano, presentándose a menudo un exceso de oferta, granos fuera de estándar y pocos compradores, aunque esto ha ido mejorando en las últimas campañas. La posibilidad de alimentar vacunos de carne y leche (también cerdos y aves) con grano de arveja permite diversificar la producción e incorporar valor agregado en origen, especialmente en los establecimientos de pequeños productores.EEA Concepción del UruguayFil: Pasinato, Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Sevilla, Gabriel Hipolito. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Brassesco, Raul Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná. Agencia de Extensión Rural Victoria; ArgentinaFil: Vallejos, Maximiliano. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná. Agencia de Extensión Rural Victoria; Argentin

    Multibody Computer Model of the Entire Equine Forelimb Simulates Forces Causing Catastrophic Fractures of the Carpus during a Traditional Race

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    Simple Summary Palios are traditional horseraces held in the main square of few Italian cities. Due to peculiar features of such circuits, adapted to the square architecture and thus characterized by tight curves and unconventional footing surface, horses involved are at particular risk of accidents. Prevention of catastrophic musculoskeletal injuries is a significant issue and matter of debate during these events. In particular, the negotiation of the curves in the city circuits is a significative concern. An experiment was set up to build a model of entire forelimb at the point of failure in the context of a turn comparable to that in a Palio circuit. The model was informed by live data and the output compared to post-mortem findings obtained from a horse that sustained a catastrophic fracture of the carpus during this competition. The objective of this study is to determine the magnitude and distribution of internal forces generated across the carpus under which the catastrophic injury has occurred and describe related post-mortem findings. A catastrophic fracture of the radial carpal bone experienced by a racehorse during a Palio race was analyzed. Computational modelling of the carpal joint at the point of failure informed by live data was generated using a multibody code for dynamics simulation. The circuit design in a turn, the speed of the animal and the surface characteristics were considered in the model. A macroscopic examination of the cartilage, micro-CT and histology were performed on the radio-carpal joint of the limb that sustained the fracture. The model predicted the points of contact forces generated at the level of the radio-carpal joint where the fracture occurred. Articular surfaces of the distal radius, together with the proximal articular surface of small carpal bones, exhibited diffuse wear lines, erosions of the articular cartilage and subchondral bone exposure. Even though the data in this study originated from a single fracture and further work will be required to validate this approach, this study highlights the potential correlation between elevated impact forces generated at the level of contact surfaces of the carpal joint during a turn and cartilage breakdown in the absence of pre-existing pathology. Computer modelling resulted in a useful tool to inversely calculate internal forces generated during specific conditions that cannot be reproduced in-vivo because of ethical concerns


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    Os pacientes oncológicos têm como alternativas de tratamento a cirurgia, a radioterapia e aquimioterapia. Esses métodos são eficazes na cura contra o câncer, porém, acarretam em possíveisalterações nos tecidos sadios, gerando consequências que muito interessam ao profissionalde odontologia. Atualmente, os hospitais brasileiros ainda possuem uma restrita participaçãodo cirurgião-dentista em seu corpo clínico, sendo importante alertar os profissionais da saúdeenvolvidos no setor de oncologia sobre a necessidade da atenção odontológica nesse âmbito,visto que existem várias complicações orais que afetam diretamente esse paciente, conformerelatado em literatura científica. Uma adequada avaliação da cavidade bucal e a elaboração deum plano de tratamento devem ocorrer previamente a essas terapias, enfatizando as medidaspreventivas, adequando o meio bucal, eliminando focos de infecção e agentes traumáticos, bemcomo acompanhando e controlando as reações adversas decorrentes durante a terapia antineoplásica.Essas ações proporcionam ao paciente melhores condições de cura, aumentando aqualidade de vida e diminuindo o tempo de internação.Palavras-chave: Oncologia. Efeitos colaterais. Assistência odontológica ao paciente oncológico