700 research outputs found


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    Objective: In vitro antifungal activity of six essential oils of 1. Ocimum tenuiflorum (Purple leaves/Krishna Tulsi) 2. Cymbopogon citrates (Nimbu ghas), 3. Origanum majorina (Sweet majoram), 4. Ocimum citriodorum (Nimbu tulsi), 5. Ocimum bascillicum (Gulal tulsi), and 6. Ocimum sanctum (Green leaves/Shree tulsi) were investigated against economically important phytopathogenic fungi, Alternaria solani, isolated from infected chilly. Methods: The experiment was carried out by Whatman paper disc method using Whatman paper No.3 on Potato Dextrose Agar with three replicates. Five concentrations of each essential oils i.e., 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% were assayed against the test fungus. The experiment was carried out at 27ᵒC and mycelial growth was measured after every third day, upto 15 d using statistical method.Results: It is an evident from this study that all the oils used in this study are inhibiting test fungi, oil of O. bascillicum and O. sanctum are completely (100%) inhibiting test fungi.Conclusion: It may be concluded from the above study that all the taken oils have a good potential to control plant pathogenic fungi and these could be considered for developing a new fungicide

    Graphene-Based Composites and Hybrids for Water Purification Applications

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    The increasing water demand and the worldwide shortage of clean water call for new technologies for wastewater treatment, of which sorption is recognized as simplest and efficient method for all major water pollutants, including heavy metal ions, organic dyes and organic solvents. In this context, graphene, an atomically thin two-dimensional hexagonal arrays of carbon atoms, and its analogs have been visualized as ultimate materials for the separation of pollutants from water due to properties such as superhydrophobicity, superoleophilicity, chemical-environmental-thermal stability, chemical manipulability, controllable morphology, texture, porosity and accessible surface area, facile processing, low density, biocompatibility and low-cost synthesis from a variety of abundant carbonaceous precursors. This chapter begins with an introduction of water purification, related processes and fundamentals of adsorption and absorption phenomenon. The next section emphasizes the importance and advantages of graphene as sorbent, brief about its synthesis, types of graphene-based composites/hybrid systems and their synthesis strategies. The last section throws light on the performance of graphene-based foams, aerogels and composites/hybrids for the separation of metal ions, organic dyes and various oils/organic solvents, supported by comprehensive literature account. Finally, the chapter concludes with the comments on the current status, major challenges and future scope in the direction

    Role of turbulences in WDM-polarization interleaving scheme based inter-satellite communication system

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    Inter-Satellite communication is the revolutionary technology used to transmit the signals between the satellites.This work is focused to carry out the investigation of turbulences in Inter-Satellite communication system by incorporating WDMPI interleaving scheme. A 6 x 20 Gbps channels are transported over Inter-Satellite link having span of 1000 km to realize the total transmission of 120 Gbps.The role of transmitter pointing errors and receiving pointing errors in the OWC link is investigated and results are reported in terms of SNR, total received power and eye diagrams

    An unusual case of trifluoperazine induced hypoglycemia

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    Hypoglycemia is a serious condition which if not diagnosed and treated urgently may cause irreversible damage to the brain and may be life threatening. There are various causes attributed to hypoglycemia, but drugs are one of the most important one of them. Various drugs are documented to cause hypoglycemia but we present a rare case report of a 52-year-old male patient with schizoaffective disorder on trifluoperazine who presented in emergency department with documented hypoglycemia and this hypoglycemic episode improved when the drug was withdrawn. When WHO causality assessment scale was applied, trifluoperazine was found as the probable cause of the episodes of hypoglycemia. Therefore, this possibility of hypoglycemia should always be kept in mind while prescribing trifluoperazine

    Effect of Neemta 2100 toxicity on acetylcholinesterase and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enzymes in serum of fish, Oreochromis mossambicus

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    Acetylcholinesterase and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase enzymes have been used as marker monitoring the effect of neem seed based pesticide Neemta 2100 on the fish, Oreochromis mossambicus. Fishes exposed to sublethal concentrations of Neemta 2100 for acute periods of 24 and 48 hours were sacrificed to determine enzyme activities in serum affected due to toxicity. Laboratory studies of in vivo exposure of this pesticide showed synergistic inhibitory effect during acute period of toxicity. Acetylcholinesterase was noticed as 6.25 µm substrate hydrolyzed/mg protein/hour and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase was noticed as 36.71 µm substrate hydrolyzed/mg protein/hour in control fish serum. Significant decrease in GOT level in Neemta 2100 treated fishes after short term exposure indicated its severe toxicity to fish

    Knowledge, attitude and practice on dengue among residents of tribal hostel in Bilaspur: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: In the present era, vector-born disease accounts for 17% of the estimated global burden of all infectious diseases. One such deadly vector-borne disease is dengue. Dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome are major international public health concerns; 2.5 billion people live in high-risk dengue areas with 50 million dengue infections worldwide annually. Aim of the research was to conduct cross-sectional knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) study of dengue among residents of tribal hostel in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh (C.G). Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 150 students residing at a tribal hostel of Bilaspur. Results: The study showed that 95% of the participants had previously heard about dengue. Only 34.3% of the respondents were aware that dengue is a contagious disease, and only 48.6% knew that the disease is caused by the bite of mosquito. Almost 52% were aware of the exact source of disease transmission. Conclusions: When it came to basic knowledge about dengue, the majority of the respondents answered positively. However, there were large lacunae present within the specific knowledge of dengue such as, whether dengue is contagious, or about the biting and breeding time and site, respectively, of the mosquito.

    Determination of defect density, crystallite size and number of graphene layers in graphene analogues using X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy

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    In this study, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopic techniques have been wielded for determination of number of graphene layers per domain, crystallite size, interlayer spacing and defect density in bulk samples of chemically synthesized graphitic oxide (GrO) and reduced GrO (RGrO). Particularly, the ready to use and general mathematical equations have been presented for obtaining above mentioned parameters directly using the full width half maxima (FWHM) of XRD peaks and intensity ratios of Raman D- and G-bands. The results reflect that upon reduction, crystallites shrink in dimensions ultimately leads to decrease in number of graphene layers per domain and apparent increase in defect density

    Carbon Nanotube-Based Polymer Composites: Synthesis, Properties and Applications

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    The present chapter covers the designing, development, properties and applications of carbon nanotube-loaded polymer composites. The first section will provide a brief overview of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), their synthesis, properties and functionalization routes. The second section will shed light on the CNT/polymer composites, their types, synthesis routes and characterization. The last section will illustrate the various applications of CNT/polymer composites; important properties, parameters and performance indices backed by comprehensive literature account of the same. The chapter concludes with the current challenges and future aspects

    A Study of Family, School, Social and Personal Problems of Adolescents

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    Adolescence is the wealth of a country. One can know the future of the country on the basis of the adolescence. The country can make development easily, which have physically and mentally strong adolescence. But now days, our adolescence has gone astray on the name of modernization. Inc. In population, unemployment, corruption, westernization and materialistic, thinking all these has gone deteriorated the basis moral values of adolescence. This leads to further new problems i. e. daydreaming, violence, drugs, cheating, gang involvement and all wastage of young energy The basis reason of the above problems that adolescence wants to co-ordinate themselves with the need of home and society but on getting failed, they got stuck into such problems so, their family, education, social, and personal condition give rise to such irritating problems. In modern times with rapid advancement in all walks of life, problems have also multiplied in that proportion. Life is becoming fast with the increasing impact of technology. Fast life and competition in the world are slowly becoming the agents in killing the regenerative processes among human beings. In the present life style, everything seems to explode; emotional pressure is increasing day by day especially at adolescence stage. For most of adolescent life cosmist of stressful things like dealing with parents, coping with studies, being force to a study a particular course, anxiety of passing the exam and finally making a career in a fiercely competitive world. Stress is more subtle, more tangible and more pervasive. Unvested frustrations are occurring almost in all spheres of their lives. Parent has no time for children to guide them. Thus, adolescents frequently troubled with their daily problems. They experience rejection or failure such as the breakup of a relationship or fear of falling in the exams. These difficulties are giving's rise to many psychosomatic problems such as loss of adjustment with life, frustration, identity and emotional upset in day to day life

    Clinical profile and outcome of the children with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in hilly Himalayan state of north India

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    Background: Context: DKA is an important complication of undiagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Proper management of DKA can prevent morbidity and mortality attributable to diabetes mellitus. The aim of the research was to study the clinical profile and outcome of the children admitted with Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).Methods: A descriptive retrospective study was conducted in pediatric ICU of tertiary level care hospital over three years between January 2013 and December 2015. 29 patients were diagnosed with DKA during the three-year period, the data was collected by reviewing the medical record of the patient and information with respect to personal details, clinical features, laboratory parameters, management and outcome was recorded.Results: 29 patients were diagnosed with DKA, of these 17 were males and 12 females. M:F was 1.4:1 and mean age at presentation was 11.4±4.4 yrs. DKA was the presenting manifestation of Diabetes in 48.2% patients and 51.8% were already known cases of Diabetes. Abdominal pain (62%), polyuria (58.6%), fast breathing (58.6%), vomiting (55.1%), and altered sensorium (44.8%) were common presenting symptoms of DKA. Severe ketoacidosis was noted in 48.2% and severe dehydration in 31%. Shock was observed in 27.5% patients and 20.9% had cerebral edema. Metabolic abnormalities like hponatremia, hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, hypokalemia were seen in 44.8%, 13.7%, 24.1%, 17.2% respectively. We had 1 (3.4%) mortality.Conclusions: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) is an important cause of hospital admissions and 48.2% of newly diagnosed cases presented with DKA. Infections and omission of the insulin were the most common precipitating factors. For the long- term management strategy it is important to educate of the patients and their parents regarding regular blood sugar monitoring and insulin dosing
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