7 research outputs found

    Experimentally induced intravaginal Tritrichomonas foetus infection in a mouse model Infecção experimental intravaginal com Tritricho-monas foetus em modelo camundongo

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    The interest to develop research on the host-parasite relationship in bovine tritrichomonosis has accomplished the use of experimental models alternative to cattle. The BALB/c mouse became the most appropriate species susceptible to vaginal Tritrichomonas foetus infection requiring previous estrogenization. For the need of an experimental model without persistent estrogenization and with normal estrous cycles, the establishment and persistence of vaginal infection on BALB/c mouse with different concentrations of T. foetus in two experimental groups was evaluated. Group A was treated with 5mg of b-estradiol 3-benzoate to synchronize the estrous, 48 hours before the T. foetus vaginal inoculation, and Group B was inoculated in natural estrus. At 5-7 days after treatment, estrogenic effect decreased allowing all animals to cycle regularly during the experiment. From the first week post-infection, samples of vaginal mucus were taken from all animals during 34 weeks, in order to evaluate the course of infection and the stage of the estrus cycle. Group A showed 93.6% of infected animals, and Group B showed 38%. Different doses of T. foetus were assayed to establish the vaginal infection, with a persistence of 34 weeks. Although different behavior was observed in each subgroup belonging to either Group A or Group B, there were no significant differences among the infecting doses used. The b-estradiol 3-benzoate treatment had a favorable effect on the establishment of the infection (P<0.0001), but it did not influence its persistence (P=0.1097). According to the results, an experimental mouse model is presented, appropriate for further studies on mechanisms of pathogenicity, immune response, protective evaluation of immunogen and therapeutic effect of drugs.<br>A necessidade de esclarecer a relação agente-hospedeiro na tricomoníase bovina deu motivo para o uso de modelos experimentais alternativos ao bovino. O camundongo BALB/c resultou como espécie mais adequada para a infeção vaginal com Tritrichomonas foetus, requerendo uma estrogenização prévia. Visando a necessidade de um modelo experimental sem estrogenização persistente e com ciclos estrais normais, foi avaliada a instalação e persistência da infeção vaginal no camundongo BALB/c com diferentes quantidades de T. foetus, em dois grupos experimentais. O Grupo A foi tratado com 5µg de 3-benzoato de beta estradiol, para sincronizar o estro, 48 h antes da inoculação vaginal com T. foetus, e o Grupo B foi inoculado durante o estro natural. O efeito do 3-benzoato de beta estradiol decresceu gradualmente. A totalidade dos animais ciclaram regularmente após 5-7 dias pós-tratamento. Após a primeira semana pós-infecção, todos os animais foram amostrados durante 34 semanas, para avaliar o andamento da infeção vaginal e o estádio de cío. O Grupo A apresentou 93,6% de animais infetados e o Grupo B 38%. Com diferentes dosagens de T. foetus se obteve a instalação e persistência da infecção vaginal durante 34 semanas. Embora tenham-se registrados diferentes comportamentos entre cada um dos lotes dos Grupos A e B, não houveram diferenças significativas entre as doses infectantes. O tratamento com 3-benzoato de beta estradiol teve efeito favorável na instalação da infecção (P<0,0001), porém não teve influência na persistência (P= 0,1097). Em função dos resultados obtidos, apresenta-se um modelo experimental em camundongo, adequado para aprofundar estudos sobre mecanismos de patogenicidade, resposta imune, avaliação protetora de imunógenos e o efeito terapêutico de fármacos

    Aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da infecção genital aguda e latente pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 em bezerras infectadas experimentalmente Virological and clinico-pathological features of acute vulvovaginitis and latent infection by bovine herpesvirus 1.2 in heifers experimentally infected

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    A infecção genital de vacas pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) pode resultar em vulvovaginite e infertilidade temporária. Após a infecção aguda, o BoHV-1 estabelece infecção latente, que pode cursar com episódios periódicos de reativação. O presente trabalho descreve os aspectos virológicos e clínico-patológicos da vulvovaginite aguda e infecção latente resultantes da inoculação de bezerras com uma amostra de BoHV-1.2 isolada de casos de balanopostite em touros. A inoculação do vírus em quatro bezerras pela via genital (10(8.1)TCID50/animal) resultou em replicação viral na mucosa genital e no desenvolvimento de vulvovaginite moderada a severa. Os animais inoculados excretaram o vírus nas secreções genitais até o dia 10 pós-inoculação (p.i.) com título máximo de 10(7.3)TCID50/mL. Foram observados congestão e edema da mucosa vulvovestibular, e formação de pequenas vesículas e pústulas. Durante a progressão clínica, as vesículas e pústulas aumentaram de tamanho e eventualmente se tornaram coalescentes e recobertas por um exsudato fino de coloração amarelada. Estes sinais foram observados a partir do dia 2 p.i. e aumentaram progressivamente de severidade até os dias 5-8 p.i. A administração de dexametasona no dia 55 p.i. resultou em excreção viral nas secreções genitais dos quatro animais por até 10 dias. A reativação da infecção latente foi acompanhada de recrudescência clínica, porém com sinais menos severos e com menor duração do que na infecção aguda. O DNA viral latente foi detectado por PCR, aos 36 dias pós-reativação (p.r.), nos seguintes tecidos: gânglio sacrais: pudendo (4/4); genitofemoral e retal caudal (3/4) e obturador (4/4) e em alguns linfonodos regionais. Estes resultados demonstram que o isolado SV-56/90 é virulento para fêmeas soronegativas, após inoculação genital, e pode ser utilizado em estudos de patogenia e de desafio vacinal.<br>Venereal infection of heifers and cows with bovine herpesvirus type 1.2 (BoHV-1.2) may result in vulvovaginitis and transient infertility. The acute infection is followed by the establishment of latent infection which can be periodically reactivated. We herein describe the virology and clinico-pathological aspects of acute and recrudescent vulvovaginitis in heifers inoculated with a Brazilian BoHV-1.2 isolate recovered from an outbreak of balanoposthitis. Genital inoculation of isolate SV-56/90 (10(8.1)TCID50/animal) in four eight-months-old heifers resulted in efficient virus replication in the genital mucosa and the development of moderate to severe vulvovaginitis. The inoculated heifers shed virus in genital secretions in titers up to 10(7.3)TCID50/mL until day 10 pi and developed genital congestion, swelling, vesicles and pustules. The vesicles and pustules increased in size eventually coalesced and became covered with a yellowish exsudate. These signs appeared at day 2 pi, increased in severity up to days 5 - 8 pi and progressively subsided thereafter. Dexamethasone administration at day 55 pi resulted in virus shedding in vaginal secretions for up to 10 days. Virus reactivation in all animals was accompanied by clinical recrudescence of the disease, yet less severe than during acute infection. Examination of sacral ganglia and lymph nodes by PCR at day 36 post-reactivation revealed the presence of latent viral DNA in the pudendal (4/4), genito-femoral, sciatic and rectal caudal (3/4) and obturator nerve ganglia (1/4); in addition to several regional lymph nodes. These results demonstrate the virulence of isolate SV-56/90 for heifers and pave the way for its use in further pathogenesis studies and vaccine-challenge trials

    An investigation into the possibility of bluetongue virus transmission by transfer of infected ovine embryos

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    Bluetongue (BT), a disease that affects mainly sheep, causes economic losses owing to not only its deleterious effects on animals but also its associated impact on the restriction of movement of livestock and livestock germplasm. The causative agent, bluetongue virus (BTV), can occur in the semen of rams and bulls at the time of peak viraemia and be transferred to a developing foetus. The risk of the transmission of BTV by bovine embryos is negligible if the embryos are washed according to the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) protocol. Two experiments were undertaken to determine whether this holds for ovine embryos that had been exposed to BTV. Firstly, the oestrus cycles of 12 ewes were synchronised and the 59 embryos that were obtained were exposed in vitro to BTV-2 and BTV-4 at a dilution of 1 x 102.88 and 1 x 103.5 respectively. In the second experiment, embryos were recovered from sheep at the peak of viraemia. A total of 96 embryos were collected from BTV-infected sheep 21 days after infection. In both experiments half the embryos were washed and treated with trypsin according to the IETS protocol while the remaining embryos were neither washed nor treated. All were tested for the presence of BTV using cell culture techniques. The virus was detected after three passages in BHK-21 cells only in one wash bath in the first experiment and two unwashed embryos exposed to BTV-4 at a titre of 1 x 103.5. No embryos or uterine flush fluids obtained from viraemic donors used in the second experiment were positive for BTV after the standard washing procedure had been followed. The washing procedure of the IETS protocol can thus clear sheep embryos infected with BTV either in vitro or in vivo