646 research outputs found

    Computability of the causal boundary by using isocausality

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    Recently, a new viewpoint on the classical c-boundary in Mathematical Relativity has been developed, the relations of this boundary with the conformal one and other classical boundaries have been analyzed, and its computation in some classes of spacetimes, as the standard stationary ones, has been carried out. In the present paper, we consider the notion of isocausality given by Garc\'ia-Parrado and Senovilla, and introduce a framework to carry out isocausal comparisons with standard stationary spacetimes. As a consequence, the qualitative behavior of the c-boundary (at the three levels: point set, chronology and topology) of a wide class of spacetimes, is obtained.Comment: 44 pages, 5 Figures, latex. Version with minor changes and the inclusion of Figure

    Isocausal spacetimes may have different causal boundaries

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    We construct an example which shows that two isocausal spacetimes, in the sense introduced by Garc\'ia-Parrado and Senovilla, may have c-boundaries which are not equal (more precisely, not equivalent, as no bijection between the completions can preserve all the binary relations induced by causality). This example also suggests that isocausality can be useful for the understanding and computation of the c-boundary.Comment: Minor modifications, including the title, which matches now with the published version. 12 pages, 3 figure

    Spinor calculus on 5-dimensional spacetimes

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    Penrose's spinor calculus of 4-dimensional Lorentzian geometry is extended to the case of 5-dimensional Lorentzian geometry. Such fruitful ideas in Penrose's spinor calculus as the spin covariant derivative, the curvature spinors or the definition of the spin coefficients on a spin frame can be carried over to the spinor calculus in 5-dimensional Lorentzian geometry. The algebraic and differential properties of the curvature spinors are studied in detail and as an application we extend the well-known 4-dimensional Newman-Penrose formalism to a 5-dimensional spacetime.Comment: Convention mismatch and minor typos fixed. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    A new special class of Petrov type D vacuum space-times in dimension five

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    Using extensions of the Newman-Penrose and Geroch-Held-Penrose formalisms to five dimensions, we invariantly classify all Petrov type DD vacuum solutions for which the Riemann tensor is isotropic in a plane orthogonal to a pair of Weyl alligned null directionsComment: 4 pages, 1 table, no figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010 held in Granada (Spain

    How High is Hispanic/Mexican Fertility in the U.S.? Immigration and Tempo Considerations

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    This paper demonstrates that the apparently much higher Hispanic/Mexican fertility is almost exclusively the product of period estimates obtained for immigrant women and that period measures of immigrant fertility suffer from 3 serious sources of biases that together significantly overstate fertility levels: difficulties in estimating the size of immigrant groups; the tendency for migration to occur at a particular stage in life; and most importantly the tendency for women to have a birth soon after migration. Once these sources of bias are taken into consideration the fertility of native Hispanic/Mexican women is very close to replacement level. In addition, the completed fertility of immigrant women in the United States is dramatically lower than the level obtained from period calculations. Findings are consistent with classical theories of immigrant assimilation but are a striking departure from the patterns found in previous studies and published statistics. The main implication is that, without a significant change in immigration levels, current projections based on the premise of high Hispanic fertility are likely to considerably exaggerate Hispanic population growth, its impact on the ethno-racial profile of the country, and its potential to counteract population aging

    A collaborative research process studying fruit availibility and seed dispersal within an indigenous community in the Middle Caquetá River region, Colombian Amazon

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    The objective of this paper is to present a collaborative research process between the Nonuya indigenous community and western scientists whilst studying fruit production patterns and the role of animals in the spatial distribution patterns of terra firme rain forest tree species in the Colombian Amazon. The process is presented in four stages: initially with a distant relationship between western scientists and indigenous people, with little exchange of knowledge, which progressed into a collaborative research relationship involving a high exchange of knowledge. The first stage consisted of the indigenous people's participation an exclusively scientific research project on natural sciences, as passive fieldwork guides. The second stage occurred when the guide became a fieldwork assistant and received training and expertise in scientific methodologies for data collection. The relationship between western scientists and indigenous people developed into the ability to have frequent debates and discussions over observations, findings, and interpretations. In the third stage, the indigenous fieldwork assistant proposed his own research, wherein he combined both scientific methodologies, and dialogue with elders in order to obtain information. During the fourth stage of the process, high quality information, relevant to the needs of both the western scientists and indigenous people was generated. This collaborative research process allowed the exchange of experiences, methodologies, and learning, leading to a better understanding of tropical rainforests. In this paper, the implications of this experience for future studies with the indigenous communities are discussed

    On the causal properties of warped product spacetimes

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    It is shown that the warped product spacetime P=M *_f H, where H is a complete Riemannian manifold, and the original spacetime M share necessarily the same causality properties, the only exceptions being the properties of causal continuity and causal simplicity which present some subtleties. For instance, it is shown that if diamH=+\infty, the direct product spacetime P=M*H is causally simple if and only if (M,g) is causally simple, the Lorentzian distance on M is continuous and any two causally related events at finite distance are connected by a maximizing geodesic. Similar conditions are found for the causal continuity property. Some new results concerning the behavior of the Lorentzian distance on distinguishing, causally continuous, and causally simple spacetimes are obtained. Finally, a formula which gives the Lorentzian distance on the direct product in terms of the distances on the two factors (M,g) and (H,h) is obtained.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, uses the package psfra

    Causal symmetries

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    Based on the recent work \cite{PII} we put forward a new type of transformation for Lorentzian manifolds characterized by mapping every causal future-directed vector onto a causal future-directed vector. The set of all such transformations, which we call causal symmetries, has the structure of a submonoid which contains as its maximal subgroup the set of conformal transformations. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for a vector field \xiv to be the infinitesimal generator of a one-parameter submonoid of pure causal symmetries. We speculate about possible applications to gravitation theory by means of some relevant examples.Comment: LaTeX2e file with CQG templates. 8 pages and no figures. Submitted to Classical and Quantum gravit

    A Note on Non-compact Cauchy surface

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    It is shown that if a space-time has non-compact Cauchy surface, then its topological, differentiable, and causal structure are completely determined by a class of compact subsets of its Cauchy surface. Since causal structure determines its topological, differentiable, and conformal structure of space-time, this gives a natural way to encode the corresponding structures into its Cauchy surface