298 research outputs found

    Strength and Ductility of RC Columns Retrofitted by FRP under Cyclic Loading

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    Rapid increasing of population and limited city area as well as better awareness on the green open area of the city, which is ideally about 30 percent, have forced the development of the buildings vertically. The increasing number of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers are the evidence that the development of the buildings in the cities of Indonesia are heading towards the over-ground space. However, the vertical development is known to be highly vulnerable to earthquake hazard. The revised Indonesian seismic map has increased the seismic load in most of the seismic zones in Indonesia. To create a safe and healthy city, a comprehensive urban planning and design is required. A good urban planning and code-based design must also be adopted to assure a safe building structure for the dwellers. This study is intended to observe the possibility of using alternative materials to improve the performance of the existing buildings which have not followed the existing earthquake-resistant building code through the implementation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) wrap on structural members. The strength and ductility enhancements of the columns retrofitted with external confinement using FRP are found when compared with the unconfined control column. The results indicated that the maximum loads of each confined columns have increased by 33.52, 54.97, 36.61, and 40.73 percent, respectively, for columns C-1G, C-1C, C-1RC, and C-1RG. The ductility of columns C-1C and C-1G have increased by 122.73 and 53.30 percent, but decreased by 15.24 and 66.31 for columns C-1RG and C-1RC when compared with the unconfined control column C-1, respectively. This is due to the unintended premature failure at the upper end of the column C-1G and an indication that the secondary fiber direction which was placed vertically has contributed to the longitudinal steel of C-1RC in increasing its capacity

    Inovasi Sambungan Mekanis Menggunakan Clamp Baja Untuk Tulangan Beton

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    Pertumbuhan perkotaan di Indonesia beberapa waktu terkakhir cenderung lebih mengarah pada overground space. Hal ini disebabkan karena populasi penduduk perkotaan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dan tidak sebanding dengan lahan yang tersedia. Banyaknya bangunan tinggi dan gedung pencakar langit juga menandai fenomena tersebut. Namun, bangunan tinggi dan gedung pencakar langit memiliki potensi terhadap bahaya gempa bumi, lebih lagi Indonesia adalah termasuk wilayah yang rawan terjadi gempa bumi. Dalam perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa dua hal pokok yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kekuatan dan daktilitas. Kemampuan berdeformasi dan kekuatan pada sambungan antar tulangan menjadi pertimbangan dalam desain struktur tahan gempa. Dari hasil pengujian tarik clamp baja untuk sambungan mekanik tulangan D13 diperoleh yield strength 270.69 Mpa, ultimate tensile strength 351.45 Mpa dan beban maksimum 4757 kg serta elongation 40%. Sedangkan untuk sambungan mekanik tulangan D16 diperoleh yield strength 217.80 Mpa, ultimate tensile strength 327.605 Mpa dan beban maksimum 6717 kg serta elongation 32%. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 (dua) buah clamp baja. Namun, untuk memeperoleh hasil yang lebih baik perlu penambahan jumlah clamp dan peningkatan kualitas material clamp baja

    Pembelajaran Biologi Berbasis Masalah Dengan Metode Inquary Dan Modified Inquary Ditinjau Dari Ketrampilan Proses Sains Dan Sikap Ilmiah Siswa Pada SMP Negeri 3 Pracimamtoro Wonogiri Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan metode inquiry dan modified inqury, keterampilan proses sains, sikap ilmiah siswa dan interaksi diantara ketiganya terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Semoga hasil penelitian ini dapat menambah wawasan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam khususnya pengembangan ilmu biologi serta melengkapi teori yang telah ada. Penelitian eksperimen dengan populasi siswa kelas IX SMPN 3 Pracimantoro Wonogiri. Sampel penelitian diambil sampling yaitu kelas IX A menggunakan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dengan metode inquiry dan kelas IXB menggunakan PBM dengan modified inquiry. Data keterampilan proses sains, dan sikap ilmiah dikumpulkan dengan angket, data prestasi belajar kognitif dikumpulkan dengan test. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji Anava desain faktorial 2 x 2 x 2 dengan menggunakan software komputer SPSS 17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : (1) Prestasi kognitif lebih tinggi pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan metode inquiry dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 84,31; dibandingkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan modified inquiry dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 77,97; (2) Prestasi kognitif, lebih tinggi pada siswa berketerampilan proses sains tinggi dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 86,93; dibandingkan dengan siswa berketerampilan proses sains rendah dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 76,03; (3) Prestasi kognitif, lebih tinggi pada siswa dengan sikap ilmiah tinggi dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 87,30; dibandingkan dengan siswa dengan sikap ilmiah rendah dengan rata-rata nilai kognitif 75,71; (4) tidak terdapat interaksi antara Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah dengan metode inquiry dan modified inquiry, keterampilan proses sains dan sikap ilmiah siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa

    Penilaian Kondisi Bangunan Gedung Sekolah Dasar Negeri Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Se-Kabupaten Madiun

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    Facilities and infrastructure are important elements to achieve the successful education and teaching process. The procurement of adequate and standardized buildings become an effort to comply with the minimum standards of infrastructure required by the government. This study focus on conducting an analyzis the damage level at State Primary School (SDN) buildings in Madiun regency.Building condition assessment conducted through a direct surveys and then proceed by weighting the data to obtain the level of damage categorized as good, minor, moderate and heavily damaged . Among the 431 of state primary school buildings surveyed, 36.53% of the classrooms in a minor damage while 25.42% others considered heavily damaged. For the teacher's office, 38.04% were in a minor damage, while 23.23% others considered heavily damaged. For  the library buildings, 38.14% of them considered in a minor damage and 24.53% others heavily damaged. For teacher latrines condition, 49.53% of teacher latrines considered heavily damaged, while 24.03% were moderate damage. While 49.82% of student latrines were heavily damaged and 23.49% others considered in a moderate damage.From the assessment, it can be concluded that the latrines facility repairment, both for teachers and students, should become top priority for the local government in the implementation of school quality improvement programs.buildings condition, level of damage, primary school buildingFacilities and infrastructure are important elements to achieve the successful education and teaching process. The procurement of adequate and standardized buildings become an effort to comply with the minimum standards of infrastructure required by the government. This study focus on conducting an analyzis the damage level at State Primary School (SDN) buildings in Madiun regency.Building condition assessment conducted through a direct surveys and then proceed by weighting the data to obtain the level of damage categorized as good, minor, moderate and heavily damaged . Among the 431 of state primary school buildings surveyed, 36.53% of the classrooms in a minor damage while 25.42% others considered heavily damaged. For the teacher's office, 38.04% were in a minor damage, while 23.23% others considered heavily damaged. For  the library buildings, 38.14% of them considered in a minor damage and 24.53% others heavily damaged. For teacher latrines condition, 49.53% of teacher latrines considered heavily damaged, while 24.03% were moderate damage. While 49.82% of student latrines were heavily damaged and 23.49% others considered in a moderate damage.From the assessment, it can be concluded that the latrines facility repairment, both for teachers and students, should become top priority for the local government in the implementation of school quality improvement programs. buildings condition, level of damage, primary school building <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis


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    Repairing the Strength and Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Column That Got Earthquake using Gla­ss Fiber Reinforced Polymer. This study aims to identify the additional strength and ductility of reinforced concrete columns af­ter being re­­­­tro­fitted using glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and got the brunt of the earth­quake. This study uses two objects tested columns, which are being tested for three times. Each column size is 350 x 350 x 1100 mm with f'c = 20.34 MPa and fy = 549.94 MPa. The tes­t­ing is performed by giving a constant axial load of 748 kN and cyclic lateral load using con­trol displacement method in order to simulate the brunt of earth­quake. The results show an in­crea­se in lateral capacity of co­lumn by 43.96%. Re­tro­­fitting the column with GFRP has a duc­tile property, which is shown by the increase of the displacement ductility by 129.14% and curvature ductility by 118.27%. Penelitian ini ber­tujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan kekuatan dan dak­ti­li­­­­tas kolom beton bertulang se­telah diretrofit menggunakan glass fiber reinforced po­ly­­­mer (GFRP) dan mendapat be­ban gempa. Penelitian ini menggunakan benda ­uji dua buah kolom dengan tiga kali pengujian. Masing-masing ukuran kolom 350 x 350 x 1100 mm dengan f’c = 20,34 MPa dan fy = 549,94 MPa. Pengujian dilakukan de­ngan memberikan beban ak­sial konstan 748 kN dan beban lateral siklik yang meng­gu­nakan metode di­splacemet con­trol untuk mensimulasikan beban gempa. Hasil pe­ne­­­litian menunjukkan pe­ningkatan kapasitas lateral pada kolom sebesar 43,96%. Retrofit kolom dengan GFRP bersifat dak­tail yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya daktilitas per­pindahan sebesar 129,14% dan dak­­­tilitas kurvatur se­besar 118,27%

    Social Protests as Constitutional Interpretation

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    This research deals with a parcel of the protests that have been taking place over the last few years, particularly since 2010: those protests in which the protesters, instead of rebelling against the legitimacy of the system, have preferred to accept the regimes remaining in place and consequently have manifested their discontent via playing by the constitutional rules of the game. Although governmental responses have varied in degree, in the end they have all focused on limiting the right of the people to publicly assemble and express their views. As this work contends, when governments restrict protests (sometimes violently doing so) they ignore the fact that protests involve the exercise of rights and arbitrarily restrict the voices that shape constitutional understanding. By resorting to a mixture of theoretical and comparative approaches, this thesis argues that protests which manifest their acceptance of the regimes remaining in place have, when dealing with matters a lot of people care a lot, the potential of becoming popular interpretations of constitutions. The thesis is composed of three main argumentative lines. The first argumentative line rests on the sociology of social movements and from there proposes some conceptual definitions as to what playing by the rules means to social protests. The second argumentative line builds on a comparative analysis to show what constitutional rights are (usually) involved in protecting social protests and what other rights should be considered in enhancing that protection. Finally, the third argumentative line explains that accepting the regimes remaining in place poses politico-constitutional duties on both sides, that of the citizens and that of institutions. Whereas citizens find themselves committed to submitting their popular understandings to institutions, institutions are bound to open their venues and dialogue with (and not merely to be, depending on circumstances, influenced by) these popular contentions

    Meningkatkan Penjualan Produk Olahan Ikan Lele Dimasa Pandemi Dengan Teknologi Pengemasan dan Penjualan Online Di Desa Cogreg Parung Bogor

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    Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan ini berjudul strategi meningkatkan penjualan produk olahan ikan lele dimasa pandemi dengan teknologi pengemasan dan penjualan online di desa Cogreg kecamatan Parung, Bogor. Tujuan umum dilakukannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini ialah memberikan informasi, pengetahuan dan pelatihan berkelanjutan khususnya dibidang strategi pemasaran dalam industri rumahan pengolahan lele. Metode yang dipakai merupakan metode survey dan pemaparan materi secara langsung(tatap muka) serta simulasi dan juga diskusi mengenai meningkatkan daya tarik produk dipasaran agar meningkatkan penjualan dan respon positif konsumen, Kesimpulan output yang akan dihasilkan dari pemecahan masalah yang diambil akan memberikan pengetahuan yang bersifat dasar bagi UKM Kemuning Mandiri yang akan membantu para anggotannya memaksimalkan potensi yang dimiliki oleh produk olahan ikan lele, sehingga tujuan akhir mewujudkan kesejahteraan bagi anggotanya dan masyarakat sekitar dapat terwujud. Kata Kunci: Strategi Pemasaran; UKM; Kesejahteraan Masyarakat 

    "Los reflejos de los hombres son oscuros reflejos" : Una interpretación postestructuralista del mito de Medusa y Perseo

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    En la siguiente comunicación intentaremos aproximarnos al concepto de simulacro o phantasma tal como aparece en Platón a partir del mito de Perseo y la Medusa. Para ello, seguiremos de cerca la interpretación que hace Vernant en “El espejo de Medusa” y algunos conceptos de la filosofía de Deleuze y Guattari. El objetivo es trazar una relación entre la idea de rostro, significación y representación, por un lado, y, por el otro, entre sin-rostro, simulacro y muerte, por el otro. Nuestra hipótesis es que Medusa representa en la mitología griega el concepto de phantasma platónico, desarrollando en el mito la tradición problemática de la representación. En la medida en que nadie puede ver el rostro de Medusa, el monstruo siempre aparece bajo una representación sin modelo, una copia en donde el modelo está ausente. De esta forma, el mito se anticipa las conclusiones de Sofista. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    "Los reflejos de los hombres son oscuros reflejos" : Una interpretación postestructuralista del mito de Medusa y Perseo

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    En la siguiente comunicación intentaremos aproximarnos al concepto de simulacro o phantasma tal como aparece en Platón a partir del mito de Perseo y la Medusa. Para ello, seguiremos de cerca la interpretación que hace Vernant en “El espejo de Medusa” y algunos conceptos de la filosofía de Deleuze y Guattari. El objetivo es trazar una relación entre la idea de rostro, significación y representación, por un lado, y, por el otro, entre sin-rostro, simulacro y muerte, por el otro. Nuestra hipótesis es que Medusa representa en la mitología griega el concepto de phantasma platónico, desarrollando en el mito la tradición problemática de la representación. En la medida en que nadie puede ver el rostro de Medusa, el monstruo siempre aparece bajo una representación sin modelo, una copia en donde el modelo está ausente. De esta forma, el mito se anticipa las conclusiones de Sofista. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació