4,409 research outputs found

    Structural and spectroscopic characterisation of C4 oxygenates relevant to structure/activity relationships of the hydrogenation of α,ÎČ-unsaturated carbonyls

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    In the present work, we have investigated the conformational isomerism and calculated the vibrational spectra of the C4 oxygenates: 3-butyne-2-one, 3-butene-2-one, 2-butanone and 2-butanol using density functional theory. The calculations are validated by comparison to structural data where available and new, experimental inelastic neutron scattering and infrared spectra of the compounds. We find that for 3-butene-2-one and 2-butanol the spectra show clear evidence for the presence of conformational isomerism and this is supported by the calculations. Complete vibrational assignments for all four molecules are provided and this provides the essential information needed to generate structure/activity relationships for the sequential catalytic hydrogenation of 3-butyne-2-one to 2-butanol

    Inelastic neutron scattering studies of methyl chloride synthesis over alumina

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    Not only is alumina the most widely used catalyst support material in the world, it is also an important catalyst in its own right. One major chemical process that uses alumina in this respect is the industrial production of methyl chloride. This is a large scale process (650 000 metric tons in 2010 in the United States), and a key feedstock in the production of silicones that are widely used as household sealants. In this Account, we show how, in partnership with conventional spectroscopic and reaction testing methods, inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectroscopy can provide additional insight into the active sites present on the catalyst, as well as the intermediates present on the catalyst surface.<p></p> INS spectroscopy is a form of vibrational spectroscopy, where the spectral features are dominated by modes involving hydrogen. Because of this, most materials including alumina are largely transparent to neutrons. Advantageously, in this technique, the entire “mid-infrared”, 0–4000 cm<sup>–1</sup>, range is accessible; there is no cut-off at 1400 cm<sup>–1</sup> as in infrared spectroscopy. It is also straightforward to distinguish fundamental modes from overtones and combinations. <p></p> A key parameter in the catalyst’s activity is the surface acidity. In infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine, the shifts in the ring stretching modes are dependent on the strength of the acid site. However, there is a very limited spectral range available. We discuss how we can observe the low energy ring deformation modes of adsorbed pyridine by INS spectroscopy. These modes can undergo shifts that are as large as those seen with infrared inspectroscopy, potentially enabling finer discrimination between acid sites. <p></p> Surface hydroxyls play a key role in alumina catalysis, but in infrared spectroscopy, the presence of electrical anharmonicity complicates the interpretation of the O–H stretch region. In addition, the deformations lie below the infrared cut-off. Both of these limitations are irrelevant to INS spectroscopy, and all the modes are readily observable. When we add HCl to the catalyst surface, the acid causes changes in the spectra. We can then deduce both that the surface chlorination leads to enhanced Lewis acidity and that the hydroxyl group must be threefold coordinated. <p></p> When we react η-alumina with methanol, the catalyst forms a chemisorbed methoxy species. Infrared spectroscopy clearly shows its presence but also indicates the possible coexistence of a second species. Because of INS spectroscopy’s ability to discriminate between fundamental modes and combinations, we were able to unambiguously show that there is a single intermediate present on the surface of the active catalyst. This work represents a clear example where an understanding of the chemistry at the molecular level can help rationalize improvements in a large scale industrial process with both financial and environmental benefits. <p></p&gt

    Structure/activity relationships applied to the hydrogenation of α,ÎČ-unsaturated carbonyls: The hydrogenation of 3-butyne-2-one over alumina-supported palladium catalysts

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    The gas phase hydrogenation of 3-butyne-2-one, an alkynic ketone, over two alumina-supported palladium catalysts is investigated using infrared spectroscopy in a batch reactor at 373 K. The mean particle size of the palladium crystallites of the two catalysts are comparable (2.4 ± 0.1 nm). One catalyst (Pd(NO3)2/Al2O3) is prepared from a palladium(II) nitrate precursor, whereas the other catalyst (PdCl2/Al2O3) is prepared using palladium(II) chloride as the Pd precursor compound. A three-stage sequential process is observed with the Pd(NO3)2/Al2O3 catalyst facilitating complete reduction all the way through to 2-butanol. However, hydrogenation stops at 2-butanone with the PdCl2/Al2O3 catalyst. The inability of the PdCl2/Al2O3 catalyst to reduce 2-butanone is attributed to the inaccessibility of edge sites on this catalyst, which are blocked by chlorine retention originating from the catalyst’s preparative process. The reaction profiles observed for the hydrogenation of this alkynic ketone are consistent with the site-selective chemistry recently reported for the hydrogenation of crotonaldehyde, an alkenic aldehyde, over the same two catalysts. Thus, it is suggested that a previously postulated structure/activity relationship may be generic for the hydrogenation of α,ÎČ-unsaturated carbonyl compounds over supported Pd catalysts

    Neutron spectroscopy as a tool in catalytic science

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    Catalytic science currently has access to a range of advanced experimental methods for the study of molecular behaviour in chemical processes. Neutron spectroscopy, however, is uniquely placed to gain detailed insight into such systems, particularly through techniques such as vibrational spectroscopy with neutrons (INS) which gives access to vibrational modes unavailable to conventional spectroscopy techniques, and quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) which studies molecular motion on a range of timescales. The present article illustrates the role of these techniques in advancing the field of catalysis. We first provide a brief introduction to the basic principles of the techniques, and then discuss their use in the study of three key catalytic systems: the behaviour of hydrocarbons confined in zeolite catalysts; the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process; and methane reforming. We demonstrate the importance of neutron spectroscopy in understanding established catalytic processes, but also consider its role in the design of future catalytic systems

    The application of inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the interaction of methyl propanoate with silica

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    A modern industrial route for the manufacture of methyl methacrylate involves the reaction of methyl propanoate and formaldehyde over a silica-supported Cs catalyst. Although the process has been successfully commercialised, little is known about the surface interactions responsible for the forward chemistry. This work concentrates upon the interaction of methyl propanoate over a representative silica. A combination of infrared spectroscopy, inelastic neutron scattering, DFT calculations, X-ray diffraction and temperature-programmed desorption is used to deduce how the ester interacts with the silica surface

    The effect of cation substitution on the local coordination of protons in Ba2In1.85M0.15O6H2 (M = In, Ga, Sc and Y)

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    We report on an investigation of the local structure and vibrational dynamics in the brownmillerite-based proton conductors Ba2In1.85M0.15O6H2 with M = In, Ga, Sc and Y. The aim is to determine the effect of the cation (M) substitution on the local coordination environment of the protons. The techniques used are infrared spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scattering. The materials are characterized by two main types of proton sites, denoted as H (1) and H(2), which are featured by different local structures. We establish that the relative population of these two proton sites varies as a function of M. Specifically, it is found that, with respect to Ba2In2O6H2, the relative population of H(1) protons increases upon the substitution of In with any of the three different cations. The strongest effect is observed for M = Ga and Sc, whereas the effect observed for M = Y is minor. This new insight motivates efforts to unravel the mobility of the two types of protons, since then cation modification would offer a rational route for improving the proton conductivity of these types of materials

    Hydrogen partitioning as a function of time-on-stream for an unpromoted iron-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst applied to CO hydrogenation

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    Sasol Ltd., the EPSRC (award reference EP/P505534/1), and the University of Glasgow are thanked for the provision of a postgraduate studentship (ALD). The STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is thanked for access to neutron beam facilities. The Royal Society is thanked for the provision of an Industry Fellowship (PBW).Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) is employed to examine the evolution of a promoter-free iron-based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst (∌10 g catalyst charge) that is exposed to ambient pressure CO hydrogenation at 623 K for up to 10 days time-on-stream (T-o-S). The longer reaction time is selected to better understand how the formation of a previously described hydrocarbonaceous overlayer corresponds to the catalyst conditioning process. Although the onset of pseudo steady-state reactor performance is observed at approximately 9 h T-o-S, INS establishes that the intensity of the C-H stretching mode of the sp3-hybridized component of the hydrocarbonaceous overlayer saturates at about 24 h T-o-S, while the corresponding intensity of the C-H stretching mode of the sp2-hybridized component requires 100-200 h T-o-S to achieve saturation. This novel series of measurements reveal different aspects of the complex catalyst evolutionary process to be indirectly connected with catalytic turnover.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The use of direct geometry spectrometers in molecular spectroscopy

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    The advantages and disadvantages of the use of direct geometry spectrometers for molecular spectroscopy and catalysis studies are described. We show that both direct and indirect geometry INS spectrometers are important tools for the study of industrially relevant areas such as catalysis, proton conductors and gas separation. We propose a novel hybrid instrument, Cerberus, that would offer high sensitivity and high-to-reasonable resolution across the entire 'mid-infrared' spectral range that would effectively advance research in these areas

    A new capacitive sensor for displacement measurement in a surface force apparatus

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    We present a new capacitive sensor for displacement measurement in a Surface Forces Apparatus (SFA) which allows dynamical measurements in the range of 0-100 Hz. This sensor measures the relative displacement between two macroscopic opaque surfaces over periods of time ranging from milliseconds to in principle an indefinite period, at a very low price and down to atomic resolution. It consists of a plane capacitor, a high frequency oscillator, and a high sensitivity frequency to voltage conversion. We use this sensor to study the nanorheological properties of dodecane confined between glass surfaces.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure
