1,032 research outputs found

    Particle tunneling through a polarizable insulator

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    The tunneling probability between two leads connected by a molecule, a chain, a film, or a bulk polarizable insulator is investigated within a model of an electron tunneling from lead A to a state higher in energy, describing the barrier, and from there to lead B. To describe the possibility of energy exchange with excitations of the molecule or the insulator we couple the intermediate state to a single oscillator or to a spectrum of these, respectively. In the single-oscillator case we find for weak coupling that the tunneling is weakly suppressed by a Debye-Waller-type factor. For stronger coupling the oscillator gets 'stiff' and we observe a suppression of tunneling since the effective barrier is increased. The probability for the electron to excite the oscillator increases with the coupling. In the case of a film, or a bulk barrier the behavior is qualitatively the same as in the single oscillator case. An insulating chain, as opposed to a film or a bulk connecting the two leads,shows an 'orthogonality catastrophe' similar to that of an electronic transition in a Fermi gas.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Phylogenetic diversity of insecticolous fusaria inferred from multilocus DNA sequence data and their molecular identification via FUSARIUM-ID and Fusarium MLST

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    We constructed several multilocus DNA sequence datasets to assess the phylogenetic diversity of insecticolous fusaria, especially focusing on those housed at the Agricultural Research Service Collection of Entomopathogenic Fungi (ARSEF), and to aid molecular identifications of unknowns via the FUSARIUM-ID and Fusarium MLST online databases and analysis packages. Analyses of a 190-taxon, two-locus dataset, which included 159 isolates from insects, indicated that: (i) insect-associated fusaria were nested within 10 species complexes spanning the phylogenetic breadth of Fusarium, (ii) novel, putatively unnamed insecticolous species were nested within 8/10 species complexes and (iii) Latin binomials could be applied with confidence to only 18/58 phylogenetically distinct fusaria associated with pest insects. Phylogenetic analyses of an 82-taxon, three-locus dataset nearly fully resolved evolutionary relationships among the 10 clades containing insecticolous fusaria. Multilocus typing of isolates within four species complexes identified surprisingly high genetic diversity in that 63/65 of the fusaria typed represented newly discovered haplotypes. The DNA sequence data, together with corrected ABI sequence chromatograms and alignments, have been uploaded to the following websites dedicated to identifying fusaria: FUSARIUM-ID (http://isolate.fusariumdb.org) a

    Suppression of the structural phase transition and lattice softening in slightly underdoped Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2 with electronic phase separation

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    We present x-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and neutron diffraction measurements on the slightly underdoped iron pnictide superconductor Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2, Tc = 32K. Below the magnetic transition temperature Tm = 70K, both techniques show an additional broadening of the nuclear Bragg peaks, suggesting a weak structural phase transition. However, macroscopically the system does not break its tetragonal symmetry down to 15 K. Instead, XRPD patterns at low temperature reveal an increase of the anisotropic microstrain proportionally in all directions. We associate this effect with the electronic phase separation, previously observed in the same material, and with the effect of lattice softening below the magnetic phase transition. We employ density functional theory to evaluate the distribution of atomic positions in the presence of dopant atoms both in the normal and magnetic states, and to quantify the lattice softening, showing that it can account for a major part of the observed increase of the microstrain.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Novel Synthesis and High Pressure Behavior of Na0.3CoO2 x 1.3 H2O and Related Phases

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    We have prepared powder samples of NaxCoO2 x yH2O using a new synthesis route. Superconductivity was observed in Na0.3CoO2 x 1.3H2O between 4 and 5K as indicated by the magnetic susceptibility. The bulk compressibilities of Na0.3CoO2 x 1.3H2O, Na0.3CoO2 x 0.6H2O and Na0.3CoO2 were determined using a diamond anvil cell and synchrotron powder diffraction. Chemical changes occurring under pressure when using different pressure transmitting media are discussed and further transport measurements are advocated.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, PRrapid submitte

    Temperature-Dependent Pseudogaps in Colossal Magnetoresistive Oxides

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    Direct electronic structure measurements of a variety of the colossal magnetoresistive oxides show the presence of a pseudogap at the Fermi energy E_F which drastically suppresses the electron spectral function at E_F. The pseudogap is a strong function of the layer number of the samples (sample dimensionality) and is strongly temperature dependent, with the changes beginning at the ferromagnetic transition temperature T_c. These trends are consistent with the major transport trends of the CMR oxides, implying a direct relationship between the pseudogap and transport, including the "colossal" conductivity changes which occur across T_c. The k-dependence of the temperature-dependent effects indicate that the pseudogap observed in these compounds is not due to the extrinsic effects proposed by Joynt.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Antidepressants have complex associations with longitudinal depressive burden in bipolar disorder

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    Aims: Antidepressants are common in bipolar disorder (BD), but controversial due to questionable efficacy/tolerability. We assessed baseline antidepressant use/depression associations in BD. Methods: Stanford BD Clinic outpatients, enrolled during 2000\u20132011, assessed with the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for BD (STEP-BD) Affective Disorders Evaluation, were monitored up to two years with the STEP-BD Clinical Monitoring Form while receiving naturalistic expert treatment. Prevalence/correlates of baseline antidepressant use in recovered (euthymic 658 weeks)/depressed patients were assessed. Kaplan\u2013Meier survival analyses assessed times to depressive recurrence/recovery in patients with/without baseline antidepressant use, and Cox Proportional Hazard regression analyses assessed covariate effects. Results: Baseline antidepressant use was significantly (albeit without Bonferroni multiple comparison correction) less among 105 recovered (31.4%) versus 153 depressed (44.4%) patients, and among recovered patients (again without Bonferroni correction), associated with Caucasian race, earlier onset, worse Clinical Global Impression scores, and hastened depressive recurrence (only if mood elevation episodes were not censored), driven by lifetime anxiety disorder, and more (even with Bonferroni correction) bipolar II disorder, lifetime anxiety and eating disorders, and core psychotropics. Baseline antidepressant use among depressed patients was associated with significantly (again without Bonferroni correction) older age, female gender, and more (even with Bonferroni correction) anxiolytics/hypnotics, complex pharmacotherapy, and core psychotropics, but no other unfavorable illness characteristic/current mood symptom, and not time to depressive recovery. Limitations: Tertiary BD clinic referral sample receiving open naturalistic expert treatment. Analyses without/with Bonferroni correction. Conclusions: Additional research is required to assess the complex associations between baseline antidepressant use and longitudinal depressive burden in BD

    Study of High-Spin States and Three-Quasiparticle (p,Ï€) Transitions on Light Targets

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    Weak Localization Effect in Superconductors by Radiation Damage

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    Large reductions of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{c} and the accompanying loss of the thermal electrical resistivity (electron-phonon interaction) due to radiation damage have been observed for several A15 compounds, Chevrel phase and Ternary superconductors, and NbSe2\rm{NbSe_{2}} in the high fluence regime. We examine these behaviors based on the recent theory of weak localization effect in superconductors. We find a good fitting to the experimental data. In particular, weak localization correction to the phonon-mediated interaction is derived from the density correlation function. It is shown that weak localization has a strong influence on both the phonon-mediated interaction and the electron-phonon interaction, which leads to the universal correlation of TcT_{c} and resistance ratio.Comment: 16 pages plus 3 figures, revtex, 76 references, For more information, Plesse see http://www.fen.bilkent.edu.tr/~yjki

    Kondo effect in systems with dynamical symmetries

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    This paper is devoted to a systematic exposure of the Kondo physics in quantum dots for which the low energy spin excitations consist of a few different spin multiplets ∣SiMi>|S_{i}M_{i}>. Under certain conditions (to be explained below) some of the lowest energy levels ESiE_{S_{i}} are nearly degenerate. The dot in its ground state cannot then be regarded as a simple quantum top in the sense that beside its spin operator other dot (vector) operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} are needed (in order to fully determine its quantum states), which have non-zero matrix elements between states of different spin multiplets ≠0 \ne 0. These "Runge-Lenz" operators do not appear in the isolated dot-Hamiltonian (so in some sense they are "hidden"). Yet, they are exposed when tunneling between dot and leads is switched on. The effective spin Hamiltonian which couples the metallic electron spin s{\bf s} with the operators of the dot then contains new exchange terms, Jns⋅RnJ_{n} {\bf s} \cdot {\bf R}_{n} beside the ubiquitous ones Jis⋅SiJ_{i} {\bf s}\cdot {\bf S}_{i}. The operators Si{\bf S}_{i} and Rn{\bf R}_{n} generate a dynamical group (usually SO(n)). Remarkably, the value of nn can be controlled by gate voltages, indicating that abstract concepts such as dynamical symmetry groups are experimentally realizable. Moreover, when an external magnetic field is applied then, under favorable circumstances, the exchange interaction involves solely the Runge-Lenz operators Rn{\bf R}_{n} and the corresponding dynamical symmetry group is SU(n). For example, the celebrated group SU(3) is realized in triple quantum dot with four electrons.Comment: 24 two-column page
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