5,483 research outputs found

    Size Dependence of Metal-Insulator Transition in Stoichiometric Fe3O4 Nanocrystals

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    Magnetite (Fe3O4) is one of the most actively studied materials with a famous metal-insulator transition (MIT), so-called the Verwey transition at around 123 K. Despite the recent progress in synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4 nanocrystals (NCs), it is still an open question how the Verwey transition changes on a nanometer scale. We herein report the systematic studies on size dependence of the Verwey transition of stoichiometric Fe3O4 NCs. We have successfully synthesized stoichiometric and uniform-sized Fe3O4 NCs with sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm. These stoichiometric Fe3O4 NCs show the Verwey transition when they are characterized by conductance, magnetization, cryo-XRD, and heat capacity measurements. The Verwey transition is weakly size-dependent and becomes suppressed in NCs smaller than 20 nm before disappearing completely for less than 6 nm, which is a clear, yet highly interesting indication of a size effect of this well-known phenomena. Our current work will shed new light on this ages-old problem of Verwey transition.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Nano Letters (accepted

    Structural Relaxation, Self Diffusion and Kinetic Heterogeneity in the Two Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas

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    We present Monte Carlo simulation results on the equilibrium relaxation dynamics in the two dimensional lattice Coulomb gas, where finite fraction ff of the lattice sites are occupied by positive charges. In the case of high order rational values of ff close to the irrational number 1g1-g (g(51)/2g\equiv(\sqrt{5} -1)/2 is the golden mean), we find that the system exhibits, for wide range of temperatures above the first-order transition, a glassy behavior resembling the primary relaxation of supercooled liquids. Single particle diffusion and structural relaxation show that there exists a breakdown of proportionality between the time scale of diffusion and that of structural relaxation analogous to the violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled liquids. Suitably defined dynamic cooperativity is calculated to exhibit the characteristic nature of dynamic heterogeneity present in the system.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    Flexible IZO/Ag/IZO/Ag multilayer electrode grown on a polyethylene terephthalate substrate using roll-to-roll sputtering

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    We investigated the optical, electrical, structural, and surface properties of roll-to-roll [R2R] sputter-grown flexible IZO/Ag/IZO/Ag [IAIA] multilayer films on polyethylene terephthalate substrates as a function of the top indium zinc oxide [IZO] thickness. It was found that the optical transmittance of the IAIA multilayer was significantly influenced by the top IZO layer thickness, which was grown on identical AIA multilayers. However, the sheet resistance of the IAIA multilayer was maintained between the range 5.01 to 5.1 Ω/square regardless of the top IZO thickness because the sheet resistance of the IAIA multilayer was mainly dependent on the thickness of the Ag layers. Notably, the optimized IAIA multilayer had a constant resistance change (ΔR/R0) under repeated outer bending tests with a radius of 10 mm. The mechanical integrity of the R2R-sputtered IAIA multilayer indicated that hybridization of an IZO and Ag metal layer is a promising flexible electrode scheme for the next-generation flexible optoelectronics

    Rapid induction of p21WAF1 but delayed down-regulation of Cdc25A in the TGF-β-induced cell cycle arrest of gastric carcinoma cells

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    Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional polypeptide that inhibits cellular proliferation in most epithelial cells. cdk4 and several cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) inhibitors (p15(INK4B), p21(WAFI/Cip1) and p27(Kip1)) have been implicated in the TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest. More recently, down-regulation of Cdc25A, a cdk activator, was additionally suggested as a mechanism underlying growth inhibition by TGF-beta. The existence of diverse cellular mediators, of TGF-beta, however, raises the question of whether their involvement might occur in a redundant manner or coordinately in a certain cell type. Using two TGF-beta-sensitive gastric carcinoma cell lines (SNU-16 and -620), we addressed the contributory roles of several cdk inhibitors, and of cdk4 and Cdc25A, in TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest by comparing their temporal expression pattern in response to TGF-beta. Among the cdk inhibitors examined, p21 mRNA was most rapidly (in less than 1 h) and prominently induced by TGF-beta. In contrast, p15 mRNA was more slowly induced than p21 in SNU-620: cells, and not expressed in SNU-16 cells harbouring homozygous deletion of p15. Western blotting results confirmed the rapid increase of p21 while opposite patterns of p27 expression were observed in the two cell lines. The down-regulation of Cdc25A mRNA occurred, but was more delayed than that of p15 or p21. Until G1 arrest was established, changes in the protein levels of both Cdc25A and cdk4 were marginal. Co-immunoprecipitation with anti-cdk4 antibody showed that induced p21 associates with cdk4, and that its kinase activity is reduced by TGF-beta, which kinetically correlates closely with G1 arrest following TGF-beta treatment of both cell lines. These results suggest that in certain human epithelial cells, p21 may play an early role in TGF-beta-induced cell cycle arrest, and its cooperation with other cdk inhibitors is different depending on cell type. Delayed down-regulation of Cdc25A and cdk4 may contribute to cell adaptation to the quiescent state in the two gastric carcinoma cell lines studied

    Band gap opening by two-dimensional manifestation of Peierls instability in graphene

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    Using first-principles calculations of graphene having high-symmetry distortion or defects, we investigate band gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking, or intervalley mixing, in graphene and show an intuitive picture of understanding the gap opening in terms of local bonding and antibonding hybridizations. We identify that the gap opening by chiral symmetry breaking in honeycomb lattices is an ideal two-dimensional (2D) extension of the Peierls metal-insulator transition in 1D linear lattices. We show that the spontaneous Kekule distortion, a 2D version of the Peierls distortion, takes place in biaxially strained graphene, leading to structural failure. We also show that the gap opening in graphene antidots and armchair nanoribbons, which has been attributed usually to quantum confinement effects, can be understood with the chiral symmetry breaking

    Low frequency current noise of the single-electron shuttle

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    Coupling between electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom in a single electron shuttle system can cause a mechanical instability leading to shuttle transport of electrons between external leads. We predict that the resulting low frequency current noise can be enhanced due to amplitude fluctuations of the shuttle oscillations. Moreover, at the onset of mechanical instability a pronounced peak in the low frequency noise is expected.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Modelling of ICRH-heated Ramp-up Phases at ASDEX Upgr ade in KSTAR Exper imental Conditions

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    Intr oduction Steady state operation of a fusion device is one of key issues to develop an economically viable fusion power plant. This issue is more critical for the tokamak-based fusion power plant due to the inherent pulsed operation property of tokamaks. In this context, one of research objectives of the KSTAR tokamak is set to establish a steady state operation scenario as a step toward an attractive tokamak fusion reactor [1]. ITER also sets one of its goals to build up steady state operation scenarios with Q = 5 at reduced plasma current. The hybrid mode or reversed shear mode can be considered as strong candidates for the steady state operation scenario. It usually exhibits high bootstrap current owing to high plasma pressure compared with conventional ELMy H-modes. Together with external current drive, fully non-inductive current drive is achievable by this high fraction of bootstrap current. The very core of a subject in hybrid modes and reversed shear modes is how to produce and sustain a flat or reversed q-profile. Generally, these q-profiles are able to be formed by preheating in the plasma current ramp-up phase using external sources. The preheating in the plasma ramp-up phase increases the plasma conductivity and subsequent reduction of the diffusion of the Ohmic current into the centre of the plasma comes up with the flat or reversed q-profile. Apart from NBI (Neutral Beam Injection), ECH (Electron Cyclotron Heating) and LHCD (Lower Hybrid Current Drive), the effect of ICRH (Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating) for the preheating has not been investigated systematically in tokamak devices. In this paper, predictive modelling of ramp-up scenarios with ICRH is performed using the ASTRA code [2] to investigate the effect of ICRH on the evolution of the q-profile during the current ramp-up phase at ASDEX Upgrade in preparation of KSTAR steady state operation scenario development

    Asia Oceania Guidelines for the Implementation of Programs for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control

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    This paper aims to provide evidence-based recommendations for health professionals, to develop a comprehensive cervical cancer program for a clinic, a community, or a country. Ensuring access to healthcare is the responsibility of all societies, and the Asia Oceania Research Organisation in Genital Infections and Neoplasia (AOGIN) is committed to working collaboratively with governments and health professionals to facilitate prevention programs, to protect girls and women from cervical cancer, a disease that globally affects 500,000 and kills nearly 300,000 women annually, just over half of whom are in the Asia Oceania region. We share the vision that a comprehensive program of vaccination, screening, and treatment should be made accessible to all girls and women in the world. The primary purpose of these guidelines is to provide information on scientific evidence on the different modalities and approaches of cervical cancer prevention programs, for high resource and low resource settings. The secondary purpose is to provide an overview of the current situation of cervical cancer control and prevention in various Asian Oceania countries: their views of an ideal program, identified obstacles, and suggestions to overcome them are discussed