596 research outputs found

    A Study on Virtual Reality Storytelling by Story Authoring Tool Algorithm

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    The objective of this study was to examine the storytelling principles of virtual reality contents, which are recently grabbing much attention, and the patterns of their generation rules and, based on the results, to analyze the elements and structure of a storytelling method suitable for virtual reality contents. In virtual reality environment, a story is usually being generated between choices made by a user who behaves autonomously under simulated environmental factors and the environmental constraints. This corresponds to a mutually complementary role of representation and simulation, which has been hotly discussed in the field of interactive storytelling. This study was conducted based on the assumption that such a mutually complementary realization is ideal for virtual reality storytelling. A simulation-based story authoring tool is a good example that shows this mutual complementation, in that it develops a story through various algorithms which involves the interaction of agents which occur within the strata of a virtual environment. Therefore, it can be a methodology for virtual reality storytelling. The structures and elements of narratives used in virtual reality storytelling which achieve balance of representation and simulation are much similar to an algorithm strategy of a simulation-based story authoring tool. The virtual reality contents released up to now can be classified into four categories based on the two axes of representation and simulation. The study focused on contents which are layered in higher strata of both representation and simulation. In the perspective of representation strata, these contents are actively using such elements as goal, event, action, perception, internal element, outcome, and setting element, which are constituents of ‘Fabula model’, to generate time relations and cause-effect relations. And in the perspective of simulation strata, the use of the ‘Late commitment’ strategy allowed users to understand the meanings of their actions taken during the process of experimenting with various dynamic principles within the environment

    Retrospective Analysis of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation for the Treatment of High-Risk Neuroblastoma

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    Disease relapse after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (APBSCT) is the main cause of treatment failure in high-risk neuroblastoma (NBL). To reduce relapse, various efforts have been made such as CD34+ selection and double APBSCT. Here the authors reviewed the clinical features and outcomes of high-risk NBL patients and analyzed their survival. The medical records of 36 patients with stage III or IV NBL who underwent APBSCT at Seoul National University Children's Hospital between May 1996 and May 2004 were reviewed. Total 46 APBSCTs were performed in 36 patients. Disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival of all patients were 47.7% and 68.8%, respectively. The patients were allocated to three groups according to the APBSCT type. The DFS of CD34+ non-selected single APBSCT patients (N=13), CD34+ selected single APBSCT patients (N=14), and CD34+ selected double APBSCT patients (N=9) were 55.6%, 40.6%, and 50.0%, respectively, which were not significantly different. Thus the survival was not found to be affected by CD34+ selection or transplantation number. To improve long-term survival, various efforts should be made such as chemotherapy dose intensification, more effective tumor purging, and control of minimal residual disease via the use of differentiating and immune-modulating agents

    Cross-domain Sound Recognition for Efficient Underwater Data Analysis

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    This paper presents a novel deep learning approach for analyzing massive underwater acoustic data by leveraging a model trained on a broad spectrum of non-underwater (aerial) sounds. Recognizing the challenge in labeling vast amounts of underwater data, we propose a two-fold methodology to accelerate this labor-intensive procedure. The first part of our approach involves PCA and UMAP visualization of the underwater data using the feature vectors of an aerial sound recognition model. This enables us to cluster the data in a two dimensional space and listen to points within these clusters to understand their defining characteristics. This innovative method simplifies the process of selecting candidate labels for further training. In the second part, we train a neural network model using both the selected underwater data and the non-underwater dataset. We conducted a quantitative analysis to measure the precision, recall, and F1 score of our model for recognizing airgun sounds, a common type of underwater sound. The F1 score achieved by our model exceeded 84.3%, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in analyzing underwater acoustic data. The methodology presented in this paper holds significant potential to reduce the amount of labor required in underwater data analysis and opens up new possibilities for further research in the field of cross-domain data analysis.Comment: Accepted to APSIPA 202

    Improved survival in patients with recurrent Wilms tumor: the experience of the Seoul National University Children's Hospital

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    The survival in cases with relapsed Wilms tumor is dismal. Recently, however the introduction of new therapeutic agents and experimental strategies has improved the survival. We analysed the survival of patients with relapsed Wilms tumor according to the treatment period. During the early period 1983-1993, patients who had received two drugs were treated with doxorubicin and the others were treated with cisplatin and etoposide, whereas during the late period 1994-2004, patients were treated with combinations of cyclophosphamide/etoposide and carboplatin/etoposide. During the early period, 8 of 57 experienced relapse, and 8 of 41 relapsed during the late period. Only 2 patients treated during the early period survived in complete response (CR), whereas during the late period, 5 patients remained alive in CR, and 3 of those received high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) with autologous peripheral stem cell rescue (SCR). The estimated 5 yr event-free survival rate was 37.5% in the entire study group, 50% for patients in the late period, and 25% for patients in the early period (p=0.38). The survival in patients with relapsed Wilms tumor dramatically improved during the late period and HDC with SCR was one of the effective salvage strategies

    Estimating remineralized phosphate and its remineralization rate in the northern East China Sea during Summer 1997 : a snapshot study before Three-Gorges Dam construction

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 27 (2016): 955-963, doi:10.3319/TAO.2016.01.24.01(Oc).The northern East China Sea (a.k.a., “The South Sea”) is a dynamic zone that exerts a variety of effects on the marine ecosystem due to Three-Gorges Dam construction. As the northern East China Sea region is vulnerable to climate forcing and anthropogenic impacts, it is important to investigate how the remineralization rate in the northern East China Sea has changed in response to such external forcing. We used an historical hydrographic dataset from August 1997 to obtain a baseline for future comparison. We estimate the amount of remineralized phosphate by decomposing the physical mixing and biogeochemical process effect using water column measurements (temperature, salinity, and phosphate). The estimated remineralized phosphate column inventory ranged from 0.8 to 42.4 mmol P m-2 (mean value of 15.2 ± 12.0 mmol P m-2). Our results suggest that the Tsushima Warm Current was a strong contributor to primary production during the summer of 1997 in the study area. The estimated summer (June - August) remineralization rate in the region before Three-Gorges Dam construction was 18 ± 14 mmol C m-2 d-1.T. Lee was supported by 2-Year Research Grant of Pusan National University. H.-C. Kim was partly supported by KOPRI project (PG15010). I.-N. Kim was partly supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2015R1C1A1A01052051). K.-T. Park was partly supported by KOPRI project (PE17010). J.-H. Kim was partly supported by the program of “Management of Marine Organisms Causing Ecological Disturbance and Harmful Effects” funded by KIMST/MOF. A.M. Macdonald’s contribution was supported by NOAA grant: #NA110AR4310063 and NSF grant: #OCE-1059881

    Coupling characteristics of surface modes in truncated two-dimensional photonic crystals

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    On 1 February, 1994 the Republic of Austria concluded the Accession Treaty and on 1 January, 1995 became a full member of the European Union. Membership obliged Austrians to ‘provide’ the Community with appropriate personnel to take up different posts in various EU authorities, as well as in the European Parliament. The most important issue was to alter particular statutory regulations and the Austrian Constitution to adjust to the new situation.The paper aims at presenting the Austrian solutions in this matter in the context of European Union law, with particular emphasis on regulations which are uncommon or specific to the Republic of Austria. The matter of interest is the constitutional practice of EU member states and the reader’s perspective is taken into account. The latter approach not only evaluates the Austrian solutions in the context of the electoral law to the European Parliament contained in the Election Code, but could also suggest some ideas in regard to prospective amendments. The authors would, in particular, like to pay attention to two issues: the lowering of the voting age, and the single constituency electoral system. The Austrian solutions might be valuable to refer to in the countries where a system of correspondence voting is just being introduced. These resolutions are particularly interesting taking into consideration prospective, possible amendments to the electoral laws of the EU member states.Republika Austrii, 1 lutego 1994 r. podpisała traktat akcesyjny i z dniem 1 stycznia 1995 r. stała się pełnoprawnym członkiem Unii Europejskiej. Członkostwo zobowiązało Austriaków do “dostarczenia” Wspólnocie odpowiednich osób do objęcia różnych stanowisk w różnych unijnych organach. Nie inaczej było także w przypadku Parlamentu Europejskiego. Ważnym aspektem stało się dostosowanie poszczególnych norm ustawowych i własnej konstytucji do nowych rozwiązań. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest właśnie przedstawianie austriackich rozwiązań w tym temacie na tle rozwiązań europejskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem unormowań rzadko spotykanych lub wręcz odrębności sytemu Republiki Austrii. Rzecz wydaje się być interesująca zarówno z punktu widzenia praktyki ustrojowej państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, jak i z punktu widzenia czytelnika. To drugie podejście pozwoli na ocenę austriackich rozwiązań na tle niedawno wprowadzonej ordynacji wyborczej do PE zawartej w Kodeksie Wyborczym, ale również może podsunąć pewne pomysły, co do przyszłych nowelizacji. Autorzy zwrócili szczególną uwagę na dwa rozwiązania: obniżenie cenzusu wieku czynnego prawa wyborczego oraz jednookręgowy system wyborczy. Austriackie doświadczenia mogą być również pomocne państwom, które wprowadzają możliwość głosowania korespondencyjnego. Są to propozycje szczególnie interesujące z punktu widzenia przyszłych, możliwych nowelizacji systemów wyborczych państw członkowskich

    Zooplankton and micronekton respond to climate fluctuations in the Amundsen Sea polynya, Antarctica

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    The vertical migration of zooplankton and micronekton (hereafter 'zooplankton') has ramifications throughout the food web. Here, we present the first evidence that climate fluctuations affect the vertical migration of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean, based on multi-year acoustic backscatter data from one of the deep troughs in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. High net primary productivity (NPP) and the annual variation in seasonal ice cover make the Amundsen Sea coastal polynya an ideal site in which to examine how zooplankton behavior responds to climate fluctuations. Our observations show that the timing of the seasonal vertical migration and abundance of zooplankton in the seasonally varying sea ice is correlated with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Zooplankton in this region migrate seasonally and overwinter at depth, returning to the surface in spring. During +SAM/La Nina periods, the at-depth overwintering period is shorter compared to -SAM/El Nino periods, and return to the surface layers starts earlier in the year. These differences may result from the higher sea ice cover and decreased NPP during +SAM/La Nina periods. This observation points to a new link between global climate fluctuations and the polar marine food web

    Favorable response to doxorubicin combination chemotherapy does not yield good clinical outcome in patients with metastatic breast cancer with triple-negative phenotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We analyzed the responses to first line treatment and clinical outcomes of metastatic breast cancer patients treated with palliative doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (AC) according to molecular cancer subtype.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A retrospective analysis was performed for 110 metastatic breast cancer patients selected on the basis of palliative AC treatment and the availability of immunohistochemical data for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2/neu) status.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 110 patients analyzed, 71 (64.5%) were hormone receptor positive (HR+), 14 (12.7%) were HER2+, and 25 (22.7%) were triple negative (TN). There were no differences in age, stage at diagnosis, total number of cycles of palliative chemotherapy, incidence of visceral metastasis, and metastatic sites with the exception of liver among breast cancer subtypes. The overall response rates to AC were 55.9% for the HR+ subgroup, 42.9% for the HER2+ subgroup, and 56.5% for the TN subgroup. The progression-free survival (PFS) in patients with HER2+ and TN were significantly shorter than in the HR+ (median PFS, 9.1 <it>vs </it>8.1 <it>vs </it>11.5 months, respectively; p = 0.0002). The overall survival (OS) was 25.4 months in the TN subgroup and 27.3 months in HER2+ subgroup. The median OS for these two groups was significantly shorter than for patients in the HR+ subgroup (median, 38.5 months; 95% CI, 30.1-46.9 months; p < 0.0001).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The response to palliative AC chemotherapy did not differ among breast cancer subtypes. Despite chemosensitivity for palliative AC, the TN subtype has a shorter overall survival than non-TN subtypes. Innovative treatment strategies should be developed to slow the course of disease.</p