8 research outputs found

    Facing infant cuteness: How nurturing care motivation and oxytocin system gene methylation are associated with responses to baby schema features

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    Baby schema features are a specific set of physical features—including chubby cheeks, large, low-set eyes, and a large, round head—that have evolutionary adaptive value in their ability to trigger nurturant care. In this study among nulliparous women (N = 81; M age = 23.60, SD = 0.44), we examined how sensitivity to these baby schema features differs based on individual variations in nurturant care motivation and oxytocin system gene methylation. We integrated subjective ratings with measures of facial expressions and electroencephalography (EEG) in response to infant faces that were manipulated to contain more or less pronounced baby schema features. Linear mixed effects analyses demonstrated that infants with more pronounced baby schema features were rated as cuter and participants indicated greater motivation to take care of them. Furthermore, infants with more pronounced baby schema features elicited stronger smiling responses and enhanced P2 and LPP amplitudes compared to infants with less pronounced baby schema features. Importantly, individual differences significantly predicted baby schema effects. Specifically, women with low OXTR methylation and high nurturance motivation showed enhanced differentiation in automatic neurophysiological responses to infants with high and low levels of baby schema features. These findings highlight the importance of considering individual differences in continued research to further understand the complexities of sensitivity to child cues, including facial features, which will improve our understanding of the intricate neurobiological system that forms the basis of caregiving behavior

    Tactile stimulation interventions: influence of stimulation parameters on sensorimotor behavior and neurophysiological correlates in healthy and clinical samples

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    The pure exposure to extensive tactile stimulation, without the requirement of attention or active training, has been revealed to enhance sensorimotor functioning presumably due to an induction of plasticity in the somatosensory cortex. The induced effects, including increased tactile acuity and manual dexterity have repeatedly been observed in basic as well as clinical research. However, results vary greatly in respect to the strength and direction of the effects on the behavioral and on the brain level. Multiple evidences show that differences in the stimulation protocols (e.g., two vs. multiple stimulation sites) and parameters (e.g., duration, frequency, and amplitude) might contribute to this variability of effects. Nevertheless, stimulation protocols have not been comprehensively compared yet. Identifying favorable parameters for tactile stimulation interventions is especially important because of its possible application as a treatment option for patients suffering from sensory loss, maladaptive plasticity, or certain forms of motor impairment. This review aims to compare the effects of different tactile stimulation protocols and to assess possible implications for tactile interventions. Our goal is to identify ways of optimizing stimulation protocols to improve sensorimotor performance. To this end, we reviewed research on tactile stimulation in the healthy population, with a focus on the effectiveness of the applied parameters regarding psychophysiological measures. We discuss the association of stimulation-induced changes on the behavioral level with alterations in neural representations and response characteristics

    Methylation of oxytocin related genes and early life trauma together shape the N170 response to human faces

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    Childhood trauma fundamentally shapes social cognition and basic processing of social cues, which frequently cascade into adverse behavioral outcomes. Recent studies indicate that epigenetic changes in oxytocin functioning might contribute to these long-term effects, although a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms is still lacking. The electroencephalographic N170 response to faces might capture a neural response at the core of these interactive effects of oxytocin gene methylation and childhood adversity, given that this response is considered to reflect fundamental face processing, to be susceptible to oxytocin administration and also to be a biomarker of various psychiatric disorders. We assessed the N170 response to neutral faces in relation to participant's (81, women) recalled childhood trauma, methylation of their oxytocin structural (OXTg) and oxytocin receptor (OXTRg) genes, and endogenous levels of cortisol and testosterone. Additionally, we investigated the interactive effect of OXTg methylation and CTQ across three face sets of varying maturity. Methylation of OXTg relates to a weakened N170 response towards adults, children and infants. Moreover, methylation of both OXTRg and OXTg shaped the directionality of adversity effects, predicting a weakened N170 response in those with high methylation and hyper-vigilance with participants with low methylation. Our results are the first to relate OXT(R)g methylation to the N170 response. They shed light on biological processes linking childhood adversity and epigenetic marks to altered behavior and potentially psychopathologies

    Oxytocin System Gene Methylation is Associated with Empathic Responses towards Children

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    Empathy is an essential component of sensitive caregiving behavior, which in turn is an important predictor of children's healthy social-emotional development. The oxytocin (OXT) system plays a key role in promoting sensitive parenting and empathy. In this study, we investigated how OXT system gene methylation was associated with empathic processes in nulliparous women (M age = 23.60, SD =0.44)—measuring both physiological facial muscle responses and ratings of compassion and positive affect to affective images depicting children. Linear mixed effects analyses demonstrated that lower methylation levels in the OXT and OXTR genes were related to enhanced empathic responses. The effect of OXT system gene methylation on empathic processes was partly qualified by an interaction with individual variations in women's care motivation. Our findings provide experimental evidence for an association between the methylation of OXT system genes and empathy

    Oxytocin System Gene Methylation is Associated with Empathic Responses towards Children

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    Empathy is an essential component of sensitive caregiving behavior, which in turn is an important predictor of children's healthy social-emotional development. The oxytocin (OXT) system plays a key role in promoting sensitive parenting and empathy. In this study, we investigated how OXT system gene methylation was associated with empathic processes in nulliparous women (M age = 23.60, SD =0.44)—measuring both physiological facial muscle responses and ratings of compassion and positive affect to affective images depicting children. Linear mixed effects analyses demonstrated that lower methylation levels in the OXT and OXTR genes were related to enhanced empathic responses. The effect of OXT system gene methylation on empathic processes was partly qualified by an interaction with individual variations in women's care motivation. Our findings provide experimental evidence for an association between the methylation of OXT system genes and empathy

    Oxytocin System Gene Methylation is Associated with Empathic Responses towards Children

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    Empathy is an essential component of sensitive caregiving behavior, which in turn is an important predictor of children's healthy social-emotional development. The oxytocin (OXT) system plays a key role in promoting sensitive parenting and empathy. In this study, we investigated how OXT system gene methylation was associated with empathic processes in nulliparous women (M age = 23.60, SD =0.44)—measuring both physiological facial muscle responses and ratings of compassion and positive affect to affective images depicting children. Linear mixed effects analyses demonstrated that lower methylation levels in the OXT and OXTR genes were related to enhanced empathic responses. The effect of OXT system gene methylation on empathic processes was partly qualified by an interaction with individual variations in women's care motivation. Our findings provide experimental evidence for an association between the methylation of OXT system genes and empathy

    Methylation of oxytocin related genes and early life trauma together shape the N170 response to human faces

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    Childhood trauma fundamentally shapes social cognition and basic processing of social cues, which frequently cascade into adverse behavioral outcomes. Recent studies indicate that epigenetic changes in oxytocin functioning might contribute to these long-term effects, although a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms is still lacking. The electroencephalographic N170 response to faces might capture a neural response at the core of these interactive effects of oxytocin gene methylation and childhood adversity, given that this response is considered to reflect fundamental face processing, to be susceptible to oxytocin administration and also to be a biomarker of various psychiatric disorders. We assessed the N170 response to neutral faces in relation to participant's (81, women) recalled childhood trauma, methylation of their oxytocin structural (OXTg) and oxytocin receptor (OXTRg) genes, and endogenous levels of cortisol and testosterone. Additionally, we investigated the interactive effect of OXTg methylation and CTQ across three face sets of varying maturity. Methylation of OXTg relates to a weakened N170 response towards adults, children and infants. Moreover, methylation of both OXTRg and OXTg shaped the directionality of adversity effects, predicting a weakened N170 response in those with high methylation and hyper-vigilance with participants with low methylation. Our results are the first to relate OXT(R)g methylation to the N170 response. They shed light on biological processes linking childhood adversity and epigenetic marks to altered behavior and potentially psychopathologies