141 research outputs found

    French Revolutionary Warfare from Indochina to Algeria

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    Pemodelan Inundasi (Banjir Rob) Di Pesisir Kota Semarang Dengan Menggunakan Model Hidrodinamika

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    Fenomena banjir rob yang terjadi di Semarang sudah sangat memprihatinkan, karena banjir ini tidak hanya terjadi pada daerah pesisir pantai saja tetapi sudah menggenangi wilayah pariwisata, pemukiman, maupun industri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung jarak dan luas genangan rob di pesisir Kota Semarang akibat kondisi pasang surut pada saat purnama dan perbani.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga tahap, yaitu pengumpulan data sekunder, pengambilan data lapangan, dan pengolahan data. Pengambilan data lapangan dilakukan di perairan Kota Semarang yang dilaksanakan dari tanggal 5 - 20 Juli 2010 pada koordinat 6052'30”- 6057'30” LS dan 110019'45”-110027'30” BT. Pengolahan data serta proses pemodelan dilakukan di BPPT, Yogyakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa arus di daerah penelitian didominasi oleh arus pasang surut sebesar 74,3%, dimana pergerakannya condong dari arah utara ke selatan dengan kecepatan rata-rata terhadap kedalaman mencapai 0,024 m/s. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis banjir rob (inundasi), jarak terjauh terjadi di kecamatan Genuk yang mencapai 4,295 km dari garis pantai pada saat pasang purnama dan jarak terdekat terjadi di kecamatan Semarang Barat yang mencapai 488,93 m dari garis pantai pada saat pasang perbani. Selain itu berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat luas banjir maksimal terjadi di kecamatan Tugu dengan luas 3450,1 Ha pada saat pasang purnama. Sedangkan wilayah yang paling sedikit terendam terjadi di kecamatan Gayamsari dengan luas 71,228 Ha pada saat pasang perbani. Hasil verifikasi bathimetri mempunyai tingkat kebenaran sekitar 73,69%, pasut sekitar 84,87%, vektor u dan v arus lapangan sekitar 93,58% dan model sekitar 92%

    Experimental study of Taylor's hypothesis in a turbulent soap film

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    An experimental study of Taylor's hypothesis in a quasi-two-dimensional turbulent soap film is presented. A two probe laser Doppler velocimeter enables a non-intrusive simultaneous measurement of the velocity at spatially separated points. The breakdown of Taylor's hypothesis is quantified using the cross correlation between two points displaced in both space and time; correlation is better than 90% for scales less than the integral scale. A quantitative study of the decorrelation beyond the integral scale is presented, including an analysis of the failure of Taylor's hypothesis using techniques from predictability studies of turbulent flows. Our results are compared with similar studies of 3D turbulence.Comment: 27 pages, + 19 figure

    Tropical polyhedra are equivalent to mean payoff games

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    We show that several decision problems originating from max-plus or tropical convexity are equivalent to zero-sum two player game problems. In particular, we set up an equivalence between the external representation of tropical convex sets and zero-sum stochastic games, in which tropical polyhedra correspond to deterministic games with finite action spaces. Then, we show that the winning initial positions can be determined from the associated tropical polyhedron. We obtain as a corollary a game theoretical proof of the fact that the tropical rank of a matrix, defined as the maximal size of a submatrix for which the optimal assignment problem has a unique solution, coincides with the maximal number of rows (or columns) of the matrix which are linearly independent in the tropical sense. Our proofs rely on techniques from non-linear Perron-Frobenius theory.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; v2: updated references, added background materials and illustrations; v3: minor improvements, references update

    Scaling and universality in turbulent convection

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    Anomalous correlation functions of the temperature field in two-dimensional turbulent convection are shown to be universal with respect to the choice of external sources. Moreover, they are equal to the anomalous correlations of the concentration field of a passive tracer advected by the convective flow itself. The statistics of velocity differences is found to be universal, self-similar and close to Gaussian. These results point to the conclusion that temperature intermittency in two-dimensional turbulent convection may be traced back to the existence of statistically preserved structures, as it is in passive scalar turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Statistical geometry in scalar turbulence

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    A general link between geometry and intermittency in passive scalar turbulence is established. Intermittency is qualitatively traced back to events where tracer particles stay for anomalousy long times in degenerate geometries characterized by strong clustering. The quantitative counterpart is the existence of special functions of particle configurations which are statistically invariant under the flow. These are the statistical integrals of motion controlling the scalar statistics at small scales and responsible for the breaking of scale invariance associated to intermittency.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Universality and saturation of intermittency in passive scalar turbulence

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    The statistical properties of a scalar field advected by the non-intermittent Navier-Stokes flow arising from a two-dimensional inverse energy cascade are investigated. The universality properties of the scalar field are directly probed by comparing the results obtained with two different types of injection mechanisms. Scaling properties are shown to be universal, even though anisotropies injected at large scales persist down to the smallest scales and local isotropy is not fully restored. Scalar statistics is strongly intermittent and scaling exponents saturate to a constant for sufficiently high orders. This is observed also for the advection by a velocity field rapidly changing in time, pointing to the genericity of the phenomenon. The persistence of anisotropies and the saturation are both statistical signatures of the ramp-and-cliff structures observed in the scalar field.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Universal decay of scalar turbulence

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    The asymptotic decay of passive scalar fields is solved analytically for the Kraichnan model, where the velocity has a short correlation time. At long times, two universality classes are found, both characterized by a distribution of the scalar -- generally non-Gaussian -- with global self-similar evolution in time. Analogous behavior is found numerically with a more realistic flow resulting from an inverse energy cascade.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to PR

    Dynamical equations for high-order structure functions, and a comparison of a mean field theory with experiments in three-dimensional turbulence

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    Two recent publications [V. Yakhot, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 63}, 026307, (2001) and R.J. Hill, J. Fluid Mech. {\bf 434}, 379, (2001)] derive, through two different approaches that have the Navier-Stokes equations as the common starting point, a set of steady-state dynamic equations for structure functions of arbitrary order in hydrodynamic turbulence. These equations are not closed. Yakhot proposed a "mean field theory" to close the equations for locally isotropic turbulence, and obtained scaling exponents of structure functions and an expression for the tails of the probability density function of transverse velocity increments. At high Reynolds numbers, we present some relevant experimental data on pressure and dissipation terms that are needed to provide closure, as well as on aspects predicted by the theory. Comparison between the theory and the data shows varying levels of agreement, and reveals gaps inherent to the implementation of the theory.Comment: 16 pages, 23 figure

    Intermittency in Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Vortex-like Defects

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    We examine high-order dynamical correlations of defects (vortices, disclinations etc) in thin films starting from the Langevin equation for the defect motion. We demonstrate that dynamical correlation functions F2nF_{2n} of vorticity and disclinicity behave as F2n∌y2/r4nF_{2n}\sim y^2/r^{4n} where rr is the characteristic scale and yy is the fugacity. As a consequence, below the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature F2nF_{2n} are characterized by anomalous scaling exponents. The behavior strongly differs from the normal law F2n∌F2nF_{2n}\sim F_2^n occurring for simultaneous correlation functions, the non-simultaneous correlation functions appear to be much larger. The phenomenon resembles intermittency in turbulence.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure
