5,725 research outputs found

    A possible black hole in the gamma-ray microquasar LS 5039

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    The population of high energy and very high energy gamma-ray sources, detected with EGRET and the new generation of ground-based Cherenkov telescopes, conforms a reduced but physically important sample. Most of these sources are extragalactic (e.g., blazars), while among the galactic ones there are pulsars and SN remnants. The microquasar LS 5039, previously proposed to be associated with an EGRET source by Paredes et al. (2000), has recently been detected at TeV energies, confirming that microquasars should be regarded as a class of high energy gamma-ray sources. To model and understand how the energetic photons are produced and escape from LS 5039 it is crucial to unveil the nature of the compact object, which remains unknown. Here we present new intermediate-dispersion spectroscopy of this source which, combined with values reported in the literature, provides an orbital period of 3.90603+/-0.00017 d, a mass function f(M)=0.0053+/-0.0009 M_sun, and an eccentricity e=0.35+/-0.04. Atmosphere model fitting to the spectrum of the optical companion, together with our new distance estimate of d=2.5+/-0.1 kpc, yields R_opt=9.3+0.7-0.6 R_sun, log (L_opt/L_sun)=5.26+/-0.06, and M_opt=22.9+3.4-2.9 M_sun. These, combined with our dynamical solution and the assumption of pseudo-synchronization, yield an inclination i=24.9+/-2.8 degree and a compact object mass M_X=3.7+1.3-1.0 M_sun. This is above neutron star masses for most of the standard equations of state and, therefore, we propose that the compact object in LS 5039 is a black hole. We finally discuss about the implications of our orbital solution and new parameters of the binary system on the CNO products, the accretion/ejection energetic balance, the SN explosion scenario, and the behaviour of the TeV emission with the new orbital period.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor changes according to referee repor

    Exploiting quantum parallelism to simulate quantum random many-body systems

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    We present an algorithm that exploits quantum parallelism to simulate randomness in a quantum system. In our scheme, all possible realizations of the random parameters are encoded quantum mechanically in a superposition state of an auxiliary system. We show how our algorithm allows for the efficient simulation of dynamics of quantum random spin chains with known numerical methods. We propose an experimental realization based on atoms in optical lattices in which disorder could be simulated in parallel and in a controlled way through the interaction with another atomic species

    Fermionic Atoms in Optical Superlattices

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    Fermionic atoms in an optical superlattice can realize a very peculiar Anderson lattice model in which impurities interact with each other through a discretized set of delocalized levels. We investigate the interplay between Kondo effect and magnetism under these finite-size features. We find that Kondo effect can dominate over magnetism depending on the parity of the number of particles per discretized set. We show how Kondo-induced resonances of measurable size can be observed through the atomic interference pattern

    A Multiwavelength Investigation of the Relationship Between 2CG135+1 and LSI+61o 303

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    We present the results of a multiwavelength monitoring campaign targeting the gamma-ray source 2CG 135+1 in an attempt to confirm the association of this object with the radio/Be/X-ray binary system LSI +61o 303. The campaign included simultaneous radio, optical, infrared, and hard x-ray/gamma-ray observations carried out with a variety of instruments, covering (not continously) almost three binary cycles of LSI +61o 303 during the period April-July 1994. Three separate OSSE observations of the gamma-ray source were carried out, covering different phases of the radio lightcurve. Hard X-ray/gamma-ray emission was detected from the direction of 2CG 135+1 during the first of these OSSE observations. The signal to noise ratio of the OSSE observations was insufficient to establish a spectral or intensity correlation of the high-energy emission with simultaneous radio, optical and infrared emission of LSI +61o 303. We briefly discuss the theoretical implications of our observations.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables to be published in Astrophysical Journal, 10 April 199

    Pfaffian-like ground state for 3-body-hard-core bosons in 1D lattices

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    We propose a Pfaffian-like Ansatz for the ground state of bosons subject to 3-body infinite repulsive interactions in a 1D lattice. Our Ansatz consists of the symmetrization over all possible ways of distributing the particles in two identical Tonks-Girardeau gases. We support the quality of our Ansatz with numerical calculations and propose an experimental scheme based on mixtures of bosonic atoms and molecules in 1D optical lattices in which this Pfaffian-like state could be realized. Our findings may open the way for the creation of non-abelian anyons in 1D systems

    Observation of the Meissner effect with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders

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    We report on the observation of the Meissner effect in bosonic flux ladders of ultracold atoms. Using artificial gauge fields induced by laser-assisted tunneling, we realize arrays of decoupled ladder systems that are exposed to a uniform magnetic field. By suddenly decoupling the ladders and projecting into isolated double wells, we are able to measure the currents on each side of the ladder. For large coupling strengths along the rungs of the ladder, we find a saturated maximum chiral current corresponding to a full screening of the artificial magnetic field. For lower coupling strengths, the chiral current decreases in good agreement with expectations of a vortex lattice phase. Our work marks the first realization of a low-dimensional Meissner effect and, furthermore, it opens the path to exploring interacting particles in low dimensions exposed to a uniform magnetic field
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