330 research outputs found

    Biocompatibility of subretinal parylene-based Ti/Pt microelectrode array in rabbit for further artificial vision studies

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    To evaluate the biocompatibility of subretinal implanted parylene-based Ti/Pt microelectrode arrays (MEA). Eyes were enucleated 3 months after MEAs were implanted into the subretinal space of rabbits. Morphological changes of the retinas were investigated by H&E staining. Immunohistochemical staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein and opsin were performed to evaluate changes in Muller cells and photoreceptors in the retinas. Retina tissue around the array remained intact. Photoreceptor degeneration and glial cell activation were observed in the retina overlaying the MEA implant. However, the cells in the inner retinal layers were preserved. Photoreceptor degeneration and glial cell activation at the MEA–retina interface are expected to be a normal reaction to implantation. Material used in this experiment has good biocompatibility within the subretinal environment and is expected to be promising in the further retinal prosthesis studies

    Impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on the microbial landscape of the New Orleans area

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences of the USA for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (2007): 9029-9034, doi:10.1073/pnas.0610552104.Floodwaters in New Orleans from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were observed to contain high levels of fecal indicator bacteria and microbial pathogens, generating concern about long-term impacts of these floodwaters on the sediment and water quality of the New Orleans area and Lake Pontchartrain. We show here that fecal indicator microbe concentrations in offshore waters from Lake Pontchartrain returned to prehurricane concentrations within 2 months of the flooding induced by these hurricanes. Vibrio and Legionella species within the lake were more abundant in samples collected shortly after the floodwaters had receded compared with samples taken within the subsequent 3 months; no evidence of a long-term hurricane-induced algal bloom was observed. Giardia and Cryptosporidium were detected in canal waters. Elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria observed in sediment could not be solely attributed to impacts from floodwaters, as both flooded and nonflooded areas exhibited elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria. Evidence from measurements of Bifidobacterium and bacterial diversity analysis suggest that the fecal indicator bacteria observed in the sediment were from human fecal sources. Epidemiologic studies are highly recommended to evaluate the human health effects of the sediments deposited by the floodwaters.This work was funded by NSF-NIEHS Oceans and Human Health Program (NSF OCE0432368, OCE0432479, OCE0430724 and NIEHS P50 ES12736, ES012740, ES012742), the NSF-SGER Program (OCE 0554402, OCE 0554674, OCE 0554850, OCE0600130), the NSF-REU Program, and by the Georgia Sea Grant College Program (NA04OAR170033)

    Interspecific Germline Transmission of Cultured Primordial Germ Cells

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    In birds, the primordial germ cell (PGC) lineage separates from the soma within 24 h following fertilization. Here we show that the endogenous population of about 200 PGCs from a single chicken embryo can be expanded one million fold in culture. When cultured PGCs are injected into a xenogeneic embryo at an equivalent stage of development, they colonize the testis. At sexual maturity, these donor PGCs undergo spermatogenesis in the xenogeneic host and become functional sperm. Insemination of semen from the xenogeneic host into females from the donor species produces normal offspring from the donor species. In our model system, the donor species is chicken (Gallus domesticus) and the recipient species is guinea fowl (Numida meleagris), a member of a different avian family, suggesting that the mechanisms controlling proliferation of the germline are highly conserved within birds. From a pragmatic perspective, these data are the basis of a novel strategy to produce endangered species of birds using domesticated hosts that are both tractable and fecund

    Parental breeding age effects on descendants' longevity interact over 2 generations in matrilines and patrilines

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    Individuals within populations vary enormously in mortality risk and longevity, but the causes of this variation remain poorly understood. A potentially important and phylogenetically widespread source of such variation is maternal age at breeding, which typically has negative effects on offspring longevity. Here, we show that paternal age can affect offspring longevity as strongly as maternal age does and that breeding age effects can interact over 2 generations in both matrilines and patrilines. We manipulated maternal and paternal ages at breeding over 2 generations in the neriid fly Telostylinus angusticollis. To determine whether breeding age effects can be modulated by the environment, we also manipulated larval diet and male competitive environment in the first generation. We found separate and interactive effects of parental and grand-parental ages at breeding on descendants' mortality rate and life span in both matrilines and patrilines. These breeding age effects were not modulated by grand-parental larval diet quality or competitive environment. Our findings suggest that variation in maternal and paternal ages at breeding could contribute substantially to intrapopulation variation in mortality and longevity

    Ten principles of heterochromatin formation and function

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