263 research outputs found

    Lights, camera...English!! : material design for an english teaching module based on film

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    This research project used film to develop an English teaching material that focuses on fostering the students speaking skill for the Low Advanced level in the BA in Modern Languages major at the Javeriana University. Film can be a valuable tool in the language teaching classroom, as a motivator, as authentic material, as a promoter of critical thinking, as a new field in education and as a language teaching tool. However, there is still a lot of potential in film left to explore. This project focuses on a specific aspect of that potential: its capacity to foster the speaking skill. Its main objective was to determine how a material based on film can foster this skill in a communicative way, in the context of the Low Advanced English class in the Javeriana University.Licenciado (a) en Lenguas ModernasPregrad

    Una mirada prospectiva hacia el éxito de la genética en Colombia

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    El progreso en el campo de la genética se encuentra en avanzada, pues los alcances que tuvo hasta este momento de la historia han permitido que en la actualidad las ediciones genómicas conlleven a poder dar un diagnóstico temprano a un embrión sobre las enfermedades que puede padecer a futuro, así como al tratamiento de enfermedades raras y comunes y de modificaciones genéticas que van ligadas al sentir humano. Esto resulta controversial en el campo tanto ético como religioso y legal, pues más allá de un concepto médico-científico profesional, se generó la manipulación genética que en muchos casos no tuvo una aceptación social. El presente capítulo ofrece una visión prospectiva en el campo de la genética y la bacteriología, basada en una investigación tendencial de dichos campos y llevada a cabo mediante un software de prospectiva, el cual, a su vez, se basa en el método de investigación Delphi, diseñado por la facultad de Negocios, Gestión y Sostenibilidad para la materia Estrategias Gerenciales de la Universidad Politécnico Grancolombiano. Los resultados obtenidos permiten conocer la influencia de los factores tenidos en cuenta para la investigación, los cuales muestran cuáles tiene la empresa objeto de estudio en su zona de poder y cuáles no y, en esa medida, poder encausar una propuesta que le represente desarrollo, innovación y benefici

    Regulation of neuronal energy metabolism by calcium: role of MCU and aralar/malate-aspartate shuttle

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    Calcium is a major regulator of cellular metabolism. Calcium controls mitochondrial respiration, and calcium signaling is used to meet cellular energetic demands through energy production in the organelle. Although it has been widely assumed that Ca2+-actions require its uptake by mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU), alternative pathways modulated by cytosolic Ca2+ have been recently proposed. Recent findings have indicated a role for cytosolic Ca2+ signals acting on mitochondrial NADH shuttles in the control of cellular metabolism in neurons using glucose as fuel. It has been demonstrated that AGC1/Aralar, the component of the malate/aspartate shuttle (MAS) regulated by cytosolic Ca2+, participates in the maintenance of basal respiration exerted through Ca2+-fluxes between ER and mitochondria, whereas mitochondrial Ca2+-uptake by MCU does not contribute. Aralar/MAS pathway, activated by small cytosolic Ca2+ signals, provides in fact substrates, redox equivalents and pyruvate, fueling respiration. Upon activation and increases in workload, neurons upregulate OxPhos, cytosolic pyruvate production and glycolysis, together with glucose uptake, in a Ca2+-dependent way, and part of this upregulation is via Ca2+ signaling. Both MCU and Aralar/MAS contribute to OxPhos upregulation, Aralar/MAS playing a major role, especially at small and submaximal workloads. Ca2+ activation of Aralar/MAS, by increasing cytosolic NAD+/NADH provides Ca2+-dependent increases in glycolysis and cytosolic pyruvate production priming respiration as a feed-forward mechanism in response to workload. Thus, except for glucose uptake, these processes are dependent on Aralar/MAS, whereas MCU is the relevant target for Ca2+ signaling when MAS is bypassed, by using pyruvate or β-hydroxybutyrate as substrate

    Hitler y el nazismo

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    14 p.Adolf Hitler fue un militar dictador nacido en Braunau am Inn, Austria el 20 de abril de 1889, fue el cuarto de seis hermanos, hijos de Alois Hitler y Klara Polzl. Adolf primeramente se interesó por las bellas artes a lo cual su padre Alois no estuvo de acuerdo, de igual manera también mostró desde una temprana edad interés frente al nacionalismo alemán y el rechazo de la autoridad Austria-Hungría lo que le dio un nuevo sentido y motivación para su vida.Biografía Carrera política Ideología nazi Terror nazi Obras Conclusión Bibliografí

    "Tertius gaudens" : germplasm exchange networks and agroecological knowledge among home gardeners in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Background: The idea that knowledge flows through social networks is implicit in research on traditional knowledge, but researchers have paid scant attention to the role of social networks in shaping its distribution. We bridge those two bodies of research and investigate a) the structure of network of exchange of plant propagation material (germplasm) and b) the relation between a person's centrality in such network and his/her agroecological knowledge. Methods: We study 10 networks of germplasm exchange (n = 363) in mountain regions of the Iberian Peninsula. Data were collected through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and a survey. Results: The networks display some structural characteristics (i.e., decentralization, presence of external actors) that could enhance the flow of knowledge and germplasm but also some characteristics that do not favor such flow (i.e., low density and fragmentation). We also find that a measure that captures the number of contacts of an individual in the germplasm exchange network is associated with the person's agroecological knowledge. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the importance of social relations in the construction of traditional knowledge

    Application of Soft Computing Technologies toward Assessment and Skills Development

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    Schools and universities face multiple challenges when they target initiating or expanding undergraduate programs. Education has traditionally utilized a teacher-centered educational and assessment approach. Only few attempts exist to involve objective feedback and non-traditional assessment methods and technologies to improve the processes of teaching, learning, and education in general. This paper addresses a novel objective multi-parameter assessment methodology based on Soft computing technology to discover the effect of students’ groupings by exploiting the interrelationships between the grades the students received for their laboratory subjects and the grade they obtained in the university enrolment exam. The research results allow for exploring non-desirable discordant teaching and assessment practices for individuals or groups. In addition, the results obtained illustrate opportunities to focus on the individual student during the education process and determine adaptive teaching strategies based on the particular level of knowledge and experience. Toward these results statistical and Soft computing models implementing Unsupervised Neural and Exploratory Projection Techniques have been applied to carry on the objective assessment of the students’ skills development during the entire higher education period. Empirical verification of the proposed assessment model is performed in a real environment, where a case study is defined, and analysed. The real data set to validate the performance of the proposed approach has been collected at the School of Dentistry of the Complutense University of Madrid

    Repetition of microbiological tests in suspect of SARS-CoV-2 infection: utility of a score based on clinical probability

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    Objective: The diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection presents some limitations. RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal swabs is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis, although it can have false negative results. We aimed to analyze the accuracy of repeating nasopharyngeal swabs based on different clinical probabilities. Methods: Retrospective observational study of the first patients admitted to a two COVID Internal Medicine wards at the University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander, from March to April 2020. RT-PCR targering E, N, RdRP and ORFab1 genes and antibody tests detecting IgG. Results: A total of 145 hospitalized patients with suspected SARS-Cov2 infection were admitted and in 98 (67.5%) diagnosis was confirmed. The independent predictive variables for SARS-CoV-2 infection were: epidemiological contact, clinical presentation as pneumonia, absence of pneumonia in the last year, onset of symptoms > 7 days, two or more of the following symptoms -dyspnea, cough or fever- and serum lactate dehydrogenase levels >350 U/L (p<0.05). A score based on these variables yielded an AUC-ROC of 0.89 (CI95%, 0.831-0.946; p<0.001). The accuracy of the first nasopharyngeal swabs was 54.9%. Repeating nasopharyngeal swabs two or three times allows to detect an additional 16% of positive cases. The overall accuracy of successive RT-PCR tests in patients with low pre-test probability was <5%. Conclusions: We have defined a pre-test probability score based on epidemiological and clinical data with a high accuracy for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. Repeating nasopharyngeal swabs avoids sampling errors, but only in medium of high probability pre-test clinical scenarios

    Everolimus plus minimized tacrolimus on kidney function in liver transplantation: REDUCE, a prospective, randomized controlled study

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    Background and aim: reduction in calcineurin inhibitor levels is considered crucial to decrease the incidence of kidney dysfunction in liver transplant (LT) recipients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and impact of everolimus plus reduced tacrolimus (EVR + rTAC) vs. mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus (MMF + TAC) on kidney function in LT recipients from Spain. Methods: the REDUCE study was a 52-week, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open-label, phase 3b study in de novo LT recipients. Eligible patients were randomized (1:1) 28 days post-transplantation to receive EVR + rTAC (TAC levels <_ 5 ng/mL) or to continue with MMF + TAC (TAC levels = 6-10 ng/mL). Mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), clinical benefit in renal function, and safety were evaluated. Results: in the EVR + rTAC group (n = 105), eGFR increased from randomization to week 52 (82.2 [28.5] mL/min/1.73 m2 to 86.1 [27.9] mL/min/1.73 m2) whereas it decreased in the MMF + TAC (n = 106) group (88.4 [34.3] mL/min/1.73 m2 to 83.2 [25.2] mL/min/1.73 m2), with significant (p < 0.05) differences in eGFR throughout the study. However, both groups had a similar clinical benefit regarding renal function (improvement in 18.6 % vs. 19.1 %, and stabilization in 81.4 % vs. 80.9 % of patients in the EVR + rTAC vs. MMF + TAC groups, respectively). There were no significant differences in the incidence of acute rejection (5.7 % vs. 3.8 %), deaths (5.7 % vs. 2.8 %), and serious adverse events (51.9 % vs. 44.0 %) between the 2 groups. Conclusion: EVR + rTAC allows a safe reduction in tacrolimus exposure in de novo liver transplant recipients, with a significant improvement in eGFR but without significant differences in renal clinical benefit 1 year after liver transplantation

    Dermatoglifía y su relación con el perfil morfo-funcional en un club de fútbol sala masculino profesional de Bogotá

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    An optimal sports selection is formed by assessment of genotype (dermatoglyph) and phenotype (somatotype, body composition and physical abilities). The purpose of the study was to determine relationship between dermatoglyphics and morpho-functional profile in professional futsal athletes in the city Bogotá. The sample consisted of 12 men, who were anthropometrically evaluated, with a fat % of 18,4 ± 5,9; a musculoskeletal mass of 32,4 ± 4,4 kg and endo-mesomorphic somatotype. Through of dermatoglyphics, predominance was determined in the fingerprint designs L (69,2 ± 23,1), D10 (11,3 ± 3,6), SQTL (140,7 ± 95,1). Finally, explosive force was assessed with the Squat Jump test, in which the post position achieved the greatest height. In conclusion, there is a predisposition towards the physical capacities of speed, power, coordination and resistance, in addition the explosive force is greater in athletes with a lower value in endomorphic component and in percentage of fat mass.Una óptima selección deportiva está formada por la valoración del genotipo (dermatoglifía) y el fenotipo (somatotipo, composición corporal y capacidades físicas). El propósito del estudio fue determinar la relación entre la dermatoglifía y el perfil morfo-funcional en deportistas profesionales de futbol sala en la ciudad de Bogotá. La muestra estuvo conformada por 12 hombres, quienes fueron evaluados antropométricamente, con porcentaje graso de 18,4 ± 5,9; masa músculo-esquelética de 32,4 ± 4,4 kg y un somatotipo endo-mesomórfico. Por medio de la dermatoglifía se determinó predominancia en los diseños dactilares presilla (69,2±23,1), D10 (11,3±3,6), SQTL (140,7±95,1). Por último, se valoró la fuerza explosiva con la prueba de Squat Jump, en la cual la posición de poste logró mayor altura. En conclusión, existe una predisposición hacia las capacidades físicas de velocidad, potencia, coordinación y resistencia, además la fuerza explosiva es mayor en deportistas con menor valor en el componente endomórfico y en el porcentaje de masa grasa