453 research outputs found

    Microwave temperature and pressure measurements with the Odin satellite: I. Observational method

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    The Odin satellite is equipped with millimetre and sub-millimetre receivers for observations of several molecular lines in the middle and upper atmosphere of our planet (~25–100 km, the particular altitude range depending on the species) for studies in dynamics, chemistry, and energy transfer in these regions. The same receivers are also used to observe molecules in outer space, this being the astrophysical share of the project. Among the atmospheric lines that can be observed, we find two corresponding to molecular oxygen (118.75 GHz and 487.25 GHz). These lines can be used for retrievals of the atmospheric temperature vertical profile. In this paper, we describe the radiative-transfer modeling for O2 in the middle and upper atmosphere that we will use as a basis for the retrieval algorithms. Two different observation modes have been planned for Odin, the three-channel operational mode and a high-resolution mode. The first one will determine the temperature and pressure on an operational basis using the oxygen line at 118.75 GHz, while the latter can be used for measurements of both O2 lines, during a small fraction of the total available time for aeronomy, aimed at checking the particular details of the radiative transfer near O2 lines at very high altitudes (>70 km). The Odin temperature measurements are expected to cover the altitude range ~30–90 km

    Proof-of-concept trial of the combination of lactitol with Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus for the eradication of intestinal OXA-48-producing Enterobacteriaceae

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    Background: The major reservoir of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) is the gastrointestinal tract of colonized patients. Colonization is silent and may last for months, but the risk of infection by CPE in colonized patients is significant. Methods: Eight long-Term intestinal carriers of OXA-48-producing Enterobacteriaceae (OXA-PE) were treated during 3 weeks with daily oral lactitol (Emportal®), Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus (Infloran®). Weekly stool samples were collected during the treatment period and 6 weeks later. The presence of OXA-PE was investigated by microbiological cultures and qPCR. Results: At the end of treatment (EoT, secondary endpoint 1), four of the subjects had negative OXA-PE cultures. Three weeks later (secondary endpoint 2), six subjects were negative. Six weeks after the EoT (primary endpoint), three subjects had negative OXA-PE cultures. The relative intestinal load of OXA-PE decreased in all the patients during treatment. Conclusions: The combination of prebiotics and probiotics was well tolerated. A rapid reduction on the OXA-PE intestinal loads was observed. At the EoT, decolonization was achieved in three patients

    The de novo production of halogenated hydroquinone metabolites by the Andean-Patagonian white-rot fungus Phylloporia boldo

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    The production of halogenated hydroquinone metabolites such as drosophilin A, drosophilin A methyl ether and chloroneb was investigated in the Andean-Patagonian fungus Phylloporia boldo. These chlorinated compounds were detected in both fruiting bodies and living cultures. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) quantification of these molecules was performed in liquid media giving similar values in comparison to previous reports. We observed the concentration of drosophilin A, drosophilin A methyl ether and chloroneb increased in liquid culture supplemented with KCl. Furthermore, chlorinated hydroquinone compounds were not detected using liquid media supplemented with KBr. Instead, brominated aromatic molecules were observed and quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We consider these results are relevant for the use of these halogenating microorganisms in biotransformation processes.Fil: Riquelme, C.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Candia, B.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Ruiz, D.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Herrera, M.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Becerra, J.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Pérez, C.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Rajchenberg, Mario. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Provincia del Chubut. Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco"; ArgentinaFil: Cabrera Pardo, J.R.. University of Utah; Estados Unidos. Universidad del Bio Bio; Chil

    Meropenem heteroresistance in clinical isolates of OXA-48–producing Klebsiella pneumoniae

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    OXA-48–producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates often show growth of colonies within inhibition zones in carbapenem diffusion assays. The nature of these colonies was investigated in a series of clinical isolates of OXA-48–producing K. pneumoniae obtained in the context of a hospital outbreak, and they were found to be persistent colonies that reproduced again the same phenotype when they were collected and tested in diffusion assays again. The frequency of mutations conferring resistance to meropenem (8 µg/mL) was determined for the same isolates. The average mutation frequency was 5.47·10-6 (range: 2.59·10-8–5.87·10-5), and the analysis of several resistant mutants showed that all of them had mutations in the ompK36 porin gene. Heteroresistance was investigated using population analysis profiling. The profiles were compatible with mutation frequency assays, and all the colonies analyzed were resistant mutants. In OXA-48–producing K. pneumoniae, the growth of persisters seems to be specific of diffusion assays

    Hemostatic markers in surgery: a different fibrinolytic activity may be of pathophysiological significance in orthopedic versus abdominal surgery

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    Without prophylaxis, patients subjected to major abdominal surgery have a risk of deep vein thrombosis of approximately 30%, while the rate varies between 40% and 60% in orthopedic surgery. The reasons for this discrepancy are not completely understood. The present study was designed to compare the pre- and postoperative behavior of different coagulation and fibrinolysis parameters in patients undergoing both types of surgery, receiving low molecular weight heparin prophylaxis. Samples were taken before operation and on postoperative days 1, 3, and 7. The following parameters were assessed: prothrombin fragment 1 + 2, thrombin-antithrombin III complexes, fibrinopeptide A, tissue plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor, plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complexes, and fibrin degradation products. We found a significant increase in the clotting markers postoperatively compared with preoperative values (P < 0.05), both in abdominal and orthopedic surgery, indicating a marked hemostatic activation which remained until postoperative day 7. A significant increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor (P < 0.01) and a decrease in tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complexes was also observed early after operation. The plasminogen activator inhibitor activity decreased, while tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin levels increased significantly on days 3 and 7 (P < 0.05). Fibrin degradation products significantly increased throughout the postoperative period (P < 0.01). Preoperatively, we found higher plasminogen activator inhibitor activity and lower tissue plasminogen activator and plasmin-alpha 2-antiplasmin complexes (P < 0.05) in patients undergoing hip replacement compared with abdominal surgery. Fibrin degradation products were also significantly lower on postoperative day 3 in patients undergoing hip replacement (P < 0.01). We suggest that the lower preoperative fibrinolytic activation observed in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery compared with abdominal surgery might have pathophysiological consequences. Our results also indicate that the hemostatic activation persists beyond the 7th postoperative day despite prophylaxis

    Granzyme A inhibition reduces inflammation and increases survival during abdominal sepsis

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    Aims: Peritonitis is one of the most common causes of sepsis, a serious syndrome characterized by a dysregulated systemic inflammatory response. Recent evidence suggests that Granzyme A (GzmA), a serine protease mainly expressed by NK and T cells, could act as a proinflammatory mediator and could play an important role in the pathogenesis of sepsis. This work aims to analyze the role and the therapeutic potential of GzmA in the pathogenesis of peritoneal sepsis. Methods: The level of extracellular GzmA as well as GzmA activity were analyzed in serum from healthy volunteers and patients with confirmed peritonitis and were correlated with the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. Peritonitis was induced in C57Bl/6 (WT) and GzmA-/- mice by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Mice were treated intraperitoneally with antibiotics alone or in combination serpinb6b, a specific GzmA inhibitor, for 5 days. Mouse survival was monitored during 14 days, levels of some proinflammatory cytokines were measured in serum and bacterial load and diversity was analyzed in blood and spleen at different times. Results: Clinically, elevated GzmA was observed in serum from patients with abdominal sepsis suggesting that GzmA plays an important role in this pathology. In the CLP model GzmA deficient mice, or WT mice treated with an extracellular GzmA inhibitor, showed increased survival, which correlated with a reduction in proinflammatory markers in both serum and peritoneal lavage fluid. GzmA deficiency did not influence bacterial load in blood and spleen and GzmA did not affect bacterial replication in macrophages in vitro, indicating that GzmA has no role in bacterial control. Analysis of GzmA in lymphoid cells following CLP showed that it was mainly expressed by NK cells. Mechanistically, we found that extracellular active GzmA acts as a proinflammatory mediator in macrophages by inducing the TLR4-dependent expression of IL-6 and TNFa. Conclusions: Our findings implicate GzmA as a key regulator of the inflammatory response during abdominal sepsis and provide solid evidences about its therapeutic potential for the treatment of this severe pathology

    Slow relaxations and history dependence of the transport properties of layered superconductors

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    We study numerically the time evolution of the transport properties of layered superconductors after different preparations. We show that, in accordance with recent experiments in BSCCO performed in the second peak region of the phase diagram (Portier et al, 2001), the relaxation strongly depends on the initial conditions and is extremely slow. We investigate the dependence on the pinning center density and the perturbation applied. We compare the measurements to recent findings in tapped granular matter and we interpret our results with a rather simple picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 fig

    Aneurisma micótico de aorta abdominal por Listeria monocytogenes

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    Sr. Editor: Listeria monocytogenes es un patógeno poco frecuente que puede causar enfermedad tanto en forma esporádica como en brotes generalmente relacionados con los alimentos. En individuos inmunocompetentes la infección no es invasiva y ocasiona un cuadro clínico similar a una diarrea febril [1], mientras que en embarazadas, inmunocomprometidos, neonatos y ancianos puede adquirir forma invasiva, generalmente sepsis e infección del SNC [2,3,4]. Las formas localizadas son menos frecuentes, habiéndose descrito casos de endocarditis, aneurismas micóticos, artritis, osteomielitis, absceso intraabdominal (abscesos hepáticos o esplénicos o peritonitis), infecciones pleuropulmonares, osteomielitis y endoftalmitis [1]. Se presenta un caso de aneurisma micótico sobre aorta abdominal infrarrenal por L. monocytogenes con buena respuesta al tratamiento. Varón de 65 años con antecedentes de hipertensión, dislipemia, obesidad, cólicos renales, hiperuricemia y aneurisma de aorta abdominal diagnosticado en 2009. Acudió a urgencias por dolor dorsolumbar, irradiado a extremidad inferior izquierda de 3 días de evolución que aumentaba con la movilización y no se asociaba a traumatismo. ..