6 research outputs found

    Early Spectroscopy and Dense Circumstellar Medium Interaction in SN~2023ixf

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    We present the optical spectroscopic evolution of SN~2023ixf seen in sub-night cadence spectra from 1.18 to 14 days after explosion. We identify high-ionization emission features, signatures of interaction with material surrounding the progenitor star, that fade over the first 7 days, with rapid evolution between spectra observed within the same night. We compare the emission lines present and their relative strength to those of other supernovae with early interaction, finding a close match to SN~2020pni and SN~2017ahn in the first spectrum and SN~2014G at later epochs. To physically interpret our observations we compare them to CMFGEN models with confined, dense circumstellar material around a red supergiant progenitor from the literature. We find that very few models reproduce the blended \NC{} emission lines observed in the first few spectra and their rapid disappearance thereafter, making this a unique diagnostic. From the best models, we find a mass-loss rate of 10310210^{-3}-10^{-2} \mlunit{}, which far exceeds the mass-loss rate for any steady wind, especially for a red supergiant in the initial mass range of the detected progenitor. These mass-loss rates are, however, similar to rates inferred for other supernovae with early circumstellar interaction. Using the phase when the narrow emission features disappear, we calculate an outer dense radius of circumstellar material RCSM,out5×1014 cmR_\mathrm{CSM, out}\sim5\times10^{14}~\mathrm{cm} and a mean circumstellar material density of ρ=5.6×1014 gcm3\rho=5.6\times10^{-14}~\mathrm{g\,cm^{-3}}. This is consistent with the lower limit on the outer radius of the circumstellar material we calculate from the peak \Halpha{} emission flux, RCSM, out9×1013 cmR_\text{CSM, out}\gtrsim9\times10^{13}~\mathrm{cm}.Comment: Submitted to ApJ

    Weak mass loss from the Red Supergiant progenitor of the type II SN 2021yja

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    We present high-cadence optical, ultraviolet (UV), and near-infrared data of the nearby (D ≈ 23 Mpc) Type II supernova (SN) 2021yja. Many Type II SNe show signs of interaction with circumstellar material (CSM) during the first few days after explosion, implying that their red supergiant (RSG) progenitors experience episodic or eruptive mass loss. However, because it is difficult to discover SNe early, the diversity of CSM configurations in RSGs has not been fully mapped. SN 2021yja, first detected within ≈ 5.4 hours of explosion, shows some signatures of CSM interaction (high UV luminosity and radio and x-ray emission) but without the narrow emission lines or early light-curve peak that can accompany CSM. Here we analyze the densely sampled early light curve and spectral series of this nearby SN to infer the properties of its progenitor and CSM. We find that the most likely progenitor was an RSG with an extended envelope, encompassed by low-density CSM. We also present archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging of the host galaxy of SN 2021yja, which allows us to place a stringent upper limit of ≲ 9 M ☉ on the progenitor mass. However, this is in tension with some aspects of the SN evolution, which point to a more massive progenitor. Our analysis highlights the need to consider progenitor structure when making inferences about CSM properties, and that a comprehensive view of CSM tracers should be made to give a fuller view of the last years of RSG evolution

    Early Spectroscopy and Dense Circumstellar Medium Interaction in SN 2023ixf

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    We present the optical spectroscopic evolution of SN 2023ixf seen in subnight cadence spectra from 1.18 to 15 days after explosion. We identify high-ionization emission features, signatures of interaction with material surrounding the progenitor star, that fade over the first 7 days, with rapid evolution between spectra observed within the same night. We compare the emission lines present and their relative strength to those of other supernovae with early interaction, finding a close match to SN 2020pni and SN 2017ahn in the first spectrum and SN 2014G at later epochs. To physically interpret our observations, we compare them to CMFGEN models with confined, dense circumstellar material around a red supergiant (RSG) progenitor from the literature. We find that very few models reproduce the blended N iii ( λλ 4634.0,4640.6)/C iii ( λλ 4647.5,4650.0) emission lines observed in the first few spectra and their rapid disappearance thereafter, making this a unique diagnostic. From the best models, we find a mass-loss rate of 10 ^−3 –10 ^−2 M _⊙ yr ^−1 , which far exceeds the mass-loss rate for any steady wind, especially for an RSG in the initial mass range of the detected progenitor. These mass-loss rates are, however, similar to rates inferred for other supernovae with early circumstellar interaction. Using the phase when the narrow emission features disappear, we calculate an outer dense radius of circumstellar material R _CSM,out ≈ 5 × 10 ^14 cm, and a mean circumstellar material density of ρ = 5.6 × 10 ^−14 g cm ^−3 . This is consistent with the lower limit on the outer radius of the circumstellar material we calculate from the peak H α emission flux, R _CSM,out ≳ 9 × 10 ^13 cm

    A very luminous jet from the disruption of a star by a massive black hole

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are bursts of electromagnetic energy that are released when supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies violently disrupt a star that passes too close1. TDEs provide a window through which to study accretion onto supermassive black holes; in some rare cases, this accretion leads to launching of a relativistic jet2–9, but the necessary conditions are not fully understood. The best-studied jetted TDE so far is Swift J1644+57, which was discovered in γ-rays, but was too obscured by dust to be seen at optical wavelengths. Here we report the optical detection of AT2022cmc, a rapidly fading source at cosmological distance (redshift z = 1.19325) the unique light curve of which transitioned into a luminous plateau within days. Observations of a bright counterpart at other wavelengths, including X-ray, submillimetre and radio, supports the interpretation of AT2022cmc as a jetted TDE containing a synchrotron ‘afterglow’, probably launched by a supermassive black hole with spin greater than approximately 0.3. Using four years of Zwicky Transient Facility10 survey data, we calculate a rate of 0.02−0.01+0.04 per gigapascals cubed per year for on-axis jetted TDEs on the basis of the luminous, fast-fading red component, thus providing a measurement complementary to the rates derived from X-ray and radio observations11. Correcting for the beaming angle effects, this rate confirms that approximately 1 per cent of TDEs have relativistic jets. Optical surveys can use AT2022cmc as a prototype to unveil a population of jetted TDEs

    A very luminous jet from the disruption of a star by a massive black hole

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    International audienceTidal disruption events (TDEs) are bursts of electromagnetic energy released when supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of galaxies violently disrupt a star that passes too close. TDEs provide a new window to study accretion onto SMBHs; in some rare cases, this accretion leads to launching of a relativistic jet, but the necessary conditions are not fully understood. The best studied jetted TDE to date is Swift J1644+57, which was discovered in gamma-rays, but was too obscured by dust to be seen at optical wavelengths. Here we report the optical discovery of AT2022cmc, a rapidly fading source at cosmological distance (redshift z=1.19325) whose unique lightcurve transitioned into a luminous plateau within days. Observations of a bright counterpart at other wavelengths, including X-rays, sub-millimeter, and radio, supports the interpretation of AT2022cmc as a jetted TDE containing a synchrotron "afterglow", likely launched by a SMBH with spin a0.3a \gtrsim 0.3. Using 4 years of Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) survey data, we calculate a rate of 0.020.01+0.040.02 ^{+ 0.04 }_{- 0.01 } Gpc3^{-3} yr1^{-1} for on-axis jetted TDEs based on the luminous, fast-fading red component, thus providing a measurement complementary to the rates derived from X-ray and radio observations. Correcting for the beaming angle effects, this rate confirms that about 1% of TDEs have relativistic jets. Optical surveys can use AT2022cmc as a prototype to unveil a population of jetted TDEs