61 research outputs found

    Investigation of the regulation of the CBP20 gene in Arabidopsis

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    Changes of the activity of antioxidative enzymes (APX, GPX) were investigated in barley roots and leaves during a one day and a one week setting of 0, 100, 500, 1000 μM nickel treatment parallel with the measurement of nickel accumulation in order to elucidate the mechanisms in terms of anitoxidative enzyme activity during the early phase of nickel exposure. We concluded that nickel also cause ROS formation in barely seedlings in the roots and also in the leaves. In the inactivation of ROS both APX and GPX play role although to different extent and for different duration. Moreover APX reacts rapidly to nickel stress, since its activity rises even after three hours of the nickel treatment

    A hepatocellularis carcinoma előfordulása és kezelésének tanulságai az északkelet-magyarországi régióban | Incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and consequent lessons for its management in Northeastern Hungary

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A hepatocellularis carcinoma gyakori, nehezen kezelhető daganat. Célkitűzés: A szerzők áttekintették a májsejtrákkal kapcsolatos ismereteket és értékelték a kezelési eredményeket az északkelet-magyarországi régióban. Módszer: A szerzők intézményében 5 év alatt májsejtrák diagnózissal kezelt betegek adatait retrospektív módon elemezték. Eredmények: Ismert májcirrhosisa 187 beteg közül 71-nek (38%) volt, 52 betegnél (28%) a májcirrhosisra a daganat felismerésekor derült fény. Nem volt májzsugora 15 betegnek (8%), míg erre vonatkozóan 49 betegnél (26%) nem találtak adatot. Etiológiai faktorok az alkoholfogyasztás (52%), a vírushepatitis (41%) és a metabolikus szindróma (valószínűleg nem alkoholos zsírmáj) (44%) voltak. Cirrhosis nélkül kialakult májsejtrák hátterében leggyakrabban nem alkoholos zsírmáj állt. A daganat felismerése 83%-ban előrehaladott stádiumban történt. A túlélést a Barcelona stádium (A vs. B/C vs. D stádium: 829 vs. 387 vs. 137 nap, p<0,001) jelentősen befolyásolta, az etiológia nem (vírus 282, metabolikus szindróma 335 és alkohol 423 nap, p = 0,65). Következtetések: A hepatocellularis carcinoma rossz kimenetelének oka a késői felismerés. A májzsugoros betegek szűrése mellett a májcirrhosis korábbi felismerése szükséges. A metabolikus szindrómások ultrahangos szűrése megfontolandó. A krónikus májbetegség terápiája a túlélést lényegesen befolyásolja. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1793–1801. | Abstract Introduction: The increasing incidence and poor prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma places huge burden on healthcare. Aim: After reviewing literature on epidemiological trends, risk factors, diagnosis and management options for hepatocellular carcinoma, the authors investigated results of treatment and survival data of patients in Northeastern Hungary. Method: In a retrospective study, the authors analyzed medical records of 187 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (etiology, presence of cirrhosis, stage of the tumor, treatment and disease outcome). Results: Seventy-one patients (38%) had known cirrhosis at the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, while in 52 patients (28%) the presence of cirrhosis was established at the time of the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Fifteen patients (8%) had no cirrhosis and in 49 patients (26%) no data were available regarding cirrhosis. Etiological factors were alcohol consumption (52%), viral hepatitis (41%) and metabolic syndrome (44%). In cases of metabolic syndrome, hepatocellular carcinoma frequently occurred without cirrhosis. In 83% of the cases, the tumor was discovered in an advanced stage. Median survival time was significantly associated with tumor stage (Barcelona A stage vs. B/C vs. D: 829 vs. 387 vs. 137 days, respectively p<0.001) but not with disease etiology (virus 282 days, metabolic syndrome 335 days and alcohol 423 days, p = 0.65). Conclusions: High mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma was mainly attributed to the delayed diagnosis of the disease. Screening of patients with cirrhosis could only result in a partial improvement since in a great proportion cirrhosis was diagnosed simultaneously with the tumor. Screening of diabetic and obese patients by ultrasonography should be considered. Management of baseline liver disease is of importance in the care of hepatocellular carcinoma. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(45), 1793–1801

    Role of health care professionals in preventative activities and vaccination programs during outbreaks

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    Purpose: The general purpose of TELL ME study was to give an insight into the experiences of European family physicians with management of H1N1 pandemic flu. Methods: Qualitative research methods (focus group discussions, one-to-one interviews, and online data collection) were used to explore family doctors’ opinion and suggestions. Overall 158 family physicians took part in the study from six European countries. Results: Family doctors’ most important experience was that the official campaign was not able to compensate negative effects of the mass media. Due to the poor evidence-based information about new vaccines, it was difficult to convince the public and some health care professionals too. Lack of unified directives – under unclear circumstances – made the routine patient care more difficult and hampered the collaboration between different health care providers. Family physicians felt a pressure from health authorities to achieve high immunization rate, but got only a little support from them. Despite the difficulties, vaccination program was a success, mainly among high-risk population. For better handling of a future pandemic, Hungarian family physician made many general and practical suggestions

    Characterization of factors influencing on-chip complement activation to optimize parallel measurement of antibody and complement proteins on antigen microarrays.

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    Binding of immunoglobulins and complement fragments to targets of adaptive immune responses can be monitored using collections of arrayed antigens and is used to generate profiles of antibody binding and function. The collection of reliable data on these reactions on a large scale requires the establishment of criteria from sample collection through reaction conditions to normalization strategies. We characterized the detection of IgG, complement C3 and C4 under conditions that better resemble in vivo events than most serological assays and are also relevant for in vitro diagnostic purposes. Immune complex formation was modeled using nitrocellulose-based protein arrays and the effects of factors like anticoagulant use, serum dilution, time and bivalent cation concentrations were assessed. Blood samples from healthy controls (n=24) and patients with systemic autoimmune disease (n=60) were collected and correlations between classical laboratory tests and chip-based reference proteins were evaluated to optimize normalization schemes. Best signal-to-noise ratio and acceptable masking of IgG by complement C3 fragments was achieved at modest, five to ten-fold serum dilutions. C3 binding to captured human IgG was found to correlate best with serum C3 concentrations and C3 activity and is therefore an ideal reference feature for normalization of biological and methodological variations in complement activity and detection

    New act on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing

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    The need for action of international level against money laundering was recognised by economically developed countries in the 80's. First of all, in order to establish a uniform requirement system against the recycling of funds originating from drug trade and organised crime into the legal economy, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was set up in 1989. As a key player in the fight against money laundering, this international organisation worked out recommendations and created standards that influence the legislation, the financial and economic sphere and the operation of the executive bodies in a given country, considering the fact that the objective of the recommendations is to unify the system of institutions against money laundering

    Az alapellátásban dolgozó orvosok és munkatársaik preventív szerepe járványok idején. Fókuszcsoportokra alapozott szakmapolitikai hatáselemzés a 2009/2010. évi H1N1 influenza-világjárvány tapasztalatairól | The role of primary care professionals in preventive activitites during epidemics Focus group assessment of the management of flu pandemic in 2009/2010

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A 2009/2010-es H1N1 influenzavírus okozta pandémia számos kérdést vetett fel, amelyek megválaszolása egy jövőbeni járvány kezelésének hatékonyabb tervezését és kivitelezését biztosíthatja. Célkitűzés: Az EU közösségi finanszírozásában transzkontinentális konzorcium keresett választ arra, hogy miként lehet a lakosság széles körét kommunikációs módszerekkel rábírni betegségmegelőzésre vakcinációs ajánlások elfogadásával és/vagy higiénés normák tudatos betartásával. Módszer: A TELL ME projekt úgynevezett „fókuszcsoport”-módszerrel vizsgálta családorvosok körében a H1N1 influenzajárvány betegségmegelőző intézkedéseinek kulcspontjait azzal a céllal, hogy az összegyűjtött véleményekkel, ötletekkel javítani lehessen későbbi hasonló népegészségügyi vészhelyzetek kezelhetőségét. Eredmények: A tanulmány eredményei hangsúlyozzák a családorvosok kulcsszerepét járványok kapcsán felmerülő prevenciós feladatok teljesítésében – főként lakosságközeli elhelyezkedésükből, illetve a páciensek körében szakértelmük, hozzáállásuk és személyes példamutatásuk révén kivívott bizalomból adódóan. Az egészségügyi szakemberek felé történő szakmai kommunikációban pedig a bizonyítékokon alapuló információk rendelkezésre bocsátása, kiemelten az oltásokat érintő összehasonlító klinikai vizsgálatok eredményeiről, mutatkozott elsődleges igénynek. Következtetések: Sikerült megállapítani, hogy az alapellátó szakemberek bevonása növelni képes a kommunikáció hitelességét, továbbá, hogy érdemes a véleményvezér szakemberek kommunikációs készségét, szereplési rutinját igénybe venni. Legyen a „Látogassa meg családorvosát, előzzék meg közösen a betegséget!” jelmondat a médiában közvetített elsődleges üzenet – vészhelyzetben, de azon kívül is. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(14), 523–532. | Abstract: Introduction: The experiences gained during the H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009/2010 could serve for a better planning and management of later outbreaks. Aim: The EU-sponsored TELL ME project aimed to provide evidence and develop models for improved risk communication during infectious disease crisis. Among its objectives was to develop original communication strategies regarding appropriate messages related to preventative behavior and advice based on uncertainties also addressing vaccine-resistant groups. Method: Focus groups involving family physicians (FPs) were called upon for assessing the main issues during the H1N1 pandemic, the possibilities for improving the preventative process and outcomes. Results: The study demonstrated the key-role of family doctors during outbreaks; patients put their trust in their elected FP, he or she representing a personal example of health behavior. The evidence based information about effectiveness and safety of vaccines are needed in communication towards health professionals. Conclusions: Involvement of health care professionals in the communication provides validity, the communication routine of opinion leaders meant to be used for such purpose. The main media message should be: “For prevention go to see your family doctor”. Orv. Hetil., 2017, 158(14), 523–532