10 research outputs found

    Stjepan Radić and HPSS in Rijeka's "Novi list" until 1914 and H(R)SS in Croatian Litoral 1920- 1940

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    Stjepan Radić i HPSS često se spominju u riječkom Novom listu, koji je uređivao Frano Supilo, u razdoblju 1902.-1914. Pored istraživanja podataka o radu Radića i stranke značajno je utvrditi i obrazložiti političku obojenost sadržaja članaka koja je ovisila o odnosu Radića spram Hrvatsko-srpske koalicije. Nakon pozitivnog pisanja do 1905. slijede kritike i uvredljive „objede“ te ponovna podrška osobito od veljače 1911. čemu je pridonijelo udaljavanje Supila od HSK i njenog vodstva i podrška Radiću kao značajnom hrvatskom političaru. HRSS rad u Primorju započinje neuspjehom na izborima za Konstituantu 1920. i skupštinu 1923. Otpor stranke državnom unitarizmu shvaćen je kao ekstremizam koji koristi talijanskom iredentizmu. HRSS ipak nalazi oslonac u seoskom stanovništvu. Na skupštinskim izborima 1925. postaje treća stranka u Sušaku, a na gradskim izborima 1926. druga s 34 % glasova. Uspjeh je ponovljen na oblasnim izborima 1927., dok na skupštinskim izborima HSS pada na 20 %. HSS izlazi na skupštinske izbore 1935. kao dio Udružene opozicije, ali uslijed pritiska režima ostvaruje slab rezultat. Na izborima 1938. postaje vodeća politička snaga u Hrvatskom primorju. Po osnutku Banovine Hrvatske, tajnik kotarske organizacije Marijo Šarinić postaje gradonačelnik Sušaka

    Stjepan Radić and HPSS in Rijeka's "Novi list" until 1914 and H(R)SS in Croatian Litoral 1920- 1940

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    Stjepan Radić i HPSS često se spominju u riječkom Novom listu, koji je uređivao Frano Supilo, u razdoblju 1902.-1914. Pored istraživanja podataka o radu Radića i stranke značajno je utvrditi i obrazložiti političku obojenost sadržaja članaka koja je ovisila o odnosu Radića spram Hrvatsko-srpske koalicije. Nakon pozitivnog pisanja do 1905. slijede kritike i uvredljive „objede“ te ponovna podrška osobito od veljače 1911. čemu je pridonijelo udaljavanje Supila od HSK i njenog vodstva i podrška Radiću kao značajnom hrvatskom političaru. HRSS rad u Primorju započinje neuspjehom na izborima za Konstituantu 1920. i skupštinu 1923. Otpor stranke državnom unitarizmu shvaćen je kao ekstremizam koji koristi talijanskom iredentizmu. HRSS ipak nalazi oslonac u seoskom stanovništvu. Na skupštinskim izborima 1925. postaje treća stranka u Sušaku, a na gradskim izborima 1926. druga s 34 % glasova. Uspjeh je ponovljen na oblasnim izborima 1927., dok na skupštinskim izborima HSS pada na 20 %. HSS izlazi na skupštinske izbore 1935. kao dio Udružene opozicije, ali uslijed pritiska režima ostvaruje slab rezultat. Na izborima 1938. postaje vodeća politička snaga u Hrvatskom primorju. Po osnutku Banovine Hrvatske, tajnik kotarske organizacije Marijo Šarinić postaje gradonačelnik Sušaka

    Association of post-traumatic communication of endocranium and nasal cavity with recurrent meningoencephalitis without rhinorrhea

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    Introduction. A gunshot head injury, characterized by a huge intensity of mechanical force, in addition to the direct tissue damage at the location of direct impact, may cause a skull and skull base fracture, distant from the the point of direct impact, which could be further complicated by creating a communication between endocranium and nasal/paranasal cavities. Such cases pose a great diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for every clinician. Case report. The patient is presented with the history of a perforating gunshot head injury six years ago, with recurrent attacks of meningoencephalitis subsequently, without rhinorrhea. By using high resolution CT scans, previous traumatic skull injury was verified and a fissure in the frontoethmoidal region, far from the point of direct impact, was detected. The patient underwent transnasal endoscopic surgery, in order to seal the communication on skull basis. The patient did not suffer from meningoencephalitis during the next two years. Conclusion. In the cases with late occurrence of posttraumatic meningoencephalitis with no signs of rhinorrhea, a possibility of an existing communication between intracranial and nasal cavities should be considered, as well. By applying modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures such communication should be precisely located and sealed

    Paraneoplastički neurološki sindrom uz karcinom bubrega – dijagnostički zavaravajuća smrt miša

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    Neurologic symptoms secondary to a paraneoplastic syndrome (PNS) may be the presenting manifestation of a previously undiagnosed cancer. This case highlights the potential complexity of the PNS associated with renal cell carcinoma, confusion and delay of diagnosis due to positive mouse bioassay, latter presentation as encephalitic syndrome, positive outcome associated with initial treatment with total plasma exchange, as well as absence of recurrence of neurologic symptoms after complete surgical removal of tumor.Neurološki simptomi mogu predstavljati i paraneoplastički sindrom (PNS) uslijed nedijagnosticiranog tumora. Ovaj prikaz bolesnika ističe potencijalnu složenost PNS-a povezanog s karcinomom bubrega, zabunu i kašnjenje dijagnoze zbog pozitivnog biološkog testa na mišu, kliničku prezentaciju u obliku sindroma encefalitisa, pozitivnog ishoda povezanog s početnim liječenjem plazmaferezom, kao i odsutnost recidiva neuroloških simptoma nakon potpunog kirurškog uklanjanja tumora

    Artificial Neural Network Model for Prediction of Students’ Success in Learning Programming

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    249-254The model for predicting students’ success in acquiring programming knowledge and skills is presented in this paper. In order to collect the data needed for development of the model, 159 undergraduate IT students from Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak were analyzed. Besides the score on programming knowledge test, the following data were also gathered for each student: high school, the subject he/she took at the entrance exam, size of student’s birthplace, average high school grade, points from high school, gender, previous education, existence of IT educational profile in high school, study year, percentage of attendance on classes, reason for enrolment, subjective assessment of preparedness for programming, solving sequential tasks, type of programming student prefers, subjective assessment of preparedness for working in industry, solving tasks with branching and cycle, solving complex tasks, knowledge level, formal education, informal education, Kolb's learning style. In order to predict students’ success in learning programming multilayer perceptron was used with backpropagation learning algorithm. The cross-validation methodology was used for the training and testing of the classifiers. Transformation process is performed on the points students achieved on the test in order to get three categories related to success. Based on the results about the relevance of the parameters, the model reached an accuracy of 92.3%. In order to facilitate the use of the model, a Web-based application for displaying the results was created. It is primarily intended for teachers with no experience in working with neural networks, who can use it for planning the teaching

    Meeting the coming organizational risk challenges in human resources

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    The research presented in this paper concerns challenges of organizational risk in the field of human resources. Research goals are to determine the degree of importance and influence of human risks in order to achieve a more favorable environment for successful business. The empirical research has been conducted in Serbia during 2015, with a sample of 43 companies from the Processing industry. There were mathematical and statistical methods, multiple regression analysis and logistic regression used. Group's core results showed that over 80% of production companies are aware of the human resources risks and their importance for the business. The contribution of this paper is to prove the scientific significance of the upcoming risks of human resources establishing theoretical and empirical knowledge about the need to improve organization approach to managing these risks

    How to reduce the extreme risk of losses in corn and soybean markets? Construction of a portfolio with European stock indices

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    Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, agricultural commodities had significant price increases, which inevitably implies high risk. In this article, we try to mitigate the extreme risk of corn and soybeans by constructing multivariate portfolios with developed and emerging European stock indices. We measured extreme risk via conditional value at risk. To address different goals that investors might prefer, we produced portfolios with the lowest risk and highest return-to-risk ratio. According to the results, corn and soybeans had relatively high portfolio shares. However, they are the riskiest assets because they have a very low pairwise correlation with the stock indices. Portfolios with emerging European indices had better risk-reducing results, considering both agricultural commodities because these indices are less risky than developed indices. In particular, the risk reductions of corn were 38% and 50% in the portfolios with developed and emerging stock indices, respectively, whereas, for soybeans, the results were 28% and 41%, respectively. In optimal portfolios, emerging European stock indices had the upper hand in most cases

    Investment in innovation of SMEs, evidence from Balkan countries

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    This paper explores the issue of investment in innovation of SMEs in Western Balkan countries, as strategic base for the improvement of their technological, market, entrepreneurial and financial sustainable capabilities and competitive advantage in further complex and hard times for business, as well as the importance of increase of innovation activities for the development of their countries. The authors concluded that nearly half of the industrial SMEs are market innovators, which makes SMEs crucial to Western Balkan's innovation and technological breakthroughs. Creation and functioning investments in innovation on all levels is a prerequisite for sustainable development of these economies in the XXI century

    Evaluation of Pedestrian Crossings Based on the Concept of Pedestrian Behavior Regarding Start-Up Time: Integrated Fuzzy MCDM Model

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    Planning, designing, defining relevant parameters, and managing traffic represent essential characteristics of its sustainability and safety. However, one of the key characteristics that traffic planners and managers cannot always influence are the characteristics of vehicle and pedestrian traffic flows. Namely, pedestrian behavior, as well as driver behavior, depend on numerous factors, which are influenced by the characteristics of the road, the environment, and socio-economic characteristics. Pedestrians are the most heterogeneous group of traffic participants for whom there are no specific restrictions or conditions, as is the case for drivers. In complex traffic conditions and high traffic loads, the behavior of pedestrians can affect traffic conditions, that is, the level of service. The most complex traffic conditions for pedestrians occur at surface intersections where a limited traffic area - pedestrian crossing, is used by both vehicles and pedestrians, in accordance with traffic regulation and general traffic rules. This paper defines the goal of determining the concept of pedestrian behavior at pedestrian crossings in different cities based on start-up time classified by gender and age groups. Intersections with counters showing pedestrian phase times and those without counters were specifically considered. A novel integrated fuzzy MCDM (Multi-criteria decision-making) model was created to evaluate and rank cities based on start-up time. Fuzzy FUCOM (Full Consistency Method) was used to determine the weights of criteria, while Fuzzy ROV (Range of Value) was used to evaluate and rank cities. Different models were created on a sample of ten thousand pedestrians, segmented by gender and age, for which different results were obtained through analysis. In order to verify the results, sensitivity analysis, comparative analysis, and calculated statistical correlation tests were presented. The results presented are reflected in the following. Female pedestrians in Novi Sad show a higher level of concentration and carefully observe the moment when the pedestrian signal turns green when there is no counter. Doboj represents the city with the best start-up time for pedestrian crossings with counters, while Sarajevo holds that position for crossings without counters. It is important to point out that the sample of female pedestrians shows exceptional results on the same type of pedestrian crossings, as the start-up time is around one second

    The evaluation of malignant astrocytoma score (MAS)

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    Background/Aim. At the moment there are few scoring systems for malignant astrocytoma but they are not widely accepted. The aim of this study was to evaluate malignant astrocytoma score (MAS) on a new group of patients with malignant astrocytoma, to compare MAS with other prognostic tools and to describe the use of MAS in everyday practice in neurooncology. Methods. The study was performed on 124 patients with supratentorial malignant astrocytoma grade III or IV. They were operated on and subsequently irradiated with 50-60 Gy. Results. The mean age of the patients was 57.3 years. The mean Karnofski performance status (KPS) of the functional inpairment was 54. The removal of the tumor > 90% was done in 59.7% of patients. The mean survival was 9.1 months, and 27.4% of patients had a 12-month survival. The area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) of the MAS for predicting 6-, 12- and 18-month survival was 0.754, 0.783 and 0.882, respectively. We compared the MAS with the two mostly cited scoring systems. The AUC for the same prediction for medical research council (MRC) was 0.601, 0.693, 0.772 respectively. For the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) the AUC was 0.732, 0.765, 0.827, respectively. Conclusion. MAS represents a useful scoring system for determining illness severity and prognosis in patients with malignant supratentorial astrocytoma. It can be helpful in comparing single patients or groups of patients, as well as results of different treatments and in controlling the quality of hospital treatment and so on