11 research outputs found

    Το έγκλημα της εμπορίας ανθρώπων Άρθρο 323Α Ποινικού Κώδικα

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    Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας αποτελεί η εμπορία ανθρώπων, όπως τυποποιείται ως ποινικό αδίκημα στο άρθρο 323Α ΠΚ, το οποίο προστέθηκε στο 18ο κεφάλαιο του Ποινικού Κώδικα με το Ν. 3064/2002. Στην έννοια της εμπορίας ανθρώπων, όπως αυτή αναδύεται από την ανάγνωση του προαναφερθέντος άρθρου, εντάσσεται η, με χρήση εξαναγκαστικών ή απατηλών μέσων, τέλεση μίας πράξης διακίνησης προσώπου που αποσκοπεί στην οικονομική εκμετάλλευση του σώματός του, η οποία μπορεί να συνίσταται σε αφαίρεση ιστών ή οργάνων του σώματός του ή σε εκμετάλλευση της εργασίας ή της επαιτείας του, καθώς και η πράξη της στρατολόγησης ανηλίκου με σκοπό τη χρησιμοποίησή του σε ένοπλες συγκρούσεις. Στην εισαγωγή της παρούσας εργασίας επιχειρείται η εννοιολογική οριοθέτηση της εμπορίας ανθρώπων, η μελέτη των λόγων εμφάνισης και οι σύγχρονες διαστάσεις του φαινομένου. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο ακολουθεί η παρουσίαση των σημαντικότερων διεθνών και ευρωπαϊκών νομοθετικών κειμένων υπό την επίδραση των οποίων διαμορφώνονται οι αντίστοιχες ελληνικές νομοθετικές ρυθμίσεις, συναπαρτίζοντας το σχετικό με την εμπορία ανθρώπων νομοθετικό πλαίσιο, κύριους άξονες του οποίου αποτελούν η αντιμετώπιση του φαινομένου σε προληπτικό και κατασταλτικό επίπεδο, αλλά και η παροχή προστασίας και αρωγής στα θύματα. Ενώ στο δεύτερο και σημαντικότερο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας παρουσιάζεται το προστατευόμενο έννομο αγαθό και πραγματοποιείται η αναλυτική προσέγγιση του άρθρου 323Α ΠΚ, το οποίο αποτελείται από έξι παραγράφους που συγκροτούν έξι επιμέρους κυρωτικούς κανόνες και διαρθρώνεται με βάση τις επαπειλούμενες ποινές. Επίσης εξετάζονται ζητήματα συρροής και άλλα ειδικότερα ζητήματα. Η διπλωματική εργασία ολοκληρώνεται με μία σύνοψη των προβλημάτων από την εφαρμογή του άρθρου 323Α ΠΚ και τη διατύπωση ορισμένων σκέψεων και προτάσεων για την αντιμετώπισή τους.The object of the present thesis is trafficking in human beings, as a criminal offence proscribed in article 323A of the Greek Penal Code, which was added to chapter 18 of the Greek Penal Code by Statute No 3064/2002. According to the above mentioned article, trafficking in human beings consists of an act of transferring a person by means of coercion or deception for the purpose of exploitation, which can take the form of the removal of tissues or organs of the human body or labour exploitation or exploitation of begging, as well as the act of recruiting minors for the purpose of using them in armed conflicts. In the proem of the essay the writer attempts to clarify the meaning of human trafficking, examine the reasons which are liable for the appearance and evolvement of the phenomenon and make the distinction between smuggling and trafficking in human beings. In the first chapter of the essay the writer attempts to present the most important international conventions and european legal instruments, based on which the related to human trafficking greek legislative provisions are adopted, while it is noted that the purposes of the international, european and greek legislation on combating trafficking in human beings are preventing and suppressing human trafficking as well as protecting and assisting the victims of such trafficking. In the second and most important chapter of the paper the protected legal good is presented and a detailed approach of the content of article 323A of the Greek Penal Code, which consists of six paragraphs and is divided according to the proscribed sanctions, is attempted. Issues of concurrent offences and other specific issues are also are examined. Lastly, problems that article 323A of the Greek Penal Code causes in addition to thoughts and ways of confronting them are presented

    Big 5 Personality Changes in Greek bvFTD, AD, and MCI Patients

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    Patients with neurodegenerative disease show distinct patterns of personality change, some of which may be traced to focal neurologic damage, while others may be mediated by cultural reactions to functional impairment. While such changes are early and pervasive in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), and milder changes are seen in Alzheimer’s (AD), no study has examined all Big 5 factors of personality in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients. Also, the influence of culture and ethnicity on disease-related personality changes has seldom been examined. Premorbid and current personality were measured in 47 Greek patients with bvFTD, AD, and MCI according to informant reports using the TPQue5, a 5-factor inventory in the Greek language and accounting for Greek cultural factors. bvFTDs showed greater decreases in conscientiousness than ADs and MCIs. ADs and MCIs showed increased neuroticism, while the bvFTD patients were rated as having become much less neurotic in the course of their disease. The pattern of personality change in MCIs was very similar to that of ADs, supporting recent evidence that personality changes occur as early as the MCI disease stage. In all groups, personality changes were similar to those previously described in non-Mediterranean cultures, supporting the hypothesis that they may result directly from disease-specific neurologic processes

    Lung cancer invading the superior vena cava – surgical treatment. A short and up-to-date review

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    Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of lung cancer, occurring in approximately 5–10% of cases. There are difficulties in the process of surgical treatment of SVC infiltrated by lung tumors but the contribution of technological evolution and innovation is promising. At the same time, the amelioration of survival rates of patients subjected to surgical treatment is equally promising. The reported outcomes of surgical treatment for SVC invasion due to lung tumors vary depending on the extent of the tumor and the patient’s overall health status. However, studies clearly suggest that surgical treatment can improve survival and quality of life in selected patients. The literature review showed that the surgical approach to lung cancer invading the SVC constitutes the most indispensable treatment which helps to achieve the long-term survival of patients

    Anosognosia in Dementia: Evaluation of Perfusion Correlates Using 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT and Automated Brodmann Areas Analysis

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    (1) Background: Considerable inconsistency exists regarding the neural substrates of anosognosia in dementia in previous neuroimaging studies. The purpose of this study was the evaluation of anosognosia perfusion correlates across various types of dementia using automated Brodmann areas (BAs) analysis and comparison with a database of normal subjects. (2) Methods: We studied 72 patients: 32 with Alzheimer’s disease, 26 with frontotemporal dementia—FTD (12 behavioral FTD, 9 semantic FTD, 5 Progressive Non-Fluent Aphasia), 11 with corticobasal syndrome, and 3 with progressive supranuclear palsy. Addenbrook’s Cognitive Examination—Revised (ACE-R) mean(±SD) was 55.6(±22.8). For anosognosia measurement, the Anosognosia Questionnaire—Dementia was used. Total anosognosia score mean(±SD) was 22.1(±17.9), cognitive anosognosia score mean(±SD) was 18.1(±15.1) and behavioral–mood anosognosia score mean(±SD) was 3.3(±4.7). (3) Results: Higher anosognosia total score was associated with hypoperfusion in the inferior temporal, anterior cingulate, and inferior frontal cortices of the right hemisphere (BAs 20R, 24R, 32R, 45R). Higher anosognosia cognitive score was correlated with hypoperfusion in the left middle and anterior temporal cortices, and right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BAs 21L, 22L, 32R). No association was found with behavioral–mood anosognosia. (4) Conclusions: Automated analysis of brain perfusion Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography could be useful for the investigation of anosognosia neural correlates in dementia

    Neurological Examination via Telemedicine: An Updated Review Focusing on Movement Disorders

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    Patients with movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) living in remote and underserved areas often have limited access to specialized healthcare, while the feasibility and reliability of the video-based examination remains unclear. The aim of this narrative review is to examine which parts of remote neurological assessment are feasible and reliable in movement disorders. Clinical studies have demonstrated that most parts of the video-based neurological examination are feasible, even in the absence of a third party, including stance and gait—if an assistive device is not required—bradykinesia, tremor, dystonia, some ocular mobility parts, coordination, and gross muscle power and sensation assessment. Technical issues (video quality, internet connection, camera placement) might affect bradykinesia and tremor evaluation, especially in mild cases, possibly due to their rhythmic nature. Rigidity, postural instability and deep tendon reflexes cannot be remotely performed unless a trained healthcare professional is present. A modified version of incomplete Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)-III and a related equation lacking rigidity and pull testing items can reliably predict total UPDRS-III. UPDRS-II, -IV, Timed “Up and Go”, and non-motor and quality of life scales can be administered remotely, while the remote Movement Disorder Society (MDS)-UPDRS-III requires further investigation. In conclusion, most parts of neurological examination can be performed virtually in PD, except for rigidity and postural instability, while technical issues might affect the assessment of mild bradykinesia and tremor. The combined use of wearable devices may at least partially compensate for these challenges in the future

    Alzheimer’s disease research progress in the Mediterranean region:the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference Satellite Symposium

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    As research and services in the Mediterranean region continue to increase, so do opportunities for global collaboration. To support such collaborations, the Alzheimer's Association was due to hold its seventh Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium in Athens, Greece in 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually, which enabled attendees from around the world to hear about research efforts in Greece and the surrounding Mediterranean countries. Research updates spanned understanding the biology of, treatments for, and care of people with Alzheimer's disease (AD_ and other dementias. Researchers in the Mediterranean region have outlined the local epidemiology of AD and dementia, and have identified regional populations that may expedite genetic studies. Development of biomarkers is expected to aid early and accurate diagnosis. Numerous efforts have been made to develop culturally specific interventions to both reduce risk of dementia, and to improve quality of life for people living with dementia

    Alzheimer's disease research progress in the Mediterranean region : The Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium

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    As research and services in the Mediterranean region continue to increase, so do opportunities for global collaboration. To support such collaborations, the Alzheimer's Association was due to hold its seventh Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium in Athens, Greece in 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually, which enabled attendees from around the world to hear about research efforts in Greece and the surrounding Mediterranean countries. Research updates spanned understanding the biology of, treatments for, and care of people with Alzheimer's disease (AD_ and other dementias. Researchers in the Mediterranean region have outlined the local epidemiology of AD and dementia, and have identified regional populations that may expedite genetic studies. Development of biomarkers is expected to aid early and accurate diagnosis. Numerous efforts have been made to develop culturally specific interventions to both reduce risk of dementia, and to improve quality of life for people living with dementia