6,073 research outputs found

    Incremental Recompilation of Knowledge

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    Approximating a general formula from above and below by Horn formulas (its Horn envelope and Horn core, respectively) was proposed by Selman and Kautz (1991, 1996) as a form of ``knowledge compilation,'' supporting rapid approximate reasoning; on the negative side, this scheme is static in that it supports no updates, and has certain complexity drawbacks pointed out by Kavvadias, Papadimitriou and Sideri (1993). On the other hand, the many frameworks and schemes proposed in the literature for theory update and revision are plagued by serious complexity-theoretic impediments, even in the Horn case, as was pointed out by Eiter and Gottlob (1992), and is further demonstrated in the present paper. More fundamentally, these schemes are not inductive, in that they may lose in a single update any positive properties of the represented sets of formulas (small size, Horn structure, etc.). In this paper we propose a new scheme, incremental recompilation, which combines Horn approximation and model-based updates; this scheme is inductive and very efficient, free of the problems facing its constituents. A set of formulas is represented by an upper and lower Horn approximation. To update, we replace the upper Horn formula by the Horn envelope of its minimum-change update, and similarly the lower one by the Horn core of its update; the key fact which enables this scheme is that Horn envelopes and cores are easy to compute when the underlying formula is the result of a minimum-change update of a Horn formula by a clause. We conjecture that efficient algorithms are possible for more complex updates.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    First-order transition in small-world networks

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    The small-world transition is a first-order transition at zero density pp of shortcuts, whereby the normalized shortest-path distance undergoes a discontinuity in the thermodynamic limit. On finite systems the apparent transition is shifted by ΔpLd\Delta p \sim L^{-d}. Equivalently a ``persistence size'' Lp1/dL^* \sim p^{-1/d} can be defined in connection with finite-size effects. Assuming LpτL^* \sim p^{-\tau}, simple rescaling arguments imply that τ=1/d\tau=1/d. We confirm this result by extensive numerical simulation in one to four dimensions, and argue that τ=1/d\tau=1/d implies that this transition is first-order.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To appear in Europhysics Letter

    Spin-injection Hall effect in a planar photovoltaic cell

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    Successful incorporation of the spin degree of freedom in semiconductor technology requires the development of a new paradigm allowing for a scalable, non-destructive electrical detection of the spin-polarization of injected charge carriers as they propagate along the semiconducting channel. In this paper we report the observation of a spin-injection Hall effect (SIHE) which exploits the quantum-relativistic nature of spin-charge transport and which meets all these key requirements on the spin detection. The two-dimensional electron-hole gas photo-voltaic cell we designed to observe the SIHE allows us to develop a quantitative microscopic theory of the phenomenon and to demonstrate its direct application in optoelectronics. We report an experimental realization of a non-magnetic spin-photovoltaic effect via the SIHE, rendering our device an electrical polarimeter which directly converts the degree of circular polarization of light to a voltage signal.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Biased random satisfiability problems: From easy to hard instances

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    In this paper we study biased random K-SAT problems in which each logical variable is negated with probability pp. This generalization provides us a crossover from easy to hard problems and would help us in a better understanding of the typical complexity of random K-SAT problems. The exact solution of 1-SAT case is given. The critical point of K-SAT problems and results of replica method are derived in the replica symmetry framework. It is found that in this approximation αcp(K1)\alpha_c \propto p^{-(K-1)} for p0p\to 0. Solving numerically the survey propagation equations for K=3 we find that for p<p0.17p<p^* \sim 0.17 there is no replica symmetry breaking and still the SAT-UNSAT transition is discontinuous.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum annealing and the Schr\"odinger-Langevin-Kostin equation

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    We show, in the context of quantum combinatorial optimization, or quantum annealing, how the nonlinear Schr\"odinger-Langevin-Kostin equation can dynamically drive the system toward its ground state. We illustrate, moreover, how a frictional force of Kostin type can prevent the appearance of genuinely quantum problems such as Bloch oscillations and Anderson localization which would hinder an exhaustive search.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. To appear on Physical Review

    Learning Points and Routes to Recommend Trajectories

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    The problem of recommending tours to travellers is an important and broadly studied area. Suggested solutions include various approaches of points-of-interest (POI) recommendation and route planning. We consider the task of recommending a sequence of POIs, that simultaneously uses information about POIs and routes. Our approach unifies the treatment of various sources of information by representing them as features in machine learning algorithms, enabling us to learn from past behaviour. Information about POIs are used to learn a POI ranking model that accounts for the start and end points of tours. Data about previous trajectories are used for learning transition patterns between POIs that enable us to recommend probable routes. In addition, a probabilistic model is proposed to combine the results of POI ranking and the POI to POI transitions. We propose a new F1_1 score on pairs of POIs that capture the order of visits. Empirical results show that our approach improves on recent methods, and demonstrate that combining points and routes enables better trajectory recommendations

    University Staff Teaching Allocation: Formulating and Optimising a Many-Objective Problem

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via the DOI in this record.The codebase for this paper is available at https://github.com/fieldsend/gecco_2017_staff_teaching_allocationThe allocation of university staff to teaching exhibits a range of often competing objectives. We illustrate the use of an augmented version of NSGA-III to undertake the seven-objective optimisation of this problem, to fi nd a trade-off front for a university department using real world data. We highlight its use in decision-making, and compare solutions identi fied to an actual allocation made prior to the availability of the optimisation tool. The criteria we consider include minimising the imbalance in workload distribution among staff; minimising the average load; minimising the maximum peak load; minimising the staff per module; minimising staff dissatisfaction with teaching allocations; and minimising the variation from the previous year’s allocation (allocation churn). We derive mathematical forms for these various criteria, and show we can determine the maximum possible values for all criteria and the minimum values for most exactly (with lower bounds on the remaining criteria). For many of the objectives, when considered in isolation, an optimal solution may be obtained rapidly. We demonstrate the advantage of utilising such extreme solutions to drastically improve the optimisation effi ciency in this many-objective optimisation problem. We also identify issues that NSGA-III can experience due to selection between generations

    Exactly solvable models of adaptive networks

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    A satisfiability (SAT-UNSAT) transition takes place for many optimization problems when the number of constraints, graphically represented by links between variables nodes, is brought above some threshold. If the network of constraints is allowed to adapt by redistributing its links, the SAT-UNSAT transition may be delayed and preceded by an intermediate phase where the structure self-organizes to satisfy the constraints. We present an analytic approach, based on the recently introduced cavity method for large deviations, which exactly describes the two phase transitions delimiting this adaptive intermediate phase. We give explicit results for random bond models subject to the connectivity or rigidity percolation transitions, and compare them with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Behavior of heuristics and state space structure near SAT/UNSAT transition

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    We study the behavior of ASAT, a heuristic for solving satisfiability problems by stochastic local search near the SAT/UNSAT transition. The heuristic is focused, i.e. only variables in unsatisfied clauses are updated in each step, and is significantly simpler, while similar to, walksat or Focused Metropolis Search. We show that ASAT solves instances as large as one million variables in linear time, on average, up to 4.21 clauses per variable for random 3SAT. For K higher than 3, ASAT appears to solve instances at the ``FRSB threshold'' in linear time, up to K=7.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, longer version available as MSc thesis of first author at http://biophys.physics.kth.se/docs/ardelius_thesis.pd

    Matching Kasteleyn Cities for Spin Glass Ground States

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    As spin glass materials have extremely slow dynamics, devious numerical methods are needed to study low-temperature states. A simple and fast optimization version of the classical Kasteleyn treatment of the Ising model is described and applied to two-dimensional Ising spin glasses. The algorithm combines the Pfaffian and matching approaches to directly strip droplet excitations from an excited state. Extended ground states in Ising spin glasses on a torus, which are optimized over all boundary conditions, are used to compute precise values for ground state energy densities.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor clarification