14 research outputs found

    Evolutionary changes in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the human genome from 9000 years BP until modern times

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    The demonstration of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in ancient skeletons gives researchers an insight into its evolution. Findings of the last two decades sketched the biological relationships between the various species of tubercle bacilli, the time scale involved, their possible origin and dispersal. This paper includes the available evidence and on-going research. In the submerged Eastern Mediterranean Neolithic village of Atlit Yam (9000 BP), a human lineage of M. tuberculosis, defined by the TbD1 deletion in its genome, was demonstrated. An infected infant at the site provides an example of active tuberculosis in a human with a naïve immune system. Over 4000 years later tuberculosis was found in Jericho. Urbanization increases population density encouraging M. tuberculosis/human co-evolution. As susceptible humans die of tuberculosis, survivors develop genetic resistance to disease. Thus in 18th century Hungarian mummies from V ac, 65% were positive for tuberculosis yet a 95-year-old woman had clearly survived a childhood Ghon lesion. Whole genome studies are in progress, to detect changes over the millennia both in bacterial virulence and also host susceptibility/resistance genes that determine the NRAMP protein and Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIRs). This paper surveys present evidence and includes initial findings.The contribution made by our many collaborators, researchers and students is gratefully acknowledged. Special acknowledgement is due to Dr Angela Gernaey (deceased) who helped pioneer the early mycolic acid work on the bison bone

    Natural occurrence of Escherichia coli-infecting bacteriophages in clinical samples

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    Copyright © 2019 Pacífico, Hilbert, Sofka, Dinhopl, Pap, Aspöck, Carriço and Hilbert. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The interaction between bacteriophages, bacteria and the human host as a tripartite system has recently captured attention. The taxonomic diversity of bacteriophages, as a natural parasite of bacteria, still remains obscure in human body biomes, representing a so-called "viral dark matter." Here, we isolated and characterized coliphages from blood, urine and tracheal aspirates samples collected at a tertiary care hospital in Austria. Phages were more often isolated from blood, followed by urine and tracheal aspirates. Phylogenetic analysis and genome comparisons allowed the identification of phages belonging to the Tunavirinae subfamily, and to the Peduovirus and Tequintavirus genera. Tunavirinae phages cluster together and are found in samples from 14 patients, suggesting their prevalence across a variety of human samples. When compared with other phage genomes, the highest similarity level was at 87.69% average nucleotide identity (ANI), which suggests that these are in fact a newly isolated phage species. Tequintavirus phages share a 95.90% with phage 3_29, challenging the ANI threshold currently accepted to differentiate phage species. The isolated phages appear to be virulent, with the exception of the Peduovirus members, which are integrative and seem to reside as prophages in bacterial genomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Becoming adults: Exploring the late ontogeny of the human talus

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    Introduction: The talus plays an important role in receiving and dissipating the forces and linking the leg and the foot. As such, it is of paramount importance to analyze how its morphology, internal and external, changes during late ontogeny and through adolescence. Method: To explore both the external shape and the internal architecture of the talus, Geometric Morphometrics and trabecular analysis have been applied to a sample of 35 tali from modern human juveniles aged between 5 and 15 years old (Middle Neolithic (4800-4500 BCE) to mid-20th century). Results: Results show that, as the overall size of the talus increases, the shape and orientation of talar facets also change. The youngest individuals exhibit a functional talus that is still characterized by a relatively immature shape (e.g., subtly expressed margins of articular surfaces) with articular facets only minimally rotated towards an adult configuration. In adolescents, talar shape has achieved adult form after the age of 11, with all the articular facets and posterior processes well-developed. Considering internal morphology, trabecular bone varies between age classes. While Bone Volume Fraction shifts during the age 5-15 range, Degree of Anisotropy is relatively more stable over the developmental period examined in the study since it exhibits smaller variations between age classes. Discussion: This study examined the late ontogeny of the human talus by considering both internal and external morphology. Results suggest that, although the locomotion has already assumed an adult-like pattern, the exploration of late talar growth may help understand how the talus adapts to changes in locomotor activity and how it responds to the increase in weight. Present results can be used to a better understanding of talar plasticity, improving interpretations of adult human talar form

    First Scanning electron microscope analysis of dental calculus from European Neanderthals: Subalyuk, (Middle Paleolithic, Hungary). Preliminary report

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    Pap Ildiko, Tillier Anne-Marie, Arensburg Baruch, Weiner Steve, Chech Mario. First Scanning electron microscope analysis of dental calculus from European Neanderthals: Subalyuk, (Middle Paleolithic, Hungary). Preliminary report. In: Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, Nouvelle Série. Tome 7 fascicule 1-2, 1995. pp. 69-72

    Direct dating of the ‘‘Gravettian'' Balla child's skeleton from Bu¨ kk Mountains (Hungary): unexpected results

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    News and ViewsInternational audienceDirect dating performed on the Balla's child skeleton evidenced that the remains are more recent as initially presumed and could be attributed to the Neolithic

    Main Metabolites of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A Study of Electrochemical Properties

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitously distributed soil and water bacterium and is considered an opportunistic pathogen in hospitals. In cystic fibrosis patients, for example, infections with P. aeruginosa can be severe and often lead to chronic or even fatal pneumonia. Therefore, rapid detection and further identification are of major importance in hospital hygiene and infection control. This work shows the electrochemical properties of five P. aeruginosa key metabolites considering their potential use as specific signaling agents in an electrochemical sensor system. The pure solutes of pyocyanin (PYO), Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS), pyochelin (PCH), 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline (HHQ), and 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HQNO) were analyzed by different electrochemical techniques (cyclic and square wave voltammetry) and measured using a Gamry Reference 600+ potentiostat. Screen-printed electrodes (DropSens DRP110; carbon working and counter, silver reference electrode) were used to determine signal specificities, detection limits, as well as pH dependencies of the substances. All of the compounds were electrochemically inducible with well-separated oxidation and/or reduction peaks at specific peak potentials relative to the reference electrode. Additionally, all analytes exhibited linear concentration dependency in ranges classically reported in the literature. The demonstration of these properties is a promising step toward direct multiplexed detection of P. aeruginosa in environmental and clinical samples and thus, can make a significant contribution to public health and safety

    Enamel thickness and dental tissue proportions in Neandertal and modern human upper deciduous molars

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    Human Pathogenic Candida Species Respond Distinctively to Lactic Acid Stress

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    Several Candida species are opportunistic human fungal pathogens and thrive in various environmental niches in and on the human body. In this study we focus on the conditions of the vaginal tract, which is acidic, hypoxic, glucose-deprived, and contains lactic acid. We quantitatively analyze the lactic acid tolerance in glucose-rich and glucose-deprived environment of five Candida species: Candidaalbicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei and Candida tropicalis. To characterize the phenotypic space, we analyzed 40–100 clinical isolates of each species. Each Candida species had a very distinct response pattern to lactic acid stress and characteristic phenotypic variability. C. glabrata and C. parapsilosis were best to withstand high concentrations of lactic acid with glucose as carbon source. A glucose-deprived environment induced lactic acid stress tolerance in all species. With lactate as carbon source the growth rate of C. krusei is even higher compared to glucose, whereas the other species grow slower. C. krusei may use lactic acid as carbon source in the vaginal tract. Stress resistance variability was highest among C. parapsilosis strains. In conclusion, each Candida spp. is adapted differently to cope with lactic acid stress and resistant to physiological concentrations

    Enamel thickness and dental tissue proportions in Neandertal and modern human upper deciduous molars

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    Early dispersal of modern humans in Europe and implications for Neanderthal behaviour

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    The appearance of anatomically modern humans in Europe and the nature of the transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic are matters of intense debate. Most researchers accept that before the arrival of anatomically modern humans, Neanderthals had adopted several ‘transitional’ technocomplexes. Two of these, the Uluzzian of southern Europe and the Châtelperronian of western Europe, are key to current interpretations regarding the timing of arrival of anatomically modern humans in the region and their potential interaction with Neanderthal populations. They are also central to current debates regarding the cognitive abilities of Neanderthals and the reasons behind their extinction1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. However, the actual fossil evidence associated with these assemblages is scant and fragmentary7, 8, 9, 10, and recent work has questioned the attribution of the Châtelperronian to Neanderthals on the basis of taphonomic mixing and lithic analysis11, 12. Here we reanalyse the deciduous molars from the Grotta del Cavallo (southern Italy), associated with the Uluzzian and originally classified as Neanderthal13, 14. Using two independent morphometric methods based on microtomographic data, we show that the Cavallo specimens can be attributed to anatomically modern humans. The secure context of the teeth provides crucial evidence that the makers of the Uluzzian technocomplex were therefore not Neanderthals. In addition, new chronometric data for the Uluzzian layers of Grotta del Cavallo obtained from associated shell beads and included within a Bayesian age model show that the teeth must date to ~45,000–43,000 calendar years before present. The Cavallo human remains are therefore the oldest known European anatomically modern humans, confirming a rapid dispersal of modern humans across the continent before the Aurignacian and the disappearance of Neanderthals.This work was supported by the NSF 01-120 Hominid Grant 2007, A.E.R.S. Dental Medicine Organisations GmbH FA547013, the Fondation Fyssen, the DFG INST 37/706-1 FUGG and the NERC Grant (NE/D014077/1).Peer reviewe