64 research outputs found
Relationship between evaluation methods and learning outcome in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
The present paper analyzes some examples of how the evaluation tools have been adapted to the environment of MOOC and lead to some interesting examples with respect to the redefinition of the learning experience and the learning outcomes. The starting point is twofold: 1) the analysis of the evaluation models implemented in MOOCs, grounded on peer review and data analysis supported by specific software and 2) a review of the effectiveness of the different methodologies with respect to the implementation of the evaluation models in the specific context of a MOOC. The results demonstrate two main approaches. On the one hand, “peer evaluation”-based approaches, supported by technological tools, have emerged with the aim to encourage participation and limit in part the negative effects of the automatic procedures applied to the learning context. On the other hand, approaches focused on data analysis, especially those exploiting methodologies of sentiment analysis, do not seem to be a reliable indicator of success of the students in MOOC, although they offer more information about the learning experience in itself. Il rapporto tra metodologie di valutazione e learning outcome nei corsi massivi online (MOOC)Il presente contributo analizza alcuni esempi di adattamento/adattabilità degli strumenti di valutazione nell’ambito dell’ambiente MOOC. I MOOC hanno infatti offerto la base per alcune interessanti sperimentazioni di ridefinizione dell’esperienza di apprendimento e dei risultati di apprendimento negli ultimi anni. Il punto di partenza è l’analisi dei principali modelli di valutazione implementati nei MOOC, in particolare quelli basati sulla peer review e sulla data analysis supportata da software specifici. Si apre da qui la discussione relativa all’efficacia delle metodologie di valutazione in relazione alla implementazione del modello valutativo nel contesto specifico dei MOOC. Emergono nel complesso approcci basati sulla peer evaluation gestiti con strumenti tecnologici in grado di favorire la partecipazione e contenere, in qualche misura, gli effetti negativi delle procedure automatizzate di valutazione. Gli approcci basati invece sulla data analysis, in particolare quelli in grado di sfruttare metodologie di sentiment analysis, non sembrano fornire un indicatore affidabile del successo degli studenti, sebbene forniscano informazioni interessanti rispetto alla learning experience nel suo complesso
Catching allergy by a simple questionnaire
Background: Identifying allergic rhinitis requires allergy testing, but the first-line referral for rhinitis are usually primary care physicians (PCP), who are not familiar with such tests. The availability of easy and simple tests to be used by PCP to suggest allergy should be very useful. Methods: The Respiratory Allergy Prediction (RAP) test, based on 9 questions and previously validated by a panel of experts, was evaluated in this study. Results: An overall number of 401 patients (48.6% males, age range 14-62 years) with respiratory symptoms was included. Of them, 89 (22.2%) showed negative results to SPT, while 312 (77.8%) had at least one positive result to SPT. Cohen's kappa coefficient showed that all questions had an almost perfect excellent agreement between pre and post-test. The algorithm of decision-tree growth Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector showed that answering yes to the question 4 (Your nasal/ocular complains do usually start or worsen during the spring?), 6 (Did you ever had cough or shortness of breath, even during exercise?) and 8 (Do you use nasal sprays frequently?) gave a probability to have a positive SPT of 85%. Conclusions: These findings show that RAP test can be proposed as an useful tool to be used by physician other than allergists when evaluating patients with rhinitis, suggesting the need of allergy testing
Relationship between evaluation methods and learning outcome in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
The present paper analyzes some examples of how the evaluation tools have been adapted to the environment of MOOC and lead to some interesting examples with respect to the redefinition of the learning experience and the learning outcomes. The starting point is twofold: 1) the analysis of the evaluation models implemented in MOOCs, grounded on peer review and data analysis supported by specific software and 2) a review of the effectiveness of the different methodologies with respect to the implementation of the evaluation models in the specific context of a MOOC. The results demonstrate two main approaches. On the one hand, “peer evaluation”-based approaches, supported by technological tools, have emerged with the aim to encourage participation and limit in part the negative effects of the automatic procedures applied to the learning context. On the other hand, approaches focused on data analysis, especially those exploiting methodologies of sentiment analysis, do not seem to be a reliable indicator of success of the students in MOOC, although they offer more information about the learning experience in itself
Lettura digitale: problemi e prospettive
In questo lavoro si vuole gettare uno sguardo sul fenomeno degli ebook e sul potenziale impatto della lettura digitale rispetto alla propensione alla lettura degli adolescenti e degli adulti, provando a far emergere il valore della lettura come processo di apprendimento e proponendo alcune definizioni di e-book e di dispositivi per la lettura digitale, dal personal computer all’e-book reader, per poi analizzare i dati che emergono da alcune recenti indagini condotte in Italia e negli Stati Uniti rispetto al rapporto dei lettori con i libri digitali
This contribution is a reflection on the main aspects of the sustainability of online teaching, a theme that has assumed particular relevance in the acute phase of the Covid-19 emergency but which, having a more transversal value, maintains its significance even in blended or face-to-face teaching. Below we will try to tackle the theme of teaching sustainability by examining the three levels that characterize teaching: course design, practice and evaluation (Castoldi 2010). Each plan is examined in relation to four categories which in the context of the emergency have assumed particular importance: frameworks, times, technologies and skills
Online higher education teaching practices
In the last years, the number of online courses offered by the Italian
Universities have increased significantly and it has reached overall
100 courses and 77.000 students enrolled. Many academics have
thus experienced the design of online courses delivered by means
of Virtual Learning Environments. The aim of the research reported
in the present contribution is to investigate this scenario with respect
to the Italian Universities. We assumed that a reconceptualization
of the models for University’s online teaching activities has
triggered the born of new communities of practices (CoPs), that
emerged to animate the search for more effective and sustainable
online teaching models. The survey focused on the presence and
the key features of CoPs for online teaching. The results of the
survey confirms the presence of informal learning dynamics within
the University’s organizations: a common repertoire, a sense of
community and active interactions toward common objectives were
identified and described by the interviewees
Il rapporto tra metodologie di valutazione e learning outcome nei corsi massivi online (MOOC)
Il presente contributo analizza alcuni esempi di adattamento/adattabilità degli strumenti di valutazione nell’ambito dell’ambiente MOOC. I MOOC hanno infatti offerto la base per alcune interessanti sperimentazioni di ridefinizione dell’esperienza di apprendimento e dei risultati di apprendimento negli ultimi anni. Il punto di partenza è l’analisi dei principali modelli di valutazione implementati nei MOOC, in particolare quelli basati sulla peer review e sulla data analysis supportata da software specifici. Si apre da qui la discussione relativa all’efficacia delle metodologie di valutazione in relazione alla implementazione del modello valutativo nel contesto specifico dei MOOC. Emergono nel complesso approcci basati sulla peer evaluation gestiti con strumenti tecnologici in grado di favorire la partecipazione e contenere, in qualche misura, gli effetti negativi delle procedure automatizzate di valutazione. Gli approcci basati invece sulla data analysis, in particolare quelli in grado di sfruttare metodologie di sentiment analysis, non sembrano fornire un indicatore affidabile del successo degli studenti, sebbene forniscano informazioni interessanti rispetto alla learning experience nel suo complesso.The present paper analyzes some examples of how the evaluation tools have been adapted to the environment of MOOC and lead to some interesting examples with respect to the redefinition of the learning experience and the learning outcomes. The starting point is twofold: 1) the analysis of the evaluation models implemented in MOOCs, grounded on peer review and data analysis supported by specific software and 2) a review of the effectiveness of the different methodologies with respect to the implementation of the evaluation models in the specific context of a MOOC. The results demonstrate two main approaches. On the one hand, “peer evaluation”-based approaches, supported by technological tools, have emerged with the aim to encourage participation and limit in part the negative effects of the automatic procedures applied to the learning context. On the other hand, approaches focused on data analysis, especially those exploiting methodologies of sentiment analysis, do not seem to be a reliable indicator of success of the students in MOOC, although they offer more information about the learning experience in itself
Acting Out: percorsi didattici per agire e riflettere nel digitale
Le trasformazioni digitali e il normalizzarsi del Web 2.0 hanno fatto emergere come
il digitale sia parte integrante della nostra vita quotidiana e non possa piĂą essere
considerato uno spazio virtuale estraneo ad essa. Anche la costruzione dell’identitĂ
sociale e individuale è fortemente connessa con la capacità di costruire significati
attraverso narrazioni e all’esposizione pubblica che ogni soggetto vive negli ambienti
digitali e in particolare nei social network. Nel presente lavoro si presentano gli esiti
di ricerche e riflessioni che coinvolgono e modellano le azioni dei singoli nel digitale.
Ogni capitolo è accompagnato da un focus che offre un affondo specifico su uno o
più aspetti legati alla tematica trattata, nell’ottica di fornire a docenti e ricercatori strumenti
applicativi in contesti di didattica formale di tipo scolastico (compresi contesti
non standard come CPIA e Scuola in Ospedale) e universitario
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