1,270 research outputs found

    Limbal stem cell transplantation: clinical results, limits, and perspectives

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    Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a clinical condition characterized by damage of cornea limbal stem cells, which results in an impairment of corneal epithelium turnover and in an invasion of the cornea by the conjunctival epithelium. In these patients, the conjunctivalization of the cornea is associated with visual impairment and cornea transplantation has poor prognosis for recurrence of the conjunctivalization. Current treatments of LSCD are aimed at replacing the damaged corneal stem cells in order to restore a healthy corneal epithelium. The autotransplantation of limbal tissue from the healthy, fellow eye is effective in unilateral LSCD but leads to depauperation of the stem cell reservoir. In the last decades, novel techniques such as cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET) have been proposed in order to reduce the damage of the healthy fellow eye. Clinical and experimental evidence showed that CLET is effective in inducing long-term regeneration of a healthy corneal epithelium in patients with LSCD with a success rate of 70%-80%. Current limitations for the treatment of LSCD are represented by the lack of a marker able to unequivocally identify limbal stem cells and the treatment of total, bilateral LSCD which requires other sources of stem cells for ocular surface reconstruction

    Diagnosis and management of iridocorneal endothelial syndrome

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    The iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome is a rare ocular disorder that includes a group of conditions characterized by structural and proliferative abnormalities of the corneal endothelium, the anterior chamber angle, and the iris. Common clinical features include corneal edema, secondary glaucoma, iris atrophy, and pupillary anomalies, ranging from distortion to polycoria. The main subtypes of this syndrome are the progressive iris atrophy, the Cogan-Reese syndrome, and the Chandler syndrome. ICE syndrome is usually diagnosed in women in the adult age. Clinical history and complete eye examination including tonometry and gonioscopy are necessary to reach a diagnosis. Imaging techniques, such as in vivo confocal microscopy and ultrasound biomicroscopy, are used to confirm the diagnosis by revealing the presence of "ICE-cells" on the corneal endothelium and the structural changes of the anterior chamber angle. An early diagnosis is helpful to better manage the most challenging complications such as secondary glaucoma and corneal edema. Treatment of ICE-related glaucoma often requires glaucoma filtering surgery with antifibrotic agents and the use of glaucoma drainage implants should be considered early in the management of these patients. Visual impairment and pain associated with corneal edema can be successfully managed with endothelial keratoplasty

    Double-Biguanide Therapy for Resistant Acanthamoeba Keratitis

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    Aims: To report the clinical and diagnostic findings of a patient with Acanthamoeba keratitis resistant to both polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB)-hexamidine and chlorhexidine-hexamidine treatment. Methods: Slit-lamp biomicroscopy, corneal cell scraping and histopathology were performed on a 39-year-old woman presenting with corneal ulcer in her left eye. Results: The patient was successfully treated with PHMB-chlorhexidine association therapy. Subsequent perforating keratoplasty remained clear at the last follow-up visit after 7 months and increased visual acuity to 20/20 with correction. Conclusions: This case emphasizes the proteiform aspects of Acanthamoeba drug resistance, and suggests that PHMB-chlorhexidine association might represent an additional option for cases resistant to standard therapy

    Energy Efficient RGBW Pixel Configuration for Light-emitting Displays

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    A study on LED displays has been conducted exploring a more efficient method for color generation than the traditional method. The study is comprehensive and thoroughly performed employing various sets of experiments in order to examine the functionality of the new proposed scheme which includes a literature review, theoretical modeling based on a scientific study, experimental data measurements of a developed prototype, and statistical data based on a survey. This study resulted in very interesting outcomes that may lead to a tremendous change in the existing LED display technology

    Unusual early recurrence of granular dystrophy after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty: case report

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    We report an atypical case of granular corneal dystrophy recurrence after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. We describe clinical features, histopathological analysis of the lamellar graft specimen and DNA analysis results. The slit-lamp examination and histopathological findings from the graft specimen indicated the confinement of the typical deposits of granular corneal dystrophy deep in the graft interface area. This localization is atypical, since in most cases recurrences in grafts tend to be initially superficial and situated in the epithelial or subepithelial corneal layers. Molecular genetic analysis revealed an already described mutation and a new intronic variant. The unusual localization and timing of this recurrence of granular corneal dystrophy after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty suggests that corneal stromal keratocytes may play a role in the formation of granular deposits. É relatado um caso atípico de recorrência de distrofia corneana granular após transplante lamelar anterior profundo. São descritas as características clínicas, a análise histopatológica do espécime do enxerto lamelar e os resultados de análises de DNA. O exame com lâmpada de fenda e a análise histopatológica do espécime do enxerto demonstram o confinamento dos depósitos típicos da distrofia corneana granular profundamente, na área de interface do enxerto. Esta localização é atípica, uma vez que, na maioria dos casos de recidivas em enxertos, estes tendem a ser no início localizados superficialmente, nas camadas epiteliais ou subepitelial da córnea. A análise genética molecular revelou uma mutação já descrita e uma nova variante intrónica. A localização incomum e o tempo de aparecimento da presente recorrência da distrofia corneana granular após transplante lamelar anterior profundo sugere que ceratócitos do estroma corneano possam desempenhar algum papel na formação dos depósitos granulares

    Ex vivo testing of intact eye globes under inflation conditions to determine regional variation of mechanical stiffness

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    BACKGROUND: The eye globe exhibits significant regional variation of mechanical behaviour. The aim of this present study is to develop a new experimental technique for testing intact eye globes in a form that is representative of in vivo conditions, and therefore suitable for determining the material properties of the complete outer ocular tunic. METHODS: A test rig has been developed to provide closed-loop control of either applied intra-ocular pressure or resulting apical displacement; measurement of displacements across the external surface of the eye globe using high-resolution digital cameras and digital image correlation software; prevention of rigid-body motion and protection of the ocular surface from environmental drying. The method has been demonstrated on one human and one porcine eye globe, which were cyclically loaded. Finite element models based on specimen specific tomography, free from rotational symmetry, were used along with experimental pressure-displacement data in an inverse analysis process to derive the mechanical properties of tissue in different regions of the eye’s outer tunic. RESULTS: The test method enabled monitoring of mechanical response to intraocular pressure variation across the surface of the eye globe. For the two eyes tested, the method showed a gradual change in the sclera’s stiffness from a maximum at the limbus to a minimum at the posterior pole, while in the cornea the stiffness was highest at the centre and lowest in the peripheral zone. Further, for both the sclera and cornea, the load–displacement behaviour did not vary significantly between loading cycles. CONCLUSIONS: The first methodology capable of mechanically testing intact eye globes, with applied loads and boundary conditions that closely represent in vivo conditions is introduced. The method enables determination of the regional variation in mechanical behaviour across the ocular surface

    Population dynamics with a mixed type of sexual and asexual reproduction in a fluctuating environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Carassius gibelio</it>, a cyprinid fish from Eurasia, has the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually. This fish is also known as an invasive species which colonized almost all continental Europe, most likely originating from Asia and Eastern Europe. Populations of both sexually and asexually reproducing individuals exist in sympatry. In this study we try to elucidate the advantages of such a mixed type of reproduction. We investigate the dynamics of two sympatric populations with sexual and asexual reproduction in a periodically fluctuating environment. We define an individual-based computational model in which genotypes are represented by <it>L </it>loci, and the environment is composed of <it>L </it>resources for which the two populations compete.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our model demonstrates advantageous population dynamics where the optimal percentage of asexual reproduction depends on selection strength, on the number of selected loci and on the timescale of environmental fluctuations. We show that the sexual reproduction is necessary for "generating" fit genotypes, while the asexual reproduction is suitable for "amplifying" them. The simulations show that the optimal percentage of asexual reproduction increases with the length of the environment stability period and decrease with the strength of the selection and the number of loci.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this paper we addressed the advantages of a mixed type of sexual and asexual reproduction in a changing environment and explored the idea that a species that is able to adapt itself to environmental fluctuation can easily colonize a new habitat. Our results could provide a possible explanation for the rapid and efficient invasion of species with a variable ratio of sexual and asexual reproduction such as <it>Carassius gibelio</it>.</p

    Quantifying Ocular Surface Inflammation and Correlating It With Inflammatory Cell Infiltration In Vivo: A Novel Method.

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    PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to develop a novel, objective, and semiautomated method to quantify conjunctival redness by correlating measured redness with standard clinical redness and symptom scales and inflammatory cell infiltration. METHODS Eleven outpatients presenting with mild to severe conjunctival hyperemia were included in the study. Clinical examination included patient history; visual analogue score (VAS) for ocular symptoms; 25-item National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ 25) for quality of life/vision; photographs of the anterior segment graded for conjunctival hyperemia, using Efron, relative redness of image (RRI), and edge feature (EF) scales; and conjunctival impression cytology analyzed by flow cytometry. Differences between affected and unaffected eyes were evaluated, and correlations among questionnaire scores, ocular hyperemia grading scores, and assessment of biological markers were performed. RESULTS Visual analogue score (P < 0.0001), Efron scale (P = 0.0003), RRI scores (P = 0.0004), and EF scores (P < 0.0001) and the percentage of granulocytes (defined as cluster of differentiation [CD] 45dim; P = 0.0080) were significantly higher in affected eyes. Conversely, the percentage of CD45bright leukocytes was reduced in affected eyes (P = 0.0054). Both the RRIs and EFs were positively correlated with VAS, Efron scale, percentages of conjunctival granulocytes, and CD45brightCD3neg cells, whereas they were negatively correlated with the percentage of CD45brightCD3pos cells. Edge feature and RRI were correlated (Spearman r = 0.78, P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS Ocular redness is a cardinal sign driving clinical judgment in highly prevalent ocular disorders; hence, we suggest that our semiautomated and reproducible method may represent a helpful tool in the follow-up of these patients. Italian Abstract