29 research outputs found

    Az emlékezet szociológiája. A tudományos vizsgálódás főbb területei és problémái

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    A tanulmány az emlékezet szociológiájának kérdéskörét tekinti át; az egyéni emlékezet társas természete, a kollektív emlékezet, valamint a múlthoz való kulturális viszonyulás kapcsán röviden felvázolja a tudományos vizsgálódás főbb területeit és problémáit. A felsorolt kérdések ma elsősorban az idő szociológiájának perspektívájából relevánsak; a szerző bemutat néhány ebből fakadó elméleti problémát, valamint felvázol néhány olyan irányt, amelyben a továbblépés lehetséges. A fenti kérdések mindazonáltal a társadalmi diskurzusban, valamint az egyéni és kollektív emlékezetek formálásában is meghatározó szerepet töltenek be, jobb megértésük ugyanis nagyban elősegíti a társadalmi lét kontinuitásának és diszkontinuitásának tanulmányozását, illetve az aktuális konfliktusok és a kulturális kötődések vizsgálatát

    Cinema europeo e memorie autocritiche

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    One way for debating about the European cultures is the analysis of the market of the cultural products. Among them, one of the most interesting points of view is that of the film market. Obviously, it is not easy to develop a debate on the “European cinema”. More than an half of the European films is an American production. The rest of the films is produced in the national borders. However, there is an interesting number of films produced in Europe that are viewed in other countries. About their stories, the theme of the memory is one of the most frequent in the last years. It is not only the individual memory, but, above all, the collective one. It is not in the sense of an attention for the problems of the disorientation or of the loss of the memory that modernization and de-traditionalization provoke, but in the sense of an attention for the removal process. They present this question in an autocritical point of view. They present stories also about the worrying past. After a recognition of the most famous European films of the last years, the paper stresses some of these films (produced in East and West European countries) and how they promote and present the autocritical memory

    Memoria pubblica e colonialismo italiano

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    Moltiplicare la vita: Un’esperienza di lettura

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    Every narrative creates a new world. The pleasure of narrative is largely constituted by its capability of multiplying life. This is the main thesis of this short essay, based on field work with school teachers and young students. This kind of pleasure goes with some kind of knowledge: a knowledge referring to human experience and its range of possibilities. It is a kind of knowledge particularly useful for those committed both to social work and social sciences

    Simmel sobre la memoria : Algunas observaciones sobre la memoria y la experiencia moderna

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    Publicado en la secciĂłn "Traslaciones".Centro de Estudios de TeorĂ­a y CrĂ­tica Literari

    Simmel sobre la memoria : Algunas observaciones sobre la memoria y la experiencia moderna

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    Publicado en la secciĂłn "Traslaciones".Centro de Estudios de TeorĂ­a y CrĂ­tica Literari

    Mediateche domestiche: uno sguardo autobiografico

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    Nel loro articolo in questo numero di “M@gm@”, Olimpia Affuso e Simona Isabella riassumono i risultati di una ricerca su quelle che insieme abbiamo chiamato le “mediateche domestiche”. Si tratta delle raccolte di libri, dischi, video e così via che conserviamo nelle nostre abitazioni, più o meno con ordine o alla rinfusa, riempiendo scaffali e altri spazi. Oggetti che ci siamo procurati e che abbiamo “consumato” leggendo, ascoltando o guardandoli, ma il cui uso e il cui significato, e le pratiche che vi sono associate, non si limitano all’acquisto e neanche al mero consumo: conservandoli li carichiamo di un valore diverso. Se ci guardiamo attorno, sui nostri scaffali è inscenato una specie di “teatro della memoria”: oggetti che rammentano per noi e che ci rammentano altro, che a volte riprendiamo in mano ma che comunque segnano la nostra impronta sull’ambiente, e che parlano di noi a chi venga in visita