14 research outputs found

    GC/MS analysis of morning glory seeds freely in commerce: can they be considered "herbal highs"?

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    Abstract Background The so-called "herbal highs" are substances derived from natural plants with effects on the central nervous system. Lisergamide, ergine or LSA is the basis of different types of drugs, which are in seeds of Ipomoea violacea, also known as Morning Glory, and other seeds. In our study we analysed the presence of lysergic acid amide (LSA) in seeds of Ipomoea violacea seized by the Italian Police, in others purchased through the Internet, and in other varieties of Ipomoea sold for ornamental purposes, to assess whether the actual consumption of ornamental seeds could contain hallucinogenic doses of LSA. Methods The analyses were conducted at the Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology of the Section of Legal Medicine of the University of Perugia, using GC/MSD system. For analysis, 300 mg of seeds (~8 seeds) from each specimen were chosen. Results Analysis revealed that 300 mg of Ipomoea violacea seeds resulting from police seizures, equivalent to approximately 8 seeds, contained a percentage of LSA equal to 0.062%. This finding is in agreement with what was indicated in literature, as the ingestion of 250 seeds would lead to a dose of approximately 6 mg of LSA, capable of provoking hallucinogenic effects. The analysis of 300 mg of Ipomoea Rubrocerulea seeds bought on the commercial marketdetected an average concentration of LSA of 0.011%. The Ipomoea mix contained a concentration of LSA about 10 times lower than that of seized Morning Glory seeds. Conclusion Seeds bought on the commercial market contained doses of LSA capable of provoking hallucinogenic effects. In the absence of data on the toxicity resulting from the ingestion of seeds for ornamental purposes, we believe that further research on the actual safety of ornamental seeds is necessary

    Drugs and psychoactive substances in the Tiber River

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    7nononeWastewater analysis is a direct and objective method used to measure human consumption of illicit drugs. In the last few years these have become a new class of environmental contaminants. The aim of our study was the identification of drugs in Tiber River waters. We collected 20 water samples from May to June 2012, at six points of the river: at the source, near Perugia, near Rome and at the mouth. Samples were analysed using gas chromatography with a mass detector. Basic analytes were extracted using the method of Varian Certify. For acidic analytes we proceed to direct extraction using organic solvents. The most detected drug was ecstasy. We also identified traces of methadone, morphine, heroine, methylamphetamine and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The highest concentration of cocaine was found near Perugia with a peak in the weekend (4744 ng/ml). Psychoactive substances had constant concentrations in the week. Ecstasy (MDMA) was the most detected drug. The most interesting finding was the increased concentration of cocaine and heroin in waters near Perugia showing the alarming phenomenon of weekend use of these substances. © 2016 Australian Academy of Forensic SciencesnoneMilione, S.; Mercurio, Isabella; Troiano, Gianmarco; Melai, P.; Agostinelli, V.; Nante, Nicola; Bacci, M.Milione, S.; Mercurio, Isabella; Troiano, Gianmarco; Melai, P.; Agostinelli, V.; Nante, Nicola; Bacci, M

    A 10 year post-mortem analysis of keratin matrix in Perugia (Italy): focus on cocaine involvement in several types of death

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    The use of keratin matrix, in detecting drug consumption, offers compelling advantages compared to other conventional biological matrices used for these types of investigation, and provides important information to surveys which are characterised by a general underestimation, especially in Italy. In our study we collected and analysed 424 hair samples from corpses autopsied in Perugia from January 2001 to December 2011 in order to detect traces of drugs and especially of cocaine, and evaluate their involvement in several types of death. Hair samples were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry in the Laboratory of Forensic Toxicology of the Department of Legal Medicine of the University of Perugia: 232 samples derived from cases of overdose deaths; 192 were connected to different causes of death. The average concentration of cocaine in the keratin matrix samples was of 3.74 ng/mg in people who died from overdose, 3.09 ng/mg in people who died from other causes. In 232 cases of overdose deaths, 135 were positive for cocaine (accounting for 58.18% of total); in 192 deaths from other causes, 39 were positive for cocaine (accounting for 20.31% of the total). Our study demonstrated the crucial role of cocaine in overdose deaths and in other deaths, as is well known in other research

    Epidemiology of drug use in Perugia (Italy) through the analysis of the Keratin Matrix

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    Background Drugs and their metabolites can be incorporated into hair so hair testing has become s an alternative and complementary method to assess the extent of drugs abuse. The aim of our study has been to use hair samples to rebuild the epidemiology of illicit substances use  in Perugia. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study from May to July 2012 asking hairdressers of Perugia to collect hair samples and to compile a schedule for each one. The samples were analyzed in laboratory: the extraction of basic substances was performed adding methanol; the extraction of acid substances was obtained adding  NAOH.  After derivatization, 1μl of each solution was analyzed through gas chromatography / mass spectrometry The data were  organized in a database and processed using R version 3.2.2. Results We collected 238 samples. The most detected drugs were: THC-TMS identified in 15 samples, MDMA in 9, Beg-TMS in 8. There is a statistically significant difference in drug use between centre (23,36%) and periphery (5,34%). Age and sex have not represented influencing factors. The substance with the highest concentration in the keratin matrix is ketamine (9834,86 ng/100 mg of hair). Conclusions The use of keratin matrix offers high advantages in the toxicological analysis compared to conventional biological matrices and let us analyze the situation in Perugia where the increased market of drugs caused constant rise of drug addiction. However, because of the limits of this method, only the simultaneous use of keratin matrix and other traditional indicators, could furnish more precise information

    The analysis of the keratin matrix as a new tool to evaluate the epidemiology of drug use in Perugia (Italy): a cross sectional study

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    Background: Drugs and their metabolites can be incorporated into hair, so hair drug testing has become an alternative and complementary method to assess the extent of drug abuse. The aim of our study was to use hair samples to reconstruct the epidemiology of illicit substances used in Perugia. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study from May to July 2012 asking hairdressers in Perugia to collect hair samples and to compile a worksheet for each one. The samples were analysed in laboratory: the extraction of basic substances was performed adding methanol; the extraction of acid substances was obtained adding NAOH. After derivatisation, 1μl of each solution was analysed through gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The data were organised in a database and processed using R version 3.2.2. Results: We collected 238 samples. The most detected drugs were: THC-TMS identified in 15 samples, MDMA in 9, Beg-TMS in 8. There was a statistically significant difference in drug use between the city centre (23,36%) and the suburbs (5,34%). Age and sex did not represent influencing factors. The substance with the highest concentration in the keratin matrix was ketamine (9834,86 ng/100 mg of hair). Conclusion: The use of keratin matrix offered significant advantages in the toxicological analysis compared to conventional biological matrices and permitted us to investigate the situation in Perugia where the increased market for illicit drugs has caused a constant rise in drug addiction. However, because this method presented certain limitations only the simultaneous use of keratin matrix and other traditional indicators, could furnish more precise information