71 research outputs found

    Polymerization quality testing of composite resins cured by led light source

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    The quality of interface between composite resin materials and hard dental tissues is highly dependent on the polymerization light source. Newly developed blue light- emitting diode units for light polymerization of dental restorative materials are the most innovative light source technology in dentistry nowadays. The aim of this work was to estimate the depth of cure of five different light-activating composite resins exposed to different irradiation times (5s, 10s, 20s and 40s) when the experimental LED light source was used. The tested materials were: Tetric Ceram (Vivadent), Point 4 (Kerr), Admira (VOCO), Filtek Z250 (3M) and Diamond Lite (DRM Lab., Inc). The depth of cure testing was determined using a penetrometer. Results after 40s curing time were as following: the deepest depth of cure was achieved after application of Filtek Z 250, Diamond Lite Point 4 and Tetric Ceram. For the restorative material Admira was found the lowest depth of cure for the light exposure of 40s. An experimental LED light source achieved a sufficient depth of cure (over 2 mm) for all tested materials after curing time of 10s. The polymerization light source spectral distribution should be considered in addition to irradiance as a depth of cure indicator

    Determination of inorganic compounds in drinking water on the basis of house water heater scale, part 1: Determination of heavy metals and uranium

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    The analysis of scale originated from drinking water on the house water heater, showed that scale is basically calcium carbonate that crystallizes hexagonally in the form of calcite. Scale taken as a sample from different spots in Belgrade ā€“ upper town of Zemun (sample 1) and Pančevo (sample 2) showed different configuration although it came from the same waterworks. That indicates either that the water flowing through waterworks pipes in different parts of the city is not the same or the waterworks net is not the same (age, maintaining, etc). All the elements which are dominant in drinking water (Ca, Mg, K, and Na), and which could be found in water by natural processes, are by their content far below the values regulated by law. The analysis also showed the presence of many metals: Ti, Pb, Zn, Cu Li, Sr, Cd, and Cr in the first sample, which are not found in the scale taken near Pančevo. The results obtained by calculating the mass concentration in drinking water on the basis of scale content, showed that both waters belonged to the category of low mineral waters. Contents of inorganic substances in these waters (117.85 mg/dm3 for sample 1 or 80.83 mg/dm3 for sample 2) are twice lower than the values predicted by the legislation. Gammaspectrometric analysis indicates the presence of radioactive elements ā€“ uranium and strontium which can influence human health

    Short-term liquid storage of ram semen in various extenders

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three extenders on ram sperm quality after short-term liquid storage (24 hoursā€™ holding time). The study included 20 crossbred rams (Pirot Pramenka x Wurttemberg x Ile de France), 12 months old. Animals were housed at the experimental sheep farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry in Belgrade, Serbia. Semen was collected through electro ejaculation. The ejaculates were obtained from single services and routine field analysis of the semen was performed immediately after the collection. The semen was split and diluted with three extenders, namely OptidylĀ®, AndromedĀ® and ultrahigh temperature processed (UHT) milk, in ratios of 1 : 50 or 1 : 100. The ejaculates were examined for sperm motility variables (sperm cell motility percentage, the progressive motility percentage, curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), sperm linearity (LIN), straightness (STR), amplitude of lateral sperm head displacement (ALH), beat cross frequency (BCF) and circular tracks), and sperm morphology (live sperm percentage, percentage of normal sperm forms with intact acrosome, percentage of abnormal sperm forms and total damaged acrosome) by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) and classic sperm cytology after supravital eosin/nigrosine/trypan blue staining, respectively. It was observed that the type of extender used in diluting ram semen is an important factor in the successful short-term liquid preservation (at 4 Ā°C) of ram spermatozoa. In conclusion, this study showed that egg yolk (Optidyl) and soybean (Andromed)-based extenders gave better results of both sperm morphology and sperm motility parameters compared with UHT milk.Keywords: Diluents, morphology, motility, sper

    Uticaj kvasaca, probiotika i enzima u obrocima na proizvodnost visokomlečnih krava u tranzicionom periodu

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    The main goal of this paper was to investigate the influence of some additives included into high yielding dairy cows rations to overcome the problems in early lactation. These substances directly affect the productive performances of dairy cows as well as udder health. The commercial name of investigated preparation is 'YEASTURE' and it is composed of live yeast cultures selected from three strains Saccharomyces cerevisisiae in combination with probiotic bacteria and enzymes (Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus faecium, Aspergillus oryzae, Lactobacillus acidophilus, 1,3-b and 1,6 D-Glucan, hemicellulase, Protease, Cellulase, Alpha amylase) which have the ability to modify the fermentation in rumen stimulating the development of ruminal bacteria and increasing the fibre digestion. Effects of this preparation have been investigated on 60 Holstein-Friesian cows divided into two groups. The diets were identical, and trial group received also 10 g of preparation Yeasture daily. Application of Yeasture started 15 days prior to calving and lasted until 60th day of lactation As a research result improved in vitro disappearance of diet dry matter from roughage (alfalfa hay, maize silage and ensiled sugar beet pulp) was established. Preparation Yeasture influenced quantity and composition of the milk. The difference between trial and control group was 2.57 kg 4%FCM or 8.70% (P (lt) 0.01) and 7.16% milk fat (P (lt) 0.05).Trial group supplemented with Yeasture showed lower somatic cells count by 7.3 percent points what indicated better health of cow's udder. Based on the presented results it can be concluded that inclusion of preparation Yeasture into diets for dairy cows in transition period can be recommended.Period zasuÅ”enja i rana laktacija karakteriÅ”u se brojnim problemima koji mogu da se uspeÅ”no premoste uključivanjem dodataka u hranu kao Å”to su probiotici, kvasci, enzimi i dr. U radu su ispitani efekti preparata yeasture koji predstavlja kompoziciju ovih dodataka a koji je uključen u obroke krava dve nedelje pre i osam nedelja posle telenja u količini od 10 g po grlu dnevno. Uključivanje pomenutih dodataka uticalo je na poboljÅ”anje svarljivosti suve materije kabastih hraniva (sena lucerke, silaže cele biljke kukuruza i siliranog rezanca Å”ećerne repe) Å”to je konačno značajno uticalo na poboljÅ”anje proizvodnih performansi odnosno povećanje količine mleka za 10.86%. Jednovremeno pomenuti dodaci povoljno su uticali na popravljanje zdravstvenog stanja vimena krava Å”to se odrazilo na smanjenje broja somatskih ćelija za 7.3 procentnih poena. Najvažniji parametri krvi pre i posle eksperimenta kretali su se u fizioloÅ”ki optimalnim granicama. Navedeni argumenti su dovoljan razlog da se uključivanje pomenutih supstansi u obroke visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasuÅ”enja i rane laktacije preporuči u proizvodnji mleka

    Heritability and genetic correlation of production and reproduction traits of Simmental cows

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    Improvement of production capacity of cattle in terms of increasing the production of milk, milk fat and number of calves, greatly depends on phenotype and genotype variability, heritability and correlation between desirable traits, as well as on the production level of the cattle population. Heritability, as a value expressing and measuring average additive gene effect, is one of the major characteristic of quantitative traits from the point of view of creating genetically high-value cattle populations. Knowledge of the heritability is necessary in the estimation of the beeeding value of cattle and has significant impact on the selection of breeding method. Genetic correlations are very important in indirect selection where changes in one trait are induced through selection of other traits between which a genetic correlation exists. Genetic correlations can be determined in all cases where heritability coefficient can be calculated. This research included 3.461 first calving Simmental cows under control, with lactation concluded within one year. All first-calvers were reared on individual farms in the territory of Republic of Serbia. In this study, heritability and genetic correlations between the the following milk and fertility traits were investigated: duration of lactation (days)- DL, milk yield in standard lactation (kg)- MY, milk fat content in standard lactation (%)- MFC, milk fat yield in standard lactation (kg)- MFY, yield of 4% FCM in standard lactation (kg)- 4%FCM, age at first calving (days)- AC and duration of service period (days)- DSP.Key words: Heritability, genetic correlations, milk yield, fertility, Simmental breed

    Supplementary data for article: Pantelić, M. M.; Zagorac, D. Č. D.; Ćirić, I. Ž.; Pergal, M. V.; Relić, D. J.; Todić, S. R.; Natić, M. M. Phenolic Profiles, Antioxidant Activity and Minerals in Leaves of Different Grapevine Varieties Grown in Serbia. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 2017, 62, 76ā€“83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2017.05.002

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    Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2017.05.002]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2505]Related to accepted version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3063

    Influence of nuclear radiation and laser beams on optical fibers and components

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    The influence of nuclear radiation and particles has been the object of investigation for a long time. For new materials and systems the research should be continued. Human activities in various environments, including space, call for more detailed research. The role of fibers in contemporary communications, medicine, and industry increases. Fibers, their connections and fused optics components have one type of tasks - the transmission of information and power. The other type of tasks is reserved for fiber lasers: quantum generators and amplifiers. The third type of tasks is for fiber sensors, including high energy nuclear physics. In this paper we present some chosen topics in the mentioned areas as well as our experiments with nuclear radiation and laser beams to fiber and bulk materials of various nature (glass, polymer, metallic, etc.)

    The influence of the factor 'genetic value of the sire' on the implementation of the genetic potential of the indicator 'milk production of maximum lactation' of the Yaroslavl breed cows

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    Dairy products are the main food elements of the man. Milk is the sole food for infants and it plays an important role in feeding of the sick, convalescent, and healthy adults. The Yaroslavl Region is a leading region of the Yaroslavl cattle breed. Therefore, the aim of our research was to determine the strength and reliability of the influence of the factor 'genetic value of the sire' on productive characteristics of animals as a factor that helps to increase the productivity of animals. When we determine the strength of the influence of factors for statistical data we used the procedure of generalized linear models (General Linear Models - GLM), and evaluation components of phenotypic variation attributes were analyzed by multivariate dispersive analysis. Our research has allowed to allocate bulls with genetic value which has the improving effect. Using the recommended lines the farmers of the Yaroslavl region may increase productive characteristics of animals and the profit of the farms and improve the efficiency of breeding

    Methods for determining stress syndrome in beef cattle and its relevance to quality of meat

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    Methods for determining stress syndrome in beef cattle is of great importance to identify the physiological state of young cattle before slaughter in order for such animals to be properly treated and restored to a normal physiological state. As a consequence of the state of stress prior to slaughter, meat is obtained which is different from normal. These are non-typical post-mortem changes in meat: 'PSE' (pale, soft, exudative) and 'DFD' (dark, firm, dry) meat, 'watery' meat, usually pork, and 'dark' mostly meat of young bulls. Tests were performed on bulls originating from a farm located 50 km from the slaughterhouse and another farm located 150 km from the slaughterhouse. Young bulls were kept in a free system and loading and unloading was done on unloading ramps and animals taken to the boxes using the lane corridor. Also, attention was paid to avoid mixing with unfamiliar animals during transport. The study included 20 males. The same vehicle was used to transport cattle from the farm to the slaughterhouse. The rectal temperature was taken from 20 young bulls, at the time of loading of cattle into a vehicle during transport and immediately before slaughter. The results of measurements of rectal temperature of investigated bulls suggest that prolonging of transport increases the rectal temperature which can serve as an indicator of stress syndrome in bulls. In addition to measuring of rectal temperature as an indicator of bulls' stress syndrome, other methods are still used, such as the measurement of cortisol in saliva and blood, or the latest methods of measuring cortisol in hair. This is the latest method of the 21st century, which can even determine the time of occurrence of stress. This method is the future that will determine whether the stress occurred few days, weeks or even months ago

    Lifetime production of high-yielding dairy cows

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    Lifetime milk production is a key success factor in fulfilling the production potential of high-yielding cows. Lifetime milk production traits are pronouncedly variable. The life expectancy and the length of productive life of dairy cows are repeatedly limiting factors for improving lifetime milk production. Lifetime milk production is greatly depended on age at first calving and the number of lactations during productive life. Previous researches have implied there are real chances for improving the lifetime milk production of high-yielding cows. The goal of this research was to investigate the significance of key systematic factors on the lifetime production of high-yielding Black-and-White cows. The animals included in the sample had different share of Holstein genes. The researchers determined systematic factors that caused some significant phenotypic variations of the investigated trait. The average lifetime milk production was 25,002.66Ā±7,755.39 kg. When observed by cow genotypes, the mean values of the lifetime milk production varied from 27,061.37 kg (73% HF). The differences in lifetime milk production determined among the animals were due to a highly significant (pā‰¤0.01) impact of the bulls - the sires of the cows and the year of culling; the impact of the class of HF genes was significant (pā‰¤0.05), whereas the impact of the reason for culling was non-significant (p>0.05)
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