429 research outputs found

    Infant colic: where is the line between norm and pathology, the role of disruption of the intestinal microbiome

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    Infant colic is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children of the first year of life, worsening the condition of both the child himself and the psychological climate in the family. Infant intestinal colic is a multifactorial symptom complex that requires differential diagnosis between norm and pathology. Until now, there is no clear understanding of the criteria for the need for dietary and drug correction of this condition. The article presents an analysis of the modern literature on the problem of intestinal colic in infants The pathogenesis of functional intestinal colic is determined by a combination of reasons, including the immaturity of the central nervous system, hypothalamic-pituitary system, regulation of the intestinal innervation and the enzymatic system, a certain dependence on psychosocial factors has also been identified, the intestinal microflora has a great influence. H. Kianifar et al. (2014) in the findings of a study noted that a multiprobiotic (seven strains of probiotics and fructooligosaccharides) significantly improved colic symptoms, in particular a reduction in crying time, (82.6%) compared with placebo (35.7%) on day 7 of intake (p < 0.005). On day 30, treatment success was 87% and 46% in the synbiotics and placebo groups, respectively (p < 0.01). The results of a domestic study by I.N. Zakharova et al. (2016) multiprobiotic, which showed that after the use of a multistrain probiotic, intestinal colic remained in 3 (10%) children of the main group and in all children in the placebo group. After taking the probiotic, 80% of children showed normalization of stool, and in the placebo group, stool disorders (loose, watery stools or no stool with the need to empty after an enema) were recorded in 87% of children. Cases from clinical practice with experience of using a multistrain probiotic for colic are shown

    Shear viscosity in microscopic calculations of A+A collisions at energies of Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA)

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    Time evolution of shear viscosity η\eta, entropy density ss, and their ratio η/s\eta / s in the central area of central gold-gold collisions at NICA energy range is studied within the UrQMD transport model. The extracted values of energy density, net baryon density and net strangeness density are used as input to (i) statistical model of ideal hadron gas to define temperature, baryo-chemical potential and strangeness chemical potential, and to (ii) UrQMD box with periodic boundary conditions to study the relaxation process of highly excited matter. During the relaxation stage, the shear viscosity is determined in the framework of Green-Kubo approach. The procedure is performed for each of 20 time slices, corresponding to conditions in the central area of the fireball at times from 1~fm/cc to 20~fm/cc. For all tested energies the ratio η/s\eta / s reaches minimum, (η/s)min0.3\left( \eta/s \right)_{min} \approx 0.3 at t5t \approx 5~fm/cc. Then it increases up to the late stages of the system evolution. This rise is accompanied by the drop of both, temperature and strangeness chemical potential, and increase of baryo-chemical potential.Comment: LATEX, 9 pages, 10 figure

    Gene regulatory response to hyposalinity in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus

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    Background Rockweeds are among the most important foundation species of temperate rocky littoral shores. In the Baltic Sea, the rockweed Fucus vesiculosus is distributed along a decreasing salinity gradient from the North Atlantic entrance to the low-salinity regions in the north-eastern margins, thus, demonstrating a remarkable tolerance to hyposalinity. The underlying mechanisms for this tolerance are still poorly understood. Here, we exposed F. vesiculosus from two range-margin populations to the hyposaline (2.5 PSU - practical salinity unit) conditions that are projected to occur in the region by the end of this century as a result of climate change. We used transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq) to determine the gene expression patterns associated with hyposalinity acclimation, and examined the variation in these patterns between the sampled populations. Results Hyposalinity induced different responses in the two populations: in one, only 26 genes were differentially expressed between salinity treatments, while the other population demonstrated up- or downregulation in 3072 genes. In the latter population, the projected future hyposalinity induced an acute response in terms of antioxidant production. Genes associated with membrane composition and structure were also heavily involved, with the upregulation of fatty acid and actin production, and the downregulation of ion channels and alginate pathways. Changes in gene expression patterns clearly indicated an inhibition of the photosynthetic machinery, with a consequent downregulation of carbohydrate production. Simultaneously, energy consumption increased, as revealed by the upregulation of genes associated with respiration and ATP synthesis. Overall, the genes that demonstrated the largest increase in expression were ribosomal proteins involved in translation pathways. The fixation rate of SNP:s was higher within genes responding to hyposalinity than elsewhere in the transcriptome. Conclusions The high fixation rate in the genes coding for salinity acclimation mechanisms implies strong selection for them. The among-population differentiation that we observed in the transcriptomic response to hyposalinity stress suggests that populations of F. vesiculosus may differ in their tolerance to future desalination, possibly as a result of local adaptation to salinity conditions within the Baltic Sea. These results emphasise the importance of considering interspecific genetic variation when evaluating the consequences of environmental change

    Lithologic-facies and paleogeographic features of Mid-Upper Jurassic oil-gas bearing sediments in Nurolsk depression (Western Siberia)

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    Bathonian-Callovian-Oxfordian sedimentation environment reconstruction in SE Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia has been described. Paleogeographic and litho-geochemical features of sediments, numerous plant remains and ichnofossils indicated the fact that this territory during the Naunaksk suite formation was the transition in-situ sedimentogenesis. Based on the integrated research data, the potential litho-facies were identified in the Mid-Upper sediments within Nurolsk depression, Western Siberia

    Review of pulmonary nematodoses of domestic cats with description of the first case of aelurostrongylosis in a cat in Russia

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    The purpose of the research is to outline the current state of the problem of pulmonary nematodoses of domestic cats, to draw the attention of veterinarians to it, to raise their awareness of the peculiarities of methods for diagnosing these helminthoses.Materials and methods. The literature data on the distribution, species composition, differential morphology, biology, pathogenic influence, methods of diagnostics of the causative agents of pulmonary nematodes in cats are analyzed. When describing a case of aelurostrongylosis in a kitten, its clinical state was observed, general clinical and biochemical blood tests, diagnostics of viral infections, and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity were carried out. Parasitological examination of feces was carried out by the flotation method and by the method of Berman.Results and discussion. The review of the world literature on pulmonary nematodes of domestic cats is carried out. Most pathogens are represented by species of several families of metastrongyloids, the most common and clinically significant representatives are: Aelurostrongylus abstrusus (family Angiostrongylidae), Troglostrongylus brevior (Crenosomatidae), Oslerus rostratus (Filaroididae). Also in the respiratory system of cats can be parasitized Eucoleus aerophilus (Trichurida: Capillariidae) and Metathelazia massinoi (Spirurida: Pneumospiruridae). The first Russian case of aelurostrongylosis in a domestic cat is described. The larvae of the first stage of pulmonary nematodes of the species Aelurostrongylus abstrusus were found in the study of feces according to the Berman method in a homeless 3-month-old kitten from the Moscow region. The number of larvae was 104 per gram of feces. The size of the larvae was 360–380 µm in length, the tail end had a characteristic structure – a double bend in the shape of the letter “S”, a dorsal spine-like outgrowth and a ventral notch. For veterinary practice, it is recommended that, in the presence of clinical signs of respiratory system damage in cats at risk (free-walking animals, kittens, street cats), pulmonary nematodes should be included in the differential diagnosis using appropriate diagnostic tests


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    The study investigated the dynamic changes in the content of pentraxin-3 and C-Reactive Protein in blood serum of children and adolescents suffering from respiratory tuberculosis with destruction and minor tuberculous changes in chest lymph nodes and lungs (minor forms). Level of PTX3 in tuberculosis patients with destructive lesions confidently reduced by the 6th month of treatment (end of the intensive phase of treatment): from 3 285.2 ± 387.1 down to 1 280.0 ± 65.4 pg/ml In the group ofthose with minor forms oftuberculosis the content of PTX3 confidently increased after 6 months of treatment (completion of the main course of chemotherapy): from 2 990.0 ± 330.3 down 5 329.7 ± 421.3 pg/ml. Such changes of PTX3 in this group were observed for the first time and it had not been described before. It is possible that the increase of PTX3 level after completion of chemotherapy course is temporary and it is related to activation of the lung tissue healing. Content of C-Reactive Protein before treatment start was typically higher in those with destructive lesions and it confidently reduced in 6 months of chemotherapy in the patients from this group (from 15.7 ± 2.9 down to 5.95 ± 1.2 mg/l) and remained unchanged in the patients with minor forms of tuberculosis (4.5 ± 1.1; 2.9 ± 0.1 mg/l)


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    CXCL10 (IP-10) chemokine is one of additional humoral markers applied along with determination of antigen-induced IFNγ for diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection in humans. Dynamics of the IP-10 changes and its prognostic value in planning treatment for various forms of tuberculosis is a scarcely studied problem, especially, in children and adolescents. Present study has revealed an increase in spontaneous and antigen-induced IP-10 production in children and adolescents with overt tuberculosis, when compared with latent course of tuberculosis, followed by its significant reduction in cases of successful chemotherapy of tuberculosis. Such dynamics was not evident in destructive forms of tuberculosis manifesting as torpid and progressive infection

    Service in the Sports Industry

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    В статье рассматривается зависимость индустрии спорта от качества услуг, выполняемых организациями, рассматриваются примеры некачественного сервиса в индустрии спорта, а также описан пример качественного обслуживания спортсменов и зрителей в Удмуртской Республике, конкретно на «Президентских соревнованиях». Разработаны методики для качественного обслуживания спортсменов и зрителей, комфорта и безопасности как спортсменов, так и зрителей.The article discusses the dependence of the sports industry on the quality of services provided by organizations, provides examples from personal experience, poor-quality service in the sports industry, as well as an example of quality service for athletes and spectators in the Udmurt Republic, specifically the “Presidential Competition”. Techniques have been developed for quality service to athletes and spectators, to create comfort and safety for both athletes and spectators


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    Granulysin and cathelicidin, the cytolytic molecules of innate immune system are important protective factors during infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We present original data concerning high levels of granulysin and cathelicidin among the group of children and adolescents with latent TB infection. Patients with tuberculosis of the respiratory system exhibit significantly lower amounts of serum cathelicidin in destructive forms, as well as granulysin levels in “minor” forms of tuberculosis before starting the specific chemotherapy. The chemotherapy performed did not influence the serum granulysin and cathelicidin contents in patients with destructive tuberculosis, whereas the patients with “minor” forms (TLN/focal tuberculosis) revealed a significant increase in granulysin content after 6 months of treatment, and same trend for cathelicidin concentrations after 3 months of chemotherapy, followed by subsequent return to baseline values