8 research outputs found


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    This article studies the sources and the development of the military conflict in Ukraine. It is widely accepted that a conflict is a natural state for the human society, but the nuclear threat hanging over the world has made the problem of national and international security much more topical and urgent. Different countries try to solve conflicts peacefully using political means. The struggle for the natural, human, territorial, financial, economic, information, humanitarian and other resources is one reason for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. An ideological split is another cause for the act of war between these two countries. The war in Ukraine can be classified as a hybrid that includes the use of the protest potential of the population, accompanied by the covert military operations with the implementation of the adversarial informational methods and the special operation forces. The scope and negative after-effects of the military conflict are specified including the killed, the wounded, the annexed territories, the ruined industry and social infrastructure. The prolonged tactics of the conflict solution can bring it to the “frozen state” that automatically dooms the European and NATO perspectives of Ukraine for an indefinite period and can even result in the loss of Ukrainian sovereignty

    The Constitutional Court of Ukraine as the main actor in safeguarding of the Constitution

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    This article deals with the main issues of the constitutional justice in Ukraine – its concept, significance and the main principles of development. In this article we try to research pure, clear vision, essential and effective mission of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on legal and political chessboard of Ukraine, keeping in mind its prominent sole role in constitutional justice. Main objective of this study is to examine the trajectory of legal and political development of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and to demonstrate the impact of its opinions and decisions on legal doctrine of Ukraine. In this study regarding the constitutional justice in Ukraine we used few mixed research methods to obtain specific scientific results: observation, surveys, secondary data analyses, etc. The present study related to the essence of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, its foundation and trajectory of its development, its key role in constitutional review should be viewed as a follow-up to the one previously published research in Polish. This article might be useful for students and master students of law faculties, practitioners in the field of constitutional law and justice

    Constitutionalism and participative democracy on electoral mass-market

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    In this article, we would concentrate mostly on constitutionalism and participatory democracy, and citizenship as a legal precondition for both. The main objective of this study is to examine the role of citizenship in participative democracy. Either as possible substantial ideological baggage or a package of rights, duties, and privileges? As a full membership in a particular state based on kinship? Or as an 'everyday plebiscite' rooted in full integration and inclusiveness? Specific attention was paid to two target groups of people concerned (non-resident citizens and non-citizen residents) and their realization of the right to vote in the local elections and referendum, as well as, to stand as a candidate to the local legislature in the European Union Member States and Ukraine. A separate part of the article is dedicated to local referendum issues in Ukraine (1991-2018). In the study, we managed to apply a few mixed research methods to obtain specific scientific results (observation, surveys, secondary data analyses, etc.). The present study related to constitutionalism and participatory democracy, their vision, and outcomes should be viewed as a follow-up to the one previously published research in Ukrainian. This article might be used by bachelor and master students of law faculties, practitioners in the field of constitutional and EU law, citizenship, and migration, electoral law

    Mathematical Justification of the Sports Selection of Jumpers in the Water at the Stage of Initial Training

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    The relevance of the issue is determined by the fact that an athlete possessing genetic and physiological abilities that were discovered in time can master a complex jumping program and execute it excellently at a high technical level. Therefore, it is important to mathematically substantiate the criteria for children enrollment to the sports schools. The Purpose of the Study is to determine indicators affecting sports readiness, to calculate their prognostic significance and to form criteria for the selection of jumpers into the water at the stage of initial training. Stuff Material and Methods. The research was organized over three stages in the period from January 2020 to December 2021, with the determination of the normative assessment of technical readiness, the conduct of an ascertaining pedagogical experiment and factor analysis, the calculation of multiple regression equations relative to the total coefficient of difficulty of arbitrary jumps and the average coefficient of the complexity of jumps. 139 boys (10,98±0,1 years; range: 9–13 years) and 96 girls (11,02±0,1 years; range: 9–13 years) beginners (schoolchildren) took part in the study. The number of athletes is divided by age groups: boys – 9 years old (n=25); 10 years (n = 30); 11 years (n = 30); 12 years (n = 31); 13 years old (n = 23); girls – 9 years old (n=16); 10 years (n=23); 11 years (n=18); 12 years (n=21); 13 years old (n=18). The study was organized and carried out with athletes of the Junior High School (Lviv) and Yantar Junior High School (Novoyavorivsk). During the educational and training meetings, testing and measuring of anthropometric indicators, determination of the speed of a simple sensorimotor reaction and conscious self-regulation of sensorimotor activity, research of vestibular stability were carried out. All measurements were taken before training in the morning and in the afternoon at 9:00 and 15:00. According to the Results of the Research, the indicators that have prognostic significance for the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the stage of improving their sports training have been determined. The total indicators of physical fitness, the nystagmus amplitude during and after turning to the right, the speed of a simple motor reaction have been included. The comprehensive assessment obtained by calculating multiple regression equations has a high prognostic value and is an effective method of predicting the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the stage of initial sports training. Conclusions. It is proved that the comprehensive assessment obtained by calculating multiple regression equations has a high prognostic value and is an effective method of predicting the success of the sport`s improvement of young jumpers at the initial sports training stage

    Prawo wyborcze w czasie prób odradzania ukraińskiej państwowości po I wojnie światowej

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    In the given article the issue of the election law in Ukraine during the attempts of Ukrainian statehood revival after World War II is examined. The electoral legislation of Ukrainian National Republic, during Pavlo Skoropadskyjs’ hetmanat, the Directory and the West Ukrainian National Republic are being analysed. In addition, the role of Ukrainian parliamentary representation in interwar Poland and its influence on politics of II Rzeczpospolita has been analysed

    Voting by Correspondence and Voting by Proxy: World Experiences vs. Ukrainian Realities

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    We współczesnych warunkach wybory są integralną częścią życia społecznego każdego państwa. Wybory wyznaczają poziom demokratyzmu ustroju państwowego i są podstawową formą realizacji suwerennej władzy narodu; stanowią fundament demokratycznego systemu politycznego, gwarancję przedstawicielstwa interesów różnych grup społecznych w organach władzy państwowej. Szczególne miejsce w ukraińskim ustawodawstwie wyborczym zajmuje głosowanie osobiste. Rodzajami głosowania, które nie są sprzecz-ne z zasadą głosowania osobistego, jest głosowanie korespondencyjne oraz głosowanie przez pełnomocnika. Szczegółowa analiza możliwości stosowania instytucji głosowania korespondencyjnego oraz głosowania przez pełnomocnika we wszystkich rodzajach wyborów na Ukrainie pozwala wyciągnąć wniosek, że włączenie jej do ustawodawstwa pozytywnie wpłynęłoby na ogólny stan demokratyzacji na Ukrainie. Przede wszystkim należałoby precyzyjnie ustalić kryteria przynależności wyborców do grona osób posiadających prawo do głosowania korespondencyjnego lub osób, mogących głosować przez pełnomocnika. Warto również zwiększyć odpowiedzialność uczestników procesu wyborczego za naruszenie prawa wyborczego. Chodzi przede wszystkim o wypracowanie skutecznych mechanizmów pociągnięcia do odpowiedzialności, w tym i karnej. Stosowanie wskazanych środków prowadziłoby do wyeliminowania niezgodnej z prawem kontroli procesu wyborczego oraz do zmniejszenia absenteizmu wyborczego, a przez to do umocnienia legitymacji władzy.Under modern conditions elections are an integral part of social life of every state. They determine the level of democratism of a state system and constitute the basic form of exercising the sovereign power of the nation. Elections are the foundations of a democrat-ic political system and a guarantee that interests of various social groups are represent-ed in state organs. Under Ukrainian legislation a special place is occupied by personal voting. Nevertheless, voting by correspondence and voting by proxy are not at all in-consistent with personal voting. The thorough analysis of the possibility to apply voting by correspondence and voting by proxy in all types of elections in Ukraine allows for the conclusion that providing for this option by the legislator would have a positive impact on democratisation in Ukraine. It would therefore be necessary to make an amendment to electoral law by establishing precise criteria of membership to the category of voters that would be entitled to cast their vote by correspondence and/or by proxy. It also would be recommendable to increase the legal responsibility of the participants in electoral processes for breaching electoral laws. Above all, it would be necessary to develop effective legal mechanisms that would enable to enforce legal responsibility, including the criminal liability. The indicated measures would result in eliminating the unlawful control over electoral processes, as well as in diminishing the electoral absenteeism, which in turn would enhance the legitimacy of power

    Ukraina - od konfliktu demokracji i rynku do konfliktu społeczeństwa obywatelskiego i oligarchów

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    The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of the newest Ukrainian state and market economy, which are directly related to the democratic tradition of the Ukrainian people. The struggle for democracy in Western Europe was facilitated by the development of private property and liberal thought, which resulted in the adoption of such core values as freedom and equality of opportunity. It is also about guaranteeing private property as an inalienable basis for the freedom of the individual, introducing a system of separation of powers, developing the idea of a rule of law, equality of all citizens before the law, tolerance towards minorities. It is also about guaranteeing private property as an inalienable basis for the freedom of the individual, establishment of the system of separation of powers, developing the idea of law-based state, equality of all citizens before the law, tolerance towards minorities. The situation of domination in Ukraine of the economic elite causes tensions between this elite and not enough formed and organized middle class. It is unlikely that in the short-term, this will lead to a restructuring of the political- party system. But outside the formal and increasingly ritual arena of the election, new types of social associations are formed. The fourth power in the form of civil society may not be as weak as it seems at first sight. However, whether it is in the power of the most important task of Ukrainian society - the gradual and peaceful change of political and economic elites, remains an open question.Artykuł dotyczy dylematów w procesie kształtowania się nowoczesnego państwa ukraińskiego i gospodarki rynkowej. Walce o demokrację w Europie Zachodniej towarzyszył rozwój myśli liberalnej, skutkiem czego stało się przyjęcie takich podstawowych wartości jak wolność i równość szans. Chodziło także o zagwarantowanie własności prywatnej jako nieodłączalnej zasady wolności jednostki, wprowadzenie systemu podziału władzy, rozwój idei państwa rządów prawa, równość wszystkich obywateli wobec prawa, tolerancję w stosunku do mniejszości. Na Ukrainie dominacja elity gospodarczej wywołuje napięcia między nią a niedostatecznie ukształtowaną i zorganizowaną klasą średnią. Istnieje więc małe prawdopodobieństwo, że w krótkotrwałej perspektywie doprowadzi to do przebudowy systemu politycznego. Jednocześnie poza sferą formalną, w tym coraz bardziej rytualną areną wyborów powszechnych, rozwijają się nowe rodzaje stowarzyszeń obywatelskich. Czwarta siła – społeczeństwo obywatelskie, może okazać się silniejsze niż się wydaje. Jednak nadal otwartym pozostaje pytanie, czy ukraińskie społeczeństwo sprosta najważniejszemu wyzwaniu – pokojowej wymianie elit politycznych i gospodarczych

    Educational direction of STEM in the system of realization of blended teaching of physics

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    Today's requirements for the training of specialists encourage the modernization of education through the introduction of new educational technologies, in particular the introduction of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The article analyzes the aspects of the concept of STEM implementation in the educational sector of Ukraine. The analysis of scientific works on the development of STEM education allowed to establish the features of teaching physics, taking into account current trends in education. The components of STEM teaching of physics include means of blended learning in combination with cloud-based technologies. This concept is especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Seven models of blended learning, which are the most common in educational practice in Ukraine, are analyzed. The concepts of compositional combination of full-scale experiment with the use of digital laboratories, cloud services and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) technologies as tools for the implementation of blended learning in the STEM system are outlined. Guided by the recommendations of the state program to improve the quality of natural and mathematical education, the emphasis is on the use of modern experimental tools and digital laboratories. The use of digital laboratories makes it possible to organize a physical experiment at a fundamentally new level. An example of a complex study of mechanics using a digital laboratory, cloud services and BYOD technology is given. The results of the pedagogical experiment convincingly prove that the technologies of blended learning with the use of cloud services and BYOD tools are a powerful tool in the work of teachers