35 research outputs found

    BreCAN-DB: a repository cum browser of personalized DNA breakpoint profiles of cancer genomes

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    BreCAN-DB (http://brecandb.igib.res.in) is a repository cum browser of whole genome somatic DNA breakpoint profiles of cancer genomes, mapped at single nucleotide resolution using deep sequencing data. These breakpoints are associated with deletions, insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, translocations and a combination of these structural genomic alterations. The current release of BreCAN-DB features breakpoint profiles from 99 cancer-normal pairs, comprising five cancer types. We identified DNA breakpoints across genomes using high-coverage next-generation sequencing data obtained from TCGA and dbGaP. Further, in these cancer genomes, we methodically identified breakpoint hotspots which were significantly enriched with somatic structural alterations. To visualize the breakpoint profiles, a next-generation genome browser was integrated with BreCAN-DB. Moreover, we also included previously reported breakpoint profiles from 138 cancer-normal pairs, spanning 10 cancer types into the browser. Additionally, BreCAN-DB allows one to identify breakpoint hotspots in user uploaded data set. We have also included a functionality to query overlap of any breakpoint profile with regions of user's interest. Users can download breakpoint profiles from the database or may submit their data to be integrated in BreCAN-DB. We believe that BreCAN-DB will be useful resource for genomics scientific community and is a step towards personalized cancer genomics

    Utilizing a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm to solve capacitated vehicle routing problem

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    One of the most often researched optimization issues is the vehicle routing problem. It is categorized as an NP-hard problem with high time complexity. In this study, a novel hybrid technique, named as GA-RR, is developed to tackle capacitated vehicle routing problem. The algorithm is developed by hybridizing two well-known techniques: ruin and recreate algorithm as well as genetic algorithm. The algorithm aims at generating high-quality solutions for different test instances of vehicle routing problem. The suggested algorithm's performance is evaluated on 34 benchmark instances. The outcomes are also compared with some of the other state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed algorithm performance is superior compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms on the existing benchmark instances. The reason behind the superior performance of GA-RR is that the solutions produced by the genetic algorithm are further refined during the ruin and recreate phase of the hybridized approach. Additionally, this study analyzes the exploration-exploitation balance of the suggested algorithm

    Simulation and characterization of trajectories in Sun-Jupiter-Comet system

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    237-239The trajectories of a comet in the Sun-Jupiter system have been simulated within framework of restricted three body problem. Specific case of the comet Oterma / cometary dust have been considered. In this investigation, effect of radiation from the Sun has been incorporated parametrically in terms of , ratio of the force due to radiation pressure and force of gravitational attraction from Sun. Phase space of the motion of comet / cometary dust has been analysed for regular and chaotic motion using Poincare surface of section method (SOS) and also the spatio-temporal pattern analysis

    The attributes, ontology terms and their relationship within (A) Variation and (B) Interaction level.

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    <p>The attributes, ontology terms and their relationship within (A) Variation and (B) Interaction level.</p

    (A) Scope of FROG (B) Number of attributes and terms in six levels.

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    <p>(A) Scope of FROG (B) Number of attributes and terms in six levels.</p

    Properties in FROG and their source.

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    <p>Properties in FROG and their source.</p