81 research outputs found

    The KELT Follow-Up Network And Transit False-Positive Catalog: Pre-Vetted False Positives For TESS

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    The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project has been conducting a photometric survey of transiting planets orbiting bright stars for over 10 years. The KELT images have a pixel scale of ~23\u27\u27 pixel⁻¹—very similar to that of NASA\u27s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)—as well as a large point-spread function, and the KELT reduction pipeline uses a weighted photometric aperture with radius 3\u27. At this angular scale, multiple stars are typically blended in the photometric apertures. In order to identify false positives and confirm transiting exoplanets, we have assembled a follow-up network (KELT-FUN) to conduct imaging with spatial resolution, cadence, and photometric precision higher than the KELT telescopes, as well as spectroscopic observations of the candidate host stars. The KELT-FUN team has followed-up over 1600 planet candidates since 2011, resulting in more than 20 planet discoveries. Excluding ~450 false alarms of non-astrophysical origin (i.e., instrumental noise or systematics), we present an all-sky catalog of the 1128 bright stars (6 \u3c V \u3c 13) that show transit-like features in the KELT light curves, but which were subsequently determined to be astrophysical false positives (FPs) after photometric and/or spectroscopic follow-up observations. The KELT-FUN team continues to pursue KELT and other planet candidates and will eventually follow up certain classes of TESS candidates. The KELT FP catalog will help minimize the duplication of follow-up observations by current and future transit surveys such as TESS

    Differential modulatory effects of GSK-3β and HDM2 on sorafenib-induced AIF nuclear translocation (programmed necrosis) in melanoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>GSK-3β phosphorylates numerous substrates that govern cell survival. It phosphorylates p53, for example, and induces its nuclear export, HDM2-dependent ubiquitination, and proteasomal degradation. GSK-3β can either enhance or inhibit programmed cell death, depending on the nature of the pro-apoptotic stimulus. We previously showed that the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib activated GSK-3β and that this activation attenuated the cytotoxic effects of the drug in various BRAF-mutant melanoma cell lines. In this report, we describe the results of studies exploring the effects of GSK-3β on the cytotoxicity and antitumor activity of sorafenib combined with the HDM2 antagonist MI-319.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MI-319 alone increased p53 levels and p53-dependent gene expression in melanoma cells but did not induce programmed cell death. Its cytotoxicity, however, was augmented in some melanoma cell lines by the addition of sorafenib. In responsive cell lines, the MI-319/sorafenib combination induced the disappearance of p53 from the nucleus, the down modulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x<sub>L</sub>, the translocation of p53 to the mitochondria and that of AIF to the nuclei. These events were all GSK-3β-dependent in that they were blocked with a GSK-3β shRNA and facilitated in otherwise unresponsive melanoma cell lines by the introduction of a constitutively active form of the kinase (GSK-3β-S9A). These modulatory effects of GSK-3β on the activities of the sorafenib/MI-319 combination were the exact reverse of its effects on the activities of sorafenib alone, which induced the down modulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x<sub>L </sub>and the nuclear translocation of AIF only in cells in which GSK-3β activity was either down modulated or constitutively low. In A375 xenografts, the antitumor effects of sorafenib and MI-319 were additive and associated with the down modulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x<sub>L</sub>, the nuclear translocation of AIF, and increased suppression of tumor angiogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data demonstrate a complex partnership between GSK-3β and HDM2 in the regulation of p53 function in the nucleus and mitochondria. The data suggest that the ability of sorafenib to activate GSK-3β and alter the intracellular distribution of p53 may be exploitable as an adjunct to agents that prevent the HDM2-dependent degradation of p53 in the treatment of melanoma.</p

    A dearth of small particles in the transiting material around the white dwarfWD 1145+017

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    White dwarf WD 1145+017 is orbited by several clouds of dust, possibly emanating from actively disintegrating bodies. These dust clouds reveal themselves through deep, broad, and evolving transits in the star's light curve. Here, we report two epochs of multi-wavelength photometric observations of WD 1145+017, including several filters in the optical, Ks_\mathrm{s} and 4.5 μ\mum bands in 2016 and 2017. The observed transit depths are different at these wavelengths. However, after correcting for excess dust emission at Ks_\mathrm{s} and 4.5 μ\mum, we find the transit depths for the white dwarf itself are the same at all wavelengths, at least to within the observational uncertainties of \sim5%-10%. From this surprising result, and under the assumption of low optical depth dust clouds, we conclude that there is a deficit of small particles (with radii ss \lesssim 1.5 μ\mum) in the transiting material. We propose a model wherein only large particles can survive the high equilibrium temperature environment corresponding to 4.5 hr orbital periods around WD 1145+017, while small particles sublimate rapidly. In addition, we evaluate dust models that are permitted by our measurements of infrared emission

    Apoptosis of human melanoma cells induced by inhibition of B-RAFV600E involves preferential splicing of bimS

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    Bim is known to be critical in killing of melanoma cells by inhibition of the RAF/MEK/ERK pathway. However, the potential role of the most potent apoptosis-inducing isoform of Bim, BimS, remains largely unappreciated. Here, we show that inhibition of the mutant B-RAFV600E triggers preferential splicing to produce BimS, which is particularly important in induction of apoptosis in B-RAFV600E melanoma cells. Although the specific B-RAFV600E inhibitor PLX4720 upregulates all three major isoforms of Bim, BimEL, BimL, and BimS, at the protein and mRNA levels in B-RAFV600E melanoma cells, the increase in the ratios of BimS mRNA to BimEL and BimL mRNA indicates that it favours BimS splicing. Consistently, enforced expression of B-RAFV600E in wild-type B-RAF melanoma cells and melanocytes inhibits BimS expression. The splicing factor SRp55 appears necessary for the increase in BimS splicing, as SRp55 is upregulated, and its inhibition by small interfering RNA blocks induction of BimS and apoptosis induced by PLX4720. The PLX4720-induced, SRp55-mediated increase in BimS splicing is also mirrored in freshly isolated B-RAFV600E melanoma cells. These results identify a key mechanism for induction of apoptosis by PLX4720, and are instructive for sensitizing melanoma cells to B-RAFV600E inhibitors

    Sorafenib in advanced melanoma: a Phase II randomised discontinuation trial analysis

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    The effects of sorafenib – an oral multikinase inhibitor targeting the tumour and tumour vasculature – were evaluated in patients with advanced melanoma enrolled in a large multidisease Phase II randomised discontinuation trial (RDT). Enrolled patients received a 12-week run-in of sorafenib 400 mg twice daily (b.i.d.). Patients with changes in bi-dimensional tumour measurements <25% from baseline were then randomised to sorafenib or placebo for a further 12 weeks (ie to week 24). Patients with ⩾25% tumour shrinkage after the run-in continued on open-label sorafenib, whereas those with ⩾25% tumour growth discontinued treatment. This analysis focussed on secondary RDT end points: changes in bi-dimensional tumour measurements from baseline after 12 weeks and overall tumour responses (WHO criteria) at week 24, progression-free survival (PFS), safety and biomarkers (BRAF, KRAS and NRAS mutational status). Of 37 melanoma patients treated during the run-in phase, 34 were evaluable for response: one had ⩾25% tumour shrinkage and remained on open-label sorafenib; six (16%) had <25% tumour growth and were randomised (placebo, n=3; sorafenib, n=3); and 27 had ⩾25% tumour growth and discontinued. All three randomised sorafenib patients progressed by week 24; one remained on sorafenib for symptomatic relief. All three placebo patients progressed by week-24 and were re-started on sorafenib; one experienced disease re-stabilisation. Overall, the confirmed best responses for each of the 37 melanoma patients who received sorafenib were 19% stable disease (SD) (ie n=1 open-label; n=6 randomised), 62% (n=23) progressive disease (PD) and 19% (n=7) unevaluable. The overall median PFS was 11 weeks. The six randomised patients with SD had overall PFS values ranging from 16 to 34 weeks. The most common drug-related adverse events were dermatological (eg rash/desquamation, 51%; hand-foot skin reaction, 35%). There was no relationship between V600E BRAF status and disease stability. DNA was extracted from the biopsies of 17/22 patients. Six had V600E-positive tumours (n=4 had PD; n=1 had SD; n=1 unevaluable for response), and 11 had tumours containing wild-type BRAF (n=9 PD; n=1 SD; n=1 unevaluable for response). In conclusion, sorafenib is well tolerated but has little or no antitumour activity in advanced melanoma patients as a single agent at the dose evaluated (400 mg b.i.d.). Ongoing trials in advanced melanoma are evaluating sorafenib combination therapies

    Proliferation and survival molecules implicated in the inhibition of BRAF pathway in thyroid cancer cells harbouring different genetic mutations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thyroid carcinomas show a high prevalence of mutations in the oncogene BRAF which are inversely associated with RAS or RET/PTC oncogenic activation. The possibility of using inhibitors on the BRAF pathway as became an interesting therapeutic approach. In thyroid cancer cells the target molecules, implicated on the cellular effects, mediated by inhibition of BRAF are not well established. In order to fill this lack of knowledge we studied the proliferation and survival pathways and associated molecules induced by BRAF inhibition in thyroid carcinoma cell lines harbouring distinct genetic backgrounds.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Suppression of BRAF pathway in thyroid cancer cell lines (8505C, TPC1 and C643) was achieved using RNA interference (RNAi) for BRAF and the kinase inhibitor, sorafenib. Proliferation analysis was performed by BrdU incorporation and apoptosis was accessed by TUNEL assay. Levels of protein expression were analysed by western-blot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both BRAF RNAi and sorafenib inhibited proliferation in all the cell lines independently of the genetic background, mostly in cells with BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutation. In BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutated cells inhibition of BRAF pathway lead to a decrease in ERK1/2 phosphorylation and cyclin D1 levels and an increase in p27<sup>Kip1</sup>. Specific inhibition of BRAF by RNAi in cells with BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutation had no effect on apoptosis. In the case of sorafenib treatment, cells harbouring BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutation showed increase levels of apoptosis due to a balance of the anti-apoptotic proteins Mcl-1 and Bcl-2.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results in thyroid cancer cells, namely those harbouring BRAF<sup>V600E</sup>mutation showed that BRAF signalling pathway provides important proliferation signals. We have shown that in thyroid cancer cells sorafenib induces apoptosis by affecting Mcl-1 and Bcl-2 in BRAF<sup>V600E </sup>mutated cells which was independent of BRAF. These results suggest that sorafenib may prove useful in the treatment of thyroid carcinomas, particularly those refractory to conventional treatment and harbouring BRAF mutations.</p

    Inhibition of IGF-1R-dependent PI3K activation sensitizes colon cancer cells specifically to DR5-mediated apoptosis but not to rhTRAIL

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    Background: Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) initiates apoptosis in tumor cells upon binding to its cognate agonistic receptors, death receptors 4 and 5 (DR4 and DR5). The activity of the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) survival pathway is often increased in cancer, influencing both cell proliferation and apoptosis. We hypothesized that inhibiting the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) using NVP-AEW541, a small molecular weight tyrosine kinase inhibitor of the IGF-1R, could increase death receptor (DR)-mediated apoptosis in colon cancer cells

    A novel form of constitutively active farnesylated Akt1 prevents mammary epithelial cells from anoikis and suppresses chemotherapy-induced apoptosis

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    Protein kinase B/Akt has been described as a central mediator of anti-apoptotic signals transduced by the PI3 kinase. Although the role of Akt in the suppression of apoptosis is well elucidated, a potential function of Akt in tumorigenesis and chemoresistance is less intensively documented. In this study, we describe the construction of a novel form of constitutively active Akt1, which relies on the deletion of its pleckstrin homology domain and the insertion of a C-terminal farnesylation sequence. Stable cell lines were generated with MCF10A mammary epithelial cells and A549 human NSCLC cells expressing constitutively active Akt1. Enigneered MCF10A cells were rendered resistant towards apoptosis resulting from loss of cellular substrate attachment (anoikis). We investigated the chemosensitivity of A549 cells expressing farnesylated Akt vs control cells. A profoundly decreased sensitivity towards Mitoxantrone and cisplatin was observed in cells expressing farnesylated Akt. No significant difference in sensitivity however was observed upon treatment with cell cycle specific chemotherapeutic agents like paclitaxel. Our data suggest, that Akt is a central mediator in the suppression of anoikis and modulation of chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. Therefore it represents a promising target for small molecule inhibitors to shift the apoptotic threshold in cancer cells after treatment with standard chemotherapy

    Resistance of Renal Cell Carcinoma to Sorafenib Is Mediated by Potentially Reversible Gene Expression

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    Purpose: Resistance to antiangiogenic therapy is an important clinical problem. We examined whether resistance occurs at least in part via reversible, physiologic changes in the tumor, or results solely from stable genetic changes in resistant tumor cells. Experimental Design: Mice bearing two human RCC xenografts were treated with sorafenib until they acquired resistance. Resistant 786-O cells were harvested and reimplanted into naïve mice. Mice bearing resistant A498 cells were subjected to a 1 week treatment break. Sorafenib was then again administered to both sets of mice. Tumor growth patterns, gene expression, viability, blood vessel density, and perfusion were serially assessed in treated vs control mice. Results: Despite prior resistance, reimplanted 786-O tumors maintained their ability to stabilize on sorafenib in sequential reimplantation steps. A transcriptome profile of the tumors revealed that the gene expression profile of tumors upon reimplantation reapproximated that of the untreated tumors and was distinct from tumors exhibiting resistance to sorafenib. In A498 tumors, revascularization was noted with resistance and cessation of sorafenib therapy and tumor perfusion was reduced and tumor cell necrosis enhanced with re-exposure to sorafenib. Conclusions: In two RCC cell lines, resistance to sorafenib appears to be reversible. These results support the hypothesis that resistance to VEGF pathway therapy is not solely the result of a permanent genetic change in the tumor or selection of resistant clones, but rather is due to a great extent to reversible changes that likely occur in the tumor and/or its microenvironment