464 research outputs found

    APEmille: a parallel processor in the teraflop range

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    APEmille is a SIMD parallel processor under development at the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). APEmille is very well suited for Lattice QCD applications, both for its hardware characteristics and for its software and language features. APEmille is an array of custom arithmetic processors arranged on a tridimensional torus. The replicated processor is a pipelined VLIW device performing integer and single/double precision IEEE floating point operations. The processor is optimized for complex computations and has a peak performance of 528Mflop at 66MHz and of 800Mflop at 100MHz. In principle an array of 2048 nodes is able to break the Tflops barrier. A powerful programming language named TAO is provided and is highly optimized for QCD. A C++ compiler is foreseen. Specific data structures, operators and even statements can be defined by the user for each different application. Effort has been made to define the language constructs for QCD.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(machines

    Performance of nymphs and adults of Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on soybean pods at different developmental stages.

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    A study was conducted in the laboratory to test the suitability of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] pods at different phenological stages of development (R3-R8) on the performance of nymphs and adults of the small green stink bug Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Nymphs and adults showed better performance when fed on soybean pods during the pod-filling stage (R5-R6), compared to those fed on soybean pods at the remaining stages of development. When fed on soybean pods without seeds (R3-R4) no nymphs survived and no adults reproduced

    Semi-inclusive bottom-Higgs production at LHC: The complete one-loop electroweak effect in the MSSM

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    We present the first complete calculation of the one-loop electroweak effect in the process of semi-inclusive bottom-Higgs production at LHC in the MSSM. The size of the electroweak contribution depends on the choice of the final produced neutral Higgs boson, and can be relevant, in some range of the input parameters. A comparison of the one-loop results obtained in two different renormalization schemes is also performed, showing a very good NLO scheme independence. We further comment on two possible, simpler, approximations of the full NLO result, and on their reliabilty

    Efeito da adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização sobre a tonalidade cromática e características microbiológicas de conservas de soja tipo hortaliça.

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    A soja tipo hortaliça é colhida no estádio de desenvolvimento R6, quando os grãos apresentam-se de coloração verde e totalmente desenvolvidos, mas ainda imaturos. Quando comparada com a soja convencional apresenta sabor suave e adocicado, textura macia e qualidade nutricional superior. Uma alternativa de consumo da soja tipo hortaliça, além do in natura, é o seu processamento em conservas que pode contribuir para sua disponibilidade em todas as épocas do ano. Durante o preparo das conservas, os grãos são tratados termicamente ocasionando perdas de cor e textura. A adição de sacarose em pequenas quantidades na salmoura das conservas contribui para manter a coloração, a firmeza e sabor ácido mais brando. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização sobre a tonalidade cromática e características microbiológicas de conservas em pH 3,9 de grãos de soja da cultivar tipo hortaliça BRS 267. Para isso foi utilizado o delineamento experimental composto central rotacional (DCCR) 22 com 4 pontos axiais e 4 ensaios no ponto central, totalizando 12 ensaios. O teor de sacarose na salmoura (variável X1 ) foi de 0,45 a 2,5 g ml-1 e o tempo de pasteurização em minutos (variável X2) de 10 a 40. Após 30 dias de armazenamento, foram determinadas as funções repostas Y1 (graus de tonalidade cromática) e Y2 (esterilidade comercial). A validação do modelo proposto foi realizada após estabelecer concentração de sacarose igual a 2,89 g por mL e 10 min de pasteurização. A adição de sacarose e tempo de pasteurização influenciaram a tonalidade cromática das conservas. As conservas atingiram esterilidade comercial. A melhor formulação de conserva de grãos de soja tipo hortaliça em pH 3,9 foi com adição de 2,89 g de sacarose, 6 g de NaCl e 0,29 g de CaCl2 em 100 mL de salmoura

    APE Results of Hadron Masses in Full QCD Simulations

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    We present numerical results obtained in full QCD with 2 flavors of Wilson fermions. We discuss the relation between the phase of Polyakov loops and the {\bf sea} quarks boundary conditions. We report preliminary results about the HMC autocorrelation of the hadronic masses, on a 163×3216^3 \times 32 lattice volume, at β=5.55\beta=5.55 with ksea=0.1570k_{sea}=0.1570.Comment: 3 pages, compressed ps-file (uufiles), Contribution to Lattice 9