3 research outputs found
Effects of Purified Polychlorinated Biphenyl Analogs on Chicken Reproduction
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chlorierte Biphenyle [MAK Value Documentation in German language, 1978]
- Author
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Allen
- Alvares
- Alvares
- Anonym
- Bahn
- Bahn
- Bailey
- Barsotti
- Bennett
- Benthe
- Benthe
- Benthe
- Benthe
- Berlin
- Bickers
- Bitman
- Brandt
- Braun
- Bruckner
- Burse
- Carlson
- Cecil
- Cecil
- Curley
- Curley
- Dahlgren
- Dahlgren
- Ecobichon
- Finklea
- Firestone
- Fishbein
- Flick
- Flick
- Flick
- Friend
- Fries
- Fries
- Fujita
- Gardner
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Goldstein
- Good
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Grant
- Green
- Hutzinger
- Hutzinger
- Inagami
- Innami
- Ito
- Ito
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- Jansson
- Jensen
- Johnstone
- Jones
- Jones
- Kawanishi
- Kawanishi
- Keplinger
- Kikuchi
- Kikuchi
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough
- Kimbrough
- Kimura
- Koeman
- Koga
- Kohanawa
- Kohanawa
- Koller
- Komatsu
- Kuratsune
- Kuratsune
- Kuratsune
- Kuroiwa
- Lincer
- Linder
- Litterst
- Makiura
- Matthews
- Matthews
- McCune
- McLaughlin
- Mehendale
- Miller
- Miller
- Murai
- Nagasaki
- Nilsson
- Nishizumi
- Norback
- Norback
- Ogawa
- Okumura
- Ouw
- Panel on Hazardous Trace Substances
- Peakall
- Peakall
- Pichirallo
- Platonow
- Platonow
- Platonow
- Platonow
- Platonow
- Platonow
- Rehfeld
- Ringer
- Risebrough
- Risebrough
- Sanger
- Saschenbrecker
- Schmittle
- Schmoldt
- Schwartz
- Scott
- Shoya
- Tanaka
- Tanaka
- Teleky
- Treon
- Uzawa
- v. Wedel
- Villeneuve
- Villeneuve
- Villeneuve
- Vos
- Vos
- Vos
- Vos
- Vos
- Vos
- World Health Organization
- Yamamoto
- Yoshimura
- Yoshimura
- Yoshimura
- Yoshimura
- Yoshimura
- Yoshimura
- Ă–rberg
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Chapter 5 Biological agents
- Author
- Acheson
- Adams
- Ahland
- Ahlström
- Akland
- Alarie
- Ammann
- Andelman
- Andersen
- Anderson
- Ashford
- ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
- Aurand
- Austwick
- Austwick
- Balfanz
- Balzer
- Battaglia
- Beaumont
- Benezra
- Benner
- Berglund
- Berglund
- Berglund
- Berglund
- Berglund
- Binder
- Björseth
- Black
- Blands
- Blome
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- Bochicchio
- Bochicchio
- Bochicchio
- Bochicchio
- Bochicchio
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- Brown
- Brown
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- Brunekreef
- Brunekreef
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- Brunnemann
- Brunnemann
- Bruno
- Bufalini
- Burdach
- Burge
- Burkhardt
- Burr
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- Campos Venuti
- Carnelley
- Castrén
- Castrén
- CEC (Commission of the European Communities)
- Cholak
- Chortyk
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- Clementsen
- Cliff
- Cohen
- Cole
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- Colombo
- Commins
- Commins
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- Dales
- Dales
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- Davies
- Davis
- De Bortoli
- De Bortoli
- De Bortoli
- de Hein
- De Meijer
- Dennis
- Deyuan
- Dockery
- Doi
- Doll
- Doll
- Dreisbach
- Dube
- Duc
- ECA (European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man” COST Project 613)
- ECA (European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man” COST Project 613)
- ECA (European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man” COST Project 613)
- ECA (European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man” COST Project 613)
- Efremov
- Elliot
- Emmett
- EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
- EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
- Ericcson
- Esmen
- Eudy
- Fassett
- Fayerweather
- FaĂsca
- Federal Ministry of the Interior Germany
- Federal Trade Commission
- Fischbein
- Fischer
- Flannigan
- Flanningan
- Fradkin
- Frazier
- Friedberg
- Fugaš
- Gesell
- Girman
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- Goble
- Goh
- Goldstein
- Gooding
- Grant
- Grasty
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- Gravesen
- Gravesen
- Gravesen
- Green
- Grimmer
- Guerin
- Guerin
- Guo
- Hader
- Hammond
- Harrington
- Harrington
- Hayes
- Hayes
- Hayes
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
- Helwig
- Henshaw
- Henshaw
- Herlan
- Hernberg
- Higgins
- Hildingson
- Hodgson
- Hodgson
- Holland
- Holma
- Hopper
- Huber
- Hunter
- Hutzinger
- Hytonen
- ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection)
- ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection)
- ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection)
- IEA (International Energy Agency)
- Ingebrethsen
- Ingersoll
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC)
- Islam
- James
- Jarke
- Johansson
- Johnson
- Kagawa
- Kagawa
- Kamrin
- Kawahata
- Kjaergaard
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- Kleinman
- Knysak
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- Krause
- KrĂĽger Anderson
- Kuratsune
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- Lawton
- Lawton
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- Leaderer
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- Lebret
- Lebret
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- Levine
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- Lind
- Lind
- Lindgren
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- Maibach
- Manz
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- Marcinowski
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- Marfels
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- Maroni
- Maroni
- Maroni
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- McLaughlin
- Meyer
- Miguel
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- Miller
- Mosbech
- Moschandreas
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- Møhave
- Mølhave
- Nation l Research Council (NRC)
- National Centre for Preventive Medicine
- National Research Council (NRC)
- National Research Council (NRC)
- National Research Council (NRC)
- NEA/OECD (Nuclear Energy Agency/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)
- Nero
- Nero
- Neulicht
- Nevalainen
- Nevalainen
- Nicholson
- Nicholson
- Niemalä
- Norbäck
- Norbäck
- Norbäck
- Noy
- O'Rourke
- Oehme
- Olsen
- Olsen
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
- Osterballe
- Ott
- Ottery
- Panel on Hazardous Trace Substances
- Pauli
- Pershagen
- Petreas
- Pettenkofer
- Platt
- Platts-Mills
- Platts-Mills
- Poffiijn
- Pollart
- Postendörfer
- Pott
- Pott
- Prescher
- Price
- Price
- Put
- Put
- Quindos
- Quindos
- Rannou
- Redmond
- Reed
- Repace
- Repace
- Repace
- Revsbech
- Reynolds Tobacco Company
- Rickert
- Riley
- Riley
- Ritchie
- Ritchie
- Roberts
- Robé
- Rodes
- Rosenberg
- Rylander
- Rylander
- Saarela
- Samson
- Sawyer
- Schachter
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- Schenker
- Schlitt
- Schmier
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- Schou
- Schwartz
- Sciocchetti
- Sears
- Sebben
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seifert
- Seppalainen
- Sinclair
- Smith
- Sorenson
- Spengler
- Staats
- Starr
- Sterling
- Sterling
- Stjernberg
- Storm
- Strachan
- Strachan
- Strachan
- Strand
- Strand
- Strobridge
- Surbeck
- Swedjemark
- Swedjemark
- Sørensen
- Tatsukawa
- Thomas
- Tobin
- Toft
- Traynor
- Tucker
- Tucker
- Turiel
- Tyson
- U. S. Department of Energy
- U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Environmentla Protection Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Evironmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Ulbak
- Ulsamer
- Umweltbundesamt
- UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)
- UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)
- UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)
- UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation)
- Urabe
- Utell
- Vainio
- Van der Wal
- Van Faassen
- Van Vaeck
- Vanmarke
- Vanto
- Verhoeff
- Verhoeff
- Verhoeff
- Von Nieding
- Wade
- Wagner
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Waller
- Walrath
- Wayne
- Weicksel
- Wentz
- WHO/IARC (World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on Cancer)
- Wilson
- Wong
- Wood
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Wrixon
- Yamanaka
- Yocom
- Yocom
- Zharov
- Ă…kerblom
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1995
- Field of study