60 research outputs found

    Towards a Norm-Based Approach in Translation of Legal Provisions

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    If norms, as understood in the theory of law, are mental representations of legal provisions, the latter viewed as a unit of text, one may reach the conclusion that equivalent translation of a legal provision is a rendition from which identical norms may be mentally inferred. In this paper, we are going to show how norms inferred from the source text provision may profile the expressions used in the target text. The norm-based approach opens up space for cognitive analysis, since it is the competent interpreter’s mental semantic matrix that determines the norm, understood as an output of interpretation. If norms, as understood in the theory of law, are mental representations of legal provisions, the latter viewed as a unit of text, one may reach the conclusion that equivalent translation of a legal provision is a rendition from which identical norms may be mentally inferred. In this paper, we are going to show how norms inferred from the source text provision may profile the expressions used in the target text. The norm-based approach opens up space for cognitive analysis, since it is the competent interpreter’s mental semantic matrix that determines the norm, understood as an output of interpretation.

    Assessment of the usefulness of pipelle biopsy in gynecological diagnostics

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of pipelle in sampling diagnostic material from the uterine cavity and determining clinical factors, which may affect its effectiveness. Material and methods: The retrospective analysis included 312 patients who underwent pipelle biopsy because of various indications. Evaluated factors which may affect the effectiveness of this method were: types of indications for the procedure, age, BMI, anteflexion or retroflexion of the uterus, presence of uterine fibroids, miscarriages, natural deliveries, deliveries in general. Results: In 259 (83.01%) cases sampled material allowed for a histopathological diagnosis. In 53 (16.99%) of the women we failed to sample tissue material from the uterine cavity. Indications for the procedure, BMI, age and menopausal status were factors of potential impact on the diagnostic effectiveness (p < 0.05). The diagnostic value of pipelle was found to be the lowest in women with overweight and obesity (BMI > 28), post-menopausal women, women over 55 years of age and where biopsy was performed for indications other than abnormal uterine bleeding. On the other hand, pipelle shows clearly the highest effectiveness in sampling diagnostic material from the uterine cavity in young women (< 45 years of age), menstruating women, women with normal body weight or underweight (BMI < 23) and abnormal uterine bleeding. Conclusions: Choosing a pipelle as an endometrial biopsy method should consider the indications, BMI, age and menopausal status. Omission of these factors can increase non-diagnostic outcomes resulting in necessity of repeated biopsies, the risk of complications and increases the costs of health care system

    Nowotwory złośliwe macicy u kobiet leczonych z powodu mięśniaków metodą embolizacji tętnic macicznych – opis trzech przypadków

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    Abstract Leiomyomas are the most common tumors of the uterus. Uterine artery embolization has been accepted as an alternative method for myomectomy or hysterectomy. However, lack of histologic conformation carries the risk of misdiagnosis of cancer so a thorough diagnostic testing is needed. Leiomyosarcomas are rare but very aggressive tumors of the uterine tract. The risk of leiomyosarcoma in myomata is very low, but it is necessary to remember about it, especially when we have no tissue for histological examination. Our report presents three cases of women diagnosed with leiomyosarcomas or endometrial cancer after uterine artery embolization for suspected symptomatic uterine fibroids. .Mięśniaki gładkokomórkowe są najczęściej stwierdzanymi nowotworami macicy. Embolizacja tętnic macicznych stosowana w leczeniu mięśniaków jest alternatywną metodą do klasycznych metod chirurgicznych. Brak materiału do badania histopatologicznego wymaga przeprowadzenia bardzo dokładnej diagnostyki przedoperacyjnej, w celu wykluczenia nowotworu złośliwego. Mięsaki trzonu macicy należą do rzadkich ale bardzo agresywnych nowotworów tego narządu. Jakkolwiek ryzyko występowania mięsaka w macicy mięśniakowatej jest niskie, to należy o tym pamiętać szczególnie wtedy, gdy po leczeniu nie uzyskuje się materiału do badania mikroskopowego. W pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku trzech kobiet, u których po embolizacji tętnic macicznych rozpoznano raka lub mięsaka trzonu macicy, pomimo przeprowadzonej dokładnej przedoperacyjnej diagnostyki

    Clinicopathological factors of pelvic lymph nodes involvement in advanced serous ovarian cancer

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    Objectives: Retroperitoneal lymph nodes metastases occur frequently in patients with ovarian cancer. Lymphadenectomyincreases risk of perioperative complications. In clinical practice to reduce rate of complications aortocaval lymphadenectomyis omitted and solely resection of pelvic lymph nodes is performed. To establish factors affecting metastases to pelviclymph nodes in advanced ovarian cancer.Material and methods: A retrospective study among patients with serous advanced ovarian cancer (FIGO IIIB–IVB) wasconducted at the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Warsaw and Department of GynecologicOncology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw. All patients underwentsurgical treatment including pelvic lymphadenectomy between 2014 and 2017. Data including age, body mass index(BMI), pretreatment CA125 serum level, tumor volume, grading, one-/both-sided tumor, menopausal status, ascites wereanalysed as possible factors influencing the pelvic lymph nodes involvement. The statistical analysis was performed withPython software.Results: 87 consecutive patients were eligible for the study. Metastases to pelvic lymph nodes were found in 29 (33.33%)patients. Pretreatment serum CA-125 concentration (652 U/mL vs 360.9 U/mL, p < 0.05) and high grade histology correspondedwith pelvic nodal involvement.Conclusions: The knowledge of factors influencing metastases to pelvic lymph nodes may help clinicians in proper counsellingand tailoring of therapy

    The role of metalloproteinases in endometrial remodelling during menstrual cycle

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    Endometrium is the only tissue in the human body subject to cyclic transformations under the influence of ovarian steroid hormones. As estradiol and progesterone balance throughout the physiological menstrual cycle changes, so does the expression of metalloproteinases (MMPs). These endopeptides are responsible for keeping the balance between the process of synthesis and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins. Thus, MMP’s take part in sustaining physiological stability of the endometrium. A number of MMPs found in the endometrial tissue and their activity is related to menstrual cycle phase. This paper is an up-to-date review of literature of Medline database. The search was conducted for key words including “matrix metalloproteinases”, “MMPs”, “TIMPs” and “tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases”. Over 1092 publications regarding interdependence and interplay between ovarian hormones and the role of various MMPs and their inhibitors in normal endometrial remodelling and in pathological conditions were analysed and critically reviewed

    Is routine performance of the uterine cervix canal curettage prior to the curettage of the uterine cavity justified?

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    Objectives: Endocervical curettage (ECC) together with the dilatation and curettage of the uterine cavity (D & C) is routinely performed in everyday clinical practice. The aim of this study is to assess the rationale of the performance of ECC prior to D & C in indications other than abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Material and methods: Case histories of 736 patients after ECC performed in the 1st Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical University of Warsaw, were analyzed retrospectively, the indications for the procedure — age, menopausal status, parity, procedure operator’s experience — as well as the result of the histopathology examination were taken into account. Three groups of patients were distinguished based on the indications for the procedure. Results: In 645 (87.6%) of cases normal histopathology results were obtained. 40 (5.4%) cases were abnormal. 31 cases of uterine cervix dysplasia were disclosed (CIN 1–20; CIN 2–5; CIN 3–6), 8 cases of endometrial cancer and 1 case of cancer of the uterine cervix were disclosed. In 51 (7%) of cases tissue material for histopathology examination was not obtained. In patients where ECC and D & C were performed due to indications other than abnormal bleeding from uterine cavity, no abnormal results were revealed. In addition, in this group the highest number of non-diagnostic ECCs was reported (11.59%; p < 0.05). Conclusions: In the case of endometrial biopsy for indications other than AUB routine ECC prior to D & C need not be performed

    Comparison of endometrial biopsy and postoperative hysterectomy specimen findings in patients with atypical endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the concordance between the preoperative endometrial sampling and microscopic examination of the hysterectomy specimens in patients surgically treated for atypical endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma. Material and methods: We analysed a group of 204 patients, of whom 160 (78.43%) underwent surgical treatment for cancer of the corpus uteri and 44 (21.57%) for atypical endometrial hyperplasia. The preoperative diagnosis was based on the histological examination of endocervical and endometrial samples obtained by fractional curettage and it was compared to the histological findings at hysterectomy. The comparison was made for the basic diagnosis, the histological type of the cancer and the grade of tumour differentiation. Results: When the histological types of cancer diagnosed in endometrial curettage and hysterectomy specimens were com­pared, the concordance was observed in 134/160 patients (83.75%). The highest concordance was found for endometrioid carcinoma (127/148 patients, 85.81%). The grade of tumour differentiation was accurate in 69.31% of patients. The highest concordance was for moderately differentiated carcinomas. Of 44 patients who underwent surgical treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia, the preoperative diagnosis was confirmed by the postoperative histopathological examination in 21 patients (47.73%). In 15 patients (34.09%) endometrial cancer was diagnosed at hysterectomy. Conclusions: In endometrial cancer our findings demonstrate a high level of concordance between the histological diagnosis on endometrial curettage and at hysterectomy. Own observations have confirmed that over 30% of patients undergoing surgical treatment for atypical endometrial hyperplasia have concurrent endometrial cancer which is determined by surgery

    Analiza częstości występowania proapoptycznych białek p53 i p21 w nabłonkowych guzach jajnika

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    p21 in cystadenomas, borderline tumors and ovarian cancers. The correlation between proapoptotic proteins and selected parameters of ovarian tumors was also assessed. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 66 patients operated on because of epithelial ovarian tumor. The study group was further divided into three subgroups: cystadenomas, borderline tumors and ovarian cancers. Results: The average value of p53 was the highest in the ovarian cancer group (50.12+/-39.52), whereas average value for p21 was the highest in patients with borderline tumors (24.41+/-24.43). There was a negative correlation between tumor stage and parameters of p21(+++), p21(++), p21(+) but no correlation was found between the expression of p53, p21 and histological type of ovarian cancer. Conclusion: The assessment of p53 and p21 can be expensive, but it proves to be a useful tool in difficult cases. Positive reaction to p53 can be noted in both, benign and malignant ovarian tumors, but in case of cancer its intensity is notably stronger.Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena ekspresji białek p53 i p21 w gruczolakach, guzach o granicznej złośliwości oraz w rakach jajnika, a także ocena korelacji pomiędzy badanymi białkami a wybranymi parametrami guzów jajnika. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano 66 pacjentek operowanych z powodu nabłonkowego guza jajnika. Wyróżniono trzy grupy pacjentek: z gruczolakiem jajnika, z guzem o granicznej złośliwości i z rakiem jajnika. Ekspresję białek oceniano w badaniu immunohistochemicznym, wykorzystując przeciwciała anty p53 i anty p21. Wyniki: Najwyższą wartość średniej dla parametru p53 stwierdzono w grupie guzów złośliwych (50,12+/-39,52), dla parametru p21 najwyższą średnią wartość stwierdzono w grupie guzów o granicznej złośliwości (24,41+/-24,43). Analiza wykazała istnienie ujemnej zależności między stopniem zaawansowania nowotworu a parametrami p21(+++), p21(++), p21(+). Nie stwierdzono zależności pomiędzy ekspresją białek p53 i p21 a typem histologicznym raka jajnika. Wnioski: Ocena białek p53 i p21 może być kosztownym, ale pomocnym narzędziem w trudnych diagnostycznie sytuacjach. Pozytywna reakcja dla białka p53 może być obecna zarówno w łagodnych jak i złośliwych guzach jajnika, jednak w przypadku raka ma ona istotnie większe natężenie