803 research outputs found

    Taking It Personally: 3D Bioprinting a Patient-Specific Cardiac Patch for the Treatment of Heart Failure.

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    Despite a massive global preventative effort, heart failure remains the major cause of death globally. The number of patients requiring a heart transplant, the eventual last treatment option, far outnumbers the available donor hearts, leaving many to deteriorate or die on the transplant waiting list. Treating heart failure by transplanting a 3D bioprinted patient-specific cardiac patch to the infarcted region on the myocardium has been investigated as a potential future treatment. To date, several studies have created cardiac patches using 3D bioprinting; however, testing the concept is still at a pre-clinical stage. A handful of clinical studies have been conducted. However, moving from animal studies to human trials will require an increase in research in this area. This review covers key elements to the design of a patient-specific cardiac patch, divided into general areas of biological design and 3D modelling. It will make recommendations on incorporating anatomical considerations and high-definition motion data into the process of 3D-bioprinting a patient-specific cardiac patch

    Atributos físicos do solo em formas de semeadura da pastagem de inverno associadas a intervalos entre pastejos.

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    O cultivo de pastagens de inverno em áreas de lavoura e o seu manejo sob pastejo direto pode provocar alterações nos atributos físicos do solo, cuja intensidade depende do grau de mobilização do solo, do intervalo entre pastejos, da carga animal e das condições climáticas. Para estudar esses aspectos, foi conduzido durante quatro anos um experimento com delineamento em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas principais foram aplicadas duas formas de semeadura da cultura de inverno (semeadura direta e semeadura + gradagem) e, nas subparcelas, quatro intervalos entre pastejos (sem pastejo e pastejo em intervalos de 7, 14 e 28 dias). Amostras de solo com estrutura preservada foram coletadas logo após a dessecação da pastagem, na camada de 0,00-0,05 m para determinação da condutividade hidráulica saturada e estabilidade de agregados e nas camadas de 0,00-0,05, 0,05-0,10, 0-10-0,15 e 0,15-0,20 m para determinar a densidade e as classes de poros do solo. A semeadura direta da pastagem aumenta a condutividade hidráulica saturada e reduz a densidade do solo em relação à semeadura + gradagem, enquanto o pisoteio aumenta a densidade do solo e reduz a macroporosidade apenas na camada mais superficial do solo, entre 0,00-0,05 m de profundidade. As diferenças nos atributos físicos do solo são maiores entre anos de amostragem do que entre intervalos de entrada dos animais na pastagem

    Manejo da pastagem anual de inverno afetando a emergência de plantas daninhas na cultura do milho em sucessão.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de duas formas de semeadura e quatro intervalos entre pastejos, sem e com adubação nitrogenada da pastagem de inverno, sobre a emergência de plantas daninhas na cultura do milho em sucessão. A densidade de plantas daninhas monocotiledôneas na cultura do milho não foi influenciada pela forma de implantação, intervalos entre pastejo e adubação da pastagem de inverno. A densidade de plantas daninhas dicotiledôneas na cultura do milho foi reduzida pela implantação da pastagem de inverno sem uso de grade e pelo maior intervalo entre os pastejos

    Immunosenescence, Inflammaging, and Frailty: Role of Myeloid Cells in Age-Related Diseases

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    The immune system is the central regulator of tissue homeostasis, ensuring tissue regeneration and protection against both pathogens and the neoformation of cancer cells. Its proper functioning requires homeostatic properties, which are maintained by an adequate balance of myeloid and lymphoid responses. Aging progressively undermines this ability and compromises the correct activation of immune responses, as well as the resolution of the inflammatory response. A subclinical syndrome of “homeostatic frailty” appears as a distinctive trait of the elderly, which predisposes to immune debilitation and chronic low-grade inflammation (inflammaging), causing the uncontrolled development of chronic and degenerative diseases. The innate immune compartment, in particular, undergoes to a sequela of age-dependent functional alterations, encompassing steps of myeloid progenitor differentiation and altered responses to endogenous and exogenous threats. Here, we will review the age-dependent evolution of myeloid populations, as well as their impact on frailty and diseases of the elderly

    Manejo da pastagem de inverno afetando fitomassa remanescente, cobertura do solo, plantas daninhas e rendimento de culturas.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar, durante quatro anos de experimentação, o efeito de formas de semeadura da pastagem anual de inverno, do intervalo entre pastejos e da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura na pastagem sobre a fitomassa remanescente da pastagem, cobertura do solo, emergência de plantas daninhas e rendimento de grãos de feijão ou de massa verde de milho cultivado em sucessão. As formas de semeadura de pastagem anual de inverno e a aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura na pastagem não afetam a fitomassa de pastagem remanescente, mas ocorre redução desta e aumento da percentagem de solo descoberto e da emergência de plantas daninhas com a redução do intervalo entre pastejos. As formas de semeadura de pastagem anual de inverno e o intervalo entre pastejos não afetam o rendimento de massa verde de milho para silagem e de grãos de feijão cultivados em sucessão à pastagem, mas há efeito residual do nitrogênio aplicado em cobertura na pastagem sobre o rendimento de grãos de feijão

    Design Research Units and Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs): An Approach for Advancing Technology and Competitive Strength in Australia

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    © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This paper makes the case that small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector have the potential to benefit from connections with design research units operating within universities. It points out some of the challenges associated with research and development for SMEs, and argues design research units can allow SMEs to better meet these challenges. Additive Manufacturing is used as an exemplary emerging technology that makes explicit the new possibilities and instability of the contemporary manufacturing landscape. A case study is used to articulate the potentials and limitations of industry and university partnerships in design. In conclusion, two alternative models are analysed in order to highlight different ends to which the practitioner-based research can be put

    Villa Stein-De-Monzie by Le Corbusier (1926-1928). Conservation strategies between research and education

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    The paper focuses on the educational experience produced during the International Workshop, organized by the IUAV University of Venice and dedicated to both the understanding and conservation of the maison Stein-de-Monzie "Les Terrasses", an emblematic work of Le Corbusier's early career period. The villa, located in Garches (Vaucresson), was designed and built between 1926 and 1928, the exact same years when Le Corbusier was elaborating the "Five Points of Architecture" (1927): the building is the first complete application of these principles, while it represents an evolution of the maison Dom-Ino's structural scheme. Nowadays, both the interior spaces and the external surfaces of the maison Stein-de-Monzie show profound changes caused by problematic events leading to the present-day appearance of the building, in many cases misrepresenting the original design goals. The building's integrated instrumental survey (laser scanning, photogrammetry, topography) allowed to document and understand the history of the villa beyond the mere and well known project phase, contributing to the definition of the actual construction characteristics and to ascertain both the material consistency and the state of conservation. The knowledge acquisition process – supported by survey data – constitutes a prerequisite to outline the design of new solutions, which could effectively express the cultural choices connected to the conservation of the Twentieth-Century built heritage