292 research outputs found

    Delineating meta-quantitative trait loci for anthracnose resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, is one of the devastating disease affecting common bean production and productivity worldwide. Several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for anthracnose resistance have been identified. In order to make use of these QTLs in common bean breeding programs, a detailed meta-QTL (MQTL) analysis has been conducted. For the MQTL analysis, 92 QTLs related to anthracnose disease reported in 18 different earlier studies involving 16 mapping populations were compiled and projected on to the consensus map. This meta-analysis led to the identification of 11 MQTLs (each involving QTLs from at least two different studies) on 06 bean chromosomes and 10 QTL hotspots each involving multiple QTLs from an individual study on 07 chromosomes. The confidence interval (CI) of the identified MQTLs was found 3.51 times lower than the CI of initial QTLs. Marker-trait associations (MTAs) reported in published genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were used to validate nine of the 11 identified MQTLs, with MQTL4.1 overlapping with as many as 40 MTAs. Functional annotation of the 11 MQTL regions revealed 1,251 genes including several R genes (such as those encoding for NBS-LRR domain-containing proteins, protein kinases, etc.) and other defense related genes. The MQTLs, QTL hotspots and the potential candidate genes identified during the present study will prove useful in common bean marker-assisted breeding programs and in basic studies involving fine mapping and cloning of genomic regions associated with anthracnose resistance in common beans

    Pre-main-sequence population in NGC 1893 region

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    In this paper we continued our efforts to understand the star formation scenario in and around the young cluster NGC 1893. We used a sample of the young stellar sources (YSOs) identified on the basis of multiwavelength data (optical, near-infrared (NIR), mid-infrared (MIR) and X-ray) to study the nature of YSOs associated with the region. The identified YSOs show an age spread of ~ 5 Myr. The YSOs located near the nebulae at the periphery of the cluster are relatively younger in comparison to those located within the cluster region. The present results are in accordance with those obtained by us in previous studies. Other main results from the present study are: 1) the fraction of disk bearing stars increases towards the periphery of the cluster; 2) there is an evidence supporting the notion that the mechanisms for disk dispersal operate less efficiently for low-mass stars; 3) the sample of Class II sources is found to be relatively older in comparison to that of Class III sources. A comparison of various properties of YSOs in the NGC 1893 region with those in the Tr 37/ IC 1396 region is also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in New Astronom

    High electromechanical response in the non morphotropic phase boundary piezoelectric system PbTiO3-Bi(Zr1/2Ni1/2)O-3

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    There is a general perception that a large piezoelectric response in ferroelectric solid solutions requires a morphotropic/polymorphic phase boundary (MPB/PPB), i.e., a composition driven interferroelectric instability. This correlation has received theoretical support from models which emphasize field driven polarization rotation and/or interferroelectric transformations. Here, we show that the ferroelectric system ( 1 − x ) PbTi O 3 − ( x ) Bi ( Zr 1 / 2 Ni 1 / 2 ) O 3 (PT-BNZ), which shows d 33 ( ∼ 400 p C / N ) comparable to the conventional MPB/PPB systems, does not belong to this category. In the unpoled state the compositions of PT-BNZ showing large d 33 exhibit a coexistence of tetragonal and cubiclike (CL) phases on the global length scale. A careful examination of the domain strucures and global structures (both in the unpoled and poled states) revealed that the CL phase has no symptom of average rhombohedral distortion even on the local scale. The CL phase is rather a manifestation of tetragonal regions of short coherence length. Poling increases the coherence length irreversibly which manifests as poling induced CL → P 4 m m transformation on the global scale. PT-BNZ is therefore qualitatively different from the conventional MPB piezoelectrics. In the absence of the composition and temperature driven interferroelectric instability in this system, polarization rotation and interferroelectric transformation are no longer plausible mechanisms to explain the large electromechanical response. The large piezoelectricity is rather associated with the increased structural-polar heterogeneity due to domain miniaturization without the system undergoing a symmetry change. Our study proves that attainment of large piezoelectricity does not necessarily require interferroelectric instability (and hence morphotropic/polymorphic phase boundary) as a criterion

    Moments of vicious walkers and M\"obius graph expansions

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    A system of Brownian motions in one-dimension all started from the origin and conditioned never to collide with each other in a given finite time-interval (0,T](0, T] is studied. The spatial distribution of such vicious walkers can be described by using the repulsive eigenvalue-statistics of random Hermitian matrices and it was shown that the present vicious walker model exhibits a transition from the Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) statistics to the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) statistics as the time tt is going on from 0 to TT. In the present paper, we characterize this GUE-to-GOE transition by presenting the graphical expansion formula for the moments of positions of vicious walkers. In the GUE limit t0t \to 0, only the ribbon graphs contribute and the problem is reduced to the classification of orientable surfaces by genus. Following the time evolution of the vicious walkers, however, the graphs with twisted ribbons, called M\"obius graphs, increase their contribution to our expansion formula, and we have to deal with the topology of non-orientable surfaces. Application of the recent exact result of dynamical correlation functions yields closed expressions for the coefficients in the M\"obius expansion using the Stirling numbers of the first kind.Comment: REVTeX4, 11 pages, 1 figure. v.2: calculations of the Green function and references added. v.3: minor additions and corrections made for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Development of corn seedlings after a period of exposition to various water potential

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    Fungicide treated and untreated corn seeds were sets to germinate under varying water availability conditions (0 to -12atm water potential). The seedlings obtained on each individual treatment were subsequently grown under ideal available water conditions. The results permitted to conclude that the occurrence of a water deficit during the on set of the germination process results in reductions on the length of the embryonic structures, particularly the epicotil. This effect attenuates with times due to the increase in growth velocity in environments where water potential is lower. Fungicid treated seeds, did not appear to be consistently vantageous in environments with water stress.Submetendo sementes de milho com e sem tratamento fungicida, a ambientes de germinação variáveis quanto à disponibilidade de água (0 a -12atm), o presente trabalho avaliou o desenvolvimento posterior das plântulas postas em ambientes sem limitações hídricas. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a ocorrência de déficit hídrico, durante o início do processo de germinação, promove reduções posteriores no comprimento das estruturas embrionárias e, de forma mais acentuada, do epicótilo; apesar disso, esse efeito se atenua com o passar do tempo pela elevação progressiva na velocidade de crescimento em ambientes que oferecem menores potenciais hídricos. Paralelamente, o tratamento fungicida das sementes pode não trazer vantagens em ambientes hidricamente deficientes; esta afirmação, contudo, considera o papel toalha como meio fornecedor de água o que, em contrapartida, exige cautela na sua extrapolação para as condições proporcionadas pelo solo