27 research outputs found

    Bronchial artery embolization in hemoptysis: a systematic review

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    We systematically reviewed the role of bronchial artery embolization (BAE) in hemoptysis. Literature search was done for studies on BAE published between 1976 and 2016. Twenty-two studies published in English, with sample size of at least 50 patients, reporting indications, technique, efficacy, and follow-up were included in the final analysis. Common indications for BAE included tuberculosis (TB), post-tubercular sequelae, bronchiectasis, and aspergillomas. Most common embolizing agent used was polyvinyl alcohol (size, 300–600 μm) with increasing use of glue in recent years. Overall immediate clinical success rate of BAE, defined as complete cessation of hemoptysis, varied from 70%–99%. However, recurrence rate remains high, ranging from 10%–57%, due to incomplete initial embolization, recanalization of previously embolized arteries, and recruitment of new collaterals. Presence of nonbronchial systemic collaterals, bronchopulmonary shunting, aspergillomas, reactivation TB, and multidrug resistant TB were associated with significantly higher recurrence rates (P < 0.05). Rate of major complications remained negligible and stable over time with median incidence of 0.1% (0%–6.6%). Despite high hemoptysis recurrence rates, BAE continues to be the first-line, minimally invasive treatment of hemoptysis in emergency settings, surgically unfit patients, or in patients with diffuse or bilateral lung disease

    Normal Puerperium

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    Puerperium is the time following delivery during which pregnancy-induced maternal anatomical and physiological changes return to the nonpregnant state. Puerperium period of 6 weeks can be divided into: (a) immediate – within 24 hours (b) early – up to 7 days (c) remote – up to 6 weeks. The puerperal effects are seen in all organs and particularly in reproductive organs. Infection and haemorrhage are the common postpartum complications. Post partum care is very important. Advice on exclusive breast feeding and contraception is also mandatory after every childbirth

    Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy

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    Ectopic pregnancy is defined as the implantation of a fertilised egg outside the uterine cavity. The site of ectopic pregnancy are Fallopian tube. Cervix, ovary, peritoneal cavity, or uterine scars. Other two site of implantation are cornual pregnancy and interstitial pregnancy. Diagnostic tests for ectopic pregnancy include a urine pregnancy tests, Serum beta hcG and ultrasound. The instant result of a urine pregnancy test is a useful pointer for the clinician to suspect an ectopic pregnancy. The test is a useful triage tool for clinicians to rule out a pregnancy when the clinical situation is not clear such as a patient who is not sure of dates, does not remember or is in a state of shock and the history cannot be elicited. Ultrasound remains the mainstay of the diagnosis and high index of suspicion and a detailed history are pre-requisite of scanning. Different ultrasonography feature are diagnostic of different site of implantation. For uterine scar pregnancy ultrasonologic criteria are not validated still now

    Traumatic diaphragmatic injury: a review of CT signs and the difference between blunt and penetrating injury

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    PURPOSE:We aimed to present the frequency of computed tomography (CT) signs of diaphragmatic rupture and the differences between blunt and penetrating trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The CT scans of 23 patients with surgically proven diaphragmatic tears (both blunt and penetrating) were retrospectively reviewed for previously described CT signs of diaphragmatic injuries. The overall frequency of CT signs was reported; frequency of signs in right- and left-sided injuries and blunt and penetrating trauma were separately tabulated and statistically compared. RESULTS:The discontinuous diaphragm sign was the most common sign, observed in 95.7% of patients, followed by diaphragmatic thickening (69.6%). While the dependent viscera sign and collar sign were exclusively observed in blunt-trauma patients, organ herniation (P = 0.05) and dangling diaphragm (P = 0.0086) signs were observed significantly more often in blunt trauma than in penetrating trauma. Contiguous injury on either side of the diaphragm was observed more often in penetrating trauma (83.3%) than in blunt trauma (17.7%). CONCLUSION:Knowledge of the mechanism of injury and familiarity with all CT signs of diaphragmatic injury are necessary to avoid a missed diagnosis because there is variability in the overall occurrence of these signs, with significant differences between blunt and penetrating trauma

    Can multidetector CT detect the site of gastrointestinal tract injury in trauma? – A retrospective study

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    PURPOSE :We aimed to assess the performance of computed tomography (CT) in localizing site of traumatic gastrointestinal tract (GIT) injury and determine the diagnostic value of CT signs in site localization.METHODS:CT scans of 97 patients with surgically proven GIT or mesenteric injuries were retrospectively reviewed by radiologists blinded to surgical findings. Diagnosis of either GIT or mesenteric injuries was made. In patients with GIT injuries, site of injury and presence of CT signs such as focal bowel wall hyperenhancement, hypoenhancement, wall discontinuity, wall thickening, extramural air, intramural air, perivisceral infiltration, and active vascular contrast leak were evaluated.RESULTS:Out of 97 patients, 90 had GIT injuries (70 single site injuries and 20 multiple site injuries) and seven had isolated mesenteric injury. The overall concordance between CT and operative findings for exact site localization was 67.8% (61/90), partial concordance rate was 11.1% (10/90), and discordance rate was 21.1% (19/90). For single site localization, concordance rate was 77.1% (54/70), discordance rate was 21.4% (15/70), and partial concordance rate was 1.4% (1/70). In multiple site injury, concordance rate for all sites of injury was 35% (7/20), partial concordance rate was 45% (9/20), and discordance rate was 20% (4/20). For upper GIT injuries, wall discontinuity was the most accurate sign for localization. For small bowel injury, intramural air and hyperenhancement were the most specific signs for site localization, while for large bowel injury, wall discontinuity and hypoenhancement were the most specific signs.CONCLUSION:CT performs better in diagnosing small bowel injury compared with large bowel injury. CT can well predict the presence of multiple site injury but has limited performance in exact localization of all injury sites

    Multicenter Repeatability and Reproducibility of MR Fingerprinting in Phantoms and in Prostatic Tissue.

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    PURPOSE To evaluate multicenter repeatability and reproducibility of T1 and T2 maps generated using MR fingerprinting (MRF) in the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine/National Institute of Standards and Technology MRI system phantom and in prostatic tissues. METHODS MRF experiments were performed on 5 different 3 Tesla MRI scanners at 3 different institutions: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (Cleveland, OH), Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston, MA) in the United States, and Diagnosticos da America (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) in Brazil. Raw MRF data were reconstructed using a Gadgetron-based MRF online reconstruction pipeline to yield quantitative T1 and T2 maps. The repeatability of T1 and T2 values over 6 measurements in the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine/National Institute of Standards and Technology MRI system phantom was assessed to demonstrate intrascanner variation. The reproducibility between the 4 clinical scanners was assessed to demonstrate interscanner variation. The same-day test-retest normal prostate mean T1 and T2 values from peripheral zone and transitional zone were also compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS The intrascanner variation of values measured using MRF was less than 2% for T1 and 4.7% for T2 for relaxation values, within the range of 307.7 to 2360 ms for T1 and 19.1 to 248.5 ms for T2 . Interscanner measurements showed that the T1 variation was less than 4.9%, and T2 variation was less than 8.1% between multicenter scanners. Both T1 and T2 values in in vivo prostatic tissue demonstrated high test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.92) and strong linear correlation (R2  > 0.840). CONCLUSION Prostate MRF measurements of T1 and T2 are repeatable and reproducible between MRI scanners at different centers on different continents for the above measurement ranges

    A comparative analysis of the findings of postmortem computed tomography scan and traditional autopsy in traumatic deaths: Is technology mutually complementing or exclusive?

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    Background: Postmortem examination is indispensable to ascertain the cause of an unnatural death and as such is mandatory by the law. From ages, traditional autopsy (TA) has proved its worth in establishing the cause of death in the deceased despite some inherent difficulties and challenges and has enjoyed an insurmountable status. The increasing use of application of the modern-day radiology for postmortem examination has however opened a new arena overcoming some of the difficulties of the TA. There are conflicting reports in the published literature regarding superiority of one modality of the postmortem over the other. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the findings of postmortem computed tomography (CT) scan and TA in the victims of traumatic deaths and to analyze whether postmortem CT can be used to replace TA. Materials and Methods: All patients with a history of trauma that were declared brought dead on arrival in the emergency department were subjected to full-body CT scan. An experienced radiologist reported the findings of CT scan. Subsequently, a forensic expert subjected the patients to TA. The physician who performed autopsy was blinded to the findings of CT scan and vice versa. An individual who was not part of the radiology or forensic team then entered the findings of CT scan and autopsy in a predesigned Pro forma. An unbiased assessor finally compared the findings of the two modalities and analyzed the results. McNemar's test was used to ascertain the level of significance between the findings reported by these two modalities considering P = 0.05 as statistically significant. The agreement or disagreement on cause of death reported by these two modalities was also assessed. Results: About 95 of the deceased were males. The mean age of the corpses was 35 years (range 1667 years). CT was found superior in picking up most of the bony injuries, air-containing lesions, hemothorax, and hemoperitoneum. However, autopsy was found more sensitive for soft-tissue and solid visceral injuries. Both modalities were equally helpful in identifying extremity fractures. Statistically significant agreement (>95) on cause of death by both modalities was not achieved in any patient of trauma. Conclusion: Postmortem CT scan is promising in reporting injuries in traumatic deaths and can significantly complement the conventional autopsy. However, at present, it cannot be considered as a replacement for TA

    Analyzing thyroid dysfunction in the climacteric

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    Introduction: Perimenopause and menopause is an integral part of every woman's life constituting about 30% of the Indian female population. Hypothyroidism is a condition that can mimic menopausal symptoms very often. Therefore, routine screening of thyroid function in the climacteric and menopausal period to determine subclinical thyroid disease can be recommended. Materials and Methods: With this background, we conducted a prospective study in our institute, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences, to evaluate the abnormal thyroid function tests in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women aged 40–80 years. Results and Observations: Subclinical hypothyroidism status increases from the age group of 40–70 years and hypothyroidism increases in slow frequency from 40 to 70 years after that there is plateauing. Interestingly, the frequency of hyperthyroidism remains same in all the age groups. Conclusion: Looking at the increased risks of thyroid disorders with age, screening of thyroid disorders can be started at the age of 40 years with estimation of serum levels of TSH. This gives us the opportunity to treat both subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism women

    Persistent Primitive Trigeminal Artery: An Unusual Cause of Vascular Tinnitus

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    Pulsatile tinnitus is generally of vascular origin and can be due to arterial, venous, or systemic causes. While certain congenital anatomical variants and arterial vascular loops have been commonly found in symptomatic patients undergoing imaging, persistent primitive trigeminal artery in association with isolated tinnitus is unusual. Thus we report a patient with unilateral isolated pulsatile tinnitus who was evaluated with magnetic resonance angiography and was found to have a persistent primitive trigeminal artery. We also briefly discuss vascular tinnitus as well as the embryology, imaging, and classification of persistent primitive trigeminal artery with the clinical implications