149 research outputs found

    Features of the processes of formation of indicators of emotional burnout of students in the dynamics of learning in modern institutions of higher medical education.

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    The purpose of the work is to establish features of the processes of formation of indicators of emotional burnout of students in the dynamics of learning in modern institutions of higher medical education. Research was conducted on the basis of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, 307 students of the 1st, 3d, and 6th courses were surveyed. To assess the level of development of the characteristics of emotional burnout Boyko’s personal questionnaire was used. It was established that a high level of severity of the leading manifestations of emotional burnout among students which determines their pronounced emotional instability and a tendency to develop various disorders in terms of the characteristics of psychophysiological adaptation and of the mental sphere was observed among young women, and, first of all, among third-year and first-year young women. Considering the structural distribution of the studied indicators, it should be noted that in all comparison groups the leading components of emotional burnout were either at the formation stage (young men, of the 1st and 3d courses, and young women of the 1st and 6th courses), or were already formed (young men of the 6th course, and young women of the 3rd course). During the analysis of the features of formation of the main phases of emotional burnout, it should be noted that the highest degree of their development during period of learning was inherent of the resistance phase, followed by indicators of individual manifestations of the exhaustion phase and, lastly, tension phase. In the structure of the characteristics of the phase of tension mostly pronounced both in young men and young women, it is necessary to consider indicators of anxiety, depression and experiences of traumatic circumstances, in the structure of the leading characteristics of the phase of resistance – indicators of inadequate selective emotional response and reduction of professionally-oriented educational duties, in the structure of the leading characteristics of the phase of exhaustion – indicators of the severity of psychosomatic and psychovegetative shifts, personal detachment and emotional deficit

    Contact problem for punch of complex shape and preliminary stressed semi-space

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    Наведено розв’язок осесиметричної контактної задачі про тиск штампа складної конфігурації на пружний ізотропний півпростір з урахуванням попередніх напружень. Побудовано функції розподілу контактних напружень для граничної площини. Проаналізовано вплив конфігурації штампа на розподіл контактних напружень.Determination of contact stresses and deformations in the interaction of rigid and elastic bodies stamps with existing permanent deformations is one of the most actual tasks of modern construction and engineering. As it is known [2], residual deformation is almost always available in the structural elements and machine parts. The nature of their appearance can be very different: irreversible deformation (plasticity, creep), structural changes in the material, changes of the aggregate state in some areas, mechanical, chemical and technological processes, etc. Resultant stress can cause fracture and accelerate some phase transitions, corrosion in particular. To improve the accuracy of calculations the residual must be takeninto account, which directly affect the state of bodies. Taking into account all the factors that affect the interaction of the body is one of the key problems to determine the stability, reliability and other characteristics. Therefore, consideration of residual stress in the study of contact interaction of elastic bodies is an important task. Research problems investigations of the contact interaction of the preliminary stressed bodies in our country and abroad had appeared in the sufficient quantity only by the end of the last century. First of all it is due to the fact that the linear elasticity theory does not consider the residual stresses in bodies. In general, strict proper statement of such problems requires the use of system of the nonlinear elasticity theory, however, for the sufficiently large values of the initial stresses its linearized version can be referred to. In the article the solution of axisymmetric contact problem of pressure a punch of complex shape for an elastic isotropic half-space, taking into account preliminary stresses is described. Besides distribution function of contact stresses and displacements for the plane boundary of semi-space was created. Influence of residual stress on the distribution of contact stresses under the punch was investigated. With basic relations of the linearized elasticity theory, the problem is treated as the construction of the solution of the double integral equations. The authors have developed a method of approximate solutions of this type. The main idea of this method is to represent the unknown distribution function of the contact stresses in the form of the Fourier series with unknown coefficients and to construct a system of the linear equations for finding them. To demonstrate the proposed methods the numerical example of the construction of the contact stresses distribution function is presented in the paper. Besides, the residual deformation field characteristics effect on the amount and nature of the contact stresses under punch has been analyzed

    Influence of residual strain on the contact interaction of a hard punch and elastic semi-space

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    Наведено розв’язок осесиметричної контактної задачі про тиск штампа складної конфігурації на пружний ізотропний півпростір з урахуванням попередніх напружень. Побудовано функції розподілу контактних напружень для граничної площини. Проаналізовано вплив поля залишкових деформацій на розподіл контактних напружень та форму площадки контакту.Calculating the strength of structural elements and mechanisms is one of the most important stages in the process of their design. As it is known [2], residual deformation is almost always available in the structural elements and machine parts. The nature of their appearance can be very different: irreversible deformation (plasticity, creep), structural changes in the material, changes of the aggregate state in some areas, mechanical, chemical and technological processes, etc. Resultant stress can cause fracture and accelerate some phase transitions, corrosion in particular. To improve the accuracy of calculations the residual must be taken into account, which directly affect the state of bodies. Taking into account all the factors that affect the interaction of the body is one of the key problems to determine the stability, reliability and other characteristics. Therefore, consideration of residual stress in the study of contact interaction of elastic bodies is an important task. Research problems of the contact interaction investigations of the preliminary stressed bodies in our country and abroad had appeared in the sufficient quantity only by the end of the last century. First of all it is due to the fact, that the linear elasticity theory does not consider the residual stresses in bodies. In general, strict proper statement of such problems requires the use of system of the nonlinear elasticity theory, however, for the sufficiently large values of the initial stresses its linearized version can be referred to. In the article the solution of axisymmetric contact problem of pressure a punch of complex shape for an elastic isotropic half-space, taking into account preliminary stresses is described. Besides distribution function of contact stresses and displacements for the plane boundary of semi-space was created. Besides, the residual deformation field characteristics effect on the amount and nature of the contact stresses under punch has been analyzed

    Правовий захист інтересів дитини від експлуатації за національним законодавством

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    Паньчук, О. В. Правовий захист інтересів дитини від експлуатації за національним законодавством / О. В. Паньчук // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ.- 2006.- Вип. 32.- С. 62 - 67Розглядаються питання про правовий захист інтересів дітей від експлуатації за національним законодавством. Рассматриваются вопросы о правовой защите интересов детей от эксплуатации по национальному законодательству. Issues of legal protection of children's interests from exploitation under national law are considered

    Experimental verification of calculated lattice relaxations around impurities in CdTe

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    We have measured the lattice distortion around As acceptor and Br donor in CdTe with fluorescence detected X ray absorption spectroscopy. We could experimentally verify the lattice relaxation with a bond length reduction of 8 around the As atom as inferred indirectly from ab initio calculations of the electric field gradient performed with the WIEN97 package in comparison with the measured value in a Perturbed Angular Correlation experiment as recently reported. We have complemented our own calculations of relaxation with WIEN97 with calculations using the FHI96md pseudo potential program which allows the use of larger super cell sizes. Encouraged by the good agreement between experiment and model calculation for As in CdTe as well as similarly for the isovalent Se in CdTe, we extended our investigation to Br in CdTe, where the electric field gradient has also been measured, and could not only verify the derived lattice expansion around Br with our EXAFS analysis but additionally observe fractions of Br in the A center as well as in a DX center configuratio

    Physicochemical quality indicators of honey: An evaluation in a Ukrainian socioecological gradient

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    Physical and chemical quality indicators of 65 polyfloral honey samples from three administrative districts of Chernivtsi region in South Western Ukraine were studied. The chosen administrative districts were Putyla (representing the 'Traditional villages' stratum), Storozhynets (the 'Intermediate' stratum) and Khotyn (the 'Intensive agriculture' stratum), which reflect a steep gradient of social and ecological conditions such as land cover and land use, level of economic development, culture and demography. The quality of honey was determined in accordance with the requirements of the Ukrainian national standard and the EU Directive relating to honey (or Codex Alimentarius Honey Standard) by using the following indicators: reducing sugars and moisture content, diastase activity, free acidity, pH, electrical conductivity, hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and proline content. The profile of carbohydrates was analyzed, in particular glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, trehalose, melezitose, raffinose. The ratio of fructose to glucose (F/G) was determined. All tested samples complied with the international standards for the mass fraction of reducing sugars, diastase activity and hydroxymethylfurfural content. For physical and chemical parameters, the studied honey samples were of high quality. The content of the reducing sugars in the honey samples varied within the range of 66.0-97.6%. The fructose content ranged from 342 to 549 mg/g, and the glucose content variation ranged within 283-517 mg/g. The average fructose/glucose ratio was 1.2 for honey samples from the three studied districts. Besides fructose and glucose, some oligosaccharides, such as maltose, trehalose and melezitose, were found in the examined honey. Melezitose was detected in the honey samples from 'Traditional village' (21 samples) and 'Intermediate' (5 samples) districts. The total variability of HMF content in the studied 65 honey samples from apiaries in the three districts of Chernivtsi region ranged from 0.19 to 30.8 mg/kg. The minimum moisture content was found to be 16.2% (in the 'Traditional village' and 'Intermediate' strata), and 22.2% was the maximum (in the 'Intermediate' stratum). Our studies have shown that free acidity of the samples varied within the range 13.5 to 58.0 meq/kg. Proline content variability for the three studied geographical areas ranged from 82.3 to 1201.2 mg/kg. The studied samples of honey had a low pH level (similar to 3.7), high content of proline (similar to 513 mg/kg) and reducing sugars (similar to 80%), which indicates its nutritional value and naturalness. Deviations from the honey standards in moisture content, acidity and electrical conductivity was revealed in 8% to 10% of all samples