33 research outputs found

    Problems in the control of nematode parasites of small ruminants in Malaysia

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    Nematode parasitic disease, attributed mainly Haemonchus contortus, is the greatest disease problem of small ruminants in Malaysia. This thesis comprises 6 studies on the emergence of anthelmintic resistance in these parasites, and how control may be managed by exploiting the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans. A survey of the prevalence of anthelmintic resistance (AR) on Peninsular Malaysia revealed 50% of the sheep (n=39) and 75 % of the goat farms (n=9) were infected with nematode parasites that were resistant to the benzimidazoles. Resistance to levamisole, closantel and ivermectin was also detected. Another study on a government sheep breeding farm, showed multiple AR involving the benzimidazoles, levamisole and ivermectin (plus suspect moxidectin resistance). Continuing these investigations to eastern Malaysia, showed anthelmintic failure to all the broad-spectrum groups on all the government small ruminant breeding farms. New approaches to worm control were urgently required. Studies on the potential of biological control by the use of nematophagous fungi against the free-living stages on pasture, were carried out to assess its suitability and efficacy for use in the tropical environment that is typical for Malaysia. In a survey for the presence of nematode trapping fungi from faecal samples of livestock, several nematophagous species including D. flagrans and Arthrobotrys oligospora were identified. Mass production of D. flagrans spores on various local media was attempted, and the product was also tested in pen trials where sheep were fed the spores at different dose rates, either as a supplement, or in feed blocks. Daily fungal feeding by both means resulted in an 80-95% reduction in infective larvae in faecal cultures. Similar results were found in small scale grazing experiments, where sheep were fed daily with fungal spores for 3 consecutive months. Pen trials comparing goats and sheep, showed no difference between the two livestock species. Larger scale field trials where D. flagrans was combined with rapid rotational grazing, showed excellent parasite control. This indicates that the integration of biological control with measures such as rotational grazing provides viable options for sustainable production of small ruminants in the tropics, where AR is becoming a major threat to livestock production

    Gastrointestinal Parasitism In Kedah-Kelantan Calvesincidence, Effect On Growth And Cost- Benefit Of Anthelmintics

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    A study of the incidence and effects of gastrointestinal tract parasitism on growth rates and two blood parameters of Kedah-Kelantan was carried out in the Beef Unit, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. The cost effectiveness of two anthelmintics, oxfendazole and ivermectin was also assessed. A total of 75 newborn Kedah-Kelantan calves were allocated equally into three groups. All the calves grazed with their dams till one year of age, under an improved extensive rotational pasture management. Oxfendazole and ivermectin was administered regularly at the recommended dose rates to the first and second groups respectively. The third group of calves remained as untreated controls. All calves were given an oral coccidiostat. At regular intervals, the calves were weighed and faecal samples were collected for qualitative and quantitative assessment of helminths and coccidia. Blood samples were also taken for packed cell volume, plasma protein and gastrin measurements. Three species of coccidia, nanely Eimeria bovis (more than 80 percent of the calves) , E. zuernii (more than 60 percent of the calves) and E. ellipsoidalis (less than 10 percent of the calves) were identified in the three groups of calves especially during the first six months despite of regular coccidiostat therapy. other parasites such as Toxocara vitulorurn ( found only in 8 percent of the .control calves) and strongyloides papillosus ( more than 80 percent of all calves) were found during the first two and three months respectively. Tapeworm (Moniezia) was present in 44 percent of the ivermectin treated and control groups, and in 24 percent of the oxfendazole treated group. The only strongyle recovered fran faecal culture was Haemonchus placei fourrl in 92 percent of the control calves from three months of age onwards

    Helminth control for small ruminants in Malaysia

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    This paper reviews gastrointestinal helminths present in small ruminants in Malaysia and their pathogenic effects, studies on resistance to anthelmintics and worm control options which include grazing management, anthelmintics, medicated feed blocks, medicinal plants, breeding and biological control

    Epidemiology of Trypanosoma evansi Infection in Crossbred Dairy Cattle in Malaysia

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    An investigation into the epidemiology of Trypansoma evansi infection in crossbred dairy cattle was conducted for a period of 12 months on a dairy cattle farm in Penninsular Malaysia. The prevalence of parasitaemia was highest in lactating animals (13.4%), followed by those in the dry herd (8.8%), late pregnant animals (8.1%), early pregnant animals (4.7%), calves (0.3%) and heifers (0.2%). The prevalence of antigenaemia was highest in the lactating animals (54.7%), followed by that in dry animals (53.7%), heifers (51.1%), late pregnant animals (47.7%), early pregnant animals (46.5%) and calves (24.2%)

    Presence of parasite larvae in goat manure for use as fertiliser

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    Some livestock farmers utilise goat manure to fertilise grasses grown for animal feed, which may lead to parasitic diseases caused by strongyle infection. Therefore, the presence of strongyle larvae in manure needs to be determined. In this study, goat faeces containing strongyle eggs were deposited into five replicates for daily sampling throughout 23 days and subjected to faecal egg count, larvae identification and enumeration. Absence of eggs was detected on Day 4 when the infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus sp. and Oesophagostomum sp. were found. Larvae counts reached a maximum of 164 larvae on Day 8 and were negligible by Day 14, by which time the manure can be used as fertiliser to grow forage crops for animal feed

    Physicochemical properties associated with the presence of Burkholderia pseudomallei in small ruminant farm water supplies in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei causes melioidosis, a life-threatening infection in both humans and animals. Water is an important reservoir of the bacteria and may serve as a source of environmental contamination leading to infection. B. pseudomallei has an unusual ability to survive in water for a long period. This paper investigates physicochemical properties of water associated with the presence of B. pseudomallei in water supply in small ruminant farms in Peninsular Malaysia. Physicochemical properties of water samples taken from small ruminant farms that included temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO2), optical density (OD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured after which the samples were cultured for B. pseudomallei. Multivariable logistic regression model revealed that slightly acidic water pH and higher COD level were significantly associated with the likelihood of the B. pseudomallei presence in the water

    Seroprevalence of melioidosis among livestock in Malaysia from 2000-2009

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    Melioidosis usually results in chronic debilities that reduce the productivity of animals and condemnation of carcasses in abattoir. Melioidosis is reemerging among animals and humans, and anecdotal reports suggest an increase in disease observation. This study described the seroprevalence of melioidosis in livestock based on the data obtained from the Department of Veterinary Services, Putrajaya and the Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh. The data were summarized according to animal species, state, and year. The seroprevalence rate in animals was 7.6, 48.2, 2.6, 13.6 and 3.6% in cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep and pigs respectively. The seroprevalence of the disease varies in different states of the federation. For all species, the seroprevalence vary between 2.6% and 48.2%. The seroprevalence over the years increased from 4.2% in 2000 to 12.0% in 2003 after which it varies between the period 2004- 2007 and apparently declined between 2007 and 2009

    Isolation of Neospora caninum from a calf in Malaysia

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    In order to attempt isolate the protozoan parasite Neospora caninum, an N. caninum seropositive pregnant Sahiwal Friesian cross heifer from a large-scale dairy farm in Malaysia was kept for observation until parturition at the Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh. The heifer gave birth to a female calf that was weak, underweight and unable to rise. Precolostral serum from the calf had an N. caninum indirect fluorescent antibody test titre of 1:3200. It died 12 h after birth and necropsy was performed. Brain homogenate from the calf was inoculated into 10 BALB/c mice that were kept for 3 months after which brain tissue from the mice was inoculated onto 24 h fresh monolayer Vero cell lines. The cell cultures were examined daily until growth of intracellular protozoa was observed. DNA of the organisms from the cell cultures was analyzed by PCR and DNA sequencing. DNA fragments of the expected size were amplified from the isolate using N. caninum-specific primers, and sequence analysis of ITS1 clearly identified the isolate as N. caninum. This is the first successful isolation of N. caninum from a bovine in Malaysia, and the isolate is designated Nc-MalB1

    Blood protozoa findings in pet dogs screened in Ipoh, Malaysia

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    A total of 103 blood samples from pet dogs around Ipoh were screened for common blood protozoa. A total of 14 samples were found positive for Erhlichia canis and one sample was found positive for microfilaria of Dirofilaria immitis. Both these diseases are transmitted by vectors; ticks (Rhipicephalus sangiuneus) and mosquitoes respectively. In the hot and wet tropical environment where vectors are abundant, pet care, hygiene and regular screening will help veterinarians detect these infections early to facilitate treatment