117 research outputs found

    Levantamento da mastofauna de médio e grande porte em duas áreas no município de Timbé do Sul, Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Monografia apresentada à Diretoria de Pós-graduação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense- UNESC, para a obtenção do título de especialista em Ecologia e Manejo de Recursos Naturais.Neste estudo buscou-se inventáriar a mastofauna de médio e grande porte em duas áreas do município de Timbé do Sul, assim comparando com outros estudos realizados no município e em municípios circunvizinhos. Foram registrados no total oito espécies de mamíferos, sendo que a área que obteve o maior número de registros foi a área I, pois se trata de uma área de mosaico de habitats. Já na área II podemos observar que a fragmentação e antropização estão fazendo com que as espécies de mamíferos não estejam mais presentes nesta área, de ocorrência apenas da espécie Canis lupus familiaris, todos os registros foram através de vestígios indiretos (pegadas). Em comparação a diferentes estudos, podemos observar que este se diferiu dos demais, não obteve-se alta riqueza, sendo as espécies mais frequentes C. lupus familiaris que ocorreu com maior frequência em ambas as áreas, e Procyon canrivorus foi a segunda espécie com maior número de ocorrência

    Aleitamento materno : mídias integradas auxiliando a construção de elos de afetividade

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    Orientadora: Cris Betina SchlemmerArtigo (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Curso de Especialização em Mídias Integradas na Educação.Inclui referências: p. 18-19Resumo : Diante do crescimento das tecnologias, o acesso às diferentes mídias se torna cada vez maior. Com isso, o ambiente educacional precisa se desafiar e integrá-las as práticas pedagógicas. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo integrar as mídias, impressa e vídeo na construção de elos de afetividade e contribuir na divulgação de um projeto de incentivo à amamentação implementado pelo munícipio de Curitiba, PR. Com o intuito de desenvolver uma aprendizagem significativa para os alunos e divulgar o programa Mama Nenê para a comunidade atendida pelo CMEI José Alencar, localizado no bairro Ganchinho, optou-se como metodologia o estudo de caso, realizado com a turma PRÉ-II e para coleta de dados a técnica de observação participante. Analisando os resultados, concluiu-se que as mídias, em especial, a vídeo e impressa, se tornam grandes aliadas às práticas pedagógicas, conseguindo transmitir o afeto vivenciado pelas crianças

    Image analysis workflows to reveal the spatial organization of cell nuclei and chromosomes

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    Nucleus, chromatin, and chromosome organization studies heavily rely on fluorescence microscopy imaging to elucidate the distribution and abundance of structural and regulatory components. Three-dimensional (3D) image stacks are a source of quantitative data on signal intensity level and distribution and on the type and shape of distribution patterns in space. Their analysis can lead to novel insights that are otherwise missed in qualitative-only analyses. Quantitative image analysis requires specific software and workflows for image rendering, processing, segmentation, setting measurement points and reference frames and exporting target data before further numerical processing and plotting. These tasks often call for the development of customized computational scripts and require an expertise that is not broadly available to the community of experimental biologists. Yet, the increasing accessibility of high- and super-resolution imaging methods fuels the demand for user-friendly image analysis workflows. Here, we provide a compendium of strategies developed by participants of a training school from the COST action INDEPTH to analyze the spatial distribution of nuclear and chromosomal signals from 3D image stacks, acquired by diffraction-limited confocal microscopy and super-resolution microscopy methods (SIM and STED). While the examples make use of one specific commercial software package, the workflows can easily be adapted to concurrent commercial and open-source software. The aim is to encourage biologists lacking custom-script-based expertise to venture into quantitative image analysis and to better exploit the discovery potential of their images.Abbreviations: 3D FISH: three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization; 3D: three-dimensional; ASY1: ASYNAPTIC 1; CC: chromocenters; CO: Crossover; DAPI: 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole; DMC1: DNA MEIOTIC RECOMBINASE 1; DSB: Double-Strand Break; FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization; GFP: GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN; HEI10: HUMAN ENHANCER OF INVASION 10; NCO: Non-Crossover; NE: Nuclear Envelope; Oligo-FISH: oligonucleotide fluorescence in situ hybridization; RNPII: RNA Polymerase II; SC: Synaptonemal Complex; SIM: structured illumination microscopy; ZMM (ZIP: MSH4: MSH5 and MER3 proteins); ZYP1: ZIPPER-LIKE PROTEIN 1

    PRAMEL7 and CUL2 decrease NuRD stability to establish ground-state pluripotency

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    Pluripotency is established in E4.5 preimplantation epiblast. Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) represent the immortalization of pluripotency, however, their gene expression signature only partially resembles that of developmental ground-state. Induced PRAMEL7 expression, a protein highly expressed in the ICM but lowly expressed in ESCs, reprograms developmentally advanced ESC+serum into ground-state pluripotency by inducing a gene expression signature close to developmental ground-state. However, how PRAMEL7 reprograms gene expression remains elusive. Here we show that PRAMEL7 associates with Cullin2 (CUL2) and this interaction is required to establish ground-state gene expression. PRAMEL7 recruits CUL2 to chromatin and targets regulators of repressive chromatin, including the NuRD complex, for proteasomal degradation. PRAMEL7 antagonizes NuRD-mediated repression of genes implicated in pluripotency by decreasing NuRD stability and promoter association in a CUL2-dependent manner. Our data link proteasome degradation pathways to ground-state gene expression, offering insights to generate in vitro models to reproduce the in vivo ground-state pluripotency

    The C terminus of p73 is essential for hippocampal development

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    The p53 family member p73 has a complex gene structure, including alternative promoters and alternative splicing of the 3′ UTR. This results in a complex range of isoforms whose biological relevance largely remains to be determined. By deleting exon 13 (which encodes a sterile α motif) from the Trp73 gene, we selectively engineered mice to replace the most abundantly expressed C-terminal isoform, p73α, with a shorter product of alternative splicing, p73β. These mice (Trp73Δ13/Δ13) display severe neurodevelopmental defects with significant functional and morphological abnormalities. Replacement of p73α with p73β results in the depletion of Cajal–Retzius (CR) cells in embryonic stages, thus depriving the developing hippocampus of the pool of neurons necessary for correct hippocampal architecture. Consequently, Trp73Δ13/Δ13 mice display severe hippocampal dysgenesis, reduced synaptic functionality and impaired learning and memory capabilities. Our data shed light on the relevance of p73 alternative splicing and show that the full-length C terminus of p73 is essential for hippocampal development

    Long non-coding RNA uc.291 controls epithelial differentiation by interfering with the ACTL6A/BAF complex.

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    The mechanisms that regulate the switch between epidermal progenitor state and differentiation are not fully understood. Recent findings indicate that the chromatin remodelling BAF complex (Brg1-associated factor complex or SWI/SNF complex) and the transcription factor p63 mutually recruit one another to open chromatin during epidermal differentiation. Here, we identify a long non-coding transcript that includes an ultraconserved element, uc.291, which physically interacts with ACTL6A and modulates chromatin remodelling to allow differentiation. Loss of uc.291 expression, both in primary keratinocytes and in three-dimensional skin equivalents, inhibits differentiation as indicated by epidermal differentiation complex genes down-regulation. ChIP experiments reveal that upon uc.291 depletion, ACTL6A is bound to the differentiation gene promoters and inhibits BAF complex targeting to induce terminal differentiation genes. In the presence of uc.291, the ACTL6A inhibitory effect is released, allowing chromatin changes to promote the expression of differentiation genes. Thus, uc.291 interacts with ACTL6A to modulate chromatin remodelling activity, allowing the transcription of late differentiation genes

    Long non-coding RNA uc.291 controls epithelial differentiation by interfering with the ACTL6A/BAF complex

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    The mechanisms that regulate the switch between epidermal progenitor state and differentiation are not fully understood. Recent findings indicate that the chromatin remodelling BAF complex (Brg1-associated factor complex or SWI/SNF complex) and the transcription factor p63 mutually recruit one another to open chromatin during epidermal differentiation. Here, we identify a long non-coding transcript that includes an ultraconserved element, uc.291, which physically interacts with ACTL6A and modulates chromatin remodelling to allow differentiation. Loss of uc.291 expression, both in primary keratinocytes and in three-dimensional skin equivalents, inhibits differentiation as indicated by epidermal differentiation complex genes down-regulation. ChIP experiments reveal that upon uc.291 depletion, ACTL6A is bound to the differentiation gene promoters and inhibits BAF complex targeting to induce terminal differentiation genes. In the presence of uc.291, the ACTL6A inhibitory effect is released, allowing chromatin changes to promote the expression of differentiation genes. Thus, uc.291 interacts with ACTL6A to modulate chromatin remodelling activity, allowing the transcription of late differentiation genes

    Extracellular serine empowers epidermal proliferation and psoriasis-like symptoms

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    The contribution of nutrient availability to control epidermal cell proliferation, inflammation, and hyperproliferative diseases remains unknown. Here, we studied extracellular serine and serine/glycine metabolism using human keratinocytes, human skin biopsies, and a mouse model of psoriasis-like disease. We focused on a metabolic enzyme, serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), that converts serine into glycine and tetrahydrofolate-bound one‑carbon units to support cell growth. We found that keratinocytes are both serine and glycine auxotrophs. Metabolomic profiling and hypoxanthine supplementation indicated that SHMT silencing/inhibition reduced cell growth through purine depletion, leading to nucleotide loss. In addition, topical application of an SHMT inhibitor suppressed both keratinocyte proliferation and inflammation in the imiquimod model and resulted in a decrease in psoriasis-associated gene expression. In conclusion, our study highlights SHMT2 activity and serine/glycine availability as an important metabolic hub controlling both keratinocyte proliferation and inflammatory cell expansion in psoriasis and holds promise for additional approaches to treat skin diseases

    Does taxonomic and numerical resolution affect the assessment of invertebrate community structure in New World freshwater wetlands?

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    The efficiency of biodiversity assessments and biomonitoring studies is commonly challenged by limitations in taxonomic identification and quantification approaches. In this study, we assessed the effects of different taxonomic and numerical resolutions on a range of community structure metrics in invertebrate compositional data sets from six regions distributed across North and South America. We specifically assessed the degree of similarity in the metrics (richness, equitability, beta diversity, heterogeneity in community composition and congruence) for data sets identified to a coarse resolution (usually family level) and the finest taxonomic resolution practical (usually genus level, sometimes species or morphospecies) and by presence-absence and relative abundance numerical resolutions. Spearman correlations showed highly significant and positive associations between univariate metrics (richness and equitability) calculated for coarse- and finest-resolution datasets. Procrustes analysis detected significant congruence between composition datasets. Higher correlation coefficients were found for datasets with the same numerical resolutions regardless of the taxonomic level (about 90%), while the correlations for comparisons across numerical resolutions were consistently lower. Our findings indicate that family-level resolution can be used as a surrogate of finer taxonomic resolutions to calculate a range of biodiversity metrics commonly used to describe invertebrate community structure patterns in New World freshwater wetlands without significant loss of information. However, conclusions on biodiversity patterns derived from datasets with different numerical resolutions should be critically considered in studies on wetland invertebrates.Fil: Marques Pires, Mateus. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Grech, Marta Gladys. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: Stenert, Cristina. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Maltchik, Leonardo. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Epele, Luis Beltran. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: McLean, Kyle I.. United States Geological Survey; Estados UnidosFil: Kneitel, Jamie M.. California State University; Estados UnidosFil: Bell, Douglas A.. East Bay Regional Park District; Estados UnidosFil: Greig, Hamish S.. The University Of Maine (the University Of Maine);Fil: Gagne, Chase R.. The University Of Maine (the University Of Maine);Fil: Batzer, Darold P.. University of Georgia; Estados Unido