12 research outputs found

    Giant Hall Switching by Surface-State-Mediated Spin-Orbit Torque in a Hard Ferromagnetic Topological Insulator

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    Topological insulators (TI) can apply highly efficient spin-orbit torque (SOT) and manipulate the magnetization with their unique topological surface states, and their magnetic counterparts, magnetic topological insulators (MTI) offer magnetization without shunting and are one of the highest in SOT efficiency. Here, we demonstrate efficient SOT switching of a hard MTI, V-doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3 (VBST) with a large coercive field that can prevent the influence of an external magnetic field and a small magnetization to minimize stray field. A giant switched anomalous Hall resistance of 9.2 kΩk\Omega is realized, among the largest of all SOT systems. The SOT switching current density can be reduced to 2.8×105A/cm22.8\times10^5 A/cm^2, and the switching ratio can be enhanced to 60%. Moreover, as the Fermi level is moved away from the Dirac point by both gate and composition tuning, VBST exhibits a transition from edge-state-mediated to surface-state-mediated transport, thus enhancing the SOT effective field to 1.56±0.12T/(106A/cm2)1.56\pm 0.12 T/ (10^6 A/cm^2) and the spin Hall angle to 23.2±1.823.2\pm 1.8 at 5 K. The findings establish VBST as an extraordinary candidate for energy-efficient magnetic memory devices

    Topological Insulators and Ferrimagnets for Efficient and Fast Magnetization Manipulation

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    Since the dawn of Big Data, the exponentially increasing demands for larger data volumes and higher information processing speeds have given the field of spintronics an astonishing momentum. In spintronics, the electron spins and their associated magnetic moments interplay with electronic charges, lattices, and even photons. These diverse interactions open endless possibilities for a new generation of fast, efficient, and non-volatile memory and logic devices to serve and fuel Big Data. Lying at the heart of innovating spintronic memory and logic devices is the search for advanced materials and mechanisms to control spin and magnetism.Following this line of research, this dissertation focuses on exploring two emerging material classes, namely, topological insulators and ferrimagnets, which hold great promise for efficient and fast magnetization manipulation. More specifically, topological insulators exhibit an extraordinary charge-spin conversion efficiency owing to their exotic surface states and can be employed to manipulate magnetic moments with minimal energy. Ferrimagnets, by contrast, are of technical interest for fast magnetization manipulation because their two non-equivalent and antiparallel aligned sublattices uniquely combine the antiferromagnet-like ultrafast dynamics with the ferromagnet-like readability/controllability for well-established techniques. However, these novel materials have been difficult to investigate using conventional magnetometers or magnetic resonance techniques. To address these challenges, an experimental platform integrating a magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometer, a femtosecond optical pump-probe technique, and common magneto-transport measurements, was first established. Using this experimental platform, the charge-spin conversion efficiency was investigated and accurately quantified for a topological insulator-based magnetic bilayer, and a critical role of the topological surface states with spin-momentum locking was unveiled. With innovative material engineering, topological insulators were integrated with widely used metallic ferromagnet in a topological insulator/Mo/CoFeB/MgO structure. This topological insulator/Mo/CoFeB/MgO structure demonstrates high thermal stability, robust magnetic properties, and efficient magnetization switching driven by spin-orbit torques. The systematically calibrated efficiency confirms that, for a room temperature magnetic memory, topological insulators are at least one order of magnitude more efficient than conventional heavy metals. Moreover, the annealing effects were carefully studied in this structure, and desirable thermal compatibility with modern CMOS technology has also been achieved, empowering the development of advanced spintronic applications. To realize faster control of magnetic moments, the dynamical characteristics of a compensated ferrimagnetic GdFeCo film with a vertical compositional gradient were investigated through the laser-induced ultrafast spin dynamics. It is found that the vertical composition gradient significantly alters the ultrafast spin dynamics. Surprisingly, these distinct spin dynamics can be handily controlled by tuning the power of laser excitation, indicating the existence of more efficient energy pathways to control magnetization with high speed. These observations motivate ferrimagnets with a composition gradient as an ideal candidate for efficient and fast magnetization manipulation. Emboldened by the findings in this dissertation, topological insulators and ferrimagnets undoubtedly possess a vast potential in increasing the efficiency and speed of magnetization manipulation for advancing spintronic memory and logic devices

    Recognition of Immune Response for the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Osteoarthritis

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    Osteoarthritis is a common and debilitating joint disease that affects up to 30 million Americans, leading to significant disability, reduction in quality of life, and costing the United States tens of billions of dollars annually. Classically, osteoarthritis has been characterized as a degenerative, wear-and-tear disease, but recent research has identified it as an immunopathological disease on a spectrum between healthy condition and rheumatoid arthritis. A systematic literature review demonstrates that the disease pathogenesis is driven by an early innate immune response which progressively catalyzes degenerative changes that ultimately lead to an altered joint microenvironment. It is feasible to detect this infiltration of cells in the early, and presumably asymptomatic, phase of the disease through noninvasive imaging techniques. This screening can serve to aid clinicians in potentially identifying high-risk patients, hopefully leading to early effective management, vast improvements in quality of life, and significant reductions in disability, morbidity, and cost related to osteoarthritis. Although the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis routinely utilize both invasive and non-invasive strategies, imaging techniques specific to inflammatory cells are not commonly employed for these purposes. This review discusses this paradigm and aims to shift the focus of future osteoarthritis-related research towards early diagnosis of the disease process

    Spin‐Orbit Torque Switching of a Nearly Compensated Ferrimagnet by Topological Surface States

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    International audiencecharge-spin conversion and ii) the speed of SOT switching. Generally, SOT in a magnetic layer originates from the spin current injection from the adjacent layer with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The charge-spin conversion efficiency is vital and can be quantified as the ξ = / SHE s 3D e 3D J J (dimensionless) or q J J t ξ = = / / ICS s 3D e 2D SHE s , where s 3D J represents the 3D spin current density; e 3D J and e 2D J represent the 3D and 2D electric (charge) current density, respectively; and t s represents the effective SOC thickness. In the conventional SOC materials such as HMs, in principle, the ξ SHE should be much less than 1, which limits their potential applications in the ultralow power magnetization manipulation. [4] In topological insulators (TIs), SOC from topologically protected surface states, where the spin and orbital angular momenta are locked (spin-momentum locking [5-7]), gives rise to a very large ξ SHE [8-12] (or q ICS) and the resulting ultralow switching current density [13-15] at low temperature. Recently, several works have reported the room-temperature SOT switching by TIs, [16-19] which opens the door for the applications of topological insulators. However, there are fundamental limitations of FMs: the low switching speed (≈ns) and the stray-field interaction, which limit the operation speed and the density of magnetic memory, respectively. Antiferromagnets (AFMs) can afford the THz ultrafast spin dynamics; [20] however, AFMs produce zero stray field and zero spin polarization because of the opposite coupled spin lattices from the same element, which makes it difficult to detect the antiferromagnetic order efficiently. [21] Ferrimagnets have two antiferromagnetically coupled spin sublattices, and the contribution of each spin sublattice to their properties can be tuned by the composition or temperature. At the magnetic compensation point, ferrimagnets show similar properties of AFMs, such as ultrafast spin dynamics, [22,23] while the detection is still feasible because of the different responses to the optical or electrical excitations from two spin sublattices. [23-25] Here, we combine TIs [Bi 2 Se 3 and (BiSb) 2 Te 3 ] with nearly compensated ferrimagnets [Gd x (FeCo) 1−x ], and investigate the room-temperature SOT in TI/Gd x (FeCo) 1−x systems. By changing the composition of Gd x (FeCo) 1−x , we can tune the net magnetic moment and the dominated spin sublattice (CoFe-rich and Gd-rich). The robust room-temperature SOT switching Utilizing spin-orbit torque (SOT) to switch a magnetic moment provides a promising route for low-power-dissipation spintronic devices. Here, the SOT switching of a nearly compensated ferrimagnet Gd x (FeCo) 1−x by the topological insulator [Bi 2 Se 3 and (BiSb) 2 Te 3 ] is investigated at room temperature. The switching current density of (BiSb) 2 Te 3 (1.20 × 10 5 A cm −2) is more than one order of magnitude smaller than that in conventional heavy-metal-based structures, which indicates the ultrahigh efficiency of charge-spin conversion (>1) in topological surface states. By tuning the net magnetic moment of Gd x (FeCo) 1−x via changing the composition, the SOT efficiency has a significant enhancement (6.5 times) near the magnetic compensation point, and at the same time the switching speed can be as fast as several picoseconds. Combining the topological surface states and the nearly compensated ferrimagnets provides a promising route for practical energy-efficient and high-speed spintronic devices. Topological Spintronics Spintronic devices have been considered as one of the promising candidates for the next-generation memory and logic devices, and spin-orbit torque (SOT) provides an efficient way to manipulate the magnetic moment by electrical method with ultralow power dissipation and ultrafast operating speed. [1-3] Beyond previous studies of SOT switching based on conventional heavy metal/ferromagnet (HM/FM) heterostructures, two crucial issues need to be resolved: improving: i) the efficiency o

    Genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar

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    &nbsp;Despite the high economic and ecological importance of forests, our knowledge of the genomic evolution of trees under salt stress remains very limited. Here we report the genome sequence of the desert poplar, Populus euphratica, which exhibits high tolerance to salt stress. Its genome is very similar and collinear to that of the closely related mesophytic congener, P. trichocarpa. However, we find that several gene families likely to be involved in tolerance to salt stress contain significantly more gene copies within the P. euphratica lineage. Furthermore, genes showing evidence of positive selection are significantly enriched in functional categories related to salt stress. Some of these genes, and others within the same categories, are significantly upregulated under salt stress relative to their expression in another salt-sensitive poplar. Our results provide an important background for understanding tree adaptation to salt stress and facilitating the genetic improvement of cultivated poplars for saline soils.<br />Despite the high economic and ecological importance of forests, our knowledge of the genomic evolution of trees under salt stress remains very limited. Here we report the genome sequence of the desert poplar, Populus euphratica, which exhibits high tolerance to salt stress. Its genome is very similar and collinear to that of the closely related mesophytic congener, P. trichocarpa. However, we find that several gene families likely to be involved in tolerance to salt stress contain significantly more gene copies within the P. euphratica lineage. Furthermore, genes showing evidence of positive selection are significantly enriched in functional categories related to salt stress. Some of these genes, and others within the same categories, are significantly upregulated under salt stress relative to their expression in another salt-sensitive poplar. Our results provide an important background for understanding tree adaptation to salt stress and facilitating the genetic improvement of cultivated poplars for saline soils

    The yak genome and adaptation to life at high altitude

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    Domestic yaks (Bos grunniens) provide meat and other necessities for Tibetans living at high altitude on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and in adjacent regions. Comparison between yak and the closely related low-altitude cattle (Bos taurus) is informative in studying animal adaptation to high altitude. Here, we present the draft genome sequence of a female domestic yak generated using Illumina-based technology at 65-fold coverage. Genomic comparisons between yak and cattle identify an expansion in yak of gene families related to sensory perception and energy metabolism, as well as an enrichment of protein domains involved in sensing the extracellular environment and hypoxic stress. Positively selected and rapidly evolving genes in the yak lineage are also found to be significantly enriched in functional categories and pathways related to hypoxia and nutrition metabolism. These findings may have important implications for understanding adaptation to high altitude in other animal species and for hypoxia-related diseases in humans. © 2012 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved