2,465 research outputs found

    Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signal generation and detection using MATLAB software

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    In this study, Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signal generation and detection is implemented by using Goertzel Algorithm in MATLAB software. The DTMF signals are generated by using Cool Edit Pro Version 2.0 program for DTMF tone detection. The DTMF signal generation and detection algorithm are based on International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recommendations. Frequency deviation, twist, energy and time duration tests are performed on the DTMF signals. The algorithm recognizes the DTMF tones if they satisfy the recommendations, otherwise they are rejected

    High-TcT_c superconductivity in weakly electron-doped HfNCl

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    We investigate the magnetic and superconducting properties in electron-doped Lix_xHfNCl. HfNCl is a band insulator that undergoes an insulator to superconductor transition upon doping at x0.13x\approx0.13. The persistence of the insulating state for x<0.13x<0.13 is due to an Anderson transition probably related to Li disorder. In the metallic and superconducting phase, Lix_xHfNCl is a prototype two-dimensional two-valley electron gas with parabolic bands. By performing a model random phase approximation approach as well as first-principles range-separated Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE06) calculations, we find that the spin susceptibility χs\chi_s is strongly enhanced in the low doping regime by the electron-electron interaction. Furthermore, in the low doping limit, the exchange interaction renormalizes the intervalley electron-phonon coupling and results in a strong increase of the superconducting critical temperature for x<0.15x<0.15. On the contrary, for x>0.15x>0.15, TcT_c is approximately constant, in agreement with experiments. At x=0.055x=0.055 we found that TcT_c can be as large as 40 K, suggesting that the synthesis of cleaner samples of Lix_xHfNCl could remove the Anderson insulating state competing with superconductivity and generate a high-TcT_c superconductor.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Solution of two-dimensional heat and mass transfer equation with power-law temperature-dependent thermal conductivity

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    In this paper, we obtain the particular exact solutions of the two-dimensional heat and mass transfer equation with power-law temperature-dependent thermal conductivity using the Adomian’s decomposition method. In comparison with existing techniques, the decomposition method is very effective in terms of accuracy and convergence. Also, it is an advantageous method for obtaining the solutions of non-linear differential equations without linearization and physically unrealistic assumptions. Numerical comparisons are presented in both tables and figures.Publisher's Versio

    s-Cobordism classification of 44-manifolds through the group of homotopy self-equivalences

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    The aim of this paper is to give an ss-cobordism classification of topological 44-manifolds in terms of the standard invariants using the group of homotopy self-equivalences. Hambleton and Kreck constructed a braid to study the group of homotopy self-equivalences of 44-manifolds. Using this braid together with the modified surgery theory of Kreck, we give an ss-cobordism classification for certain 44-manifolds with fundamental group π\pi, such that cd π2\pi \leq 2

    Homotopy classification of PD4PD_4-complexes relative an order relation

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    We define an order relation among oriented PD4PD_4-complexes. We show that with respect to this relation, two PD4PD_4-complexes over the same complex are homotopy equivalent if and only if there is an isometry between the second homology groups. We also consider minimal objects of this relation.Comment: Monatsh. Math. (2015

    Europeanization Subverted? The European Union’s Promotion of Good Governance and the Fight against Corruption in the Southern Caucasus

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    In order to foster peace, stability and prosperity in its near abroad, the European Union has invoked the European Neighbourhood Policy that seeks to transform the domestic structures of the Newly Independent States in the post-Soviet space thus building a ring of friends that share European norms and principles of democracy, rule of the law, market economy, and good governance. Empirical evidence, however, suggests that the EU’s capacity to hit across its borders and to realize its reform agenda seems limited. Moreover, most neighborhood countries appear to be stuck in transition and suffer from serious problems of both weak state capacity and defect democracy. Hence, EU efforts may also bear the danger of unintended and negative effects on the domestic structures of states, as its policies and institutions do not only empower liberal reform coalitions, to the extent that they exist in the first place, but can also bolster the power of incumbent authoritarian and corrupt elites. This paper intends to capture this dark side of Europeanization (Schimmelfennig 2007). It thus conceptualizes ENP as a political opportunity structure that provides opportunities and constraints to both supporters and opponents of the European Union’s reform agenda. Which of the two ultimately get empowered depends not only on the EU’s capacity to push for reforms but also on the pull of domestic actors.neighbourhood policy; EU-South-Eastern Europe; EU-South-Eastern Europe; governance; Europeanization; Europeanization