103 research outputs found

    On the Efetov-Wegner terms by diagonalizing a Hermitian supermatrix

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    The diagonalization of Hermitian supermatrices is studied. Such a change of coordinates is inevitable to find certain structures in random matrix theory. However it still poses serious problems since up to now the calculation of all Rothstein contributions known as Efetov-Wegner terms in physics was quite cumbersome. We derive the supermatrix Bessel function with all Efetov-Wegner terms for an arbitrary rotation invariant probability density function. As applications we consider representations of generating functions for Hermitian random matrices with and without an external field as integrals over eigenvalues of Hermitian supermatrices. All results are obtained with all Efetov-Wegner terms which were unknown before in such an explicit and compact representation.Comment: 23 pages, PACS: 02.30.Cj, 02.30.Fn, 02.30.Px, 05.30.Ch, 05.30.-d, 05.45.M

    Theory of superfluidity and drag force in the one-dimensional Bose gas

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    The one-dimensional Bose gas is an unusual superfluid. In contrast to higher spatial dimensions, the existence of non-classical rotational inertia is not directly linked to the dissipationless motion of infinitesimal impurities. Recently, experimental tests with ultracold atoms have begun and quantitative predictions for the drag force experienced by moving obstacles have become available. This topical review discusses the drag force obtained from linear response theory in relation to Landau's criterion of superfluidity. Based upon improved analytical and numerical understanding of the dynamical structure factor, results for different obstacle potentials are obtained, including single impurities, optical lattices and random potentials generated from speckle patterns. The dynamical breakdown of superfluidity in random potentials is discussed in relation to Anderson localization and the predicted superfluid-insulator transition in these systems.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, mini-review prepared for the special issue of Frontiers of Physics "Recent Progresses on Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Atoms and Future Quantum Technologies", edited by Profs. Lee, Ueda, and Drummon

    A new class of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors: Design and synthesis of chromone and xanthone derivatives and inhibition of the P450 enzymes aromatase and 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase

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    Aromatase (P450arom) is a target of pharmacological interest for the treatment of breast cancer. In this paper, we report the design, synthesis, and in vitro biological evaluation of a series of new (di)benzopyranone-based inhibitors of this enzyme. The design of the new compounds was guided by a CoMFA model previously developed for a series of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitors. Both the chromone and the xanthone nuclei were taken as molecular skeletons, and the functions supposed to be critical for binding to the aromatase active site - a heterocyclic ring (imidazole or 1,3,4-triazole) linked to the aromatic moiety by a methylene unit and an H-bond accepting function (CN, NO2, Br) located on the aromatic ring at a suitable distance from the heterocyclic nitrogen carrying the lone pair - were attached to them. The chromone, xanthone, and flavone derivatives were prepared by conventional synthetic methods from the appropriate methyl analogues. Aromatase inhibitory activities were determined by the method of Thompson and Siiteri, using human placental microsomes and [1β,2β-3H]testosterone as the labeled substrate. All the compounds were also tested on 17α-hydroxylase/C17,20-lyase (P450 17), an enzyme of therapeutic interest for the treatment of prostatic diseases. The goal to find new potent inhibitors of aromatase was reached with the xanthone derivatives 22d,e (IC50 values 43 and 40 nM, respectively), which exceeded the potency of the known reference drug fadrozole and also showed high selectivity with respect to P450 17. Moreover, compounds 22g-i based on the same xanthonic nucleus showed fairly high potency as P450 17 inhibitors (IC50 values 220, 130, and 42 nM, respectively). Thus, they might be new leads for the development of drug candidates for androgen-dependent diseases

    Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia as Treatment Option for Pancreatic Cancer Cells and Pancreatic Cancer Organoids

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    Introduction: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a cancer with a meager prognosis due to its chemotherapy resistance. A new treatment method may be magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH). Magnetoliposomes (ML), consisting of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) stabilized with a phospholipid-bilayer, are exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF) to generate heat. To optimize this therapy, we investigated the effects of MFH on human PDAC cell lines and 3D organoid cultures. Material and Methods: ML cytotoxicity was tested on Mia PaCa-2 and PANC-1 cells and on PDAC 3D organoid cultures, generated from resected tissue of patients. The MFH was achieved by AMF application with an amplitude of 40-47 kA/m and a frequency of 270 kHz. The MFH effect on the cell viability of the cell lines and the organoid cultures was investigated at two different time points. Clonogenic assays evaluated the impairment of colony formation. Altering ML set-ups addressed differences arising from intra- vs extracellular ML locations. Results: Mia PaCa-2 and PANC-1 cells showed no cytotoxic effects at ML concentrations up to 300 µg(Fe)/mL and 225 µg(Fe)/mL, respectively. ML at a concentration of 225 µg(Fe)/mL were also non-toxic for PDAC organoid cultures. MFH treatment using exclusively extracellular ML presented the highest impact on cell viability. Clonogenic assays demonstrated remarkable impairment as long-term outcome in MFH-treated PDAC cell lines. Additionally, we successfully treated PDAC organoids with extracellular ML-derived MFH, resulting in notably reduced cell viabilities 2h and 24 h post treatment. Still, PDAC organoids seem to partly recover from MFH after 24 h as opposed to conventional 2D-cultures. Conclusion: Treatment with MFH strongly diminished pancreatic cancer cell viability in vitro, making it a promising treatment strategy. As organoids resemble the more advanced in vivo conditions better than conventional 2D cell lines, our organoid model holds great potential for further investigations