14 research outputs found

    HPCML: A Modeling Language Dedicated to High-Performance Scientific Computing

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    International audienceTremendous computational resources are required to compute complex physical simulations. Unfortunately computers able to provide such computational power are difficult to program, especially since the rise of heterogeneous hardware architectures. This makes it particularly challenging to exploit efficiently and sustainably supercomputers resources. We think that model-driven engineering can help us tame the complexity of high-performance scientific computing software development by separating the different concerns such as mathematics, parallelism, or validation. The principles of our approach, named MDE4HPC, stem from this idea. In this paper, we describe the High-Performance Computing Modeling Language (HPCML), a domain-specific modeling language at the center of this approach

    Une approche basée sur les modÚles pour le développement d'applications de simulation numérique haute-performance

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    Le développement et la maintenance d'applications de simulation numérique haute-performance sont des activités complexes. Cette complexité découle notamment du couplage fort existant entre logiciel et matériel ainsi que du manque d'accessibilité des solutions de programmation actuelles et du mélange des préoccupations qu'elles induisent. Dans cette thÚse nous proposons une approche pour le développement d'applications de simulation numérique haute-performance qui repose sur l'ingénierie des modÚles. Afin à la fois de réduire les couts et les délais de portage sur de nouvelles architectures matérielles mais également de concentrer les efforts sur des interventions à plus haute valeur ajoutée, cette approche nommée MDE4HPC, définit un langage de modélisation dédié. Ce dernier permet aux numériciens de décrire la résolution de leurs modÚles théoriques dans un langage qui d'une part leur est familier et d'autre part est indépendant d'une quelconque architecture matérielle. Les différentes préoccupations logicielles sont séparées grùce à l'utilisation de plusieurs modÚles et de plusieurs points de vue sur ces modÚles. En fonction des plateformes d'exécution disponibles, ces modÚles abstraits sont alors traduits en implémentations exécutables grùce à des transformations de modÚles mutualisables entre les divers projets de développement. Afin de valider notre approche nous avons développé un prototype nommé ArchiMDE. Grùce à cet outil nous avons développé plusieurs applications de simulation numérique pour valider les choix de conception réalisés pour le langage de modélisation.The development and maintenance of high-performance scientific computing software is a complex task. This complexity results from the fact that software and hardware are tightly coupled. Furthermore current parallel programming approaches lack of accessibility and lead to a mixing of concerns within the source code. In this thesis we define an approach for the development of high-performance scientific computing software which relies on model-driven engineering. In order to reduce both duration and cost of migration phases toward new hardware architectures and also to focus on tasks with higher added value this approach called MDE4HPC defines a domain-specific modeling language. This language enables applied mathematicians to describe their numerical model in a both user-friendly and hardware independent way. The different concerns are separated thanks to the use of several models as well as several modeling viewpoints on these models. Depending on the targeted execution platforms, these abstract models are translated into executable implementations with model transformations that can be shared among several software developments. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach we developed a tool called ArchiMDE. Using this tool we developed different numerical simulation software to validate the design choices made regarding the modeling language

    MDE in Practice for Computational Science

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    International audienceThe complex problems that computational science addresses are more and more benefiting from the progress of computing facilities (simulators, librairies, accessible languages,. . .). Nevertheless , the actual solutions call for several improvements. Among those, we address in this paper the needs for leveraging on knowledge and expertise by focusing on Domain-Specific Mod-eling Languages application. In this vision paper we illustrate, through concrete experiments, how the last DSML research help getting closer the problem and implementation spaces

    HPCML - Un langage dĂ©diĂ© au calcul scientiïŹque

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    National audienceAvec l'augmentation soutenue du nombre de paradigmes de programmation et d'architectures matérielles fondamentalement différentes, il devient de plus en plus difficile d'exploiter de maniÚre performante et durable la puissance de calcul offerte par les nouvelles générations de supercalculateurs. Cette article présente HPCML un DSML (Domain Specific Modeling Language) au coeur de l'approche MDE4HPC qui, afin de dompter cette complexité, vise à appliquer les principes de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les ModÚles (IDM) au développement d'applications de simulation numérique

    Linhas monogénicas de trigo na diferenciaçao de Puccinia recondita Rob. ex Desm.

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    [EN] Differentiation of Puccinia recondita strains by monogenic lines of wheat. Data obtained with nine cultures of P. recondita showed the adequacy of the monogenic lines of wheat as differentials. Virulence formulae were established concerning the resistance genes present in those lines. These formulae suggest to plant breeders which resistance genes are able to overcome the virulence genes present in the pathogenicity varians of the rust occuring at the time in a given area.Peer reviewe

    A Study of Social Interactions in Open Source Component Use

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    Where are my clothes? A multi-level approach for evaluating deep instance segmentation architectures on fashion images

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    In this paper we present an extensive evaluation of instance segmentation in the context of images containing clothes. We propose a multi level evaluation that completes the classical overlapping criteria given by IoU. In particular, we quantify both the contour and color content accuracy of the the predicted segmentation masks. We demonstrate that the proposed evaluation framework is relevant to obtain meaningful insights on models performance through experiments conducted on five state of the art instance segmentation methods