54 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de haemophilus influenzae en niños menores de un año de edad hospitalizados en cuatro Hospitales de Lima

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    Las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRAs) constituyen una de las cinco primeras causas de morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial. Una bacteria causante de infecciones respiratorias agudas, principalmente en niños menores de 5 años es H. influenzae tipo b. Se estima que provoca por lo menos tres millones de casos de enfermedad grave al año y alrededor de 386000 defunciones, la mayor parte se registra en países en desarrollo. El objetivo fue identificar la prevalencia y serotipos de H. influenzae en lactantes menores de 1 año hospitalizados con diagnóstico de infección respiratoria aguda. De los 339 casos, 91(26.8%) fueron positivos H. influenzae, de los cuales 3 (3.3%) fueron no tipificables y 88 (96.7%) casos tipificables. Dentro del grupo de H. influenzae tipificable, 22 (24.2%) casos son del tipo b, quedando un 75.8% de un subtipo no incluido en la vacuna. En conclusión este estudio pone de manifiesto la existencia de un alto porcentaje de H. influenzae que no están cubiertos por la vacuna actual, por eso se recomienda una vigilancia activa de esta patógeno

    Curvas de crecimiento en bovinos Limousin de raza pura y cruzados

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    The objective was to fit a non-linear model (NLM) to evaluate the growth curve in purebred (PB) Limousin cattle and in five degrees of crossbreeding (DCBs: 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, 31/32 Limousin). Live weight, the birth weight interval at 500 d of age, was analyzed. Four NLMs were evaluated: Brody, Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and logistic. Growth parameters were estimated: adult weight (ADW); growth rate (GR); age (AIP; months) and weight (WIP; kg) at inflection point; age (months; A50M) to reach 50 % maturity and degree of maturity at 15 mo (DM15). The growth curve in DCB was characterized using the NLM selected for BP. The best-fitting model was Bertalanffy. The ADW for purebred (PB) males was 566.1, for crossbred (CB) males it was in the range of 446.9 to 527.4; for CB females it was in the range of 374.5 to 419.9, and for PB females, it was 443.0. The NLMs exhibited correlations below -0.75 between ADW and GR. In PB heifers, AIP was estimated at 3.7, and WIP, at 131.2; in CB heifers, AIP and WIP were in the ranges of 2.9 to 3.7 and 110.9 to 124.4, respectively. A50M for PB females was 10.6, and for CB females, within the range of 8.9 to 10.5. DM15 for CB females, the average was 90.5 %, and 87.9 % for PB females. PB males reach A50M at the age of 13 mo.El objetivo fue el ajuste de un modelo no lineal (MNL) para evaluar la curva de crecimiento en bovinos Limousin, en pureza de raza (PRZ) y cinco grados de cruzamiento (GPZ; 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, 31/32 de Limousin). Se analizó el peso vivo, el intervalo de peso al nacer a 500 días de edad. Se evaluaron cuatro MNL: Brody, Bertalanffy, Gompertz y logístico. Se estimaron parámetros de crecimiento: peso adulto (PAD); tasa de crecimiento (TAC); edad (EPI; meses) y peso (PPI; kg) al punto de inflexión; edad (meses; E50M) para alcanzar 50% de madurez y madurez a 15 meses (GM15). Con el MNL seleccionado en PRZ se caracterizó la curva de crecimiento en GPZ. El modelo de mejor ajuste fue Bertalanffy. El PAD para machos PRZ fue 566.1, para GPZ estuvo en el intervalo de 446.9 a 527.4; para hembras, en GPZ estuvo en el intervalo de 374.5 a 419.9, en PRZ fue 443.0. Los MNL presentaron correlaciones por debajo de -0.75 entre PAD y TAC. En vaquillas de PRZ, EPI se estimó a 3.7 con 131.2 para PPI; en GPZ, EPI y PPI estuvieron en los intervalos de 2.9 a 3.7 y 110.9 a 124.4, respectivamente. E50M para hembras, en PRZ fue a 10.6 y para GPZ en el intervalo de 8.9 a 10.5. GM15 para hembras, en GPZ el promedio fue 90.5 % en PRZ fue de 87.9 %. Los machos en PRZ alcanzan E50M a partir de 13 meses

    Indoor air quality analysis using recurrent neural networks: a case study of environmental variables

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    In the pursuit of energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact, adequate ventilation in enclosed spaces is essential. This study presents a hybrid neural network model designed for monitoring and prediction of environmental variables. The system comprises two phases: An IoT hardware–software platform for data acquisition and decision-making and a hybrid model combining short-term memory and convolutional recurrent structures. The results are promising and hold potential for integration into parallel processing AI architectures

    Knowledge Discovery in Spectral Data by Means of Complex Networks

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    In the last decade, complex networks have widely been applied to the study of many natural and man-made systems, and to the extraction of meaningful information from the interaction structures created by genes and proteins. Nevertheless, less attention has been devoted to metabonomics, due to the lack of a natural network representation of spectral data. Here we define a technique for reconstructing networks from spectral data sets, where nodes represent spectral bins, and pairs of them are connected when their intensities follow a pattern associated with a disease. The structural analysis of the resulting network can then be used to feed standard data-mining algorithms, for instance for the classification of new (unlabeled) subjects. Furthermore, we show how the structure of the network is resilient to the presence of external additive noise, and how it can be used to extract relevant knowledge about the development of the disease

    Oropouche infection a neglected arbovirus in patients with acute febrile illness from the Peruvian coast

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of infection caused by the Oropouche virus (OROV) in 496 patients with acute febrile disease (AFI), whose samples were obtained for the analysis of endemic arboviruses in a previous investigation carried out in 2016. Results: OROV was detected in 26.4% (131/496) of serum samples from patients with AFI. Co-infections with Dengue virus (7.3%), Zika virus (1.8%) and Chikungunya (0.2%) were observed. The most common clinical symptoms reported among the patients with OROV infections were headache 85.5% (112/131), myalgia 80.9% (106/131), arthralgia 72.5% (95/131) and loss of appetite 67.9% (89/131). Headache and myalgia were predominant in all age groups. Both OROV infections and co-infections were more frequent in May, June and July corresponding to the dry season of the region.Revisión por pare

    Elaboración de fichas técnicas de dispositivos médicos en el marco de las evaluaciones de tecnologías sanitarias durante la pandemia por COVID-19: Una revisión de la situación a nivel mundial y reporte de la experiencia peruana

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    Background: Given the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the need for the use of medical devices was particularly relevant. Methodology: A non-systematic literature search was conducted to identify documents that address topics related to the development, implementation, evaluation and/or characteristics of technical datasheets for medical devices. In addition, the SAP System was reviewed for the collection and analysis of data related to pre-pandemic (2000-2019) and in-pandemic (2020-2021) procurement. Evidence: At the global level, the experiences of WHO, ECRI Institute and INAHTA were described. At the Latin American level, experiences were found in Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Panama. Finally, at the Peruvian level, the experience of EsSalud was reported, showing that, from March 6, 2020 to May 21, 2021, 47 technical specifications were prepared for medical devices, of which 41 had purchase records, and of these, 13 correspond to biomedical and complementary equipment. We prioritized the reporting of consumption information (expressed in quantities purchased) for three devices: compact pulse oximeter, high-flow oxygen therapy equipment and the oxygen concentrator (10 L/min). Conclusion: The preparation of technical sheets considers the best scientific evidence available, as well as the technical-technological aspects of the medical device. In EsSalud, its preparation has allowed the incorporation of a significant quantity and variety of biomedical equipment for the treatment of COVID-19, in addition they have been made available with recommendations for their clinical use based on the scientific evidence analyzed.Introducción: Ante la situación de emergencia sanitaria por la COVID-19, la necesidad de uso de dispositivos médicos tuvo especial relevancia. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda no sistemática de la literatura dirigida a la identificación de documentos que aborden tópicos relacionados al desarrollo, implementación, evaluación y/o características de fichas técnicas de dispositivos médicos. Así mismo, se revisó el Sistema SAP para la obtención y análisis de los datos relacionados a las compras antes de pandemia (2000-2019) y durante pandemia (2020-2021). Contenido: A nivel mundial, se describieron las experiencias de la OMS, Instituto ECRI e INAHTA. A nivel de Latinoamérica, se encontraron experiencias en Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Brasil, México y Panamá. Finalmente, a nivel Perú, se reportó la experiencia de EsSalud, evidenciándose que, del 6 de marzo de 2020 al 21 de mayo de 2021, se elaboraron 47 fichas técnicas de dispositivos médicos, de las cuales 41 figuraban con registros de compras, y de estos, 13 corresponden a equipos biomédicos y complementarios. Priorizamos el reporte de información del consumo (expresado en cantidades adquiridas) de tres dispositivos: pulsioxímetro compacto, equipo de oxigenoterapia de alto flujo y concentrador de oxígeno de 10 L/minuto. Conclusión: La elaboración de fichas técnicas considera la mejor evidencia científica disponible, así como los aspectos técnicos-tecnológicos propios del dispositivo médico. En EsSalud, su elaboración ha permitido incorporar una importante cantidad y variedad de equipos biomédicos para el tratamiento de COVID-19, ademas han sido puestos a disposición con recomendaciones de su uso clínico sustentadas en la evidencia científica analizada

    Dengue diagnosis in an endemic area of Peru: Clinical characteristics and positive frequencies by RT-PCR and serology for NS1, IgM, and IgG

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    This work was supported by Cienciativa of CONCYTEC Peru, under contract number 164-2016-FONDECYT, and the Programa Nacional de Innovación para la Competitividad y Productividad (Innóvate Perú), under contract number 116-PNICP-PIAP-2015.Background: Huánuco is a central eastern region of Peru whose geography includes high forest and low jungle, as well as a mountain range that constitutes the inter-Andean valleys. It is considered a region endemic for dengue due to the many favorable conditions that facilitate transmission of the virus. Methods: A total of 268 serum samples from patients in Huánuco, Peru with an acute febrile illness were assessed for the presence of dengue virus (DENV) via RT-PCR and NS1, IgM, and IgG ELISA during December 2015 and March 2016. Results: DENV was detected in 25% of samples via RT-PCR, 19% of samples by NS1 antigen ELISA, and 10.5% of samples by IgM ELISA. DENV IgG was detected in 15.7% of samples by ELISA. The most frequent symptoms associated with fever across all groups were headache, myalgia, and arthralgia, with no significant difference between the four test methods Conclusions: In this study, DENV was identified in up to 25% of the samples using the standard laboratory method. In addition, a correlation was established between the frequency of positive results and the serological tests that determine NS1, IgM, and IgG. There is an increasing need for point-of-care tests to strengthen epidemiological surveillance in Peru.Revisión por paresRevisión por pare

    Genotype-specific prevalence of human papillomavirus infection in asymptomatic Peruvian women: a community-based study

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    Objective: To determine the general and genotype-specific prevalence of HPV and to identify potential risk factors for the infection in a population-based screening of Peruvian women. Results: A total of 524 samples were analyzed by PCR and a total of 100 HPV positive samples were found, of which 89 were high-risk, 19 were probably oncogenic, 9 were low-risk and 27 other HPV types. The 26–35 and 36–45 age groups showed the highest proportion of HPV positive samples with a total of 37% (37/100) and 30% (30/100), respectively. Moreover, high-risk HPV was found in 33.7% of both groups and probably oncogenic HPV in 52.6% and 31.6%, respectively. High-risk HPV were the most frequent types identified in the population studied, being HPV-52, HPV-31 and HPV-16 the most commonly detected with 17.6%, 15.7% y 12.9%, respectively. Demographic characteristics and habits were assessed in the studied population. A total of 62% high-risk HPV were detected in married/cohabiting women. Women with two children showed the highest proportion (33.8%) of high-risk HPV, followed by women with only one child (26.9%). Those women without history of abortion had a higher frequency of high-risk HPV (71.9%), followed by those with one abortion (25.8%).Revisión por pare