5 research outputs found

    N-bromoacetamide removes a calcium-dependent component of channel opening from calcium-activated potassium channels in rat skeletal muscle

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    Calcium-activated potassium channels from cultured rat skeletal muscle were treated with the protein-modifying reagent N-bromoacetamide (NBA) (0.3-1 mM) and studied in excised patches using patch-clamp techniques. After NBA treatment, channels opened only occasionally, and, in contrast to untreated channels, the open probability was no longer sensitive to intracellular surface calcium ions (1 nM to 100 microM). Channel activity did, however, exhibit a voltage dependence similar in direction and magnitude to that shown before NBA treatment (increasing e-fold with 19 mV depolarization). Distributions of open channel lifetimes revealed that NBA treatment virtually abolished openings of long duration, which suggests that this class of openings requires calcium sensitivity. These effects were not reversed by subsequent washing. Quantitatively similar open probability, voltage dependence, and open-interval distributions were observed in untreated channels in calcium-free medium. These results suggest that NBA removed a calcium- dependent component of channel opening, and that normal channels are able to open in the absence of significant intracellular calcium concentrations

    A comparison of calcium-activated potassium channel currents in cell- attached and excised patches

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    Single channel currents from Ca-activated K channels were recorded from cell-attached patches, which were then excised from 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells. Cells were depolarized with K (110 mM) so that the membrane potential was known in both patch configurations, and the Ca ionophore A23187 or ionomycin (20-100 microM) was used to equilibrate intracellular and extracellular [Ca] (0.3 or 1 microM). Measurements of intracellular [Ca] with the fluorescent Ca indicator quin2 verified that [Ca] equilibration apparently occurred in our experiments. Under these conditions, where both membrane potential and intracellular [Ca] were known, we found that the dependence of the channel percent open time on membrane potential and [Ca] was similar in both the cell- attached and excised patch configuration for several minutes after excision. Current-voltage relations were also similar, and autocorrelation functions constructed from the single channel currents revealed no obvious change in channel gating upon patch excision. These findings suggest that the results of studies that use excised membrane patches can be extrapolated to the K-depolarized cell-attached configuration, and that the relation between [Ca] and channel activity can be used to obtain a quantitative measure of [Ca] near the membrane intracellular surface